Chapter 118

“Sir, do you think the military will begin to attach importance to the inheritance of Konoha Village after this time? I heard others say that the inheritance Xu Hai has acquired does not seem to be the one we know.”

Xu Haodong nodded and said: “In fact, after Xu Hai came out of the illusion copy, we began to secretly study the inheritance of Konoha Village. Although there is not much idea so far, a lot of funds have been invested. It is estimated that there will be results soon.”

In the Chakra retreat room, Sun Qiang was also shocked. He looked at the reward list for Xu Hai, his eyes staring out.

“Billions of cash, opportunities to change inheritance, and arbitrary selection of inheritance types, one-to-one guidance by semi-sacred powerhouses, one hundred cubic meters of Qiankun bags, one plus one gold dollar.”

“The Universe Bag? Is it the kind of thing that can store things? Wow, it’s a national-level reward, it’s really much better than the school.”

Xu Hai is really excited. He who has read Xiuxian’s novels since he was a child has a lot of longing for this stuff.

“The Qiankun bag is not very important, I think the most important thing is to have the teaching of the semi-sage level powerhouse or help you to obtain the top inheritance.”

The corners of Sun Qiang’s mouth twitched slightly. He didn’t expect Xu Hai to be most concerned about the Qiankun bag.

Although the Qiankun bag is also very precious, it is not so rare in comparison, even he has one.

But Xu Hai shook his head and said, “Teacher, it’s okay to say that the guidance of a semi-sage powerhouse is actually good, but I am really not interested in the replacement of this inheritance. I think the inheritance of Konoha Village is very suitable for me. Come to me. As long as you work hard enough, it doesn’t matter what you inherit.

Assuming this Konoha Village heritage is really rubbish, how should I explain my current combat power index? ”

There was another twitch at the corner of his mouth, and Sun Qiang felt that he really couldn’t help beating Xu Hai.

Since the country has chosen to give him the opportunity to change the inheritance, it is absolutely impossible for the changed inheritance to be an ordinary inheritance. It is definitely some hidden top inheritance that is more powerful than Orochimaru’s inheritance, such as the Big Demon King Piccolo in Dragon Ball.

Not many people in the world can get an opportunity like this, but Xu Hai doesn’t seem to have any ideas.

“You shut up Laozi.”

Xu Hai smiled and looked at Sun Qiang in front of him, scratching his head and said, “Teacher, there is another question, what is this Jin Yuan? I have never heard of it before.”

When he said this, Xu Hai was holding a box made of obsidian in his hand, which was filled with gold dollars.

While Sun Qiang watched Xu Hai playing this box, he grabbed it distressedly and said, “What are you doing? This thing is very precious.”

“No, teacher, did you tell me why this is used?”

“You can take this thing orally or externally, but it’s usually taken orally.”

“In other words, this thing is for eating.”

Sun Qiang nodded and said: “This is the top treasure produced in a very powerful copy. It is the best thing in that copy. Even in the entire country, this stuff is used as a strategic reserve. Yes, I really didn’t expect this to be included in the reward this time.”

Speaking of this, Sun Qiang also sold a hurdle, thinking of slamming Xu Hai’s appetite and making Xu Hai pay more attention to this thing, but Xu Hai said indifferently: “It’s a national treasure, that thing should be returned. Yes, can I just eat it?”

After listening to this sentence, Sun Qiang’s face became even more ugly.

This is a gold dollar!

Doesn’t Xu Hai want to know what this thing does?

Why is this guy playing cards so unreasonably?

Thanks to being just this guy’s teacher in the science department, if he really accepted him as an apprentice, he would have been pissed off before he reached the rank of marshal.

But what Sun Qiang didn’t know was that Xu Hai still had a certain understanding of Jin Yuan. He had talked with Li Changsheng about some knowledge about practice before he was resting. Naturally, he knew that Jin Yuan was considered to be true. A rare treasure among the warriors.

After eating this thing, not only can it not be invaded by poisons, but it can also greatly increase the skill, and it is even said that it can make people immortal.

Of course, immortality is a gimmick, and things that truly make people immortal will never be given to Xu Hai so easily.

But even so, Xu Hai can see how much the country attaches importance to him.

This thing is definitely a rare top treasure, and it is really appropriate to pair it with your own Sharingan.

You know, Sharingan has reached the level of Mangekyō. In fact, most of the time it is not the power of the skill, but the durability.

Whether it is Uchiha Itachi or Kakashi, their Mangekyō Sharingan are actually very heaven-defying, but due to their own physical conditions, they are often not used frequently. If they can be used casually, it is estimated that Hokage Ninja will end early. Has been rewritten.

And this time, with the help of Jin Yuan and the inheritance he obtained is a relatively more advanced inheritance of Sharingan, Xu Hai is confident that after he advances to Mangekyō and writes his eyes, even if he is a general-level warrior, It is definitely not his opponent.

“Teacher, if you have nothing to do, why not leave first? I still want to study the rewards that the country gives me.”

Thinking of this, Xu Hai really can’t wait.

“You guy is dark enough. Laozi gave you something, but I let Laozi go without a word of thanks. Yes, I can teach you something later, Laozi will give you the last name.”

Sun Qiang really couldn’t help it anymore, this guy had already driven him away before he finished speaking.

Of course, looking at Xu Hai’s excitement, he didn’t really want to stay here, hesitated for a while and then turned and left.

When Sun Qiang left, Xu Hai immediately closed the door of his Chakra retreat room. This time, he was going to close the door again.

Time is fleeting, and there are only a few days left before the National Rebirth Budo Contest, and news about this National Rebirth Budo Contest is also constantly spreading across the country.

Everyone knows that the pervert student from Imperial Budo University will also participate in the National Freshman Budo Contest this time.

To be honest, for freshmen, this National Freshman Budo Contest can really be regarded as one of the most lively events of the year, and even a few days before the start of the contest, it has been hanged up at Teito Budo University. Various banners constantly promote Xu Hai’s achievements.

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