"Tomorrow at 6:30, I'm going to the morning shift, can you pick me up?"

Yan Shuang unfastened his seat belt and raised his eyebrows at Yao Jing.

Yao Jing opened his mouth and found that he had neither the position nor the courage to refuse Yan Shuang, so he could only say angrily: "Okay, let's get on the bus here?"

"Yes," Yan Shuang grinned, "Are you interested in being a hitchhiker driver? We can earn five or five cents."

Yao Jing: "…"

"It's still inconvenient, Mr. Yan." Yao Jing said with difficulty.

"forget about it."

They are all workers, but Yan Shuang didn't embarrass him, and said friendly: "Good night."

Yan Shuang got out of the car, the figures disappeared from sight, Yao Jing waved his hand dully,

"Good night…"

This ordinary person really seems to have a very strange charm.

Everything is easy and comfortable.

Yao Jing was taken aback by his own thoughts, and quickly rolled down the car window.

The cool night wind blew into the car, which immediately made Yao Jing's mind clear.

A person of this rank is not something someone like him can afford.

Qin Yubai, Ji Yao, and even Wei Yichen, all of these people around Yan Shuang, all have a lot of capital invested in them.

Even if he is a mortal, the sunk cost is too high, so don't think about this mess.

Yao Jing took a few deep breaths and sent Wei Yichen the results of the day's surveillance as usual.

The dinner part... forget it.

Wei Yichen knew it anyway.

Wei Yichen returned to the house with the takeaway plastic bag.

There was no piano sound in the building, and it seemed extremely quiet. The servants were lightly doing the cleaning and finishing work for the day. When they saw the housekeeper who had gone out, he came back with a bag of food in his hand, and hurriedly stepped forward, "Butler Wei, I'll help you put it away."

His wrist was slightly deflected, "No need."

"Butler Wei," another servant came downstairs, "Sir is looking for you."

Qin Yubai was still working, with a lot of documents scattered on the desk.

Wei Yichen said calmly, "Is something wrong? Sir."

"What about today's materials?" Qin Yu said without raising his head, "that's fake."

Wei Yichen glanced at the desktop where the documents were piled up, "Sir, want to watch now?"

Qin Yubai raised his face, with mottled scars on his face, looking a little bit evil, "What do you think?"

"Please wait."

Wei Yichen bent down slightly.

"I'll give you one day off every week in the future," Qin Yubai lowered his head and flipped through a document. "Everyone has come to the door." He raised his eyes with a relaxed expression, "Let's talk about your love."


Qin Yu slammed his hands in midair forcefully, "Go ahead."

Wei Yichen didn't explain any more and left first.

It seems that Yan Shuang did not lie to him this time.

Qin Yubai did see him and Yan Shuang upstairs.

It's just that Ximen's place has been deserted, and there is not even a lamp, so Qin Yubai didn't realize that the person who was talking to his subordinate was his lover.

From the beginning to the end, Wei Yichen was very calm. He returned to his room. The takeaway in the plastic bag was placed on his desk. He sat at the desk and began to organize Yan Shuang Yitian's whereabouts.

Wei Yichen calmly analyzed why he suddenly acted so abnormally while working.

Maybe it's because of staring at it for too long, and the urge to get it too.

Yan Shuang's smile before he left reminded him.

This is a game world, a little devil who makes fun of it.

Calling a **** is a compliment.

A **** is something that money can buy and maintain a relationship with.

Yan Shuang is not.

His fun is much more advanced than that, and not everyone can afford it.

It can be touched, but not addictive, Wei Yichen warned himself very solemnly.

However, his employer Qin Yubai was a bit abnormal.

Wei Yichen had worked with this employer for two years, and he knew very clearly that Qin Yubai cared about his unrelated, sick younger brother first, and secondly cared about work.

And today, Qin Yubai seemed to be in a state of insanity all day long, and his working condition was very poor.

Those employees and shareholders in the company are trembling and can't figure out what's wrong with this emperor-like figure today.

Wei Yichen knew it best.

Qin Yubai was thinking about Yan Shuang.

Even in the case of working overtime at night and unable to complete the day's work, he still has to check the whereabouts of Yan Shuang.

His employer seems to be unconsciously spiraling out of control.

This is a good reference, reminding him to be vigilant at all times, some things, it is enough to enjoy it in his mind, don't really jump off and die without a place to die.

Yan Shuang's whereabouts are very simple, taking classes, working part-time, and going back and forth are just those places. Qin Yubai hurriedly browsed in front of the desk, swept his eyes around and stopped at the last photo.

In the photo, Yan Shuang was climbing the high stairs at the entrance of the hospital with his old canvas bag on his back. He was as thin as a piece of paper and pitifully small in front of the tall and majestic hospital entrance.

