I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 386 The hidden map in the sanctuary! The super abnormal hidden properties of the medal!

In the eighth floor of the legendary fantasy world...

Yujie appeared in a place similar to the Demon Sealing Palace, and she appeared at the entrance.

The eighth floor of the illusion is the map of the Demon Sealing Palace in the Demon Sealing Valley!

The small monsters and big monsters here are the same, that is, their health, attack and defense are higher.

After Yujie came in, there were many people waiting for refreshment in the small entrance hall.

Most of them are from the Shabak League.

But no one ambushed Yujie.

The elites who can stay here are really the core of the core.

So everyone knows her.

Knowing that she was the little princess of Tingyu City, she didn't want to cause such big trouble.

To prevent the memories of the past from chasing them and killing them.

And another reason is that they know that this girl must be wearing a resurrection ring.

Even if you kill someone, you won't explode anything, and you'll make people worry about it, so why bother.

It's better to fight monsters, level up and collect treasures here in peace and contentment, it's so refreshing!

Therefore, after Yujie came in, the people around her just glanced at her and ignored her.

Yujie didn't let Qin Sheng in either. She didn't have a famous name and others ignored her, so Qin Sheng's famous name didn't necessarily matter.

After giving the prodigal son a warning, Yujie teleported to the entrance of the next floor.

Went right in!

The ninth level of fantasy!

This level is a map in Chiyue Canyon.

There were not many people at the entrance, only a group of people not far away waiting to spawn monsters.

Yujie flew randomly and reached an uninhabited corner, then teleported Qin Sheng over.

Looking at this familiar map, Qin Sheng was filled with emotion.

Back then, my wife and I wandered around this map a lot.

The main thing is that there are two big BOSSs here!

One is a two-headed King Kong, and the other is a two-headed blood demon.

Unfortunately, I encountered it more than twenty times in total, and only managed to get it five times!

Only one holy war ring was exploded.

At that time, it was already the late stage of the early legend, but I still sold it for 500 yuan and bought a few cans of milk powder for the children.

At that time, he and Lin Shuya were excited for a long time.

In fact, sometimes I think about it, my wife is really good to him.

She gave up her superior family and suffered with him all the time.

Maybe this was the love at that time.

It's not like people nowadays who have a lot of spare tires hanging slowly, and when they run out of money, they just replace them.

What's more, there are a lot of people who cheated on their marriages and got divorced.

A cousin in his village was deceived several times.

This morality has been lost for a long time.

Therefore, he cherishes his relationship with his wife.

Even if his wife couldn't enter this different world, he didn't want to take the first step with Yujie and the others.

Because he is afraid.

It's not that Yujie and the others will harm him, but that he can't control himself.

People often have a first time and a second time.

As long as he and Yujie get along, Feng Yingxiu will definitely win.

And after this hole is opened, subtle changes will occur in the heart.

Then in the real world, when he faces the temptations of He Jianhong, Liu Qianqian and others again, it will be difficult for him to resist.

The defenses in my heart and my feelings will be different.

The most intuitive one may be self-hypnosis: you have already betrayed anyway, so it doesn’t matter if you betray again.

Therefore, this is what scares him the most.

Because he doesn't want to see his wife sad about this.

Then just stop it.

As for Yujie and Feng Yingxiu's feelings for him, he knew.

But he made it clear to the two girls that if others wanted to level up and hunt for treasures with him, that would be another matter.

It’s not bad to have two confidante…

Just like He Jianhong in reality, she can also be said to be his confidante.

However, now the whole world knows that He Jianhong is his woman.

What to do in the future?

He doesn't know this.

Fortunately, the golden elixir has a long lifespan, five hundred years.

Besides, the other party will soon be promoted to Nascent Soul with his help.

At that time, it will be a thousand years of life.

Maybe one day she will think about it, and maybe she will leave on her own.

In short, let everything take its course...

Coming here again, Qin Sheng naturally felt a lot...

At this time, the monster refreshed...


Puff, puff, puff...

Sirius Spider, Steel-Toothed Spider, Moon Demon Spider, Patterned Spider, Toothy Spider, Elite Sirius Spider...

They are all monsters in the Chiyue Canyon...

These are naturally nothing to Qin Sheng and Yu Jie.

The two quickly finished cleaning up and harvested several good pieces of equipment.

Yujie came to the entrance of the next floor with a hiss.

The entrance is in the middle of the map, and there are a lot of people here.

