I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 374 New monster in the road of no return! The Dark Red Moon Demon has arrived! Shocked the w

Legend, on the road of no return...

After a series of searches, Qin Sheng finally found a new hidden map!

Point of no return!

The meaning is that after embarking on this road, there will be no turning back!

Either go to the end or go back to the city!

This corridor is filled with countless red moon monsters!

Steel-toothed spiders, toothy spiders, patterned spiders, wolf spiders, and even moon demon spiders, blood giants, blood zombies...

Obviously, this place is very different from the point of no return in Qin Sheng's impression.

In the outside computer legend, there are no blood zombies, moon demon spiders, blood giants, etc. in Point of No Return.

But there are obviously more advanced monsters added here!

Qin Sheng was not surprised but happy!

The more advanced the monster type, the better!

Anyway, to him, they are all little monsters!

It would be nice if there could be the Red Moon Demon, the Two-Headed King Kong, etc. here.

Thinking happily in his heart, Qin Sheng laughed out loud as he felt the attacks of the monsters on him.

From now on this place will be his.

Still, be careful.

Don't let others check his location.

Then there is only one way, just be honest during this period and don't fight with others.

As long as he doesn't cause trouble, who can use the detection necklace to look for him every day?

Yes, the detection necklace is also a special necklace. You should get one yourself. With your current financial resources, it is easy to buy one.

As long as he has the detection necklace, if any bastard bullies him in the game, he will bully his wife and children.

Well, speaking from the outside world, it would be great if there was such a pursuit function in the game.

Even if the opponent goes to the end of the world, he can't escape from his grasp.

As he was thinking in his mind, Qin Sheng's men did not stop and kept beating monsters.

With his current attack power, it would be easy to defeat these monsters.

It's just that there are too many special moon demon spiders, and they are scattered in the air, which is a bit annoying.

A large group of people would surround him, and they would always paralyze him.

The attack power is rubbish!

The problem is that once he is paralyzed, he cannot move for at least five seconds, which seriously affects his efficiency in killing monsters.

What's even more speechless is that the paralysis effects of these moon demon spiders can be superimposed.

For example, the first one paralyzes you for five seconds, and then they continue to paralyze you!

As long as one of these five seconds is successful, you will have another five seconds!

Those with poor defense and those on the back can really be paralyzed to death!

Qin Sheng, who was wearing a shield, stood and let them hit him, but he couldn't be killed!

The key is that the efficiency of killing monsters is greatly reduced!

It is indeed the point of no return!

This Moon Demon Spider has reached a terrifying level!

Unconsciously talking about strange things, Qin Sheng's thoughts drifted back to the distant past.

At that time, I would occasionally bring my wife here to buy potions and sell them for money.

So many years have passed in a flash...

If one day my wife can also enter the game, I must take her to visit the Marfa Continent again.

Just when Qin Sheng was thinking about killing monsters, Yujie came over for a private chat.

"Prodigal son, you're not healed yet. There's an elite steel-toothed spider waiting for you to hit it!"

Qin Sheng was silent for a moment and said with a smile: "I will tell you something now, so don't be surprised."

The corridor here is many times larger than the corridor in the outside computer legend! There are two long corridors at the back, which are enough for him. Yujie and Feng Yingxiu can spawn monsters here. There are so many Moon Demon Spiders, etc. It would be nice if someone could carry them, otherwise the paralysis would be annoying. Besides, if multiple people fight monsters, they will kill faster and gain more experience points.

Therefore, Qin Sheng decided to bring the two of them over and have a good time together.

Yujie curiously asked in a private chat: "Okay, what's the matter?"

"I found a hidden map, which is full of red moon monsters, blood zombies, etc." Qin Sheng said with a proud smile.

"What? You found the hidden map?" Yujie was shocked.

Then came the ecstasy, "Where is it? Pull me over quickly!"

Qin Sheng smiled and said, "Well, don't tell anyone else. I'll talk to Feng Yingxiu later. Just tell me that the three of us will go somewhere else to play."

"Okay! No problem, wait until we finish beating this elite monster."

Next, Qin Sheng secretly told Feng Yingxiu again, which naturally made Feng Yingxiu jump for joy.

Soon the fight on Yujie's side was over and they found an excuse. The three of them withdrew from the main force and formed a new group.

Then, with a hiss, Qin Sheng was teleported to his side.

As soon as the two girls arrived, they brushed the spiders and looked around.

