"You will live in this room from now on."

The servant opened the door, and the furnishings in the house came into view.

The room is not big, with a single bed, desk, and wardrobe. The whole room has a light gray tone, which is simple and generous. In addition, there is a frosted glass door, which should be a small bathroom nested.


"You can walk around on the first and second floors, but you must never go up to the third floor. Young master doesn't like to meet people because he is afraid of noise."

Yan Shuang nodded, "I see."

The servant closed the door.

Yan Shuang pushed the suitcase to the front of the closet.

The closet is large, leaning against the wall, with three doors facing each other.

Yan Shuang didn't bring much luggage, and he didn't have two pieces of clothes. Besides, according to his plan, he didn't need to bring too many things to live in Qin's house for at most two months.

After hanging up the clothes and putting the suitcase in the closet, Yan Shuang went to the bathroom to simply freshen up before falling into the soft bed.

Comfy, better than dorm and small hotel beds.

Yan Shuang took the phone and sent messages to all three eggs except Qin Yubai.

"Working overtime today, you didn't come out to welcome me when I came, crying."

"Ji Yao, where have you been? You haven't been to school for several days. I know you hate me. I'll never appear in front of you again. Come back, okay? Please."

"Dr. Qi, have you eaten the supper? Is it delicious? ... If you didn't, can you tell me the reason? Thank you, I wish you a smooth work, good night!"

After sending it, he threw the phone directly under the pillow, and didn't care whether those people saw it or not, and didn't reply.

He was sleepy after dinner was too full.

Yan Shuang's sleep has always been very heavy, but he has a special skill - once someone enters his safe area, he will immediately wake up.

Wear the professional training of the ace staff of the bookstore.

Just like now, Yan Shuang's brain has regained consciousness, and he has noticed that someone is watching him in the dark.

This is a man with almost no taste.

The man leaned down slowly, and the tip of Yan Shuang's nose smelled a very faint smell that he was familiar with and liked.

The taste of money.

Like wet ink.

He slipped silently into the soft pillow he was sleeping on.

When the man straightened up, his arm was caught.

Wei Yichen turned his face and saw a pair of half-closed, bright eyes in the darkness, with a sly smile.

"You're back?"

The voice was soft, with the softness of waking up from sleep.

His tone seemed to be nostalgic for the person he caught.

Wei Yichen made a "hmm" sound, which was also very soft.

There were only the two of them in the room, but he naturally lowered his voice, as if he was afraid to wake up the non-existent third person.

Yan Shuang grabbed him with one hand, and touched under the pillow with the other, and sure enough, he found a thin banknote.

Yan Shuang held the banknotes and smiled, "Welcome gifts?"

Wei Yichen turned his arm around, clasped Yan Shuang's wrist and put it in the quilt, "Yes."

He could manage one arm, but not the other. Yan Shuang stretched out his arm and hooked him around his neck. The temperature of the banknotes was cold, and they fell lightly on his cheeks. Yan Shuang's strength might not be much, but Wei Yichen was still Following his strength, he bent down.

The note kissed his cheek at the same time as his lips.

One side is cold, one side is hot.

An intoxicating dream.

Yan Shuang retracted his arms, hid the banknotes under the pillow, and buried both hands in the quilt, looking obediently, "Good night."

Wei Yichen knew that tonight's "bait" was over.

Yan Shuang is like a fisherman, giving him only a little bit of bait every time.

Wei Yichen was not fooled, he turned around and left after eating that little bait.

Because he knows that as long as he doesn't take the bait, there will always be a next time.

Once greed, the sharp hook will pierce his throat, and he will be hung on Yan Shuang's fingertips like a trophy.

Wei Yichen stood up straight.

His eyes adjusted to the darkness, and the outline of the face was clearly reflected in his eyes.

It was startlingly similar to the ghostly young master.

There are no two people so similar in the world.

Unless...there is some special connection between them.

"Good night."

The gentle words drifted into the darkness, and Wei Yichen took advantage of the darkness to leave the room.

Things in the world are just so coincidental sometimes.

When Yan Shuang just closed his eyes and was about to go back to sleep, a small sound came from his ear.

Instead of opening the door, it's like... a wardrobe? !

