I clicked on all the treasure drop rates

Chapter 382 Above the Way of Heaven

From the relevant information displayed on [Prince Dawu’s left eye].

Xiao Shi is not difficult to see.

I can't release the Dawu Dynasty Qi stored in it now.

It still needs to be kept sealed.

Originally, he thought that after he acquired the Qi of the Dawu Dynasty, he could use all these Qi to bless his body like the previous Prince Dawu did, thus forming a powerful body protection.

However, through the relevant information I have seen.

He found out how to do this.

You must have the ability to condense Qi.

Otherwise, once you release the Qi stored inside, the Qi will dissipate directly.

It is difficult to gather them into one's body.

This way.

These Qi numbers need to continue to be sealed in [Prince Dawu’s left eye].

Although it is currently not possible to use the energy of these Dawu Dynasties.

However, Xiao Shi is not in a hurry about this.

he knows.

If the strength of these Dawu dynasties is the key to the establishment of a new dynasty by the three demigod kings.

Then as long as the energy of these Dawu Dynasties is in your own hands.

These three demigod kings cannot even hope to establish a new dynasty.

Xiao Shi now holds the key to whether they can establish a new dynasty!

And from his own standpoint.

Naturally, I don't want to see these three demigod kings establish a new dynasty.

After all, these three demigod kings have always been eyeing his fifth domain.

They have a hostile relationship with each other.

If they were allowed to establish a new dynasty...

This will inevitably bring them a certain degree of enhancement, and their situation will only become more dangerous.

Now as long as Xiao Shi holds the Dawu Dynasty Qi, the key to establishing a new dynasty, he is not afraid that they can establish a new dynasty.


What Xiao Shi gained this time was not just the eyes that contained the spirit of many great martial dynasties.

What he was looking forward to most at the moment.

The main thing is the items dropped after killing Cheng Riyou, the Taoist master!

before this operation.

Xiao Shi had already thought of a question.

That is the clone formed by [Martial Emperor's Cloak]. After self-destruction, if the kill is completed, how to take away the items after the kill?

In this regard, he thought of the ancient tree of Cang'e.

All arrangements have been made before taking action.

Wait until you complete the kill.

Immediately pass through the Cang'e Ancient Tree to take away the items dropped after killing.

However, being able to kill the Taoist Master Cheng Riyou in one fell swoop this time was something Xiao Shi had never expected before.

The power of the clone's self-destruction is certainly powerful.

available under normal circumstances.

It is definitely impossible to kill the Taoist Master!

The reason why we were able to kill the Taoist Cheng Riyou in one fell swoop this time.

A large part of the reason was that Cheng Riyou was in extremely poor condition, and his strength had been sucked dry by Chen Yuan.

Although Cheng Riyou had some recovery after being infused with the power of the three imperial guards.

But the power that filled his body was beyond his control.

This led to Xiao Shi's self-explosion blow, killing him directly.

Xiao Shi was very excited about this.

He knows it very well.

There is an extremely huge gap between Taoist masters and saints.

Even if he is the most powerful saint, it is difficult to compete with the Taoist Master under normal circumstances.

After all, there is more than just a difference in realm between the saint and the Taoist master.

There is also a huge dividing line between the two, the upper three realms of martial arts, and the three middle realms of martial arts!

Throughout the ages.

There is almost no situation where a saint kills a Taoist master.

The further the martial arts realm goes, the further back it goes.

The gap in strength between each other becomes even greater.

There can be no more leapfrog fighting.

Especially in the middle three realms of martial arts, it is even more impossible to defeat the upper three realms of martial arts.

Xiao Shi was able to kill a Taoist master with the strength of a saint, which was a historical precedent.

But Xiao Shi also knew.

All this is thanks to Chen Yuan’s help.

In fact, with Chen Yuan's state at that time, he didn't need to absorb the power of these Tao masters at all.

He already possesses demigod-level power.

Whether you suck it in or not, it won't have any effect.

And the reason why he deliberately drained the power of these Tao masters.

It was obviously so that Xiao Shi could successfully escape from the imperial domain after rescuing Xiang Zizhen and others.

Otherwise, once Chen Yuan dies, even if Xiao Shi successfully rescues Xiang Zizhen and the others, Xiao Shi himself will not be able to escape from these Tao masters.

