I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 442 Rapid leveling! Demon dragon giant moth! How ridiculously tender! ! !

Legend, Magic Dragon Continent, Dragon Origin Blood Road...

Qin Sheng laid a wall of fire, occupying a large area, all in peaceful mode, hiding quietly and waiting for the monsters to spawn.

Those who occupied the territory he occupied cursed and cursed, but there was nothing they could do.

Because others use the peaceful mode, they don't burn them, but only the monsters.

Because they did not occupy a large territory before, they also thought that they could not set fire all over the place, because they were afraid that if there were too many archers, they would be so burned that they would be unable to attack at the same time.

Therefore, no one set fire here at all.

Experts don’t need it, but ordinary players don’t dare!

And the players who can come here are naturally not all ordinary players.

Usually there are a few dual-professionals leading a group of ordinary players.

Without a dual-career belt, it would be difficult to survive here.

Even if a group of ordinary people were invisible and there were pets blocking them outside, it would still be useless.

It’s not that the monsters can see them, but they can’t be killed quickly!

In particular, there are many mini-BOSSs here, and there are also three major Demonic Dragon Guardian-level BOSSs.

It takes a long time for ordinary players to fight invisibly. This will result in the monsters not being killed and new ones spawned. It would be strange for the people around you not to come and snatch the monsters when they see how good you are.

It is common for people in every area here to fight with each other.

We don’t fight because everyone is about the same strength.

But if you are weak, you will be cleared.

Peace is always based on equality of strength.

Just like the outside world, the time between the First and Second World Wars was brief.

But why didn't it explode the third time?

That’s because there are common checks and balances for everyone!

Nuclear weapons!

This thing can not only destroy the world, but also protect the peace of one party.

Although there are constant small conflicts, no one dares to fight!

For so many years, the beautiful country has not been able to choose only those without nuclear weapons.

With the big Eastern countries, the most they can do is economic sanctions.

This is where everyone has a balance!

And it is even more real in this game without legal constraints.

Even if you are quite powerful, you are safe and sound. Looking at you as a novice, you immediately swarmed up like a shark after smelling the smell of blood!

Therefore, in a place like the eastern suburbs of the Demon Dragon, ordinary players can still kill many people one at a time and slowly kill them.

Because there is no BOSS there, everyone is at the same level.

But in a place with a lot of BOSS, it would be difficult to survive.

It's different for a few dual-career players. At least after quickly clearing out the Dragon Archers, you can kill surrounding monsters in groups such as Ice Roar and Hell Lightning.

Then you can finish it before the next wave of monsters are refreshed.

At this time, standing in the wall of fire laid by Qin Sheng, a large group of players could neither leave nor leave.

Don't leave, someone else has laid a wall of fire.

Let's go, the fire wall here is peaceful, and the man doesn't know where he went.

Whether to leave or not, these people really don’t know.

A player who refused to give up immediately used the detection necklace to check the nameless prodigal son.

Half of his life was disabled: "Fuck! He is still on the Longyuan Blood Path! Isn't he gone?"

The real shrimp looked: "Who knows! Maybe he left. Let's wait first."

Jiang Haiji life: "Yes, let's wait and see."

During the chat, monsters quickly appeared.

Everyone quickly attacked one after another!

As a result, these monsters were burned to death by the wall of fire before they could attack a few times.

Seeing the explosive damage, everyone was secretly shocked.

Fortunately, Te Meow's is in peaceful mode!

If this pattern changes, they won't be able to stand in the fire wall for more than a few seconds!

Some can't stand for even a second!

There was a tinkling sound, and a large amount of equipment, pages, and various ores exploded from the ground...

Everyone excitedly stepped forward to pick it up, but they couldn't pick it up at all.

They didn't hit you!

Then, they heard a whizzing sound, and things disappeared one by one.

The furious people attacked frantically, but to no avail!

The things were picked up quickly, and no one paid any attention to them except for them who kept yelling and cursing.

Now, everyone finally knew that this was a good-tempered master.

But they were still a little unwilling, because this person had robbed them of their territory.

So they all shouted in their guilds that they were bullied on the Longyuan Blood Road.

"Shui bullied you? Which guild?" someone asked.

"Who is bullying us? The nameless prodigal is the nameless prodigal. He has laid many fire walls here to occupy the territory, making it impossible for us to grab monsters."