Yan Shuang thought to himself that there was even a terrifying factor in a mere ancient scumbag and abusive text. Could it be that the recent popularity of the infinite stream has had such a far-reaching impact?


The wardrobe door opened.

Yan Shuang: He was so excited that he even wanted to jump up to say hello, hello, did your colleague next door go to the wrong place?

Yan Shuang was instantly disappointed by the cold fragrance of the grass and trees on the edge of the bed.

Oh, it turned out to be Qin Beast.

How could Qin Beast come out of the closet?

Yan Shuang recalled the wardrobe that was too large in such a small room, and when he opened the wardrobe, he saw the strange horizontal wooden slats behind the brown plank, and Yan Shuang immediately wanted to understand.

The function of this large wardrobe is not to hold clothes.

It is a secret passage.

Connects the two adjacent rooms of the master and servant.

His fingers gently brushed away his black hair.

A cold voice entered his ears.

"Sleep like a pig."

Yan Shuang: "…"

The slightly hot fingertips slid across his forehead, and if there was no strength, he gradually slid along his forehead to the bridge of his nose... He pinched Yan Shuang's nose fiercely.


Yan Shuang didn't pretend to be asleep for a second, and immediately opened his eyes.

Qin Yubai's hand was hanging in the air, and even in the dark night, he could see his glittering eyes as if he had succeeded in mischief.

"woke up?"

Yan Shuang: I suddenly feel that my palms are itchy, and I really want to have intimate contact with some people's facial skin tissues.

Qin Yubai seemed to have seen through his mind, and wrapped his hands around the quilt beside Yan Shuang, wrapping Yan Shuang like a silkworm chrysalis, so that his hands and feet could not move.

Qin Yubai approached, and Yan Shuang could smell the faint smell of alcohol on his body. This person was drunk.

Dry lips fall on cheeks with a hint of rose fragrance.

Soft kisses are not like Qin Yubai's usual style.

As if to echo Yan Shuang's mood at the moment, Qin Yubai's kiss became impatient, he crushed Yan Shuang's ears, and then left.

He spread his hands out, condescendingly, "I won't kiss you."

Yan Shuang: "..." Whatever.

"People who love each other kiss."

Yan Shuang: "..." I've already slept, it's a bit too ridiculous to be innocent in this kind of thing.

In order to cooperate with the performance, Yan Shuang gave him a decent response, "Get out."

Qin Yubai's face was gloomy for a moment, "What did you say?"

Yan Shuang struggled under the quilt for a while, but he couldn't move, so he just kicked down, retracted the quilt, and got out from the end of the bed.

Qin Yubai probably wasn't very drunk, so he quickly grabbed Yan Shuang's ankle.

A silent hunt unfolded in the darkness.

The thin quilt was messed up, acting as a shackle and a bunker between the two, turning a small single bed into a position on the battlefield.

The expensive coat and the whitish T-shirt fell to the ground.

The cold air from the air conditioner stirred up fine pimples on the skin.

The top of his head fell on the tuyere, and the wind was cold and itchy.

In the quilt, sweat was stacked layer upon layer.

"Speak..." Qin Yubai bit Yan Shuang's ear and strongly demanded Yan Shuang's response.

He didn't want to make this scene a one-man show.

It would make him seem too addicted.

Yan Shuang gritted his teeth and didn't say a word, but only tightened and loosened the hand that was holding Qin Yu's white hair.

The expression on his face was both pained and obsessed, and the tears kept rolling down his cheeks.

There are many kinds of human languages.

There are many types of vocal organs.

Hair, eyes, breath, muscles, every inch of skin speaks a language.

Yan Shuang didn't say a word.

It's like saying everything.

Two people hug each other tightly, who would dare to say that there is no undercurrent of indulging in this night?

Qin Yubai lowered his head, took a deep breath, and smelled the peculiar smell on Yanshuang's body.

Citrus, mixed with the sweat of a teenager, and a hint of every other wonderful aroma.

That aroma means that Yan Shuang is surrendering to him.

Although Yan Shuang may have all kinds of reluctance and unwillingness in his heart, at this moment, his body has surrendered.

For men, this is an alternative pleasure of conquest.