After all, from Chen Yuan's perspective, he didn't know that Xiao Shi was just a clone.

Therefore, before he died, he specially planned a way out for Xiao Shi.

However, even Chen Yuan did not expect...

His move actually allowed Xiao Shi to kill the Taoist Master Cheng Riyou!

This completed the Taoist Master’s first kill!

Xiao Shi felt very excited.

Today, Taoist masters in Tianwu Continent are extremely rare and extremely difficult to kill.

Being able to kill a Taoist master in this situation is undoubtedly a huge opportunity.

At the same time, follow the first kill rule.

Either it will drop the highest quality Taoist level items, or it will drop demigod level items!

No matter what kind of item it is.

Its value is extremely amazing!

Even among the many items he dropped, it was one of the best.

Although Xiao Shi currently has many high-level items on his body.

Such as the black coffin in the body, such as the Tianji Noodle, such as the Eye of the Emperor, such as the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower.

But these are not the items he drops through kills.

Among the items dropped by killing, apart from the imperial equipment, only the items dropped this time are high-level items.

After all, the items dropped this time will at worst be the highest quality Taoist level items.

It is even possible to drop demigod-level items.

With inner expectation and excitement.

Xiao Shi quickly looked at the item in his hand.

This item was significantly different from the items he had dropped in the past.

Before that.

Such an item has never been dropped.

This is an illusory, vague vortex.

Filled with an extremely profound atmosphere.

When Xiao Shi's eyes focused on the vortex, he even felt as if he had seen the past years.

He could clearly feel the high level of this vortex that transcended his own realm.


Under Xiao Shi's gaze.

Information about this item gradually appeared in his sight.

[Name: Chu Wu Looking Back Road]

[Type: Tao]

[Grade: Taoist level]

[Introduction: This is a unique way, the only way that is not between heaven and earth. When each era goes through a period of ten thousand years, there is a certain probability that this way will be born. 】

[Note 1: This path will not bring any enhancement in strength. Even if you step into the Tao Master through this path, your strength will be weaker than other Tao Masters. 】

[Note 2: Holding this Tao can open the door to look back at the beginning of martial arts, allowing a person to return to the beginning of martial arts. 】

[Note 3: The door of looking back can only be opened once. 】

Xiao Shi frowned slightly.

Judging from the consistent drop pattern for first kills.

Although this item is a Tao Master-level item, it must be a Tao Master-level item of the highest quality.

But its related information...

But it made Xiao Shi feel that this item did not look like the highest quality Taoist-level item...

He knows it very well.

The key to stepping from a saint to a Taoist master lies mainly in "Tao"!

Only when a saint successfully masters the Tao can he become the master of the Tao.

The Tao in Tianwu Continent is limited.

And the vast majority of Tao has basically been controlled by others. This is also the main reason why most of the saints in Tianwu Continent cannot be promoted to Tao Master.

There is no more superfluous Tao.

Once there is a masterless way that no one is in charge of, it will inevitably trigger competition and frenzy among all the saints.

It can be said that any kind of Tao in the world has indescribable and shocking value!

And now the items dropped by Xiao Shi's first kill.

It is a way between heaven and earth.

But this way...

But it is very different from other ways.

Although mastering this Tao can also make people become Tao masters, it will not bring any increase in strength.

It only has the function of opening the door to look back at the early martial arts era.

And this so-called door of looking back can only be opened once, and only one person can enter it.

No matter how you look at it.

Xiao Shidu felt that this Tao didn't look like the highest quality Tao master-level item...

in his cognition.

The truly powerful Tao should allow the Tao Master who controls the Tao to have unparalleled and invincible combat power.

Rather than this kind of Tao that does not enhance any combat power.

Xiao Shi couldn't help frowning at this.

What is certain is that there will definitely be no problems with the first kill rule.

This item must be a Taoist-level item of the highest quality.

There is no doubt about it.

"If that's the case... I guess this item contains important information that I don't know about!"

Xiao Shi was thoughtful.

Now he only has a preliminary understanding of the Dao Master Realm, including the "Tao" that the Dao Master Realm is to control.

He didn't know enough about many things.

The reason why he thinks this [Chu Wu looked back] is ordinary is probably because he doesn't have enough knowledge.

