Sheng Guangming just moved into this apartment the day before yesterday.

He was very satisfied with the apartment. Before signing the contract, he specifically asked about the situation of the real estate agent's neighbors.

"...Don't worry, I have already asked for you. You live next door to a surgeon who bought a house. His surname is Qi, he is young and promising, and he is a very decent person. He is definitely a good neighbor."

Doctor, that should be pretty good, Sheng Guangming thought so, and decisively signed a contract to buy this apartment.

Since moving in the day before yesterday, he has visited all the neighbors up and down, but he has not had a chance to say hello to Qi Feiyun. When he knocked on the door, no one answered.

Neighbors downstairs said that Qi Feiyun is a loner and busy with work. Maybe he is not at home, or maybe he does not want to participate in social interaction.

Sheng Guangming thought that it would be better for the neighbors to be colder, as long as they were not noisy, they would not disturb him.

The door was dead silent, Sheng Guangming looked at the delicate-looking boy in front of him, and suddenly thought in his mind: Oh, it turns out that he is not deaf and mute, it's okay, otherwise it would be a pity.

Yan Shuang looked at Sheng Guangming, who was completely stunned, and smiled slightly, "My name is Yan Shuang."

Sheng Guangming's brain seemed to be short-circuited, and he subconsciously replied: "Sheng Guangming."

Yan Shuang nodded to him, "I have a chance to visit."

After saying that, he turned around and entered the door.

When the door in front of him closed, Sheng Guangming still didn't return to his senses, and the messages in his head jumped in one by one.

He remembered that the neighbor downstairs had said that Doctor Qi was a man.

The man who just entered was also a man.


Same, gay?

Sheng Guangming opened his eyes slightly.

Wait, what did the boy named Yan Shuang mean when he said "there is a chance to visit"?

Sheng Guangming's brain seemed to be rusted, and he finally understood after turning around quite dully.

Oh, to give him a chance to patronize him.

Sheng Guangming: "...?...!"

All the sweat that had just come out was dried up.

Sheng Guangming entered the room with goosebumps all over his body, went straight to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator and took a few breaths at the cold air that filled the refrigerator before calming down.

The cold wine flowed into his throat at night, calming his whole heart, and Sheng Guangming felt that he had regained his senses a little, and could think with his own rationality.

What is he panicking about?

Isn't it gay?

What's the big deal.

Didn't he encounter a **** parade when he was competing abroad?

Homosexuality is not a monster.

Don't they have two eyes, a nose and a mouth?

In doing so, Sheng Guangming swayed to the balcony with a cold beer, and the autumn wind blew his face, which made him sober a lot, and there seemed to be a faint smell of tobacco in the air.

Sheng Guangming turned his face and met a pair of dark eyes, "..."

By the way, the balconies of the two apartments are attached.

The boy was holding a thin cigar in his hand, his plump red lips were slightly pouting, and he exhaled a puff of smoke. The smoke drifted in the air and came to his balcony along the autumn wind.

Sheng Guangming froze completely holding the beer can.

The opposite Yan Shuang was also looking at him, smiled at him, then stretched out his hand to form a virtual circle, and sent it up and down to his mouth.

"Cough cough cough-"

Sheng Guangming was choked by his own saliva, and the cold beer on his hand spilled all over his hand instantly. He hurriedly changed his hand to hold the beer, shook the wine in his hand, and turned around as if to escape.

"Mr. Sheng."

The boy's soft voice stopped him.

Sheng Guangming stood stiffly.

The boy's hint was so obvious that even if he was completely inexperienced, he could see what the gesture meant.


How should he tell the other party that he is not interested in men, and even less interested in spending money on "services"?

When competing in foreign countries, he has also encountered the situation of being courted by the same sex. He is considered to be experienced, but he has never encountered such a "sales service"...

I don't know whether it is better to refuse directly and neatly, or is it more appropriate to be more euphemistic?

"Can you get me a can of beer?"

Contrary to his expectations, the other party made such a request.

Sheng Guangming slowly scanned the past.

Yan Shuang caught his gaze, smiled softly at him again, stretched out his hand and made a downward movement to his mouth again, "Is it alright?"

Sheng Guangming: "..." He was thinking crookedly.

Although he didn't want to be involved with the other party, the other party's attitude was generous and generous, and Sheng Guangming was embarrassed to refuse.

Yan Shuang caught it neatly, "Thank you."

"You are welcome."

Sheng Guangming lowered his head and replied, and when he was about to leave, he heard Yan Shuang say: "Mr. Sheng just moved in, right?"


The sound of the beer can being opened, followed by the sound of "gudonggudong" a refreshing drink.

"Dr. Qi is my frequent visitor."

The other party's voice was gentle and lazy, as if to say that the weather was good tonight, "We should see each other often in the future."

Sheng Guangming was tense all over.

"Mr. Sheng likes girls, right?"

Sheng Guangming's body froze again, wondering if he was so obvious?

The other party smiled "hehe".

"Don't worry, I was just joking with you at the door just now."

Sheng Guangming finally turned his face and looked at Yan Shuang again.

Indeed, Yan Shuang was no different from the boys he knew, he wanted to be more delicate and beautiful, but he looked like a beautiful boy, not feminine, his drinking posture was also very proud, and his smoking appearance was even more proficient than him. Chic.

