Chapter 221

At the gate of the teaching building at this moment, a line of staff were watching the time leisurely. A person who seemed to be a foreman turned his head to look at the people around him and said with a smile: “I heard that many people are queuing up there. Well, I don’t know when our principal and Xu Hai will come back. Don’t worry, let’s take a break and relax.”

However, as soon as he finished saying this sentence, Xu Hai appeared in the teaching building out of thin air with a group of people, and the staff who were preparing to meet over there immediately panicked when they saw them coming back.

“Oh my God, Xu Hai, are you squeezing your ground?”

The staff present saw Xu Hai pulling these people back, and immediately thought of this possibility.

Without waiting for Xu Hai’s answer, another team came over in a panic.

“Principal, you are back, we want to kill you.”

That team was the person who was in charge of welcoming Xu Hai and the others at the entrance of the school. At this moment, when these people saw Xu Hai and the others in the teaching building, they naturally ran over.

However, judging from the neatness of their uniforms and their looks, the real reason they came back was because they couldn’t stand the reporters outside.

At this moment, Li Changsheng, who was looking outside, his face suddenly changed. Then he glanced at Xu Hai and said to Xu Hai: “You guys are busy here, I will go back to the closed room to look at the door. .”

After speaking, his figure disappeared in the teaching building.

Seeing Li Changsheng whose face suddenly changed, Xu Hai and the others were a little dazed, but in the next moment, their faces also changed.

For no reason, a group of reporters carrying cameras didn’t know when they passed the guard and ran into the teaching building. They were excited when they saw Xu Hai.

“Mr. Xu Hai, can you accept our interview?”

A reporter screamed and ran over to Xu Hai’s side, and at that moment, a stone wave caused a thousand waves of waves. A large number of reporters poured into the teaching building and talked to Xu Hai about the mess.

Such a scene also made Xu Hai a big head.

He looked at Sun Qiang, who was watching the theater happily next to him, and suddenly said to Sun Qiang: “Teacher, I will withdraw first. I still have something to do. Remember to tell these reporters about my situation.”

After speaking, Xu Hai’s figure suddenly disappeared from the camera, and Sun Qiang was stupid.

“You kid… actually play this set with me, you wait for me.”

At this time, Xu Hai didn’t know where he went.

In the teaching building, Sun Qiang, who hurriedly dealt with the reporter, looked sad.

“This shrinking of the ground is really a magical tool for running away.”

And at the moment in the combat department’s office, an angry voice was roaring incompetently in the office.

“How could it be possible, how could Xu Hai’s trash win the championship of the National Freshman Budo Contest?”

“Laozi doesn’t believe it! He definitely cheated. Someone is definitely cheating for personal gains. Is it Li Yunlong that the old guy did it.”

After hearing the news that Xu Hai had won the championship, Hongshan was stupid. He kicked his stool with a sharp kick, which immediately fell apart.

Immediately after him, he punched the wall of the teaching building again. The wall of the office made of special materials was immediately cracked by him, but the cracks were automatically repaired soon.

In the surprise of all the teachers, Hongshan left the office directly.

He couldn’t figure out why Xu Hai could actually win the championship in the National Freshman My Contest.

What is even more confusing than him is the teacher in the same office as him. Although the scientific research department severely suppressed their combat system status after Xu Hai appeared and plundered the combat system’s large amount of resources, no matter what, everyone It’s from a school. There is no need to be so angry because Xu Hai won the championship, right?

Besides, there is also Ji Hanyue from the combat system in the champion team this time.

But Hongshan ignored these. After he left the office, he walked into a closed room dedicated to him, and then picked up the phone to dial the familiar phone again.

“Zhou Wenzheng, I want to tell you one thing.”

At this moment, Xu Hai didn’t know what was happening outside. After bidding farewell to Li Yunlong and the others, he immediately came to the retreat room by shrinking the ground.

Seeing Xu Hai who suddenly appeared in the closed room, Li Changsheng smiled happily.

“Hey, your kid came to hide from the reporter, too.”

Xu Hai smiled and nodded, then took the key from Li Changsheng’s hand and headed to his own retreat room.

Now he is sorting out the gains gained in this national competition. It can be said that Xu Hai has once again achieved a leap in strength through this national new martial arts competition.

Moreover, on the basis of this strength leap, he also received many very rare rewards.

“Basic physical fitness has been improved again.”

Xu Hai looked at the combat power index of the above 3,500 points in the combat power index test, and nodded very satisfied. After arriving in the retreat room, he did not immediately sort out his Jie Wangquan and the two weapons. It was the current combat power index tester that tested his own physical combat power index, and the results of the test actually surprised him.

“Only physical strength can reach a combat power index of 3,500 points. If this is combined with Sharingan’s mental strength and various skills, then it is not too big to reach 5,000 points under normal conditions. The question is, if you integrate One Tail Shouhe, it is estimated that you can directly reach 7,000 points. Is this game actually so much better for me?”

“It looks like. The effect of this gold dollar should not have been completely absorbed by me.”

He was very pleased. After all, strictly speaking, he had not practiced any practice after the end of the game. At this moment, he has made this kind of progress. The only explanation is that the gold dollar he had cultivated before is still not stopping. He is transforming his body, and he has a feeling that the power of this first golden yuan has not been fully absorbed by him so far. It may take him a few more days of cultivation to fully absorb it. .

“In addition to this gold dollar, there is another gold dollar in the backpack. I didn’t expect to earn another such important material this time.”

He felt the inability to grow in his body, and roughly judged his current peak combat power index.

“If you can use the Realm King Fist, then with Atomic Breath and Raikiri, it is estimated that the combat power index can explode close to 17,000 points in an instant. Even if it is a teacher, not many people can reach it. ”

“It’s a pity that Sharingan has not yet been upgraded to Mangekyō Sharingan. Otherwise, with the resurrection technique, it might be effective in large-scale battles.”

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