Chapter 106 Another Big Killing Move

Sun Qiang’s face was speechless, did this guy’s brain get into the eyes of money?

He gave Xu Hai a blank look, and Xu Hai smiled awkwardly when he saw it, and said, “Teacher, if the money is distributed, I will invite all the students in the scientific research department to dinner, okay?”

“Go away, don’t let me see you again.”

He waved his hand to indicate that he was going to see off the guests.

Upon seeing this, Xu Hai did not continue to bother him. He was really afraid that he would have been here with Sun Qiang for a long time and Sun Qiang would give him some more crucial words.

Of course, he didn’t go back to sleep in the dormitory after leaving. After more than ten hours of sleep yesterday, Xu Hai has returned to his heyday. This is a good time for training.

“Does this person on the road have a bad brain? Why is he beaten like this? Fortunately, Laozi’s bot lane has almost been pushed to the high ground, otherwise this round will be lost.”

As soon as he came to the retreat room, Xu Hai heard the familiar sound of playing games.

He looked a little curiously at Li Changsheng who was fishing and playing games not far away, with a hint of curiosity in his heart.

To tell the truth, Xu Hai used to think that Li Changsheng might be a relatively powerful retired teacher, but after the last incident that offset the coercion at the entrance of the original forest copy, he has determined that Li Changsheng is definitely a marshal-level master.

“Unexpectedly, no matter where you are, the old man cannot be ignored.”

He was a little emotional. After returning from the original forest copy this time, Xu Hai’s combat power index has actually been greatly improved. Although he does not have the feeling of crossing the realm, he really needs to talk about the actual combat ability. It is safe to reach more than one thousand points.

In a sense, Xu Hai has officially stepped into the threshold of transcendent level.

Therefore, under the bonus of the two gou jade Sharingan, his intuition is actually much stronger than before. It is precisely because of this that when he sees Li Changsheng, he is even more sure of the strength of the opponent.

Of course, he didn’t think too much about it. Regardless of his identity, Li Changsheng didn’t mean much to him.

If you are strong, you are really strong. If you are not strong enough, what is the use of Li Changsheng as a half-step saint?

He walked through the guard room, and then didn’t even stop, and went straight to the Chakra retreat room.

Li Changsheng, who was playing games in the lounge, saw Xu Hai like this, and he just glanced at Xu Hai, and then continued his game journey.

In the Chakra retreat room.

Xu Hai sighed softly. Before, whether in the dormitory or elsewhere, he felt that his privacy was being spied on, but Xu Hai was not worried about this situation like this kind of advanced retreat room. Compared with other places, the safety factor here is much higher. In addition, there is a Li Changsheng outside to help him protect the law, so he really doesn’t worry about anyone spying on him.

“This time the experience of the original forest copy is really rewarding for me.”

It was not until this time that Xu Hai officially began to check the benefits he had gained in the copy of the virgin forest.

“Atomic Breath, this skill is really strong.”

He raised his hand and slowly condensed a ray of light in his hand.

This light is not the kind of thunder light of Raikiri, but a kind of strange blue light. It is also this blue light that does not seem to be so amazing. After merging with Raikiri, it ruined an island country. Half the area of ​​a country of the same size.

Skills like this, no matter where they are, are absolute top skills.

“This skill is really amazing. Raikiri, which is played with the same amount of Chakra usage, has atomic breath and not exactly two skills.

Preliminary estimates are that with atomic breath, the explosion damage caused by the fusion of the two forces can be almost twice to five times the original amount. This time it is really a big profit to obtain this skill. ”

Not surprisingly, the skill of Atomic Breath will become another big killer in Xu Hai’s hands after Sharingan, but this is not a reward that really makes Xu Hai feel excited.

The reward that really made him feel worthy of excitement was that when he broke through the limit and reached the highest evaluation of the hidden level, the world also gave him another reward.

This is a gem formed by the will of the world, with the lucky gem written on it.

Lucky gem, as the name suggests, is a gem that can make one’s luck bursting.

This gem cannot increase its attributes, it is a one-time item, but after using this gem, according to the introduction, you can get almost heaven-defying luck.

In other words, as long as you can use this gem, Xu Hai will be able to reduce the risk even in the most dangerous and dangerous situation, and even get a lot of benefits in this situation.

Although this thing is a one-time item, it is also an absolute top treasure.

After taking a slight breath, Xu Hai hid the gem in the groove of his bracelet.

Immediately after that, he did not delay, and immediately turned on the switch button of the Chakra training room. This time, the concentration of Chakra was directly adjusted to twice the original level, which is the second step.

After starting this level of Chakra, he started a new round of regular training.

Sharingan improved quickly, but his physical fitness couldn’t completely fall. If Sharingan reached the level of Mangekyō but his physical fitness was still weak, then he would suffer a big loss when he really fought.

Soon, Xu Hai went into training.

But just as he was training for selflessness, the door of Chakra’s closed room was suddenly opened slightly.

A very tall girl came in, it was Hao Rong, and she also came to the Chakra retreat room.

However, just after entering the Chakra retreat room, Hao Rong was stunned.

“My goodness, is this place the Chakra retreat? The concentration of Chakra inside is too strong, right? Those of us who have accepted the heritage of the Ninja Village will get twice the result with half the effort, but it will be more because of the concentration of Chakra. High and lead to uncontrollable energy distractions.

How dare Xu Hai practice in this environment is amazing. ”

Hao Rong walked towards the room where Xu Hai was located, but at a very slow speed. Obviously, Hao Rong also had some anxiety in his heart.

After a while, she came to the door of the single room where Xu Hai was.

After arriving here, Hao Rong was stunned again.

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