After asking Qin Sheng to wait, Yujie took the lead in entering the last level.

The tenth floor of the illusion, the Dragon Slaughter Hall!

This is a map of the third floor of Niu Mo Cave on Cang Yue Island!

Very huge!

At this time, some people were cleaning up monsters not far away.

Bull Demon General, Bull Demon Priest, Bull Demon Guard, Bull Magician... Elite Bull Demon General...

And those players who clean up the monsters are all wearing the clothes of the Demon God Armor series!

For more than ten years, it is not uncommon for the core elites to have these equipment in the six major heavy equipment areas, the ultimate monster, and the forbidden area of ​​​​the king...

And there are a lot of BOSS here!

As far as Yujie knows, the entire Dragon Slaying Hall has all the known BOSS!

There are even corpse kings, white wild boars, and Woma guards.

Therefore, this is the final battlefield!

Of course, there is another place in the Shabak Treasure Pavilion!

The map there is several times smaller than here, and all the BOSS are concentrated there!

Therefore, these two places are the absolute battlegrounds for all major forces!

Yujie asked the brothers here in Tingyu City to teleport her over, and then she dared to pull Qin Sheng over.

"This is the Dragon Slaying Hall? Isn't it the third floor of the Bull Demon?" Qin Sheng looked around and said pretendingly.

In fact, he didn't know how many times he had been here in outside legends.

The main reason is that in the outside computer legend, this is the only place where Sanren can break out top equipment.

The Demon Altar and Chiyue Lair in Chiyue Canyon are reserved all year round.

In addition, it is difficult for a casual person to break into the deepest part. Even if you are lucky enough to get in, you will not be able to fight even if you are given a demon altar. The Moon Demon Spider and countless mobs can teach you how to be a human being!

Not to mention the demon lair full of monsters attacking the screen.

Therefore, the only place where Sanren can explode top-level equipment is the Dragon Slaughter Hall on the tenth floor of the fantasy world.

In the early outside computer legends, a single Taoist priest or mage had a high chance of breaking into the Dragon Slaying Hall.

Although there are many dangers along the way, especially on the eighth floor of the fantasy world, countless perverted Zuma monsters and wedge moths block the way!

The entrance from the ninth floor to the tenth floor of the fantasy world is even more like a forbidden area.

But as long as you attract the monsters a few more times, you still have a good chance of entering.

As long as you can enter the Dragon Slaughter Hall, it means you are very likely to get rich!

Because the density of the monsters in the Dragon Slaying Hall is not high, and they are lower-level bull demon monsters.

If you find the Red Moon Demon, you only need to slowly clear it up, and then you can kill it one on one.

There are three professions. No matter which profession has level 37 or above, if you bring enough potions, there will basically be no problem.

The Taoist priest profession is even simpler. You can't defeat them at low levels, and they can be poisoned slowly.

The premise is that no one comes to snatch it!

And because the map here is so big, the BOSS is refreshed randomly.

Therefore, if you are not unlucky, there is still time to kill a Red Moon Demon.

Therefore, this place will become a paradise for individual players.

But now, there are core elites everywhere, and this place can no longer be a paradise for ordinary people.

"You've gone through all the maps. Let's go back and level up." Qin Sheng chatted privately.

"There is another place, the Holy Land. Let's go. After we go there, we will go back. I'll go take a look first."

Yujie disappeared with a hiss.

When she reappeared, she was in the lower right corner of the Dragon Slaying Hall.

That is the past point on the right side of the field map.

If you're in Niu Mo Cave, it's four floors down.

When we got here, there was no one around.

Because this short stretch of road doesn’t spawn monsters very much.

Qin Sheng followed and teleported over.

There is an old NPC next to him, and you can enter the sanctuary by talking to him.

Yujie began to introduce: "You can enter the sanctuary from here for one million gold coins.

You can get medals by killing the monsters inside. "

"Oh, a medal? Why haven't I heard anyone selling it?" Qin Sheng asked curiously.

He knew that medals would be sold here, and he had seen others wearing them, but he had never seen anyone selling them.

Yujie replied: "Because it's complicated, and you don't allow the use of teleportation rings, and it can't be random. The monsters that appear are also very random, and the explosion rate is still low, so the medal output is not high."

"Oh." Qin Sheng looked at Yujie's equipment and found that she was still wearing the Magic 1-3 Medal No. 44.

"This medal doesn't add much."