Stone under the Meteor: "Grass! You won't chop him down!"

Yun Zhongzang's private money: "I can't hit it! He is sneaking and I can't see anyone!"

Stone under the Meteor: "Then smash the ice and roar in the entire range!"

Your jelly beans: "We hit him at the same time, but we couldn't hit him!

Even if he doesn't hit it, he can't be forced to show up! "

"So awesome? Okay! I'll meet him! Pull me!"

call out!

A sunny man of medium build, wearing Fengtian magic armor and holding a purple-gold soul-hungry staff appeared.

Stone under the meteor!

As soon as he arrived, he immediately shouted:

"Where is it? Where is it?"

Your jelly bean: "Boss Meteor, it's this wall of fire!"

"Okay! Look at me! Stealth, right?"

The rocks under the meteor, hehe sneered, and the ice roared and smashed here crazily!

But the range was a bit wide, and even when he hit it, no water splash came out.

I don’t know if it hit or not!

In a fit of anger, he began to release the wall of fire!

Soon, the stones under the meteor paved the area surrounded by fire walls again.

But still no one was seen.

Your jelly bean: "Boss Meteor, he may be hiding aside, waiting for the monsters to refresh first.

After exploding something, he will teleport to pick it up. "

Minutes go by quickly!

Ang Ang Ang…

As the monster refreshed, sure enough, the monster ran in the sea of ​​fire and was burned to death.

Although the stone under the meteor tried its best to release the ice roar, it just couldn't catch it.

There's nothing you can do about it, other people's firewalls come first!

As soon as the monster came out, it was burned.

Everything he laid behind him was useless.

Unless this person is killed, the wall of fire will go out!

However, when Stone Under the Meteor looked at the terrifying figures burned out by the wall of fire, his eyes changed.

The last word left,


"Ah, Boss Meteor, he's picking up something right away, why don't you do it to him." The younger brother asked on the guild channel.

"No, I can't beat him.

Go away, if you piss him off, he will kill you with an ice roar. "

The stone under the meteor admitted bluntly and flew away with a whoosh!

The others were stunned, good guys, the boss of Meteor has run away, why are they still here?

It all flew away in the blink of an eye.

With these people gone, Qin Sheng felt relieved.

Go forward and pick up everything.

By the way, check the information of Huang Xiaodou and others.

Huang Xiaodou and Brother Haiyu are still in the world.

Xingye's Sadness and others are no longer in the Demonic Dragon's Blood Domain, but in the Demonic Sealing Valley in the Demonic Dragon's old world.

Qin Sheng calmed down and waited for the monsters to spawn.

Of course, he will query it every ten seconds.

Just in case...

Next, Qin Sheng started sneaking and even if the monsters spawned, he would not fight.

If something falls, pick it up.

Someone came, but he didn't pay attention.

It made others think that there was no one here, but it wasn't until the monster dropped the items and he picked them up secretly that he realized there was someone here.

If you can't hit it, you can't grab it, and if you don't feel like it, you just leave.

But when you level up alone here, your experience points are really amazing!

Normally, the blood volume of a dragon monster is the amount of experience it can give.

For example, the Magic Dragon Archer has 150,000 HP!

Killing it gives you 150,000 experience points!

Qin Sheng's triple experience is 450,000 experience!

200,000 magic dragon armor-piercing soldiers! Three times that is 600,000!

220,000 magic dragon armor-piercing soldiers! Three times that is 660,000 experience points!

The Demonic Dragon Evil Eye costs 80,000! Three times that’s 240,000!

The territory he currently occupies has about thirty monsters spawning at one time.

Under normal circumstances, mobs such as the Demonic Dragon Evil Eye and the Demonic Dragon Thorn Frog refresh more frequently, while the Demonic Dragon Armor-Breaking Soldiers have the least number.

Therefore, on average, it is equivalent to killing a monster here to gain about 360,000 experience points.

30 monsters!

After defeating a round of monsters, Qin Sheng can gain 10.8 million experience points!

This is an extremely scary number!

And here, it refreshes every five minutes!

In other words, if Qin Sheng can keep fighting monsters here.

He can gain about 130 million experience points in an hour!

To upgrade from level 56 to level 57, Qin has four professions, which requires a total of 2.2 billion experience.

Calculated in this way, if Qin Sheng keeps brushing like this, he can upgrade to level 57 in about 17 hours.

