I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 81 Tucheng! The temptation of gold bars! ! !

Legend, the resurrection point in the Tucheng safe zone...

Qin Sheng looked at the flow of people in Wuyang Wuyang in front of him with a shocked expression...

These people are not here just like the legendary games in the outside world, just standing around and chatting.

Instead, do business and visit stalls here!

Yes, this is a huge trading market!

Chu Ye and the area shouted: "Selling all kinds of high-quality ore, if you want it, you can contact me to death!"

The Mingyue Bamboo Center area shouted: "For sale, the Judgment Staff, Dragon Pattern Sword, Bone Jade Scepter, Power Ring, Black Iron Helmet, and various Woma brand-name equipment! Original treasure map, ancient treasure map!

Skill books such as Summon Divine Beast, Half-Moon Scimitar, Magic Shield, Holy Word, Fire Sword Technique, Ice Roar, etc.

Acquire the Staff of Judgment! Dragon pattern sword and other valuable items and skill books! "

The wooden level area shouts: "Selling devil bells, various Woma brand-name equipment, summoning skeletons, fire walls, bursting flames, purchasing various top-notch items, skill books, etc."

Listen to the shouting in the Yuxuanhen area: "I'm selling the cloth shoes I just made that increase the movement speed by 1. Scammers, get away! Get them at a low price!"

There is no visual sense of the area shouting:

"I'm selling Jinyi that adds a little bit of defense and a little bit of attack. Come if you need it! Die for the liar!"

The Shenmo area shouted: "Selling the best divine drink that increases attack power by 3 points. It lasts for one minute. Come if you need it!"

"Lunch boxes for sale, one hundred gold coins each!"

There are all kinds of stalls setting up and selling things, as well as people selling food and drink.

Qin Sheng was shocked again when he heard these cries.

The shoes made will actually increase the movement speed by 1. It is estimated that after wearing them, you can walk faster.

The clothes made by players can actually be made with attributes.

There are also drinks made by players, which also have attributes.

These are important information to him.

In Beach City, he had never heard of anyone selling such top-notch products.

It's probably a novice city, and others don't want to sell there.

Also, he remembered that there seemed to be no players selling things in Tingyucheng.

That is also a city, why?

It didn't take long for him to figure it out.

In Tingyu City, except for shops, there are no safe areas elsewhere.

In other words, there is no place where players can trade safely and securely.

In his thoughts, Qin Sheng began to carefully check the level equipment of the players around him.

Some players wear brocade clothes made by various players, covering their original equipment. He can't tell what equipment the other party has without checking the other party's information.

He specifically looks for high-level players.

As a result, he deliberately watched twenty or thirty senior players in their 35s to 40s in a row.

The one with the best equipment he saw was a level 41 warrior player wearing a holy war suit, a demon armor, and wielding Furious Slash!

Several of them are top-notch!

It is visually estimated that there are at least tens of thousands of players crowded here, and who can tell how many masters are hidden among them.

This does not include several other large map cities, as well as some unknown places to him.

Qin Sheng lit a cigarette and soon felt relieved.

Others came in more than ten years in advance and could bulldoze the Chiyue Canyon with human heads. Isn't it normal to have a jihad suit?

Thinking about the Pangu Ax and Pangu Armor in his lottery system, it is not surprising that others have Chiyue equipment...

He quickly comforted himself and positioned himself: I just came here to fight monsters and practice, so as to gain the ability to improve myself.

Do you really want to dominate this place that others have managed for decades?

That's not realistic.

My current goal is to make more money, upgrade quickly, get more top-notch equipment, and enrich myself in the outside world.

Let the rest be up to chance...

This is actually very similar to the legend he used to play in the outside world.

He played a few months later than others, but after entering, there were a lot of advanced players.

Wherever you go, you will be kicked out by others.

But now, he is actually living a much better life than he was before.

At least he's not short of money for now.

Come in and resell, and you will earn almost 10 million!

I have never made such a profit playing Legend before.

Yes, I can resell with peace of mind on both sides!

Fight to become a tycoon here and outside!

Ha ha! ! !

At this moment, Qin Sheng finally set a goal for himself!

That is to be a rich man here!

The same is true in the outside world!

As long as you have money, are you still worried about having no place to level up?

Spending money on him will also create a path for him to level up.

Take Feng Yingxiu for example. If he were really rich, he would directly hire her to serve him.

If you don't form a team, just chop the monster by yourself first, and she will shock you from behind. The upgrade speed will be absolutely amazing!

When his thoughts came to this point, the gloom on Qin Sheng's face was swept away!

A broad road appeared before him...

After smoking a cigarette, he didn't think any more and talked to the teleporter next to him. With a hiss, he was teleported to the clothing store here...

After some deception...

All of his remaining 340 or so pieces of clothing were sold to several clothing stores here for 10,000 gold coins each.

At this point, his amount of money reached an astonishing 11.1 million gold coins!

I’m rich!

Not sure if this is possible……

With a hiss, Qin Sheng went out to find the teleporter at the door and teleported him to the inn.

Found the administrator of the storage warehouse.

"Hello, can I exchange it for gold bars?" Qin Sheng asked a question that had been on his mind for a long time.

Warehousekeeper: "Okay, one million gold coins can be exchanged for one gold bar, and five gold bars can be exchanged for one gold brick.

Two gold bricks can be exchanged for a gold box. "

Qin Sheng: "Exchange me for five gold bars!"

"Okay, the handling fee is 2,000 gold coins per gold bar. Would you like to change it?"


As a result, the warehouse keeper waved his hand, and there were five more gold bars in his package. At the same time, he was deducted five million and eight thousand gold coins.

Is this the replacement? !

Qin Sheng was still wondering if he could fix the money-splitting bug? It seems that is impossible!

After all, this is a real game world, different from the computer legends outside.

Putting aside this unrealistic idea, Qin Sheng opened the package and looked at the five shining gold bars inside, showing excitement.

Gold Bar: Currency

After using it, you can get one million gold coins.

(Games can be brought out)

! ! !

My day!

Gold bars can really bring out the game!

Will that turn into a real gold bar outside?

If it were a real thing, how much would this thing weigh in the outside world?

How much can it be sold for?

I exchanged one hundred clothes for one hundred clothes for one thousand yuan. If I sell this gold bar, how much can I get for it?

How much money can you make?

Countless thoughts flashed through Qin Sheng's excited mind.

And the most important thing is, is it a real gold bar in the outside world, and how much does it weigh? !

How heavy it is can determine how much he earns!

Thinking of another way to make money in the future, Qin Sheng smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed...

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