Qin Yubai held his forehead.

It was said that he refused to make Yan Shuang happy, and he couldn't make Yan Shuang happy, but Yan Shuang suffered, and he didn't see much better. Seeing this photo, he didn't feel any joy.

Injuring this person's body has no meaning at all except to bring out his inability to do anything to him.

Pulling like this is like losing both sides.

Looking for a surrogate lover is to relieve his pressure, but why is he getting more and more tired and angry?

Should he change his current attitude towards Yan Shuang?

Care too much, only consume your own emotions.

"Go out..."

Qin Yubai waved his hand wearily.

"Pick up someone at noon tomorrow."


In the reception room of the racecourse, Xiao Qingyang said helplessly: "Here, a new phone."

Ji Yao silently took the mobile phone and went to remove the casing of the old mobile phone.

Xiao Qingyang: "I said that you are a little too hypocritical to be arguing about independence. You drive a good car and live in a good place. Just a phone call from me will send someone a new mobile phone. My eldest young master, you are independent. ?"

Ji Yao said lightly: "I didn't spend his money," he raised his eyes, his handsome face was full of innate arrogance, "This is my trust."

He was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, even though it wasn't what he wanted, he had carved it into his bone marrow and could never truly fall into the mortal world.

Xiao Qingyang shook his head and changed the subject: "What about that desire?"

Ji Yao was very dissatisfied with the name of Xiao Qingyang, and glanced at him coldly, "Don't call him that."

"Okay," Xiao Qingyang surrendered, "I can't remember his name."

Ji Yao lowered his face and pulled out the calling card from the cell phone he smashed.

"He and Qin Yubai..."


The old mobile phone, which had been smashed, hit the ground again, shattering into pieces.

Xiao Qingyang jumped up in fright, and said dumbfounded: "You..."

He had never seen Ji Yao make such a big fire.

Ji Yao's personality is withdrawn and cold, but it can be cold and cold. His emotions are extremely restrained and undisclosed, and such a sudden outburst is a bit different from him.

However, the expression on Ji Yao's face did not fluctuate in the slightest, and it looked even more terrifying.

Ji Yao firmly put the old mobile phone card into the new mobile phone.

Xiao Qingyang didn't know, but Ji Yao knew very well in his heart.

His emotions are like a broken kaleidoscope, wrapped in a small tube, dazzling and ready to explode.

The movements of the hands gradually slowed down.

Eyelashes drooped, the phone turned on.

Dozens of messages and missed calls flooded in in an instant.

"Ji Yao…"

"Ji Yao…"

"Ji Yao…"

His name instantly filled the screen.

His temples trembled violently, Ji Yao pursed his lips and held the new phone, eager to try with his thumb, and wanted to smash the new phone in his hand.

"What the **** happened to you today?" Xiao Qingyang felt uneasy, he felt that Ji Yao's state was a little wrong, as if it was because of that ordinary boy.

Ji Yao put the phone upside down on the table without saying a word, and said calmly, "What's wrong with me?"

Xiao Qingyang had nothing to say for a while, only said: "The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, how long will you be angry with your uncle?"

Ji Yao stood up and left directly.

Xiao Qingyang sat in the same position and sighed deeply, he scratched his hair irritably, or picked up the phone resignedly, "Hey, it's me, is my uncle here?"

"Okay, I'll wait."

Xiao Qingyang never dared to hang up the phone. After about ten minutes, a voice finally rang from the empty phone, "What happened to him again?"

It was almost late at night, and the voice on the other end of the phone sounded a little lazy. When he came up, he asked straight to the point, with an unconscious condescension, which is naturally the feeling of oppression that people who have been in high positions all year round naturally exude.

Even across the phone, Xiao Qingyang's face became a lot more serious.

"Uncle, good evening, I'm bothering you so late... It's really that Ji Yao doesn't look right today. He brought that person to my horse farm for the night last night..."

"Tell me something I don't know."

Xiao Qingyang was interrupted on the other end of the phone.

Xiao Qingyang opened and closed his mouth like a fish that jumped ashore. To a certain extent, he could understand Ji Yao's running away from home. His uncle was really not a good father.

"He smashed his phone and looked angry."

There was laughter from the other end of the phone, as if he was mocking something, which made Henry Zhang unconsciously blushed and felt as if he had said something wrong.

"I don't know what the sky is high and the earth is thick. It's better to go out and meet the wall, so that he doesn't think too much of himself because he has a pair of good parents. You don't need to worry about him, just let him go."

Ji Wensong's words did not show any kindness towards his son at all. It sounded like he was caring a little bit, and he said it as if he was giving alms.

"Okay..." Xiao Qingyang said weakly, "Uncle, Ji Yao is still young, so don't know him in general."

