I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 342 Blacksmithing! The perfect combination of curse and luck!

On the first floor of the legendary Cang Yue Island Corpse Demon Cave...

A group of guild bosses from the Tiandao Alliance fell from the sky and instantly killed Qin Sheng and Yu Jie!

This makes Yujie a little crazy!

Just open your mouth and retaliate.

"Hey! You are all guild bosses, and a group of people came to kill us two! Isn't it too shameless?"

Qin Sheng echoed and cursed: "A bunch of old people! Do you want some money?"

"Haha, what's wrong with you? We've already started a battle. Isn't it normal to kill you?"

A Tiandao Alliance president shrugged and said indifferently.

"Okay! You guys are cruel! You want to play, don't you? Then let's have some fun with you!" Yujie is also a person with a temper. She has decided that after she is resurrected, she will not level up for now and go to kill randomly.

Qin Sheng suddenly asked: "Do you want to explode our magic lamp?"

"Haha, what magic lamp?"

Faced with Qin Sheng's questioning, who in the Tiandao Alliance would admit it.

Once you admit it, if others don't take it out with you in the future, how can you explode it?

"Hey, give up, that thing is not equipment and cannot be exploded, hahaha..." Qin Sheng laughed loudly.

Although logically speaking, this information should not be told to the other party.

But he doesn't want a group of big guys to chase him with detectors every day, and he doesn't want to get into any kind of fight.

Kill again and again, but you can still be resurrected.

He just wanted to find a place to practice quietly to improve his strength.

Originally, with the existence of the flashlight, he thought he could sit back and relax in Niu Qi and start leveling up like crazy.

Who knew it would lead to such a disaster...

Unfortunately, the people present in the Tiandao Alliance just smiled coldly at Qin Sheng's statement.

They would not believe what Qin Sheng said.

Unless they get one in hand and test it themselves.

Qin Sheng also saw it, so he stopped talking and resurrected with Yujie.

The two reappeared at the resurrection point in Cangyue Fishing Village.

It was very crowded with players all around.

And while Qin Sheng was looking at it, players were constantly being resurrected or returning to the city with residual health.

Moreover, most of these people are members of the Anti-Shabak Alliance and players of the Tiandao Alliance.

It shows how fierce the battle is!

At the same time, a lot of abuse was heard in nearby areas.

Let you go to the sky n let you fly area shouting:

"Old dogs of the Tiandao Alliance! I wish you will be hacked when you go out! You will never get the best brand-name products when you fight monsters!"

Xiaotian’s machine area shouts:

"Bitches of the Anti-Shabak Alliance! I hope you won't explode if you fight!

Whatever you strengthen will break! ! "

In addition to this kind of weird curses, there are more voices from both sides greeting each other's relatives.

Qin Sheng felt his tooth hurt when he heard it.

"Prodigal son, let's go kill him too!" Yujie licked her lips, eager to try.

Qin Sheng shook his head, "I doubt that we will be stared at as soon as we go out. Don't forget that they want the magic lamp."

Yujie: "Well, that's true...then...eh? There are also a few brothers who were with us just now. They were killed by the boss when they went out.

It seems you are right. "

Qin Sheng quickly opened the guild channel to chat. Sure enough, the brothers who had just played Niu Qi with them were complaining in the guild.

Not long after he left home, he was targeted by the big guys and killed.

The people from the Tiandao Alliance obviously took a fancy to the flashlights in their hands.

This is troublesome.

You can’t help but go out, right?

"How about we go to the Xiangshi Tomb? The monsters there haven't been killed in a few days." Yujie suggested.

Qin Sheng shook his head, "This...isn't good. They are always looking for us with detectors. It would be tragic if they find the Xiangshi Tomb."

Although it is said that he is in Xiangshi Tomb, others may not know where he is.

It’s hard to say.

Just like the Demon Sealing Dao, it has a prefix,

Sealing Demon Valley and Sealing Demon Road.

If there was a fragrant stone tomb,

Sabak fragrant stone tomb!

Isn’t this nonsense?

After all, there is a small treasure trove there, but it cannot be exposed.

So where to upgrade now?

Qin Sheng was a little confused...

He had taken out a lot of flashlights that were not available here, and he thought they would bring him super high benefits.

I didn't expect the backlash so quickly.

In this world, if something appears that shouldn't appear, the sequelae will come out.

There is no way, there are still too many bosses who can restrain him.

This caused his original idea of ​​investing in something more awesome to stop immediately.

Before he completely suppresses those city lord-level bosses, it is estimated that no matter what kind of good things he comes up with, it will arouse strong peeps and backlash.