But out of caution.

Xiao Shi still did not choose to take charge of this path rashly.

He felt that the most important thing at the moment was to learn as much as possible about the Tao in Tianwu Continent.

"It's a pity that there are no relevant books in Emperor Wu's treasure house..."

Xiao Shi shook his head with regret.

But soon.

He thought of an item dropped this time.

This time Xiao Shi not only killed the Taoist master Cheng Riyou, but also killed several saints through [Red Refined Corpse] and dropped several saint-level items.

Although for Xiao Shi, who is now the strongest saint, ordinary saint-level items have no great effect on him.

His combat prowess is already unmatched among saints.

Even if you get some more saint-level items that can enhance your combat power, it doesn't mean much.

However, among the saint-level items dropped this time.

Not all saint-level items are items that enhance combat power.

Among them is an item.

Just enough for Xiao Shi to learn more about Tao.

Think of this.

Xiao Shi immediately turned over his hand and took out this item.

This is a completely black book.

When Xiao Shi's eyes focused on the book, information about the book immediately appeared in his sight.

[Name: Record of the Three Upper Realms of Martial Arts]

[Type: Books]

[Level: Saint Level]

[Introduction: This is a book that records the three upper realms of martial arts. By paying a certain price, you can obtain all relevant information about the three upper realms of martial arts from this book. 】

[Note 1: By sacrificing three saint-level items, you can obtain all relevant information about the Taoist realm. 】

[Note 2: Sacrifice two Taoist-level items to obtain all relevant information about the demigod. 】

[Note 3: By sacrificing a demigod-level item, you can obtain all relevant information about the ninth realm of martial arts. 】

This item only records all relevant information about the three upper realms of martial arts, and its status has directly reached the saint level!

It is enough to show that the information about the three upper realms of martial arts has extremely amazing value in the entire Tianwu Continent.

Usually, only forces like the Dawu Dynasty that ruled the entire Tianwu Continent had information about the three upper realms of martial arts.

Although the three demigod kings also knew something, the information and information they had was far less detailed and rich than that of the Dawu Dynasty.

The remaining big and small forces.

There is no information at all about the three upper realms of martial arts.

Even Xiao Shi couldn't detect much information about the upper three realms of martial arts with his heavenly eyes.

The information about the three upper realms of martial arts recorded in the "Record of the Three Upper Realms of Martial Arts" will be the most detailed information.

It may even contain some important secrets that not even the Dawu Dynasty knows.

Because if you want to know the relevant information about the Dao Master Realm, you need to sacrifice three saint-level items.

It just so happened that Xiao Shi could sacrifice the three saint-level items that were dropped from this kill and were unlikely to be used.



After he successfully sacrificed these three saint-level items.

The [Record of the Three Upper Realms of Martial Arts] in Xiao Shi's hand suddenly glowed with a burst of dark light, which was directly concentrated and poured into the center of Xiao Shi's eyebrows.

This allowed Xiao Shi to directly obtain all relevant information about the Dao Master Realm.

From this he learned...

The Tao that exists between heaven and earth also has some divisions.

The main thing is the distinction between the heavenly way and the mortal way.

Among them, the mortal realm is divided into the upper mortal realm and the lower mortal realm.

Basically, all the Tao masters control are mortal Tao.

Usually, only one Heavenly Way will appear in an era.

And it can only be governed by the rulers of the era.

That is to say.

The way of heaven in the Dawu era has always been controlled by Emperor Wu.

But once the person in charge of the way of heaven falls.

Then the way of heaven will completely dissipate and cease to exist.

This has also led to the fact that today's Tianwu Continent no longer has the way of heaven.

All Tao masters control are mortal Tao.

But now [Chu Wu Hui Wang Dao] belongs to neither the heavenly way nor the mortal way.

It is the most special and only way!

And this kind of Tao is extremely difficult to appear.

It takes an era to go through more than ten thousand years before there is a certain probability that [Chu Wu Hui Wang Dao] will be born.

Like today's Dawu Dynasty, it has been destroyed in less than ten thousand years.

Then it is destined to be impossible to be born [Chu Wu looked back].

This made Xiao Shi realize.

[Chu Wu looked back] To a certain extent.

Its rarity is even higher than that of heaven!

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