Yujie exclaimed: "Wow! It's really a hidden map! The point of no return! What a strange name!"

Feng Yingxiu also said: "Tsk, tsk, there are too many humanoid skeletons on the ground, right? I can't even put my feet down!"

Qin Sheng smiled and replied: "Haha, how else could it be called the point of no return?"

Indeed, the entire ground along the Route of No Return was littered with skeletons, which almost affected normal walking.

If the three of them clean up here, it will be quick. Once the wall of fire is set off, it will kill a large area around it.

Equipment potions dropped on the ground with a clanging sound.

Purple snail, black iron helmet, Sibei bracelet, devil robe (male), Taoist helmet, etc...

"Wow! The explosion rate here looks good!" Feng Yingxiu cheered again.

He rushed up and picked it up.

Qin Sheng went to the front to lure the monsters. He only had to run forward a little, and countless monsters swarmed in!

This time, there are several more elite monsters.

Elite Pattern Spider, Elite Black Spider, Elite Blood Zombie!

"So many elite monsters are getting rich!"

Looking at these elite monsters, Yujie and Feng Yingxiu's eyes turned green.

Qin Sheng was thoughtful.

Wanting to kill him here is just trivial to him now.

But for players who have never entered the Day Gate before, it may be difficult.

However, not necessarily.

Because there are ultimate monsters everywhere, you don't have to enter the White Gate area to explode the Red Moon equipment.

All I can say is that this hidden map is too hidden.

In the outside computer legend, others have choices after all, and you can go wherever you want.

It's better here. If you don't ask, people won't tell you at all.

The question is who suddenly asked the lottery winner out of boredom: Do you know the passage to the White Gate?

Precisely because it was so hidden, it was Qin Sheng's turn to practice leveling here.

After some killings, the division of labor among the three began to become clear.

Qin Sheng and Yu Jie have high attack and defense power, so they can kill monsters in front!

Feng Yingxiu followed behind to pick up something!

When it’s full, go out and sell it!

Otherwise, too many things will fall and you will have to stop to pick them up, which will waste the speed of spawning monsters.

Therefore, Qin Sheng was not as fast as the three of them in killing monsters by himself.

You can't just not pick up things that fall on the floor. That would be too luxurious.

I still have to make money to fuse special rings and wait...

After the three of them moved forward to clean up for a while, Qin Sheng looked at the big two-headed guy in the distance, his eyes glazed over again.

Evil giant!

Damn it!

There is a monster that only exists in private servers, the evil giant!

The name is different, but it looks similar to the two-headed King Kong.

What will happen if you kill it?

"Wow! New monster!"

Not allowing Qin Sheng to think too much, Yujie had already taken the lead and struck forward with a thunder and lightning technique!

The blood volume is 120,000!

I go! Sure enough, the blood volume is the same as that of the two-headed brothers!

The defense is about the same!

There were no outsiders here, so Qin Sheng and Yu Jie simply put on their luck 9 suits and started working!

The steady output of the two quickly attracted Feng Yingxiu's attention.

She asked in shock:

"Wow! Why can your output remain so high?"

As a partner who often practices together, Qin Sheng did not hide anything anymore. He told Feng Yingxiu about the lucky nine sets and told her not to spread the word.

"I'm dizzy! Luck has such an incredible power! Haha! I have a memory necklace that adds 4 to luck in my warehouse. I can just use it!"

Feng Yingxiu cheered in surprise.

Qin Sheng was confused when he heard this!

"Do you have a lucky plus 4 necklace?"

He has purchased all the lucky 2 and above necklaces across the continent, and only has two white tiger tooth necklaces with a lucky 4.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yingxiu also has one!

Hasn't she always been very dark?

Even Yujie was shocked when she heard this.

Feng Yingxiu smiled and said: "Hey, during the last siege, some unlucky guy died and dropped it on me. I felt special, so I kept it.

Unfortunately, my weapon is lucky plus 3. "

Qin Sheng smiled and said, "It's okay. I have blessing oil. Let's go back together later and I'll give you some."

"Huh? That's not right! Then we have to quickly buy necklaces with Lucky 2 and above, as well as blessing oil, right? We can't sell them at sky-high prices in the future!"

Feng Yingxiu seemed to have discovered a new continent, and said with shining eyes.

"Haha, we have been doing it for a long time." Yujie laughed.

"Okay! You don't want to take me to play with such fun things." Feng Yingxiu pursed her lips.