If you look at computer legends in the outside world, a 1-3 magic medal is definitely a good thing.

Because it's not as perverted as here.

There are hundreds of thousands of magics moving here, and this magic bonus is indeed very low.

Yujie smiled and replied: "Haha, of course it also has hidden attribute bonuses."

Hidden attributes?

That's right, I forgot about this.

Yujie changed the topic and said: "It's just that it's difficult to meet the leader of the Holy Domain after entering.

Therefore, this kind of medal is not produced in large quantities. "

"That's right, it's really difficult to do."

With so many people, there is only one leader of the Holy Domain, so it is of course difficult to get one.

Yujie added at this time: "However, there is another way to get the medal."

"what way?"

"Just go to the martial arts gym opposite the palace in Beech City and find an NPC inside. You can exchange your reputation for medals.

The highest number that can be redeemed is 1-3 attributes. "

"Reputation?" Qin Sheng remembered that external computers also have this thing, but they need to be apprenticed to get it.

Yujie explained: "Well, it is reputation. There are two ways to obtain it. The first is to become a disciple.

Go to Novice Village to accept a disciple. After he succeeds in becoming a master, as long as the disciple is upgraded, the master will be able to gain reputation one after another.

But little is gained this way.

An apprentice who starts at level 28 can only gain 5 reputation points. "

5 o'clock? This is indeed a bit less, much less than outside computer legends.

“The second method is to exchange Zuma equipment for reputation.

A piece of Zuma equipment can be exchanged for 2 points of reputation, and other junk medals can also be used to exchange for reputation, but some require several to exchange for one point.

And for 100 points of reputation, you can randomly draw a medal numbered 41 to 45.

If an inappropriate one is drawn, it can be recycled into 50 reputation points.

And if you have 1-3 attack, magic and Taoist medals, you can spend 100 reputation points there to upgrade.

After each upgrade, in addition to increasing attributes, the power of hidden attributes will also be increased. "

Yujie spoke eloquently, but Qin Sheng was dumbfounded.

He never expected that the medal would be decorated with flowers here.

Junk medals can also be used to exchange for reputation.

No wonder you don’t see others selling medals.

They probably used it all to exchange for reputation.

He curiously opened the guild panel and looked at Xian Yi's medal.

He didn't care before, because for a medal, the most he could wear was a medal No. 43 or No. 44.

It's different now. When I clicked it and took a look, I was stunned for a moment.

Medal No. 43 (enhancement plus 10):

Attack 1-10,

Magic 1-10,

Taoism 1-10,

Defense 1-10,

Magic defense 1-10.

This is all you can see, the hidden attributes cannot be seen.

But it’s awesome enough!

The original medals were only 1-3, but now they have been increased by 7 points, reaching 10, with defense, magic defense and hidden attributes.

"What are the hidden properties of your medal?"

Qin Sheng asked Yujie.

"Here, you can see for yourself. After the medal is upgraded, the hidden attributes can be improved, and other attributes can be added."

Yujie said, sending a picture of the medal.

Medal No. 44:

Magic 1-3,

Hidden properties:

1. Magic plus 3%

2, add 3 exactly,

3. Agility plus 3,

4. Magic evasion increases by 30%.

Note: The symbol of the brave men of Marfa Continent.

“It’s already pretty good!”

Qin Sheng nodded.

It is these attributes that exist like artifacts.

"Do you have any extra? Get another one." Qin Sheng chuckled.

"There are no such 1-3 medals for the time being. Because the excess ones have been upgraded.

Besides, even if there is one, you may not be able to wear it for the time being.

Because bringing a medal above No. 41 requires 50 reputation points.

However, there is a 1-2 magic medal. This can be worn without reputation, but the hidden attribute added is very low. Do you want it? "

Qin Sheng nodded, "Yes, I want one with magic."

Yujie traded one over with a smile, and Qin Sheng immediately put it on excitedly.

Medal No. 34:

Magic 1-2,

Hidden properties:

1. Magic plus 2%

2, add 2 exactly,

3. Agility plus 2,

4. Magic evasion increases by 20%.

Note: The symbol of the adventurers of Marfa Continent.

Not bad, better than nothing.

"Let's go in and try our luck. Kill a monster and see if we can drop a medal before we go out.

By the way, after entering, move around and you can enter the room with the monsters.

After the fight, just go back to the city. "

After saying that, Yujie entered first with a hiss.