As long as the opponent detects and teleports, he can be firmly controlled.

If you can't level up, everything is nonsense.

After all, besides making money, leveling up is his ultimate goal!

The higher the experience value, the more powerful the outside world will be!

In his thoughts, he had a private chat with the boss of the Mafa Tiandao Alliance.

"I don't take the magic lamp with me when I go out. I handed it all over to the president, so stop chasing me."

The boss of the Mafa Tiandao Alliance ignored him, and Qin Sheng didn't say anything more.

Anyway, whether you say it yourself or not, whether the other party believes it or not is another matter.

He still didn't believe that the other party could chase him and chop him every day.

After talking to the other party, what Qin Sheng has to do now is how to level up.

It's still far from 24 hours, so we can't waste a day in the city.

It's a pity that the Demon-Sealing Dao was pulled out.

If there is a hidden map, just stay in it and keep browsing.

Judging from the current form of fighting between the two alliances, it is unlikely that it will stop in a few days.

It seems that I need to get more demon-slaying points in the outside world.

As long as there are enough external demon-slaying points, he will gain a lot of experience even if he draws a lottery.

So now...

Forget it, let's get the Lost Soul Divine Weapon to add 10 curses.

So, he said to Yujie:

"Do you have time? How about you do me a favor and let's play a game."

"Playing games...of course, you want...what game do you want to play?" Yujie's face turned red inexplicably and her voice became much lower.

"Haha, come with me."

Qin Sheng took the lead into a couple's inn. Yujie reached the door, paused for a moment, then gritted her teeth and followed in.

As a result, she followed Qin Sheng all the way to the warehouse.

What is this for?

There are so many people in the warehouse...

How to play?

Before she could think too much, Qin Sheng had already opened the transaction column and put a weapon up.

When Yujie saw it, she was stunned!

Pink Staff of Judgment? !

When I looked at the name carefully, I was instantly stunned.

Lost Soul Divine Weapon! ! !

"You, you actually have this thing?" Yujie exclaimed!

Legend has it that in the unknown dark palace, after killing the dark palace chicken, there is a chance that a magical weapon that is superior to dragon slaying will explode!

But until now, only Xingye's sadness has a magic weapon of downfall!

So what happened to this soul-losing magic weapon?

"Well, one time after you went to bed at night, I went to the unknown dark palace. I was lucky and killed a dark palace chicken."

Qin Sheng did not say that it was the Ultimate Dark Palace Chicken that broke out last time. Some things have been done, but there is no need to say it.

Otherwise there may be some trouble.

"Ah, you are so lucky! But your one is different from Xingye's sad one.

His is green.

What are the attributes of this weapon? "

Yujie asked eagerly.

The major forces all know that Xingye's Sadness has a green magic weapon of despair, but no one knows its attributes.

Now that Qin Sheng has created the pink soul-falling magic weapon, Yujie certainly wants to know its attributes.

Qin Sheng didn't hide anything and gave the attributes of the Soul-Lost Divine Weapon to Yujie. Along the way, this girl has never betrayed him, and she is definitely his most trustworthy person in the world.


"This attribute is too strong! Add 10 points to agility and accuracy!

The explosion rate increases by 50%! "

"Increase the damage of all skills by 30%!"

"That's awesome!"

"No wonder I was spawning monsters with you in the Demon Sealing Path before, and the explosion rate was so high!"

"It turns out it's all thanks to this weapon!"

Yujie chatted privately with Qin Sheng, and there were a lot of exclamations.

Qin Sheng: "Hey, now I only need to add 10 to the curse, so I want you to chop it for me.

Anyway, I can’t go out to level up now. "

"Uh, chop me... Okay."

Yujie felt inexplicably disappointed. This was not the same game as she thought.

Next, the two were ready to start, but the problem came again.

That means they were targeted and they left the safe zone. Maybe Qin Sheng would be found and killed by the big guys before Qin Sheng hacked Yu Jie to death.

"Where are we going to play?" Yujie had a headache.

Qin Sheng was silent for a moment, rolled his eyes, and asked:

"Do you have a detection necklace?"

"Yes, I have."

"Let's do this. I'll enter the Xiangshi Tomb first, and you can detect me and see what the system says.

If we directly prompt the fragrant stone tomb, then we will be safe.

If it prompts the Shabak fragrant stone tomb, then I will return to the city immediately. "

As soon as you enter, let Yujie detect it. If you can, stay or retreat if you can't.

Qin Sheng didn't think he was carrying it like this, and someone happened to detect it in just a second or two.


After the two discussed for a while, Yujie took the detection necklace, but did not go to the Xiangshi Tomb immediately.