"Haha, we only discovered it a few days ago. Did you think we had such a powerful output before? If I really didn't want to play with you, I won't tell you now." Qin Sheng explained with a smile.

"You still have some conscience." Feng Yingxiu laughed again.

Afterwards, while fighting monsters, the three of them discussed how to stock up on blessing oil in the future.

As he spoke, the evil giant's blood volume was almost at its bottom.

Yujie and Feng Yingxiu quickly stopped and let Qin Sheng fight on his own.

Qin Sheng roared a few times and knocked the evil giant to the ground!

The bell rang loudly, and a large amount of equipment potions exploded on the ground.

The floor is covered with colorful flowers!

1 point silver attribute scroll!

Silver attribute strengthening divine stone.

Holy War Ring, Bone Jade Scepter, Titan Ring, Infinity Stick...

"Summoning Divine Beasts", "Holy Word"...

Ghost battle suit (female), blue jade necklace, moral ring, ebony bracelet...

"Wow! The Holy War Ring actually exploded!"

"That's awesome!"

The two women immediately cheered!

The three people moved forward and picked it up excitedly.

At the last count, this BOSS directly revealed something worth more than 800 million.

Divided among three people, each person can get almost 300 million.

In addition to the things that exploded after entering just now, everyone can already get 400 million gold coins!

It’s simply a great place to earn gold and level up!

Keep fighting all the way forward!

With the blessing of Qin Sheng and Yu Jie's Nine Sets of Yun, the speed of killing monsters is even faster!

It made Feng Yingxiu unable to pick up anything.

However, Yujie rolled her eyes a little.

Feng Yingxiu wore a white short sleeve and kept bending down to pick up things.

The problem is that when picking it up, my waist is extremely bent, and no matter how I pick it up, I always point my butt towards Qin Sheng.

Such a naked temptation, even a fool can see it.

Haven't you seen the prodigal son looking back from time to time?

"Stop looking, there's no need to fight any more monsters." Yujie said.

"Ah, haha, let me see if the monsters have been refreshed in the back?"

Being caught, Qin Sheng awkwardly made an excuse.

He actually didn't want to look. The problem was that wherever he turned his head, Feng Yingxiu would follow.

This made him want to look like it.

Forget it, he simply turned a blind eye and let the other party do whatever he wanted.

After slaying another wave of monsters, Feng Yingxiu ran back to the city to sell things. Yujie followed her back to get some blessing oil for her.

Qin Sheng didn't want that holy war ring, it was just an ordinary one.

Anyway, you can get good results from lottery draws from time to time.

When the two girls returned, Feng Yingxiu also changed into a lucky 9 suit.

Occasionally, it is more powerful when spawning monsters.

Keep pushing!

Qin Sheng wanted to wait until all three corridors were painted before filling the three corridors with fire walls.

Because we have to see first what kind of monsters are there.

After more than ten minutes, the first corridor was finally painted.

The most powerful one is an evil giant!

Afterwards, Qin Sheng took the lead and walked into the second corridor!


Ang Ang Ang…

Here, there are still dense spider monsters!

Zilala...hell's thunder!

Crash...ice roars!

Rumble... Meteor and fire shower!

Whoosh whoosh...set fire!

After a killing spree, the three of them cleared away all the monsters around them.

While Feng Yingxiu was picking up things, Qin Sheng tried to walk towards the wall behind.

Sure enough, there is no way to go back!

Point of no return!

We can only go forward!

Can't go back!

"Can't you go back to the previous level?" Yujie also tried and said speechlessly.

Qin Sheng nodded: "Well, we can only move forward."

"Then how do we go back?" Feng Yingxiu asked depressedly.

Qin Sheng smiled and said: "Haha, just come in through the entrance."


The two women looked at each other and said nothing.

Since entering here, neither woman has asked how they got here.

I have this mentality in my heart that I don’t want the prodigal to misunderstand.

They didn't ask, and Qin Sheng didn't bother to say anything.

Anyway, I will pull them in.

The three of them continued to kill inside...

However, after fighting all the way to the end of the second floor, except for some elite monsters, no other new monsters were encountered.

The evil giant was never seen again.

"Is there still a road ahead?"

Yujie stood at the end of the second floor and asked.

"I don't know. It's my first time here too." Although Qin Sheng knew there was another level, he couldn't tell.

"I'll go take a look first."

Qin Sheng said and entered the next level!

Once you enter, it’s still a corridor!

As far as the eye can see, there are still monsters everywhere!