Yan Shuang drank half a can of beer in one breath, and smiled again at Sheng Guangming who was quietly scrutinizing the balcony next door, "Actually, men are not bad, you will know if you have a chance to try it."

Sheng Guangming fled.

The thought of maintaining a good relationship with the neighbors and living peacefully in my mind was completely thrown away, replaced by the urge to sell the house.


The fist hit **** the sandbag hanging in the living room.

Sheng Guangming's whole face wrinkled.

He just bought a house!

The doctor next door is also true, even if he is gay, can't he have a serious relationship with a person? You have to do this kind of thing... Then again, Yan Shuang looks very serious, and it is completely impossible to see that he is actually in this line of work.

Simply too bad.

In his heart, the house that was full of marks fell to the edge of the passing line.

Although it is entirely his freedom what kind of life the neighbor wants to live, Sheng Guangming feels uncomfortable when he thinks of the chaos of the other's private life.

Born in poverty, he lost his parents in an accident at a very young age. At the age of eleven, he was spotted by a boxing coach and started boxing.

Since then, his life has only been about boxing.

He worked hard with 100% blood and sweat.

Others might say it's because of the love of the sport that they give so hard.

But Sheng Guangming knew very clearly from the beginning to the end that he was boxing to make money.

Earn enough money to do what he likes, have a good relationship, then get married and have children and form a happy family.

This is all the future he wants.

And this apartment is where his future begins.

His carefully chosen home.

Sheng Guangming rubbed his hair frantically, roared silently in his chest twice, and finally fell to the floor in despair.

I hope that the neighbors can "correct evil and return to righteousness" as soon as possible.

He prayed silently.

"You're back?"

There was a faint cry of surprise from the balcony.

Sheng Guangming was stunned for a moment, then jumped up and went to the monitor of the entrance to check the situation outside.

Completely incomprehensible.

Sheng Guangming sighed and opened a crack in the door. From the gap, he saw a man in a formal suit with a briefcase standing at the door next door. He had already stepped into the door, but he didn't go in. He didn't know he was dawdling at the door. what.

The crack in the door was pushed further and further without knowing it.

The boy was hanging almost entirely on the man in the suit and leather shoes, and was looking up and kissing the man...


There was a loud slamming of the door next door.

Qi Feiyun looked away, frowned slightly, stretched out his hand and pinched Yan Shuang's back neck, "What did you do?"

"What?" Yan Shuang put on a silly expression.

Qi Feiyun stared at him and walked in without a word.

Yan Shuang snickered behind him, followed into the room and closed the door.

"Who made you come back so late."

"I'm so tired squatting downstairs all by myself. I happened to meet your new neighbor, so I asked him to bring me up."

Qi Feiyun took off his jacket for a while, "New neighbor?"

"Yes, others are not bad," Yan Shuang said, "it's just a little homophobic."

Taking off his coat and hanging it in his arms, Qi Feiyun said lightly, "Don't harass the neighbors."

"Mr. Qin wants me to take care of you for a while," Qi Feiyun walked in. "I have already said hello to the administrator. You can enter your identity information tomorrow."

Yan Shuang leaned on his shoulder and followed him inside.

"He wants you to take care of me?"

"What kind of care?"

"Various aspects."

Soft hands grabbed the hem of his shirt, lifted it up, and slipped in quietly.

"...Including this aspect?"

Qi Feiyun stopped.

When Qin Yubai was talking to him in the hospital, he made a request to him.

"Can the effect of hypnosis be lifted?"

He looked at the look of remorse on the face of the man who had turned people into his puppets without hesitation in the first place.


People who make decisions and regret are incompetent and pathetic.

"I need time."

Just do it.

Why regret it?

The coat in his hand was thrown on the marble countertop.

Holding that innocent face, Qi Feiyun's expression was serious and cold, "Not included."

"Oh?" Yan Shuang smiled, "Forget it, I'll find someone else."

The hand that was pinching his cheek slowly moved to his neck, the wide palm, perfect fingers imprisoned him like a chain, the palm was still loose, and it didn't take much force, that kind of uncertainty made people feel even more. Unknown fear.

Yan Shuang was still laughing, and even tilted his neck back provocatively, as if urging the man to exert force.

Reason is gaining the upper hand, but only by a tiny margin.

In the end, Qi Feiyun still did not exert any strength, and said lightly: "Can you live without a man all day?"

Facing the words with obvious humiliation, Yan Shuang's smile became brighter.

"Yeah," Yan Shuang said indifferently, and reached out his hand and slid frivolously across Qi Feiyun's cheek, "Then would you like to be me... the man of this day?"

Sheng Guangming didn't sleep well all night. He seemed to have several dreams, but he couldn't remember them when he woke up. He was still a little dizzy when he went out for a run in the morning, and he almost collided with someone when he entered the elevator.

"Excuse me……"

He hastily apologized, and was immediately greeted with a gentle response.

"It's ok."

Sheng Guangming woke up.

The neighbor...and his...well, that, was standing next to him.

Sheng Guangming didn't dare to look at them stiffly, and he kept shouting in his heart, come and get into the elevator personally to relieve this **** embarrassment!

However, his wish did not come true, and no one came in until the last floor of the elevator opened.

Sheng Guangming stood still and let out a sigh of relief after the two got out of the elevator.

As soon as he stepped out, he heard the boy beside the man say, "Come on, I'm going to be late for school."

Sheng Guangming: "..." Enough! !

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