I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1514 Deterioration

All the way down the wooden ladder, Gao Cheng silently remembered the height of his descent.

The wooden staircase was not very steep, but after walking through such a long section of steps with corners, he could no longer see the entrance when he looked back.

Well, I have to admit that he was a little impulsive. At least the two of them should come down together.

"I really..."

After laughing at his suddenly timid self, Gao Cheng cheered up again.

The impact of the environment on the spirit is huge, and he was undoubtedly affected just now.

The original wooden steps were very narrow, narrow enough for only one person to pass, but after turning the corner, the steps became wider, about three meters wide.

The walls on both sides were no longer wood, but gray-black stone walls, damp and dark, and apart from the warmth of the wooden house, the cold came quietly.

Finally reaching the end, his feet stepped on solid stone ground, and he came to a stone path.

The passage is square and extends forward for an unknown length. The light of the flashlight appears even weaker here and cannot reach the end.

There are complete stone walls on both sides, as if the ground here is a very large stone.

It seems that he still has to go forward, but if he goes too deep, it will take a long time to return later, and the communication signal is getting worse and worse. The communication signal he receives at his current location is already a little interfered with. .

"Wenye, Zhong Qian, you two come down and explore with me, the others stay above."


Soon, the sound of footsteps came from the wooden ladder behind him.

Because it was a road that Gao Cheng had already explored, the two of them walked down without any scruples.

"team leader."

"Captain." Both of them shouted.

"Well, turn on the flashlight and let's go together. We expect to go forward for an hour. If there is no result, we will return and discuss our plans."


So the three of them moved forward together. Three flashlights were much better, at least they illuminated a section of the road ahead.

But as we progressed, the noise in the communication headphones became more and more serious, and finally it could even be called noisy.

In desperation, he spoke to the people above and switched the communication channel to a range of three people.

The world became quiet again, but Gao Cheng immediately squinted his eyes again, turned around and asked, "Wenye, haven't you set the communication channel on your headphones yet?"

"It's adjusted."

"Is that Zhong Qian?"

"Mine has been adjusted as well. What's going on?" Wang Zhongqian said.

"..." Gao Cheng did not answer. Instead, he checked his headphones first and made sure there was no problem before saying, "I heard a little noise, a very subtle one."

"So I seem to have heard something." He Wenye followed.

The mask isolates the ears. In order not to hinder normal hearing, the communication headset is actually also a hearing aid, which will appropriately strengthen hearing.

Wang Zhongqian also listened carefully and said, "I seem to have heard a little bit."

Because that voice got louder.

In other words, it's getting closer.

Not from the front, but from behind!

Click, bang!

The wooden board broke, and it sounded like it was broken by some huge force. The three people turned around and found that behind the wooden steps that came down, there was actually a passage. The bottom of the wooden steps turned out not to be connected to one end of the stone passage, but from This stone path runs through the middle.

The way up was destroyed, but there was no time to worry about that now.

The flashlight's light clearly revealed the charging monster, which was on all fours, with its terrifying fangs and its mouth wide open.

The three of them fired without hesitation, and the blue energy bullets turned into flying beams and vented onto the monster's face.

The powerful firepower instantly smashed the surging monster into a sieve. Between the flickering firelight and darkness, a group of gray-green light exploded and dissipated, and then everything calmed down again.

Seeing that there was no movement, the three of them immediately advanced in standard gun-holding postures, focusing the beam on the ground in front of them.

I saw a pile of rotten bones lying on the ground, with a pile of bone fragments scattered on the side, which were broken by bullets.

"It's indeed the undead."

But this is not a very bad thing. The strength of this undead is not high, and it is even easier to deal with than some ordinary monsters. Moreover, there has been no movement, which makes people confused. Now that there is an "obstacle", people know the direction. where.

"Let's go and find out the truth first."

"You guys keep an eye on it first, I'll go take a look over there." Wang Jianning stood up, called two people out of the room, and said.

Their strategy of staring at the corpse has become two people taking turns, while the others go into the room to restore the temperature. There is a deadlock here, and they can only hope for any new progress over there.

"How's it going?" Wang Jianning, who was walking over, noticed that there were fewer people at the entrance and thought there was some progress.

"The communication is not good with the captain, and the connection has been temporarily disconnected." Chen Yongxue said.

He was kept because he was the second in command of the team. Even if the remaining people listened to Wang Jianning's orders, there still needed to be one person in the team who could hold on.

"Our captain will be back in two hours at most."

"Okay." Wang Jianning understood the arrangement and explained the situation on his side. UU read www.uukanshu.net

"I'll go take a look." Chen Yongxue stood up and followed Wang Jianning to the door.

Sun Yan and Yue Qian were left guarding the entrance.

"Oh, the captain and Brother Chen are gone. I don't know what to do next..." Sun Yan stretched out her finger to draw circles on the ground.

"What else can I do? Just keep improving." Yue Qian also followed suit and drew circles.

The two girls are usually in charge of logistics, so they have never encountered such a situation.

But just when they thought they were going to continue suffering, they heard Chen Yongxue calling them on the communication line.

"Sun Yan, Yue Qian come here immediately, there are wounded!"

"Here we come." The two looked at each other, quickly stood up, and rushed over.

If there are injured people, they need help to treat the wounds.

Although I don’t know what happened, the situation is probably getting worse.

Some battle noises can be heard in the communication, which is obviously a sudden battle... Sigh, if this continues, I don't know if I can survive until rescue comes.

"Yoho, how are you recuperating?"

In the hospital ward, Luo Huai came to visit this new friend again.

But in fact, he mainly came here to hear new things. The Demon Slayer family, which has been passed down through generations, is most indispensable for stories, and the stories experienced by the people involved sound much more real than those on TV.

Of course, there is also academic discussion. In addition to some energy-operating techniques, the most interesting thing about the demon slayer is the various talisman props. Out of the great kindness of saving lives, Zhong Renping is also happy to discuss and share these with him. He can also I learned a lot from Luo Huai.

But there was something different today. It was only in the morning, and I saw several first-aid casualties pulling up in front of the ward. It seemed that they were part of an official mission team. I didn’t know what mission it was that was so tragic.

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