The difference is that there is a new kind of monster here.

Evil tree demon!

It looks just like the thousand-year-old tree demon in the Demon Sealing Valley!

Also use the ground stab attack!

But its attack power is much stronger than that of the Millennium Tree Demon.

Of course, for Qin Sheng, it was just like scratching an itch.

He smashed the ice and roared, and called the two women over.

When the two women came over, they were immediately surprised.

"Huh? Thousand-year tree demon?"

"No! Evil tree demon!"

There are really new monsters here!

The two women's eyes instantly lit up and they started attacking crazily!

The evil tree demon's health volume is also extremely high, reaching a health volume of 120,000.

When Qin Sheng blew it up, there was also a big explosion!

And this big explosion is incredible!

In addition to the staff of judgment, the devil's bell, the moon in the well, etc. that exploded all over the ground, there was also a sparkling sign.

"Dark Red Moon Demon Summoning Token!"

Qin Sheng picked it up in surprise and took a look, then he was ecstatic.

"After using it, you can summon the Dark Red Moon Demon. After killing it, you can get the top treasure."

Feng Yingxiu and Yujie were equally shocked when they saw the token.

"I'm dizzy! The Dark Red Moon Demon! I've never heard of this monster!" Yujie said in shock.

Indeed, her father told her about all BOSS, but never about the evil giant, the evil tree demon, or the dark red moon demon!

Feng Yingxiu laughed: "Ah, hahaha! This is really a super treasure place! There is such a hidden BOSS!

So cool! "

"Haha, let me ask my godfather."

Yujie smiled and immediately chatted privately with her father, asking herself which bosses there were in the whole continent.

The answer was still the same as before.

Then she smiled and said to Yujie and Qin Sheng:

"It's confirmed, this is a new BOSS!"

"Haha, then summon it and have a look." Feng Yingxiu said excitedly.


Qin Sheng also wanted to see what the Dark Red Moon Demon would explode here.

So I used the summoning token directly.

Who knows, just after Qin Sheng finished using it, the Scarlet Moon Demon of Darkness had not yet appeared, but three consecutive server-wide announcements rang.

"Ding dong! The system prompts that the evil Red Moon Demon of Darkness has descended on the road of no return carrying a large amount of treasures! Warriors, please go and kill him!

Maintain the peace of Marfa Continent! "

"Ding dong! The system prompts that the evil Dark Red Moon Demon is carrying a large amount of treasures..."

"Ding dong..."

The three consecutive system announcements shocked everyone!

After a moment of silence, the whole continent went crazy!

"What? The Dark Red Moon Demon is coming? Why the hell have I never heard of this BOSS?"

"Holy crap! The Red Moon Demon of Darkness! The new BOSS? Where is the point of no return?"

"My day! The point of no return! Who knows where the point of no return is? There are a lot of treasures!"

Ordinary players are in trouble!

Needless to say, the big guys!

The tenth floor of the illusion, in the Dragon Slaying Hall...

Xingye's Sadness and the others were instantly confused when they were fighting an Ultimate Dark Bull Demon King!

"Dark Red Moon Demon? Damn! Is there such a monster?" Xingye asked everyone sadly.

Coyote, who cut off his training and retrained, said in shock: "No, this should be the hidden BOSS at the point of no return!"

"Where is the point of no return?" Cannonfire God asked in confusion.

The dark palace minister shook his head: "Who knows where it is! Damn it! Someone must have discovered the new hidden map!"

Three ants walked sideways: "Fuck! Who is so lucky?"

Gao Gao Gao was happy: "The devil knows!"

The coyote who cut off and retrained: "Oh my God! Isn't he an unknown prodigal again?"

"Quickly, who has the detection necklace? Find out where the unknown prodigal is?" Xingye's sadness immediately ordered!

"I brought it! Hehe!"

The coyote who had cut off his training and retrained smiled and immediately inquired.

"Oh my God! It's not him! He is in the Tucheng safe zone."

Gunfire Thunder God reminded: "Look at Yujie and Feng Yingxiu! They are often together."

"No! They are also in Tucheng!" Coyote, who had cut off his training, shook his head.

"Damn! Who could that be?" Everyone was speechless for a while.

Then he began to order his men to find a way out!

"Where do we look for it?" Gunfire Thunder God asked.

"The boss is the Scarlet Moon Demon of Darkness, and he must be in the Scarlet Moon Canyon!" The three ants walked sideways and said with certainty.

