"This can't be a lie, right?" Luo Huai looked at the comments section all the way to the bottom, starting from the oldest to the latest.

The reason why he paid attention to this post seemed to be a bit "real" at first, but later on, he was worried that it turned into a scam.

It’s not that housewives are lying, but there are people who claim to be professionals who have left their contact information in the comment section. They have replied to many messages, and they do seem somewhat professional, and they even have so-called “terminology”.

And even in the latest comments in the building, there is still the shadow of this person.

Just yesterday.

"Well..." Luo Huai held his face with one hand, wondering what he was thinking about.

"Master, master, please sit down and help me~" After doing nothing until noon, Yu Ling became more and more busy. When he turned around and saw Luo Huai's appearance, he pushed him as if making trouble.

Unfortunately, this move was fiercely blocked by the current owner of Luo Huai's shoulder, Little Alice.

"Don't make trouble." After stopping the two girls who were about to "fight", Luo Huai let little Alice return to the world of wheat nuggets, then stood up and said to Yu Ling, "I have something to do and I'm going to leave first."

"Slightly..." Yu Ling gave him a grimace and went to the kitchen to get a meal.

Luo Huai had no choice but to shrug and go out.

He went to find Sister Wutong and walked across the street to the company building. She was in the office.

Whenever there is a major event, Wutong's media company is the busiest.

So much so that Sister Wutong, a "disabled person", had to come back to work early.

Well, actually the injury is almost healed, and clerical work is no problem at all.

"Hey~ What do you want to see your sister for?" There was still time for a break at noon. Seeing it was Luo Huai, Wutong immediately sat on the chair and rubbed his arms.

Luo Huai immediately moved the chair over and took her sister's hand. There was the location of the wound. Although it was restored by little Alice's powerful biotechnology, it was still prone to weakness and needed a period of recovery.

"Well..." Seeing Luo Huai being so polite, Wutong showed an expression of satisfaction and enjoyment.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

This kid usually runs around, but he came here during the day because he had something to do.

"Well, that's it. Sister, do you think it's serious?" What Luo Huai wanted to ask was the so-called professionals in that forum.

That person claimed to be from the eastern region and was here recently. He said a lot of things when he replied to the previous poster.

Luo Huai thought that Sister Wutong had learned her skills in the east, so she probably knew some professional terms.

The key is that he is older and has rich experience... Of course, Luo Huai did not dare to say this directly.

"Talk paper...bastard...oh." Wutong glanced at the comments compiled by Luo Huai, and then said oh as if he knew something.

"Sister, what's up? If it's fake, then it's still little news."

"You've been thinking about adding more work to me all day long, right?" Wutong choked him, and then said, "You can't just say it's false. The terms this person said do exist, but they are a little older. , I don’t hear much about it now, but there were quite a lot of stories in the past.”

"In ancient times, the Heavenly Court in the east was actually called the Demon Slayer Division. Those who dealt with demons, that is, various monsters, were called Demon Slayers. In addition, there were also many Demon Slayers among the people, and some were passed down from generation to generation. I heard It is said that there are still some, but they are very few.”

"That's it..." I really don't know if it's true or not. What if we really meet him?

"It's unlikely to be true." Wutong thought for a moment and said, "After all, apart from the family secrets of some folk, those demon slayers are actually today's professional people. They have to talk about those ancient sayings. The terminology makes it feel a bit artificial."

"Hmm...that makes sense." Luo Huai nodded and went out thoughtfully.

"..." Wutong, who was enjoying the hand massage, was suddenly left behind. Looking at the closed office door, he slammed the table angrily, "This brat really left just after asking."

"Oh... working overtime again." Lu Wenyue watched the TV and glanced outside the door from time to time.

There has been a cold spell in recent days, and it rains almost every day. Especially at night, it is wet, cold, and uncomfortable.

The children had gone to bed, and she was still waiting for her husband.

Get up early every morning to make breakfast and send her husband to work. She will send her children to school, and then there will be housework for the day and dinner. If her husband comes back late, she will cook some simple noodles or hot dishes for him to fill up. Lighten your belly and warm up your body.

It's just that my husband has been working overtime a lot these days. I heard from my husband that it was because the emergency evacuation of the city caused by the giant skeleton a few days ago delayed the progress of some of the company's projects, so he has been working hard these days to catch up.

Alas, there's nothing I can do about it. With so many things going on in the past few years, it's a good thing that my career can be stable.

It's just that every time she sees her husband coming home late at night, she can't help but feel a little unbearable.


After a few faint muffled thunders, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net A light drizzle fell outside the window. It wasn't heavy, but in this cold weather, it was a bit biting.

Not in the mood to continue watching late-night TV dramas, Lu Wenyue turned off the TV and quietly took a look at the sleeping child. After making sure that the child was not awakened by the thunder, she put on a coat and went to the door.

There's a bit of wind at the door, but it's not enough to blow the rain into the eaves.

Holding an umbrella in her hand, she looked at the direction her husband came from every time he came home... there was an alley there.

She often walked there when sending her children to school during the day, but at night, it was so dark that she, who was afraid of the dark, did not dare to go near it.

But her husband always walked there at night because he could get home faster that way.

The place of work is very close to home, so my husband always walks to and from get off work for exercise.

That was okay...until recently.

She was a little afraid of that alley, or she was already afraid, but she was more afraid than before. Every time she saw it, she felt butterflies in her heart.

That was a few days ago, and it was raining lightly in the sky.

After cooking dinner, she waited for her husband to get off work as usual. When she heard the trickle of raindrops on the window, she remembered that her husband did not bring an umbrella when he went out today, so she thought about picking him up.

It's very close after all.

But when she went out, she was in trouble.

If she wanted to go around a street of residential buildings, she would have to take a detour of one or two hundred meters, unless she took the alley not far away.

She was a little afraid, but if her husband happened to come home from get off work, he might come back directly from here. If he took a detour and missed it, he would be in a lot of trouble. The key is that the umbrella was not delivered.

But I don’t know why, that day, the alley was extremely dark, and the dividing line between the light of the street lamp and the darkness in it was extremely clear...

. :

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