They had just been killed, so they were still the focus of attention, and they were still relatively bumpy.

Go again later.

So Yujie went to practice making clothes, while Qin Sheng came to the weapon shop in Beech City, preparing to practice his weapon forging skills.

After learning it, he has been working hard to level up without practicing properly.

Now that I have some free time, I might as well give it a try.

I wonder what kind of use the blacksmithing technique will have in the outside world after it becomes awesome?

This is also the reason why Qin Sheng wants to learn blacksmithing.

Anyway, I have nothing to do now...

Qin Sheng opened the skill bar.

Blacksmithing: Apprentice.

Experience value: 3-1000.

Weapons below level 10 can currently be forged.

Alas, since he learned blacksmithing, apart from practicing it twice at the beginning, he has not practiced it since.

This resulted in him still being an apprentice in this life skill.

Thinking about forging silently in his mind, a forging interface appeared in front of Qin Sheng.

All weapons up to level 10 are shown above.

From low to high there are:

Wooden sword, ebony sword, dagger, bronze sword, iron sword, short sword!

In addition, there are various life props.

However, there is no specific description of what the life props will be created, they are all random.

Qin Sheng was too lazy to forge life props and directly chose to forge weapons.

As for weapons, I considered the issue of taking action and decided to forge an ebony sword.

Forged Ebony Sword:

Requires: two pieces of copper ore of quality 10 or above, two pieces of iron ore of quality 10 or above, plus two pieces of wood, the success probability is 100%.

A piece of copper or iron ore with quality 10 costs 1,000 gold coins.

A piece of wood costs 500 gold coins!

This is equivalent to making an ebony sword, which costs five thousand gold coins.

The current price of an ordinary ebony sword is three thousand gold coins, and making one would cost you two thousand gold coins.

But this is also relative.

Because if you dig the mine yourself, you won't lose money.

Because buying ore in the store is twice as expensive, it is naturally much cheaper if you don’t buy it here.

Just like now, there are many mining players in the weapon shop who are selling quality 10 iron ore and copper ore.

There is no way, they only sell 500 gold coins each in the store, which is really a loss.

Although Qin Sheng is very rich now, wouldn't he be in trouble if he doesn't buy cheap ones?

So he privately chatted with one of the people who was shouting about selling in large quantities among the crowd of people shouting, and asked him how to sell.

Sheep who loves to eat fat sheep: "Boss, if you want a small amount, eight hundred gold coins per piece!

If it's a large amount, it's seven hundred gold coins a piece. "

"Okay, I'll make it here. I want a lot of it!"

"Ah, good!" the sheep who loves to eat fat sheep said with a smile.

Therefore, Mr. Qin Sheng each asked for twenty pieces of iron ore and copper ore of quality 10.

As a result, Qin Sheng regretted it.

Because this guy only has more than 20 yuan on him, he has to go to the warehouse to get it if needed.

This back and forth takes a lot of time...

After buying more than 20 yuan from him, Qin Sheng asked other people while he was going to the warehouse to get things.

This time he asked about the quantity first, and it turned out that for most people it was more than ten yuan.

At this time, Qin Sheng completely gave up the idea of ​​saving money.

The main reason is that these people are not large, and he has to chat with them privately, bargain, and make transactions. This time is really wasteful.

Not worth it at all!

Anyway, I don’t lack this little money,

So, Qin Sheng simply bought it from the owner of the weapons store.

After making some purchases, Qin Sheng began to forge the ebony sword!

There is no shortage of materials, and 100% success is achieved very quickly!

Forging an ebony sword will grant you 2 proficiency points.

Qin Sheng only needs to forge 499 more ebony swords to reach one thousand proficiency levels.

There was a flash of light!

"Congratulations on getting an ebony sword!"

"Congratulations on getting an ebony sword!"

"Congratulations on getting a top-notch ebony sword!"

Qin Sheng was numbly forging an ebony sword when a different sound suddenly caught his attention.

The best ebony sword? !

There is indeed a chance of getting the best product during the forging process!

Although this thing is garbage to him, it can't hold back his curiosity.

Open the package and take a look,

Ebony Sword:

Attack 4-9, magic 0-1...

Well, it adds 1 more point of attack, so it's okay, and it can be sold for 10,000 to 20,000 gold coins.

After a crazy forging session, Qin Sheng’s first parcel column was full!

There are two top quality ones in total.

A handful adds 1 more attack point, and a handful adds a little more Taoism.

The ordinary market price is currently only 3,000 gold coins a handful. If you sell it and others take it, it will probably only be around 2,000 gold coins.