The other end of the phone was quiet for a few seconds, and suddenly the maid's gentle voice changed, "Young Master Qingyang, if you have anything else to say, you can tell me, and I'll tell you sir."

This is already impatient to hear.

Xiao Qingyang smiled bitterly: "It's nothing, just hang up."

"Okay, good night, Young Master Qingyang."

Sandwiched between the two father and son, Xiao Qingyang was distressed in his heart, thinking, auntie, auntie, why did you marry such a man and gave birth to such a son, and then left at a young age, it is impossible to leave a pair alone. Father and son of father and son, let them outsiders be wrapped in it every day and be tossed back and forth by the arrogance of father and son.

Early the next morning, Yan Shuang waited for Yao Jing at the back door of the school to pick him up for work.

A dark car stopped silently in front of him.

Yan Shuang raised his head, he thought it was Wei Yichen, but he didn't expect two black-clothed bodyguards who he didn't know got out of the car.

"Mr. Yan, my husband invites you to come as a guest."

Yan Shuang said, "Which family's gentleman?"

"You'll know when you go."

The two bodyguards stepped forward one by one, showing a hijacking attitude.

Yan Shuang said calmly: "I have an appointment with someone, so I have to inform him first and tell him not to come."

"No need, don't worry, we have arranged everything for you."

Yan Shuang narrowed his eyes.

The visitor is not good.

He thought about it, he wasn't afraid of scum attack, what else was he afraid of? After all, there were only a few people in this world, and they couldn't get out of that circle.


Yan Shuang got into the car.

This car is almost exactly the same as the car Qin Yubai used, but from the interior, it is a little older.

Yan Shuang suddenly felt blessed.

He probably knew who was looking for him.

It's not a scum attack, it's a scum attack on his father!

The vehicle stopped at the entrance of a quaint manor, and two bodyguards of the same color stood in the door, who checked the vehicle and let it go.

Yan Shuang looked at the scenery outside the car curiously.

The whole manor is a low house, empty and calm, with carved beams and painted walls, and elegant everywhere. In the courtyard, a large flower tree looks like a big umbrella. Feel peaceful and soothing.

The car stopped, and a maid in clogs and a kimono came out and led Yan Shuang into the door.

Seeing the other party's behavior, Yan Shuang became more and more sure that Ji Yao's father should be looking for him.

The original mentions that Ji Yao's father is half Japanese.

In the original book, this is also a background character, who exists as a key figure in shaping Ji Yao's character.

I haven't really met Yan Shuang yet.

It triggers a plot that the original book did not have.

This is also commonplace for Yan Shuang.

If the plot helps him to complete the emotional line and the plot line, then he doesn't mind.

If it's an invalid plot, just fool the past and it's over.

Yan Shuang thought about it and followed behind the maid.

"Mr. Yan, please take off your shoes."

Stepping into the inner courtyard, the whole courtyard is like a maze. It is not a completely Japanese-style building. The Chinese and Japanese styles are merged together, and some are difficult to distinguish. There is a hint of Xiaojiabiyu in the majestic atmosphere. Every few meters, there are two beautiful people. Like the ladies in the painting, most of them were wearing kimonos and some were wearing robes. When they saw Yan Shuang, they all smiled and nodded to him.

Yan Shuang kept saying hello all the way and was a little dizzy.

Finally, the maid in front finally stopped in front of a shoji gate with a maple leaf pattern, "Mr. Yan, please." She bent slightly and stepped back gently.

Yan Shuang's heart wants to do this kind of devil's pie in the land of China, which really lacks the iron fist greetings of socialism.

He opened the shoji door, and there was a man in a sauce-colored kimono with his back facing him. His back was tall and tall. His hair was short and neat when viewed from the back. He was looking out the window, and when he heard the movement, he turned back. Face.

His appearance is somewhat similar to Ji Yao's. He is handsome and cold, with faint fine lines at the corners of his eyes. Apart from that, his age can hardly be seen. He is a very handsome and middle-aged man, but his temples are abruptly white, like a A hasty snow has not yet melted.

Looking at Yan Shuang's eyes can't tell the heart.

"Had breakfast?"

The tone was kind.

Yan Shuang held the door, not knowing what face to use, after thinking about it, he still pretended to be submissive, "No."

"Thanks for your hard work."

The polite words did not relieve the slightest sense of oppression in the air.

"Come in," Ji Wensong smiled slightly, "what are you doing standing at the door."

Yan Shuang Yiyan walked in, raised his face, and happened to meet Ji Wensong's eyes. Ji Wensong's eyes were nothing like Ji Yao's. Ji Yao's eyes were actually very simple and easy to understand. Inside, and from Ji Wensong's unfathomable eyes, nothing could be seen except a sense of oppression.

Ji Wensong smiled and said gently, "Close the door."

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