When everyone heard it, it made sense, and they immediately ordered their men to explore every map of Chiyue Canyon!

Their method is very simple, they use the method they used to find the way to seal the demon last time to find the way to no return!

As long as the point of no return is in Chiyue Canyon, we will find it sooner or later!

On the other side...

In the past, Yan Yi loved Xin Bao the most. Zhou Xiangbo, Tang Ruoxuan and others were also discussing about the Dark Red Moon Demon.

Some people also doubted whether it was a hidden map found by the nameless prodigal son. After secretly checking it, it turned out that the nameless prodigal son and the others were in the Tucheng safe zone.

Everyone then discussed where the point of no return would be.

After a period of discussion, they finally settled on Chiyue Canyon.

Send a large number of men there!

Not only them, but also the Tiandao Alliance and other large and small forces. As long as they could go to Chiyue Canyon, they all ran there to explore and search.

In addition to being attracted by the large number of treasures prompted by the system, he was also more curious about the unknown map.

So many years have passed.

This is the first time that the game system has made such a server-wide announcement!

This shows how awesome this Dark Red Moon Demon is!

And of all the people, only one was a little confused.

That is the memory of the past.

Before the system prompted the Dark Red Moon Demon to appear, his daughter asked him a strange question.

What BOSS are there in the world?

It stands to reason that my daughter was having fun with that gangster at this time, so how could she ask such a question.

So there is only one truth!

That means this incident must have been caused by that bastard and his daughter.

Although there were endless speculations in my heart, the memories of the past remained silent.

Anyway, if that's the case, what's the benefit? My daughter can also benefit from it.

However, Yan Yi once had a private chat with Qin Sheng and reminded:

"Prodigal son, there are many people staring at you now. If it is a hidden map you have discovered, it is best not to go in again for the time being."

"Haha, how could it be us? We are still looking for it." Of course Qin Sheng denied it and wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead.

It was so dangerous just now!

He never expected that just by summoning a Dark Red Moon Demon, it would trigger an announcement throughout the game!

What’s so special about this is that this is the first time he’s heard a system-wide announcement since he’s been in the game for so long!

You don’t need to think about it to know how serious the matter is!

After being stunned for a moment, Qin Sheng immediately asked Yujie and Feng Yingxiu to return to the city!

The two women naturally obeyed Qin Sheng's words, and the boss returned to the city without even fighting.

The three of them returned to the city and listened to everyone in the safe zone talking about the Red Moon Demon of Darkness. They felt proud and worried at the same time!

"Prodigal Son, why are we going back to the city? I didn't even see the Dark Red Moon Demon clearly." Feng Yingxiu asked in the team in a depressed tone.

Yujie smiled and said: "Haha, if we don't return to the city, there will probably be a large group of people using detection necklaces to check us, and we will be in trouble then."

"Ah, why are they querying us? Did the system mention our names?" Feng Yingxiu was still a little confused.

Yujie chuckled softly: "It's not like the prodigal son has a criminal record. Have you forgotten that he was the one who found out the previous demon-sealing way?

When others look at the hidden map, the first thing they think of is the prodigal son. "

Yujie's explanation made Feng Yingxiu suddenly realize.

At the same time, he also admired Qin Sheng's witty performance just now.

If you didn't run back just now, it would be really troublesome for others to check.

Although the entrance is not clear, others will keep staring at them.

One day if you are negligent, you will be discovered.

Of course Qin Sheng also considered this level of reasons.

If they were really exposed, no matter where he went, he would be stared at.

Unless they have someone who is stuck in the point of no return and keeps sending people away.

But due to the nature of the point of no return, if you go forward, you cannot go back.

They were determined to enter again through the entrance.

When someone discovers that he frequently goes to draw prizes, it will definitely arouse others' suspicion.

Therefore, the best way is to avoid this limelight first.

As for the summoned Dark Red Moon Demon, it was at the point of no return anyway. No one but him knew how to get in. How could it escape?


He simply took the two girls to a restaurant to have a drink and a meal...

What Qin Sheng didn't know was that he and the two women were being questioned countless times while they were eating and drinking...

The answers they got were all at the Tucheng Hotel. Xing Ye's sad and others, who did not believe in evil, even sent someone to check it out.

Sure enough, Qin Sheng and the other two were eating happily...

After Qin Sheng and the others finished eating, they went to the secret passage in the valley to practice leveling, which completely dispelled the doubts of others...

"Kneel down and beg for monthly tickets"

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