Qin Sheng had a private chat with Mu Shui and asked him if he wanted a large number of ebony swords.

"Well, brother, I really don't accept others, I can't make much money, and I'm still tired.

But I will definitely accept yours.

However, I can only give a handful of two thousand gold coins at most. "

"no problem."

Qin Sheng doesn't care about this either, as long as someone accepts it, he will lose less.

In addition to the dozen ores collected in the front, Qin Sheng's swords in the back were made of ebony worth the equivalent of five thousand gold coins.

499, which cost him nearly 2.5 million gold coins.

But Qin Sheng actually didn’t lose much.

499 of them, eight of them are top quality.

And there is a handful inside, which is pretty good.

Taoist 0-2 ebony sword, this one cost 200,000 gold coins to buy.

Plus seven other top-quality hands were sold for 150,000 yuan!

There are three hundred and fifty thousand here!

Adding up the others, the total is more than 1.33 million gold coins!

After completing these 499 games, the loss was less than 1.2 million.

However, Qin Sheng didn't care, but someone else would.

How can an ordinary novice player dare to upgrade like this?

Leveling up and eating are all problems.

So Qin Sheng was right not to choose to practice blacksmithing at the beginning.

Of course, there is another way to practice blacksmithing.

That is to go to the mines, pick up the waste mines that others have thrown away, and make daily props.

Increase proficiency by 1 point at a time.

In this way, it is enough to pay for the wood.

No, it seems that there is no need to pay for wood or wood for daily props.

But if Qin Sheng dares to run out now, just spend some money.

After forging 499 weapons, Qin Sheng's forging skills were finally upgraded.

Blacksmithing: Weapons Trainee

Experience value: 0-10000.

Weapons below level 15 can currently be forged, including level 15.

My day!

The experience value has increased tenfold.

Qin Sheng complained in his heart.

Fortunately, it was still within his acceptance range.

But if it were doubled later, wouldn’t it require a million proficiency points?

Who can afford this!

It is really difficult to upgrade this blacksmithing technique.

No wonder Yun Feifan has not been promoted to the top level of master craftsman yet.

Shaking his head, Qin Sheng ignored that and took a look. He could now forge level 15 weapons. Of course, he could also forge other more exquisite life props.

Qin Sheng opened the life props column and looked at it. From here on, if he wanted to forge something more unique, he would have to add all kinds of weird materials.

For example, an orc's leg bone.

I go!

Where has Qin Sheng ever dug up such a thing?

And after he got rich, he rarely dug up the corpses of other monsters except BOSS.

If you want to go shopping, it will be tiring.

Therefore, let's continue to forge weapons.

At level 15, the weapons that can be forged include:

Rakshasa, Bahuang, Half Moon, Sea Soul, Bronze Ax...

Qin Sheng's eyes lit up when he saw Rakshasa.

This weapon is also a good evil weapon.

Attack 15-0!

Like the Lost Soul Divine Weapon, the lower limit of attack is the maximum.

It also requires curse plus 10 to exert its maximum power.

Qin Sheng chose to forge it, and the required materials were immediately displayed.

There are five pieces of iron ore and copper ore of quality 15 each.

Two pieces of quality 10 black iron ore,

One piece each of quality 10 silver ore and gold ore.

Five pieces of wood.

A tooth from the half-beast leader.


My day!

The previous materials should not be difficult to collect, but the teeth of the last half-beast leader would probably stump most people.

Because the half-beast leader is on the outskirts of the White Gate City.

Going deeper is the Chiyue Canyon.

Those who can enter the Chiyue Canyon are all high-level bosses...

Where can ordinary players enter?

You can't be beaten to death even if you go in...

As for the teeth of the half-beast leader, it is probably not easy to dig them out.

Because Qin Sheng had been leveling for so long, he didn't see many alts taking that thing.

It seems that I can only forge something else.

After looking around, Qin Sheng still chose to forge Ban Yue.

Taoist weapons are more expensive.

Half month:

There are five pieces each of quality 12 iron ore and copper ore.

A piece of black iron ore with quality below 5.

Five pieces of wood.

Compared with Rakshasa's demanding requirements, the things needed in this half month are much less.

Maybe it's because Rakshasa is also a brand-name weapon.

The most important thing is that these materials are easy to obtain and can be purchased directly from weapon stores.

Just the price is different.

Quality 12 iron ore and copper ore cost 1,500 gold coins each.

The price of black iron ore with quality 1 to 5 is between 1,000 and 5,000. Of course, Qin Sheng chose the one with quality 1.

In this way, he needs 18,500 gold coins to forge a half-moon!

