I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 628: Be steady! Holy Land of Fire!

Qin Sheng took Yujie around to visit the Earth Star...

A city with thousands of lights, high-rise buildings like a steel jungle, a constant flow of cars, and streets at night filled with people...

Yujie was dumbfounded...

She stood high in the sky, looking at the city below for a long time, and sighed:

"This world is so wonderful!"

Compared to her dim dungeon, this place is many times better...

Qin Sheng smiled and said: "Haha, where are you now? When daytime comes, you can see even more different scenery."

He Jianhong also laughed: "Let's go, I will take you to taste the delicious food here."

"Food? Okay, okay!"

When Yujie heard that there was something to eat, her eyes became round.

call out!

Qin Sheng simply called the whole family out and they all came to the food street in Chuzhou.

This food street is not far from Qin Sheng's Chiyue Palace, just three streets away.

It is the extremely central area of ​​Chuzhou!

As the holy city of the world, Chuzhou has now expanded many times thanks to the efforts of many immortal cultivators!

The current Chuzhou is equivalent to the original five Chuzhous!

Still expanding!

However, the city wall that Qin Sheng and others originally funded and built is still there, but it has been built outward.

The inner city wall is equivalent to the inner city of Chuzhou.

Therefore, this central food street in Chuzhou is extremely wide.

It is several kilometers long and more than two hundred meters wide!

There are top-notch delicacies on both sides of the street, and there is also a row of street food stalls in the middle!

The entire food street not only includes Chinese food, but also food from all over the world...

It has become a must-visit place in Chuzhou Holy Land!

After Qin Sheng's family appeared in the food court, countless people immediately knelt down and worshiped.

"Wow! The Holy Lord is here!"

"Oh my God! The Holy Lord is here!"

"Mom! That's the Holy King!"

Holy King, this is the new name for Qin Sheng all over the world.

Seeing the citizens kneeling in black crows on both sides of the street, Yujie was completely shocked!

She heard the whispers of the people.

I didn’t expect that the prodigal son’s status in this world would be so high.

At this time, Qin Sheng felt a little pain in his balls.

This is not what he wants...

Why go shopping here...

After coughing slightly, Qin Sheng smiled and spoke:

"Everyone, please get up. We are just here to go shopping. Just treat us like ordinary people."

"Yes! Holy Lord!"

Everyone said in unison, and then stood up.

Although Qin Sheng was still extremely fanatical, he slowly returned to his own life.

Qin Sheng's family can finally play in peace.

"Wow! I want to eat skewers, crayfish, oysters..."

Yiyi took the lead and ran to a street stall excitedly and ordered a lot of things.

When the boss saw the Holy Lord coming, he put in a lot of effort and made the food that was full of color and taste, and everyone's mouths were filled with oil...

Although the raw materials of these things cannot be compared with the materials in the game, they are better than the taste.

Flavored snacks, each with its own taste.

It was the first time for Yujie, a big eater, to eat these things. She was already greedy, but because of her face, she still ate cautiously.

"Eat freely, we are all our own." Qin Sheng stroked her hair lovingly.

Hearing this, Yujie was not polite and started to devour...

"Eat slowly, there are a lot of delicious food behind. Let's eat all the way there today." Lin Shuya said cheerfully.

"Okay, delicious." Yujie said vaguely.

Everyone happily ate all the way...

They are all immortals. When they really eat, they have a lot of appetite.

It’s just that there was too much delicious food, and everyone ate until five o’clock in the morning, and they only finished half of it.

"No, I can't eat anymore." Yiyi touched her bulging belly.

Others also expressed that they were full.

Even Yujie nodded. She had eaten the most and was naturally full now.

Everyone walked around Chuzhou again and finally returned home...

When resting, fortunately Qin Sheng's bed was big enough to sleep several people.

Qin Sheng didn't touch them and slept until past ten o'clock...

During the day, Qin Sheng and others took Yujie around the world, allowing Yujie to see too many different scenery...

"What a great place, with fresh air, sunrise and sunset..." Yujie murmured, overlooking the earth from high in the sky.

Qin Sheng smiled slightly when he heard this.

The air now is indeed much fresher than before the spiritual energy was revived.

At that time, the air pollution was so serious that except for the stars that could be seen in rural areas at night, they could not be seen in big cities.

But after the spiritual energy was revived, many factories outside were forced to close down because there was no one to guard them.

In addition, scientists have found new energy in mutated plants that can replace petroleum, so the air now has improved a lot.