Of course, he had won hundreds of millions in the lottery earlier, and he had played with others for a while.

So that saves a few hours.

It’s not bad to keep leveling up like this.

Qin Sheng wanted to expand his territory, but he was afraid of occupying too much and causing trouble.

However, if we can occupy a few more blocks, wouldn't the speed be even faster?

Anyway, I'm afraid of being sneaky.

The worst thing is to change the place.

So, Qin Sheng looked around and saw that they were all from other areas.

There are even those wearing Fengtian magic armor.

If he has this kind of equipment, he will wait for the time being.

First expand the territory of those players who are not strong, and then look back to see how strong the big guys wearing Fengtian Magic Armor are.

If his strength is much worse than his, and he can ignore those who challenge him, he will lay out a wall of fire. If his strength is similar to his, then forget it.

Anyway, when in stealth mode, he first observes the opponent's strength. If he can crush him, he will seize the territory without mercy!

Just jump over if it's almost there.

In this way, his territory was directly doubled by him!

If it expands further, it will be difficult to handle.

Although the remaining strength is not as good as him, it is already very strong, stronger than Yujie and the others.

After all, there is a BOSS like the Demon Dragon Warlord here, so naturally there are some powerful ones here.

The consequence of Qin Sheng's expansion of his territory was that he provoked some powerful players around him to come over and check it out.

As a result, they couldn't grab the monsters and couldn't see Qin Sheng.

Even if they attacked when Qin Sheng picked up something, it was useless.

Although Qin Sheng lost blood, they couldn't kill him!

After all, these masters with Fengtian Magic Armor, dual professions or three full equipment points are not gathered together. It is just one master leading a group of people.

Qin Sheng was sneaking around again. It was too difficult to kill him.

Besides, these people are not stupid.

Seeing that Qin Sheng's fire wall is stronger than his own, he usually retreats after testing it for a few times.

After all, Qin Sheng did not steal their territory.

As a result, Qin Sheng quickly stood firm.

When the monster spawns, he just needs to follow behind and pick up things.

If someone stood up to grab it, he would teleport up and stand up, no problem at all.

Someone wanted to seize the territory, but couldn't find his people. He spawned a wave of monsters, and when he saw that he couldn't seize it, he ran away.

Afterwards, Qin Sheng's experience value increased even more!

According to this speed of spawning monsters, 260 million experience points can be obtained in one hour!

This makes Qin Sheng very happy...

The only pity is that he still dare not take out those dark palace weapons.

Even though it seems like there's nothing anyone can do to him now, it's actually the most dangerous time.

Maybe you offended someone, and it would be terrible if someone asked a big boss to sneak up and attack him while he was picking things.

The Xuanyuan Divine Sword is not from this world and will not fall.

If other things were lost, it would not be difficult to deal with them with the wealth he now has.

The only difficult thing is the Dark Palace Divine Weapon!

Therefore, if there is no good way to deal with the boss' broken resurrection ring, Qin Sheng will not use the secret weapon of the dark palace.

Unless he can find the Demon Dragon Palace!

Once inside, there will be no problem wearing the Dark Palace Divine Weapon.

While thinking, with a loud sound, a large number of monsters were spawned.

But this time, among the monsters, a huge red flying monster stood out among them.

This monster has a pair of huge wings, flying in the air, a bit like a big bee, but not like it, the sharp claws are shining with cold light.


Demon dragon giant moth!

A giant vampire moth that haunts the mountains. A vampire moth can kill a tiger and is a monster that scares travelers.

Later, he was invaded by the power of the dragon and transformed into a demon dragon moth, growing sharp claws. They move silently, appearing suddenly from behind to tear apart their prey with their sharp claws.

Finally a decent BOSS appeared!

Qin Sheng quickly teleported to it, applied poison directly, and summoned two dogs to speed up the attack!

The total health of the Demonic Dragon Giant Moth is 6 million!

Every time Qin Sheng attacks, he can hit it with 5,000 health points. With meteors and fire showers and critical hits, he can hit an average of about 8,000 health points!

Two dogs, each doing 4500 damage!

Plus wall of fire burns!

Qin Sheng's attack can kill the giant dragon moth with a health volume of about 18,000!

In addition to the fact that it regains its HP from time to time, it would take Qin Sheng six to seven minutes to kill it.