And if he wants to upgrade, he needs 10,000 proficiency points.

I don’t know how many proficiency points can be gained by level 15 equipment.

After buying a bunch of materials, Qin Sheng tried to forge a half-moon.

Increase proficiency by 3.

Fortunately, proficiency also increases.

In this case, he would have to forge 3334 half-moons to increase the forging level.

In other words, it takes more than 60 million gold coins to upgrade!

Soon, Qin Sheng forged a package of half moons, and produced a top quality product with a little Taoist magic.

The other ordinary ones made Qin Sheng feel a little pained when he saw them.

This kind of equipment is no better than the ebony sword and can only be sold in stores.

But it only sells for two thousand five gold coins apiece.

This is a big loss!

Although if you sell it in the market, you may be able to sell it for 5,000 gold coins.

The number of people buying them is definitely not concentrated. When will these thousands of units be sold?

It won’t necessarily be sold out in ten days, right?

With a sigh, Qin Sheng sold everything back to the store.

A few hours passed in the blink of an eye, and Qin Sheng finally forged the last half moon.

Of these more than 3,300 half-moons, Qin Sheng also forged 120 top-quality ones.

The attributes are not particularly abnormal. The best one is the one with 2 points of accuracy and 2 points of Taoism. Let's make up for the loss a little bit.

These top products were also sold to Mu Level.

Then he looked at the skills,

Blacksmithing:Weapon Master

Experience value: 0-20000.

Weapons below level 20 can be forged, including level 20.

Well, it didn't increase tenfold this time, and Qin Sheng also breathed a sigh of relief.

The weapons that can be forged this time are:

Prayer Blade, Saber Saber, Yan Yue, Demon Conqueror, etc...

Qin Sheng opened the Prayer Blade and looked at it. Sure enough, it required some special items.

Just skip it.

In the end, Qin Sheng still decided to choose to conquer the devil.

But before he could buy the materials, Yujie had already come over.

"Let's go and put a curse on you."


Thinking that upgrading the blacksmith level would not reach the highest level in a short time, Qin Sheng still chose to curse.

call out!

Qin Sheng teleported to the entrance of Xiangshi Tomb in an instant.

Seeing that no one was around, I stepped in!

Uh uh uh uh...

There were still dense zombies, attacking Qin Sheng crazily.

Qin Sheng ignored them and just asked Yujie privately,

"How is it? How did the detection necklace prompt?"

"It's just a reminder that you are in the Xiangshi Tomb. There is no other reminder."

"very good."

With a whoosh, Qin Sheng teleported Yujie over with a memory sleeve.

Then the two quickly and repeatedly cleared the bosses on these three floors. As a result, a corpse king turned violent. Let's keep it for now.

In addition, with the explosion rate bonus of the Lost Soul Divine Weapon, Qin Sheng and the others gained a lot again.

A bone jade scepter, a dog book, etc.

It is estimated to be worth more than 400 million!

Quite awesome!

"Are you ready?" Qin Sheng asked.

"Well, it's up to you." Yujie closed her eyes.

Qin Sheng took off his other weapons, changed to all-attack mode, took out the Lost Soul Divine Weapon and hit her hard!

After a fierce attack, Yujie screamed and lay on the ground.

Curse plus 1!

Not bad, just add a curse at once!

After Yujie was resurrected, Qin Sheng teleported her over again!

Qin Sheng didn't fuck with her right away, but waited until his name became gray and white before he fucked her again!

In this way, every time Qin Sheng finished with Yu Jie, the two of them would fight off the monsters first.

After Qin Sheng recovered, he continued to do it again...

Everything went smoothly up front, and I won the bid once I did it.

But when the Soul-Lost Divine Weapon's weapon curse increased to 6, it killed him several times in a row without adding a curse.

Obviously the harder it gets towards the back...

But fortunately, the maximum is five times, so I added it!

After fighting Yujie for more than an hour, Qin Sheng's Soul-Lost Divine Weapon finally got a curse of 10!

The delighted Qin Sheng tested Yujie again!

First, put on all three weapons, without the Lucky 2 necklace, and attack.

Then put on the lucky 2 necklace to combine into lucky plus 9 sets of attacks!

Qin Sheng was shocked to find that the 30 magic power of this soul-falling weapon was perfectly integrated into the Lucky Plus 9 set!


Curse adds 10, and the maximum damage is not affected by other factors!

In other words, after adding 10 sets of Curse of the Lost Soul Divine Weapon, and adding 9 sets of Lucky Weapon, there will be no conflict, and they can perfectly exert their power!

"Begging for a monthly ticket!" 》

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Good night!

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