"Don't be envious. From now on, this is your world too." Qin Sheng replied with a smile.


Yujie nodded vigorously, but the next moment, she became sentimental again.

"It's a pity that dad and the others can't follow him out, otherwise he would definitely like it when he sees such a beautiful world."

After hearing this, everyone fell into deep thought.

It is not that simple to bring out the former Yan Yi and others.

The main reason is that I don’t know the method!

At this moment, Qin Sheng's heart moved slightly...

If I use the guild summoning token, can I summon them here?

This thought was immediately extinguished by him!

Because he doesn't dare!

After all, they are not from the same world!

And after summoning so many people, if they have any evil thoughts about this world, it will be over.

Think about it, Yujie is already at the level of an Immortal Emperor, and Xianchen Moran and the others are at a higher level of reincarnation than him!

Wouldn't it crush him if he was summoned?

No, you have to be steady! !

With his thoughts at this point, Qin Sheng would never dare to summon him.

This is different from Yujie!

Ever since Yujie was dragged into this world by him, the system had told him clearly.

Yujie, like Lin Shuya and He Jianhong, would never betray him as a wife.

After thinking about it, Qin Sheng finally told him about the summoning token.

To prevent the three girls from being out of curiosity, they used the guild summoning token.

When the three women thought about it, it really made sense.

If hundreds of millions of players come here, they will be hundreds of millions of immortals!

There are hundreds or even thousands of gods!

Who can withstand this!

If you don't want to destroy the peace here, it's best not to summon.

Although, it probably didn't work!

But what if it can be summoned...

He Jianhong and Shuya definitely didn't, so they both looked at Yujie.

"Don't worry, I won't summon you." Yujie smiled helplessly.

"She won't betray me, don't worry, you two." Qin Sheng chatted privately with Shu Ya.

Only then did they feel at ease.

In the evening, after taking a bath, Qin Sheng did not go to the girls, but took them directly into the game.

In an instant, the four of them returned to the inn.

Feng Yingxiu and Dongfang Bubai were still lying on the bed, fast asleep...

Qin Sheng ignored them and just led a group of people to do the task.

Yujie and Shuya didn't go with them, and they couldn't help at the moment when they went to the Holy World.

This time, the big guys who helped Qin Sheng were,

There are more than ten big names such as Xian Chen Mo Ran, Future Two Dimension, An Ji Zhen Meng, Fat Master, Hate Mortal Things, Desire without Tears, etc.

They are all the top bosses of the original Eternal Alliance.

The vice president also came with five to six hundred people!

This time the lineup was much more luxurious than before, with the number of people almost doubling.

This is all to deal with the monsters on the fifth map of the Holy World!

Holy Land of Fire!

Originally, Xianchen Moran and the others had only reached the sixth map, but it took a long time to reach the fifth map.

Now playing the fifth picture again, of course they will try their best.

"Haha, Xianchen, do you need our help?" he said with a ridiculously gentle smile.

Xianchen Moran shook his head, "No need, let's play the sixth map and you guys can come over together."

Although the two sides have formed a large guild, they still continue to fight separately as two major alliances for fighting monsters and leveling up.

Unless they encounter an ultimate monster, the two sides rarely cooperate.

It's just that we won't fight each other anymore.

But the Holy World is different, they must work together.

So, now Xianchen Moran and the others are helping Qin Sheng with his mission.

What a ridiculous task Wen Wen and others are taking the newcomers through the first and second floors of the Holy World.

This is all so that more people can enter the sixth floor and above!

Of course, how ridiculously gentle they are, when they take on a mission, they will also bring along some people from the Eternal Alliance who are suitable for the mission.

It's the same with Qin Sheng and others. There are twenty or thirty vice-presidents who are all from the original Alliance of Kings.

call out!

Qin Sheng and a dozen other big guys landed on Fire Island first!

As soon as they landed, they were surrounded by monsters.

Everything in heaven and on earth is...

Fire Island Sacred Bird, Fire Island Sacred Crow, Fire Island Sacred Guard, Fire Island Sacred Dragon, Fire Island Sacred Chicken...

Rumble... The monsters released meteors and fire showers.

Whoosh whoosh...the monsters release a wall of fire!

This place instantly turned into a world of fire!

The blood volume of Qin Sheng, Xianchen Moran and others began to drop continuously, and it was no longer enough to rely on the 10% recovery of the defense ring.

Fortunately, everyone fought back and sucked blood!