But in a place like this, Qin Sheng certainly didn't want to kill for so long.

So, he passed on Yujie, Feng Yingxiu, Wolf King Totem, Dongfang Bubai and his favorite Xinbao without hesitation.

"Wow! This is the giant dragon moth!" Yujie exclaimed, her eyes filled with little stars!

"There must be a lot of good things coming out!" Feng Yingxiu also blinked.

My favorite Xinbao and Wolf King Totem also opened their eyes wide and released their skills at a very fast speed!

With six people and twelve dogs helping out, the killing would be much faster!

The blood volume is so low!

Qin Sheng and others were too lazy to pick up the equipment and materials exploded by the mobs around them. They wanted to kill the BOSS first.

As long as one piece of Thunder series equipment is exploded, it will be worth two thousand diamonds.

It’s equivalent to two thousand Zuma equipment!

But what Qin Sheng cares more about is the explosive assassin skill book!

As long as you learn that "Coldness", your strength will skyrocket.

The attacked Demon Dragon Giant Moth flew out with a piercing scream and kept attacking the enemy in front of it with its claws.

Every time the sharp claws were swung, a circle of green light emitted.

This light is similar to a group attack skill. Players hit will lose blood and be poisoned by green poison.

But what it is facing is a group of three-professional perverts who have ordered all their equipment parts!

Only by beating these people will you lose forty or fifty drops of blood!

It's just like scratching an itch.

As the blood volume of the Demon Dragon Giant Moth decreased rapidly, Qin Sheng, Favorite Xinbao and others also became nervous and looked around vigilantly.

They are afraid that others will come over and give them a try!

This feeling has not been felt for a long time.

Especially in the old continent, when Qin Sheng was invincible, everyone never had to worry about being robbed while fighting old monsters.

But now, this feeling is coming again.

What Qin Sheng is most worried about is the sneaking enemy, because if you can't find it, that's the most deadly thing.

Fortunately, a few people killed quickly, and it only took less than half a minute to destroy the giant dragon moth!

With a scream, the huge demon dragon giant moth fell!

The bell rang loudly, and a large amount of equipment, materials, and even some potions exploded on the ground...

Ring of light! Paralysis ring!

Overlord's Blade, Soul-Hungry Staff, Xiaoyao Fan, Angry Slash, Heavenly Demon Armor, Dharma God's Ring, Dharma God's Helmet, Judgment Staff...

Origin Necklace (Seal)! Summoning Ring (Seal)!

2 Yuanbao! "Multiple Summons", "Precision".

Book pages x3, emerald mine, amethyst mine, Tianshan Snow Lotus, special effect gold medicine, special magic medicine...

Since there were too many outsiders here, Qin Sheng and others had agreed upon it when they were fighting monsters. Once the monsters exploded, they would go up and grab them.

Just pick things up and talk!

Therefore, everyone immediately rushed forward and stamped on him!

Soon the ground was licked clean.

Once they finished picking up, everyone picked up the equipment around them again.

"Prodigal, here!" Yujie traded for a ring of light.

Qin Sheng didn't show any pretense and took it.

Because several people had discussed it before, and if there were good things, they should get them to him first.

No way, who makes him the strongest?

Not talking about equipment, let’s talk about professions.

Qin Sheng now has all four professional equipment points, and the assassin's murderous heart has also been cultivated to the full level during the last leveling period in the old continent, with an additional thousand attack power.

This was easy to do. Everyone held a guild battle and lined up for Qin Sheng to kill. It didn't take long to finish cultivating the murderous heart.

Therefore, his strength is really much higher than everyone else.

"Ha, I also have two ingots here." Feng Yingxiu also traded over.

"I have a paralysis ring here." Dongfang Bubai said with a smile.

Qin Sheng didn't want it anymore, "No need, just keep this kind for yourself."

Dongfang Bubai chuckled, "What are you talking about? If you didn't ask us to come over, wouldn't it be yours? We agreed that we would let you develop first. This can be exchanged for two gold ingots."

Wolf King Totem, "That's right, I have some materials and pages here."

Favorite Xinbao: "I also have two potions here, hehe."

Qin Sheng...

Dongfang Bubai smiled and said: "Haha! If there is a BOSS again, pull us over. Pull a few more people to kill faster. We are all brothers.