Qin Sheng was about to reply when a few more people came over from a distance. He quickly entered the sanctuary to talk.

With a whoosh, Qin Sheng appeared in a small, square room.

There is no one here.

No wonder!

And it looks like the size is the same as the external computer legend.

Have they not accurately found the leader of the Holy Domain in such a small place?

Only meet occasionally?

Qin Sheng showed doubts.

No longer thinking about it, he relied on his memory to remember the specific coordinates of the leader of the sanctuary.


It's a pity that it's two blocks away from him.

If he walked over, he would definitely not be able to enter the middle room.

I tried it with a teleportation ring, and sure enough it didn’t work!

It's okay for him to remember outside computer legends.

There is no other way but to use the last resort.

Brutal collision!


Sure enough, he rushed through the middle grid and appeared at the opposite coordinate point.

The next moment, Qin Sheng entered another small room with a swipe.

This room is exactly the same as the one Qin Sheng entered. There are pillars at the four corners and burning oil lamps, lighting up the whole room red!

hold head high……

A huge howl sounded!

Qin Sheng looked for fame and was instantly pleasantly surprised!

Standing in the middle is a monster that looks exactly like the leader of Woma!


The leader of the holy realm! ! !

There is nothing to hesitate, Qin Sheng summoned the dog, five-headed strengthened Zuma guards!

Then he rushed forward with a poison spell!


After being attacked by the poison spell, the leader of the Holy Domain appeared behind Qin Sheng with a hiss, his huge claws carrying countless lightning sparks, and he clawed at Qin Sheng!

The blood volume is reduced by 260!

The blood volume is reduced by 240!

This guy's attack is quite powerful!

Although Qin Sheng did not open a shield, his defense and magic defense were high!

Being hit with so much blood by it is pretty awesome.

Qin Sheng didn't plan to open the shield, because after opening it, wouldn't he be seen by others when he went back later?

Anyway, if I can withstand it, it'll be fine.

As soon as he ran away, Gouzi and five enhanced Zuma guards blocked the pursuit of the leader of the sanctuary.

Squirt wildly at it, hammer wildly!

Qin Sheng now had some time to set fire, and then continued his lightning attack!

The blood volume of the leader of the Holy Domain is also displayed!

180,000 HP!

Every time Qin Sheng attacks it, he can gain about 300 HP!

The maximum can reach 400!

This is because he didn't use nine tricks!

Someone may come in here at any time, so be careful!

Coupled with a bunch of pet attacks, it can instantly knock out nearly a thousand HP!

At this time, Yujie came over for a private chat.

"Prodigal Son, I defeated the Holy Bull Demon General, but nothing happened. What happened to you over there?"

"Can memory sleeves be used in the monster room?" Qin Sheng asked.


"come here!"

Qin Sheng teleported Yujie over with a hiss!

"Wow! Holy Domain Leader!!!"

"Prodigal! You are so lucky!"

Yujie didn't hesitate, she also summoned Gouzi and five strengthened Zuma guards!

Follow up and attack yourself!

call out!

Being attacked again by an outsider, the leader of the Sanctuary instantly flew behind Yujie and dealt a crazy blow to her!

But after just three attacks, he was paralyzed by the thunder and lightning technique of Qin Sheng or Yu Jie!

Afterwards, it never woke up again and was beaten to death by two people and a bunch of pets.

With Qin Sheng's final blow, the huge leader of the Holy Domain fell down with a loud sound, and with the sound of a bell, a large number of equipment potions exploded on the ground.

Medal No. 43, Holy War Ring, Staff of Judgment, Devil's Bell...

Infinity Stick, Purgatory, Dragon Ring, Life Necklace...

"Summoning Divine Beasts", "Holy Word"...

God of War armor (male), ghost battle suit (female), Taoist priest helmet, bamboo flute, blue jade necklace, horse-killing sword, demon-conquering...

Holy shit!

Qin Sheng was shocked when so many things were revealed at once!

In my impression, the leader of the Sanctuary in the outside computer legend would never use the Holy War Ring and Zuma equipment.

I didn’t expect it to explode here!

After being stunned for a while, the two cheered and rushed forward to stamp on him.

Outsiders can come in here at any time, so pick them up quickly.

Soon, after picking up everything, the two of them left without stopping any longer!

call out!

The two were teleported back to the second floor of the Point of No Return by Feng Yingxiu.

"Have you two seen the scenery?" Feng Yingxiu said a little sourly.

