"...That's it for today's class."

There were two classes in the morning, and Ji Yao didn't come. Yan Shuang packed up his books and complained about this evil capitalist society in his heart.

Why can't children from rich families not come to class! Deduct credits! Deduction points! Fired!

Then he took out his mobile phone and sent Ji Yao another text message humbly, "Ji Yao, I'll be waiting for you at the hotel."

Still sinking into the sea.

Okay, at least not blocked.

Besides, it is impossible for Ji Yao to not want his ID card. Yan Shuang was in no hurry and sent a message to Wei Yichen again.

"Brother, I have no money for lunch, so I cry."

Wei Yichen did not return.

Yan Shuang looked up at the sky, sighing incessantly, thinking that he would always suffer, no one was willing to solve the food problem for him, and he had to eat the leftovers from the morning.

And can't take the initiative to contact Comrade Qin Beast.

Needless to say, the meals provided by Comrade Qin Beast were quite plentiful.

And when will he take him to Qin's house for the plot? I can't wait.

Yan Shuang sighed, returned to the hotel, let the front desk help warm the steamed buns in the refrigerator, and went back to the room to eat steamed buns while surfing.

It's a straight wave.

No time to fool around.

Qi Feiyun, a man with a 10,000-word encyclopedia.

I don't know when the photos on Wikipedia were taken.

The hair is very old-fashioned and combed back, but it doesn't look greasy, but a kind of solemn and elegant, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, the pupils in the photo are a little gray, and the lips are slightly sternly pursed, which looks very difficult to approach.

Just by looking at the face, I really can't tell that he is an LSP who likes to engage in extreme sports of the human body.

Yan Shuang took a bite of the bun, and his fingers continued to slide down.

Qi Feiyun's resume is so gorgeous that it doesn't look like a carbon-based creature.

It seriously makes people suspect that the author blindly gave this character a golden finger for the purpose of digging kidneys and changing corneas in the future.

Oh, and brainwashing.

After reading Qi Feiyun's encyclopedia, Yan Shuang also finished his lunch and sent an email to Qi Feiyun's mailbox.

Now Qi Feiyun is in the sky over Miami, counting the time, Qi Feiyun should be able to see his email tomorrow.

Tomorrow, he will have fewer classes, just in time to put Qi Feiyun's egg into the pot.


The phone was finally found.

Yan Shuang picked it up and took a look.

"come out."

It's Ji Yao.

Hotel lobby.

The front desk is maintaining a casual and nervous eating melon form, not only listening to the eyes and seeing all directions, but also looking like sleepwalking.

It's not easy.

When I saw Ji Yao, a handsome guy who was as cold as snow in the sky again, the mood at the front desk was not as amazing as the first time.

Too young, unfortunately.

After a while, the elevator door opened.

The posture of the front desk does not move, but the eyes and spirit have been highly concentrated on the battlefield!

Yan Shuang brought a plastic bag, to be honest, this was what he asked Aunt Cleaning when he ran into it in the corridor.

Ji Yao seemed to be in a good condition. Anyway, he was more dizzy than Qin Yu, who was nearly stunned by him last night. Yan Shuang carefully observed whether there was any injury on his body.

For the five scumbags, he still loves them very much.

It is non-renewable energy after all.

If one gets angry, he will not be able to complete the task.

When he's full of emotional lines and plot lines, what will happen to love.

"Ji Yao..." Yan Shuang handed the plastic bag forward, "I washed your clothes..."

Ji Yao didn't even look at him, he really didn't. From the moment Yan Shuang stepped out of the elevator, he kept facing Yan Shuang from the side, his eyes fell on the glass door of the hotel.

"ID card."

His voice was so cold that Yan Shuang almost shivered.

Yan Shuang slowly retracted his hand, "Ji Yao, I want to talk to you."

Ji Yao finally looked at him, but it was an unprecedented undisguised disgust.

He has always been educated, even if he hates a person, he will not show it.

Now for Yan Shuang, his patience has officially run out.

Originally, because of Ji Yao's strict requirements for his friends, people like Yan Shuang were definitely not qualified to enter his social circle. If it wasn't for Yan Shuang's face that was similar to Qin Qing, Ji Yao would not have bothered with him at all. thing.

Especially, this is such a self-deprecating person.

Ji Yao stretched out his hand, his tone was cold and harsh, and he said again in a non-negotiable tone: "ID card."

Yan Shuang cried.

Tears rolled down without warning, it can be said that the cry was ugly and real.

Faced with tears from different people, Yan Shuang also has different strategies.

Qin Yubai used his lower body to think, just cry enough.

Ji Yao used his upper body to think, just cry hard enough.

Like this, the tears fell uninterruptedly, and the facial features were all wrinkled together, but there was no sound, as if he was enduring great pain.

The front desk has looked silly.

Cry when you say it.


Looking at the handsome guy for another ten minutes, his face was still cold, and he just looked at the boy in front of him and cried.

Just when the front desk thought it was a big breakup scene, the cold and handsome guy reached out and grabbed the boy's arm, pulling the silently crying boy to the elevator with a rude attitude that didn't fit his appearance.

