Chapter 27 Exaggerated Scores

Hearing this, Hao Rong suddenly remembered something, nodded, and then said: “Yes, they are fine if they die, then it’s fine, you go, I’ll run away first.”

After speaking, Hao Rong left without looking back.


Xu Hai stood there, a little messy.

Didn’t you still fight to the end just now?

He had thought that if Hao Rong insisted not to run, he would go crazy with her once.

did not expect…

This woman is too fickle.

Seeing Hao Rong’s leaving back, Xu Hai smiled slightly, and a hint of red was looming in his eye sockets.

If you do it well, even if Sharingan can’t evolve to a three-goed jade, it will definitely be profitable.

These zombies, including the wise zombies, although he was not sure to exterminate them, he still had confidence in the middle of the run.

What’s more, he has a plug-in.

Thinking of this, Xu Hai did not continue to hesitate. He who turned on Sharingan directly quarreled the group of zombies and killed it. It doesn’t matter if the students of the combat department can save it, but the zombies must die!


After a fight.

Xu Hai did not deliberately rush to the combat students to rescue them, so it didn’t take long for these people to be overwhelmed by the zombie trend.

And Xu Hai, among this group of zombies, the plug-in that relied on Sharingan to recover infinitely in the illusion, was almost fighting like a fish in water.

This is also the fundamental reason why he doesn’t want Hao Rong to come here to help himself. In such a place, Sharingan is a killer feature. After all, Hao Rong is not familiar with him, so he still doesn’t want to expose it if he doesn’t want to be exposed.


After twisting the neck of a zombie, Xu Hai stretched slightly.

This time he could clearly feel the power surging in his limbs.

Although it is said that strength training cannot be carried out in the illusion to enhance the body, when Sharingan evolves, the utilization rate of the body has actually increased a lot.

Under this kind of increase, Xu Hai can be regarded as bringing out only 50% of his physical fitness to 80%, not strictly speaking, it can be regarded as an increase in physical fitness.

After studying his body for a while, Xu Hai turned off Sharingan and walked slowly in the direction where Hao Rong had left.

Inside the dungeon, the dense deck chairs were already empty, but the huge Uzumaki above the dungeon was still spinning.

Obviously, many students have gone for a round trip.

Near these reclining chairs, a group of uniformed staff members were performing various operations. Among them, on one of the chairs, Zhou Hua was crying in pain.

“Xu Hai, impossible, impossible!”

“What did this kid experience in the illusion? Could it be that Xu Hai attacked him?”

The staff frowned. If Zhou Hua was killed by other classmates, then the matter would be serious.

Just when he was about to report to the person above him, the Guozilian man suddenly walked over to him and said, “Don’t worry about this. This kid did not succeed in attacking others and was killed by others. I can’t blame the student. On the head.”

Seeing that he was a man with a Chinese character face, he first saluted, and then curiously asked: “Sir, you said that this student was killed in a sneak attack on that named Xu Hai. How did you know that?”

The man with the Chinese character face smiled and took out a special small instrument.

There is a display on the instrument, which clearly describes the whole process of the attack after Zhou Hua and Xu Hai met, including audio.

After reading it, the staff member looked at Zhou Hua disgustingly: “I didn’t expect that the young man’s mind is so bad. It’s really cheap for him to die so simple.”

The man with the national character face waved his hand and said: “Let them solve the young people’s affairs by themselves. We can guarantee that no one is wronged.”

The staff member nodded and continued to get busy with his work.

When Zhou Hua woke up formally, the staff member said to him indifferently: “Okay, you are eliminated, go out.”

After that, he didn’t even bother to do extra checks and let him leave directly.

Although Zhou Hua is ignorant, he can see that the staff member dislikes him a little, so in this case, Zhou Hua did not dare to say anything bad about Xu Hai after all.

Before leaving, he looked at the nearby chairs. They were all students from the combat department. The rest of them, including Hao Rong, did not wake up.

When he continued to look around, his face became a little unpleasant.

Unexpectedly, Xu Hai hasn’t been eliminated yet!

“Teacher, Xu Hai sneak attack…”

Before he could finish speaking, the staff member glanced at him like a dead person, and said coldly: “Whoever attacked first, I hope you have a count.”

As soon as this sentence was said, everyone present looked at Zhou Hua with weird eyes. This kid actually attacked others in a copy?

And it seems that the sneak attack failed.

However, regardless of success or failure, Zhou Hua will be severely punished this time. Human beings can survive various dimensional invasions. In fact, it depends on this unity. Now Zhou Hua actually attacks his own people, what will happen? The result is self-evident.

Seeing this look in the other party’s eyes, Zhou Hua was full of chills. He opened his mouth, still unable to say anything, and left the copy side with a frustrated face.

Behind him, a staff member quietly put away his laser gun. If Zhou Hua didn’t leave just now, then he wouldn’t mind giving him a charge and shooting directly.

This kind of guy who betrayed his teammates and attacked his own people has always been the one he hated the most.

Outside the illusion dungeon, all people did not leave, because there was a huge screen here, on which was written the points earned by each member who entered the dungeon.

First place: 556 points

Second place: 97 points

Third place: 88 points

Fourth place: 88 points


The people present were stunned. In their opinion, the score for the first place was simply heaven-defying.

Although this copy contains many school students, these people, even if they are not familiar with each other, the teachers know the basics, and the fact that such a big gap appears makes everyone a little surprised.

“I don’t know who is the first place, but in less than ten minutes, I have already got such a high score, and the score is still increasing.”

“It should be the Orochimaru inheritor of the combat system, otherwise, who would have such a strong ability.”

“It should not be. The inheritor is my high school classmate, Hao Rong. Although she accepted the inheritance very well, she didn’t take the attacking route. In layman’s terms, Hao Rong is an assistant.”

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