Pull Tang Ruoxuan and the others over! "

"Okay!" Qin Sheng nodded.

My favorite Xinbao, Wolf King Totem and others flew away.

None stayed.

There is no way to stay, because no one knows when the people from the Marfa Cult will come to kill the prodigal son and rob the dark palace magic weapon.

If they stay, others will kill them if they can't find the prodigal son.

It's better to go and fight for the soul and leave this place to the prodigal son.

At least the prodigal son can sneak, so the chance of saving his life is higher.

After Qin Sheng waited for them to leave, he came to the corpse of the giant dragon moth and dug around.

"Get a leg from the Demonic Dragon Giant Moth!"

"Get a leg from the Demonic Dragon Giant Moth!"

Demon Dragon Giant Moth Legs:


(Can be taken out of the game world and edible)

Well, the system is a lot more user-friendly.

But, is this stuff delicious?

Forget it, take it back and have a look. If it doesn’t taste good, give it to Ah Huang and Huahua.

Afterwards, he listened to Yujie and others shouting lively while playing skeletons in the team, and suddenly said:

"Actually, based on your strength, you can come to fight with the Demon Dragon. Their target is only me." Qin Sheng said in the team channel.

Former Yan Yi: "We want to get some high-level souls here! The upgrades over there are too fast, and we can't fight after level 55."

Qin Sheng said speechlessly: "Then you all still stay in the Skull Cave? Go to a top place!

I guess those awesome people don’t want to fight souls, right? Isn’t that your world?

Isn't it better to explode the soul of Ksitigarbha than to explode a thousand skeleton souls? "

"Ah, it seems to make sense, but those places should be guarded by tubas, right? Let me ask."

Zeng Yanyi and others immediately asked.

The answer I got was that where there is a high-level BOSS, there are indeed large players taking turns to guard and fight with the small players.

But there are many forces.

For example, in the Shabak Treasure Pavilion in the old world of Magic Dragon, there are many BOSSs in it.

Therefore, all the top powers from each region reserve the place.

If your guild is not strong enough, you won't be able to get in.

Everything will be cleaned when you go in!

So if Yan Yi and the others wanted to kill somewhere else, it would be fine if they went to a top-notch place like the Flame Palace in the Demon Sealing Valley.

Because big forces won’t occupy all those places.

Qin Sheng had no control over how Yan Yi, Feng Xue and others chose in the past. He could just level up here with peace of mind.

Anyway, his level is over 55, and it will be difficult to break out the soul in the old world.

What happens over there has nothing to do with him.

Just continue to stay here to level up and collect treasures...

Not long after, Qin Sheng met another elite magic dragon shooter.

Three million blood volume!

Qin Sheng still pulled a group of people over to kill him!

This time more than ten people were brought over!

In addition to the original five Yujie, there are also Tang Ruoxuan, Zhou Xiangbo, Lemon is not sour at all, the memories of the past, Fengxue, Romantic Noblesse, Big Name, the First Legend, Chixiao and Yunfeifan.

These people are the city lords that Qin Sheng is most familiar with, and he is too lazy to deal with the others.

With so many people coming over to fight this elite monster, it really took less than ten seconds for it to explode!

Some of the good things obtained this time were given to Qin Sheng again.

This gave Qin Sheng a lot of confidence. It was good to have someone helping him kill monsters.

He first went back to the city to recycle and store his things, and then Yujie pulled him over again.

Then Yujie and the others flew away again!

He was directly teleported to the Overlord Hall in the old world of Demon Dragon to refresh his soul.

When Qin Sheng heard that he was envious of how lively they were, he finally stayed here and continued to kill monsters...

Not long after swiping, he picked up some things exploded by monsters again.

Suddenly, an ice roar hit him.

With a sound, Qin Sheng lay directly on the ground!

No resurrection!

The Tyrant's Blade in one hand was exploded!

A figure also appeared in front of him following the attack.

He was tall and handsome, with a devilish smile on his face.

He holds a folding fan in his hand and wears brocade clothes.

No equipment is visible at all!

It is the president of Wenrou Township:

How ridiculously tender!

He actually came to chase Qin Sheng himself!

"Kneel down and beg for monthly tickets"

Thanks to: What a ridiculous gentle man for the 120,000 starting point coin reward!

Thank you for your support by subscribing, rewarding and voting! Good night!

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