Fill up your blood volume immediately!

But here comes the problem, blood-sucking only restores vitality, not mana!

If you want to restore mana, you can only rely on defense rings that automatically restore 10%, and instant recovery potions such as Tianshan Snow Lotus.

But Tianshan Snow Lotus's little supplement is of no use at all!

Qin Sheng and others drank it just to release their skills.

After everyone attracted firepower, another five to six hundred vice presidents also teleported over.

Everyone worked together, and it took everyone seven or eight seconds to clean up the monsters around them.

It takes a little less time than playing the fourth level.

But in fact, the monsters here are even more powerful!

Because the number of people now is almost doubled when Qin Sheng pushed the fourth level, and there are five or six more bosses.

Therefore, the monsters on the fifth level are much stronger than those on the fourth level.

After clearing the entrance, everyone pushed all the way inside!

Due to the high strength of the monster, Qin Sheng and others who were in front had to take turns retreating to the rear from time to time.

Not to increase blood, but to increase mana!

There is no way, who asked them to wear the fusion protection ring.

Monsters consume mana first when beating them.

The mana is consumed and the skills cannot be released, so I can only return it to refill the mana.

It took more than half an hour for everyone to reach the center of the fifth floor.

There is an erupting volcano in the innermost part!

It made the surroundings foggy...

Hot volcanic ash continued to fall, falling on Qin Sheng and others, constantly consuming their blood.

Fortunately, the blood volume reduced is not much, but it is scary.

If this were in the outside world, if this kind of volcanic ash fell on people, they would be instantly killed!

But if they were really in the outside world, Xianchen Moran and others wouldn't panic.

Because they are in the outside world, even a vice-president is probably at least a true god or above.

Why are you afraid of volcanic ash?

The goal of everyone's move is to enter the deepest part of the volcano and kill the elites and BOSS inside.


Xianchen Moran took the lead and approached the volcanic world!

Qin Sheng followed closely behind, and as soon as he passed through the gray area, he immediately came to a new space.

Volcanic ash zone!

The entire map looks like a ring.

The volcanic ash here falls more frequently, and the blood loss of everyone is also accelerating.

Fortunately, I can still withstand it!

But there are many monsters around!

Volcano Saint Giant, Volcano Saint Lizard, Volcano Saint Bat, Volcano Saint Kirin...

Qin Sheng and others waited for a while before cleaning up the monsters at the entrance.

Keep pushing in!

Not long after, the members who were lying dead looking for the elite found an elite volcano holy giant!

More than a dozen big guys immediately rushed over to kill like wolves howling like ghosts!

First, clean up the mobs around the other party, and then surround them for a group fight.

It took more than ten minutes to blow it up!

The corpse whipping was successful!

Looking at the more than 20,000 items on the ground, Qin Sheng was happy, he was lucky.

After cleaning up, everyone continued to move forward...

More than half an hour later, everyone arrived at the entrance to the second floor.

Went in!

Flame ring!

It was also a ring here, but the air was already filled with countless burning stones.

From time to time, lava pits appeared on the ground, filled with fiery red lava.

Not to mention that the lava cannot burn anyone, there was once a wise man who challenged the lava in the Fire Dragon Cave.

As soon as I jumped in, I immediately returned to the city with gas!

At this time, as soon as everyone entered here, a heat wave hit!

Qin Sheng couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his face.

Although this is a game world, you can actually feel the heat and sweat here.

Xianchen Moran and others also took out water bottles and drank them in large gulps.

Obviously they already have experience.

Qin Sheng also took out a large bucket of ice water and drank it!

In the game world, he was not afraid of drinking too much. Anyway, he drank 10 liters of water in one go!

He feels better now!

There are no monsters at the entrance, which is convenient for Qin Sheng and the others.

Immediately organize the formation and push in...

Along the way, I killed two more elite monsters and got a lot of good stuff.

More than half an hour later, we arrived at the entrance to the third floor.

"Attention, you must fly in! There is no place to stay!" Xianchen Moran reminded!

Everyone flew in!

Volcanic lava zone!

Here, the ground is full of molten lava!

The overwhelming heat wave keeps coming, stimulating everyone's senses!

The scary thing is that as the heat wave here continues to rotate, everyone's blood volume is also constantly dropping.

And there are a lot of monsters around!

Magma Giant, Magma Guard, Magma Guard, Magma Mage, Magma Bird...


Xianchen Moran shouted loudly, and everyone immediately opened fire!

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