As the only audience in this play, the front desk believes that the next play should be paid to watch.


Ah, no pity!

He's not gay!

The front desk trembled and quickly corrected his orientation.

Ji Yao's strength is great.

Yan Shuang had seen his naked upper body and knew that this guy looked like a handsome young man with a white face, but he was actually muscular. He could win the championship of the month when he went to the construction site to move bricks anytime, anywhere. He was dragged away by Ji Yao. He estimated the approximate Strength, adjusting his facial expressions, fake crying while walking.

Ji Yao dragged Yan Shuang all the way to the room he opened that day.

Yan Shuang probably decided early in the morning that he would come up to talk with Ji Yao, and he didn't even close the door of the room.

Without hesitation, Ji Yao stepped into the room where he felt dirty even touching the door.

Together with the person he was holding.

Yan Shuang froze slightly, his whole face buried in his chest, probably still crying.

Since Ji Yao knew Yan Shuang, he seemed to be crying all the time, as if there were countless grievances and sadness.

It was he who said "he did it of his own accord", or he refused to go with him. In the end, how could he still be the victim?

Ji Yao let go of his hand, "Let's talk."

He gave Yan Shuang one last chance.

for that face.

"My dad...he owes a lot of money..."

Yan Shuang spoke with great difficulty, and every word had a weeping vibrato.

"I do not know what to do…"

Yan Shuang squatted on the ground, buried his face in his knees and cried bitterly.

The crying scene was really something he had to deal with.

Yan Shuang counted down silently in his heart.




"How many?"

Faster than he imagined.

Yan Shuang raised a tear-stained face. In order to better confuse Ji Yao, he pretended to take off his glasses in order to wipe away his tears.

Invisibility buff removed!

Alternate mode is on.


"How much?" Sure enough, Ji Yao's tone seemed to soften a little, "How much does your father owe?"

"One, one million."

Ji Yao's expression immediately changed subtly.

If it weren't for a micro-expression master like Yan Shuang, he would definitely not understand the meaning of Ji Yao's expression at this time.

Ji Yao's expression at this time can be summed up in two words - "ridiculous".

one million.

What can a million do?

The shirt Ji Yao casually threw to Yan Shuang had five figures.

Using the best materials on the market, it is handcrafted by private tailors handed down from generation to generation by the Ji family, so that this precious young master must be comfortable and comfortable to wear.

In Ji Yao's concept, one million is not considered money at all.

So, Yan Shuang sold his body for a mere one million?

Compared with sympathy, Ji Yao's heart is more absurd.

The eldest young master who doesn't eat human fireworks doesn't understand that some people may not be able to exchange one million from the capitalists even if they sell them together with their souls.

He only judged Yan Shuang's behavior as a pitiful and stupid decision in his heart.

"Don't cry," Ji Yao said stiffly, "I'll pay you back the money."

Yan Shuang almost choked.

I can't see that Ji Yao is so generous.

I distracted and checked the progress of the emotional line, and it was still 10%.

It hasn't changed since the beginning.

That is to say, Ji Yao still regards him as "looking at this face".

He is really affectionate towards Qin Qing.

A mere 10% of the progress of the relationship line can make Ji Yao help him pay back the money without blinking, even without any exchange conditions.

"You don't want to meet him again in the future."

The conclusion is too early.

It was still conditional.

"Identity card," Ji Yao stretched out his hand again and pursed his thin lips, "I'm still meeting here at 8 o'clock in the evening. I'll bring you a check."

Xiaoji, you look really handsome when you just give money!

Yan Shuangcai doesn't care what Ji Yao's "love house and Wu" is, how good it is, isn't this just prostituting with one face? !

I just don't know if this million can get to him smoothly.

This is not the original plot line.

To a large extent, the money produced will be accidentally confiscated.

For example, the exchange bank suddenly closed down, or the money entered the account but disappeared out of thin air.

Wearing a bookstore is such a dog.

But it didn't hurt to give it a try, Yan Shuang stood up slowly, took out Ji Yao's ID card from his pocket and handed it to him, "I will pay you back the money in the future."

Ji Yao was noncommittal, his eyes swept across Yan Shuang's neck.

Light red on the neck, like a beautiful collar.

He said coldly: "Don't do such a thing again."

Yan Shuang flinched at what he said, and nodded lightly, "Thank you."

Ji Yao was about to leave, but was pulled by Yan Shuang's sleeve again.

This time, Ji Yao didn't shake his hand again, just frowned, "What else?"

"your clothes…"

"No more."

Ji Yao left.

Yan Shuang put down the plastic bag and took out the unwashed shirt inside. He had guessed that Ji Yao would definitely not want this dress, so he didn't waste that time washing it.

This shirt is a high-end customization, even if it is poured with red wine, it can be sold for a good price to some clothing studios for them to study the craftsmanship.

He should be able to earn this money.

As long as the number is small, you won't pay too much attention to the bookstore.

The phone rang again.

It is an unsaved number.

Yan Shuang went to pick it up.

"Hello, takeaway, are you making an appointment, Mr. Pre? I've put your takeaway at the front desk. You can pick it up by yourself later."

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