"Haha! I went to fight the BOSS! I just killed the leader of the Holy Domain!"

"Sacred Domain Leader? What is that?" Feng Yingxiu asked curiously.

Qin Sheng explained it again and showed her the attributes of the medal, which made Feng Yingxiu feel envious.

Depressedly said:

"No, you guys will be guarding the house later. I have to follow the people in the guild to do the task of reinstalling the BOSS."

"Join Tingyu City. I will give you the core skills and help you complete tasks quickly." Yujie invited again.

"No need. It's from the Alliance anyway."

Feng Yingxiu refused again.

She doesn't want to be Yujie's subordinate.

Yujie shrugged and said: "Okay, I'll call you when the boss comes. By the way, I have the Holy War Bracelet and the Staff of Judgment that I just exploded. Can I give them to you? Prodigal son."

"No, you can keep it."

How could Qin Sheng not give anything to Yu Jie? That would be unreasonable.

He looked at the medal No. 43 in the package.

Attack 1-3.

Try wearing it.

A system prompt sounded immediately:

"Ding dong, I don't have enough reputation to equip it."

Well, wearing this requires 50 reputation points.

This is a bit difficult to do.

Qin Sheng doesn't have any reputation at all now.

Go get a disciple, it's too laborious.

An apprentice will be given 5 reputation points only after he reaches level 28 and becomes a disciple. This means he has to bring ten apprentices.

And you can only accept one apprentice at a time!

Then it will take until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse to accumulate 50 reputation points?

The fastest way is naturally to exchange for Zuma equipment.

But one piece of Zuma equipment only costs 2 points of reputation, and 50 points of reputation requires 25 pieces of Zuma equipment!

The cheapest Zuma equipment costs 80 million gold coins!

In other words, it will cost two billion gold coins!

Of course Qin Sheng has the money!

And there are at least several hundred pieces of Zuma brand-name equipment in his warehouse.

They are all super top quality!

But of course he would not foolishly exchange super-quality goods for reputation.

He planned to use these equipments to improve his relatives. My family no longer needs it, but my father-in-law still needs it. But you don’t need that much, you can completely use a lot of it in exchange for money, and you need to improve yourself first.

Only when you are strong can you protect more people, otherwise it's all nonsense.

However, 50 reputation points is easy to obtain, but it is a bit difficult to upgrade.

To upgrade with 100 reputation points, you need 50 Zuma equipment!

And each one can be upgraded seven times!

Converted into gold coins, it would cost 28 billion gold coins!

No wonder the value of Zuma's equipment has remained high. There are so many in need.

Just changing reputation is a bottomless pit!

Because everyone needs it!

But this thing is not easy to come up with!

Don't expect Qin Sheng to drop Zuma equipment every time he fights small bosses and perverts.

In fact, his explosion rate is 80% higher than others!

Therefore, Zuma equipment is still very popular.

Thinking about the huge amount of gold coins required to fuse the special rings, if you want to get all the graduation outfits in this continent, you still have to buy them!

Qin Sheng owns some junk Zuma brand names, and originally wanted to exchange them with Mu Shui for some junk Zuma, and use them together to gain reputation, but he still has a famous name.

The way back to the city must be back to Hongming Village.

Thinking of his abnormal explosion rate, Qin Sheng decided not to redeem it yet. Anyway, he could get enough by playing for a few hours.

It's just time to wash the red name out of the yellow, otherwise it will be troublesome to return to the main city.

A few more hours passed in the blink of an eye, and the time reached twelve o'clock in the evening again.

Yujie returned to the city to sleep, and Qin Sheng's red name finally turned yellow, and the junk Zuma equipment was also gathered.

Leaving Feng Yingxiu here, he and Yujie disappeared in an instant.

Watching the two disappearing figures, Feng Yingxiu was thoughtful...

Aren't these two going to book a room?

Do you still want to persist?

she does not know……

On the other side, Qin Sheng and Yu Jie returned to Tucheng.

"Together?" Yujie blushed and invited again.

Qin Sheng shook his head, said nothing, and ran away with a hiss.

"Wood..." Yujie dropped a word and entered the inn.

Boo hoo hoo…

After a while of teleportation, Qin Sheng finally arrived at the martial arts gym next to the palace...

"Kneel down and beg for monthly tickets"!

"Recommend my old book: The Invisibility Ring at the Beginning of the Hot-Blooded Legend"

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