He doesn't love him, but at the same time he can't resist his body.

The cold wind from the air conditioner blew on the top of their heads, and their hair was tangled together.

Qin Yubai gradually calmed down the remaining heat in the cold wind, but he still didn't want to get up.

The skin-to-skin touch creates an illusion, an illusion of intimacy.

Very comfortable and relaxing, easy to make people lazy and tired.

So Qin Yu put his arms around Yan Shuang, put the face of Yan Shuang, who was already drowsy, on his chest, and fell asleep like that.

It was Yan Shuang who woke up the next day.

As soon as the top of his head was lifted, he knocked on a hard object, Yan Shuang raised his head, it was Qin Yubai's chin.

Last night Qin Yu leucorrhea was a little drunk, and he performed so well that Yan Shuang couldn't bear to beat him.

When they woke up, the two of them were still entangled with their hands and feet. The gray quilt was rolling up and down between the four long legs, and they didn't know where it was covered, revealing two pairs of feet that were touching each other.

Yan Shuang curled up his long legs, pondered for a while, and gave Qin Yubai a ruthless kick, directly kicking the person together with the quilt out of the bed.

The ground was covered with solid wood floors, and Qin Yubai's sturdy big man made a "dong" sound on the ground.

And then... there was no sound.

Yan Shuang sat up suspiciously and kicked Qin Yubai's back with his toes. Qin Yubai swayed with his strength and did not respond at all.

"Qin Yubai!"

In the master bedroom, the family doctor put a drip on Qin Yubai, "Let's lower the temperature first, and let someone wipe his body, so that he will feel better."

"Okay." Wei Yichen took notes while sending the family doctor out.

Yan Shuang stood at the head of the bed, looking at Qin Yu Bai who was still in a coma and heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, only a high fever.

He almost thought that Qin Yubai had a good life last night, and that someone died.

Scared him to death!

Yan Shuang patted Qin Yu's white sweaty dog's head lovingly, "You must not have an accident, you must take good care of your body."

We still have a lot of plot lines to brush!

When Wei Yichen opened the door and came back, he saw this scene. Yan Shuang noticed the movement, and immediately withdrew his hand, and turned his gaze to the huge oil painting in the bedroom as if concealing it.

The oil painting depicts a huge mountain, and the dark sky is low on the snowy peak. The whole painting looks so cramped and lonely.

It is this painting that connects the two rooms.

Wei Yichen said calmly, "Mr. Yan, can you come out for a while?"

The two walked out of the bedroom and came to the empty corridor.

Yan Shuang wore an old T-shirt as pajamas.

The clothes are too old, and the neckline has fallen down and swayed. It is easy for people to sneak their eyes in and see what new traces have been dyed on this jade-like body.

"You stand here and don't move."

Yan Shuang raised his face, "Why? Are you going to buy me oranges?"

Wei Yichen ignored his joke, turned around and walked downstairs.

Yan Shuang was lying on the railing, watching what Wei Yichen and the servant downstairs said, the servant nodded and turned around immediately, Wei Yichen also turned around, looked at Yan Shuang, waved his hand back, motioned to Yan Do not show your face.

Yan Shuang stuck out his tongue at him, but still leaned against the marble wall in the corridor.

After a while, Wei Yichen came up with his hands behind his back.

"You're in a hurry," dropped a pair of slippers in his hands, his tone was light, "forgot to put on your shoes."

Yan Shuang lowered his head and looked at his bare feet.

I was in a hurry just now. If something happened to Qin Yubai, it would delay his work progress.

When I was in a hurry, I ran out to find someone and forgot to put on my shoes.

Yan Shuang looked up at Wei Yichen.

The eyes behind the gold-rimmed glasses are extremely cold.

Yan Shuang called it: head down.

Probably misunderstood his concern for Qin Yubai, Mr. Butler looked disappointed.

People who give in to their desires are too fragile.

He would rather Yan Shuang be debauched and degenerate into the game world than see who Yan Shuang is in love with.

This is not jealousy.

But a pity.

Yan Shuang felt his mind clearly, chuckled lightly, kicked the slippers in front of him with his toes, and his tone had the meaning of an order.

"You take me back."

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