I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 148 External form! Yiyi crisis!

Qin Sheng searched Xiao Yongzhou's house and was relieved that only those two shoes were defective.

At this time, Xiao Yongzhou's mother had not yet woken up.

But his complexion has improved a lot, probably because he has been haunted by evil spirits for so many years.

Qin Sheng estimated that she would have to sleep for a long time...

"What exactly do you do? Brother Qin?" Xiao Yongzhou made tea and poured it for Qin Sheng, and finally asked.

He felt that if he didn't ask, he would probably be stuck in his heart for a long time.

After Qin Sheng took a sip of tea, "You can think of me as an exorcist. Don't talk nonsense outside. It's a state secret."


"By the way, didn't you work as a chef before? Are you interested in returning to your old profession? I will open a restaurant in a few days."

Qin Sheng wanted to help this old classmate, but suddenly remembered that this guy had been a chef for a while before.

"Well, I'm not good at my craftsmanship. I'm afraid it will delay my work." Xiao Yongzhou scratched his head.

"You don't have to go up to cook, just keep an eye on the kitchen for me and be a supervisor." Qin Sheng laughed.

"Ah, is it really possible? I'm afraid I can't do it well. Is the hotel big? Where is the place?" Xiao Yongzhou asked curiously.

"In the Chuzhou shopping mall, it's probably several thousand square meters."

"What? Thousands of square meters? Chuzhou shopping mall? The rent in that place is so expensive." Xiao Yongzhou was startled, with a look of shock on his face.

In the entire Chuzhou, the most expensive area is right next to the Chuzhou Mall.

I didn’t expect that this old classmate would open a restaurant there!

However, I thought that the other party would lend him 300,000 yuan casually.

It seems very normal.

Next, Qin Sheng and Xiao Yongzhou discussed again, then rejected the other party's request to stay for dinner and went home directly.

Seeing Qin Sheng drive away, Xiao Yongzhou was silent for a moment, with excitement on his face.

He turned on his phone and immediately ordered a set of kitchen management books.

Old classmates rise up and give themselves a chance. If they trust themselves so much, they must do well...

On the way, Qin Sheng thought about Xie Mei just now, whose strength was equivalent to Xiaoyu's back then.

And she should be completely dependent on the human body to survive, which is why Xiao Yongzhou's mother has been sick...

I wonder if this guy will be resurrected at night...if he can't be resurrected, he will be left to Xiaoyu.

When Xiao Yongzhou entered the hotel, he sincerely wanted to help him.

It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish...

Anyway, if you open your own restaurant and add a manager, it won’t be a big deal.

When the restaurant's performance improves, the salary is higher, and some dividend shares are added, then the other party's life will get better.

It’s better than getting thousands of dollars now…

Just as I was thinking about it, the phone rang.

Qin Sheng picked it up and saw that it was his wife.

"Husband, I heard that you caught a few criminals."

"Well, luckily you let me read the CD in the morning and learn some breathing skills. This seems to have increased my strength a lot. I kicked the opponent's bones with a little force.

This mental training method is really amazing! "Qin Sheng told the reasons he had compiled a long time ago.

"Ah, really? That's great, I'll teach you again tonight.

By the way, if you encounter this kind of thing in the future, don't be brave, tell me and I will handle it. came Lin Shuya's delighted voice.


After ending the call with her husband, Lin Shuya fell into deep thought.

My husband actually learned something in such a short period of time. Could it be that he already had spiritual power in his body, so he progressed so quickly?

Thinking of her husband's uniqueness, Lin Shuya thought it was very possible.

And on the other side...

Qin Sheng finally breathed a sigh of relief, his wife finally managed to pass this test.

So now...

He silently recited the invisibility ring and ordered it to adjust his breath.

Soon, the breath of his body, adjusted by the invisibility ring, soon began to flow weakly.

This is enough to satisfy my wife.

After returning home, Ah Huang wandered off to nowhere.

What Qin Sheng brought out this time was the spirited python from last time.

The system actually called it Python Dragon!

It probably contains a lot of energy.

When he cut it open, Qin Sheng suddenly found a round meat ball-like thing on the snake.

It still exudes a faint light!

What's this?

Demon elixir?

Thinking of the countless novels he had read, Qin Sheng secretly guessed.

He didn't dare to eat randomly, he just made a pot of snake meat and other things.

Just as Qin Sheng was preparing the meal, Ah Huang knocked on the door on time.

Qin Sheng opened the door and looked, "I'm going to go," and the elder brother came back with a duck in his mouth, wagging his tail.

Feeling the weak energy flow on the duck's body, Qin Sheng was speechless.

Obviously, this is another mutated duck.

Together with it, we went to get wild game again.

During the meal, I made some for Ah Huang and the old hen to eat.

Those snake meats indeed contain a lot of energy, similar to what the Corpse King explodes.

After the meal, Qin Sheng opened the Shenlong watch. He wanted to check the information about the meat ball.

Sure enough, Shenlong has an introduction inside and outside.

Demonic elixirs will be formed in the bodies of third-level creatures. After being cooked and eaten, they can increase their power.

It can also be used to make elixirs, etc.

There are also pictures of various biological demon pills on it.

Dog demons, cat demons, pig demons, wolf demons, tiger demons, etc...

Qin Sheng turned to the snake demon, and sure enough, the one above was similar to the snake pill in Qin Sheng's hand.

It is indeed a demon pill!

Save it for your wife and kids to eat at night.

It doesn't matter if he can level up and fight monsters himself.

After checking, the bored Qin Sheng checked the latest daily information on Shenlong Watch, as well as some previous news.

"Solar flares continue to erupt, the temperature of the earth and stars will continue to rise, and the rate of thawing of the eternal frozen soil will continue to accelerate!

The release speed of spiritual energy will be greatly accelerated! "

"Yesterday, the temperature in the Arctic frozen soil rose to 30 degrees! It broke the record high. For the first time, ordinary humans can wear short-sleeved shorts on the Arctic frozen soil."

"The temperature in Western Europe and other countries continues to rise, reaching 45 degrees in some areas! Many rivers of life are drying up!

The Howling Stone appears again. "

“Temperatures continue to rise in some cities in my country, and red high temperature warnings have been issued in many places.

Many lakes entered the dry season more than a month in advance. "

"The eternal frozen soil of the Arctic is constantly melting every day. In addition to the increase in spiritual energy, various ancient germs have appeared.

Preliminary estimates indicate that these pathogens will cause mutations in animals and plants.

In the future, marine life, various seabirds and birds will mutate rapidly. "

"The beautiful country has recently used ancient germs to mass-produce ninth-generation genetic warriors. It is initially estimated that their strength will not be lower than the seventh level of Qi training."

"The expedition alliance formed by the Cardinals and the Werewolves explored the Arctic caves the day before yesterday and has been missing for 24 hours."

"Level 6 birds appear on the outskirts of the primitive mountains. Please pay attention to surrounding cities."

"Attention to the eastern coastal cities, there have been many mutated sea fish attacking fishing boats recently."

"Recently, the number of missing children in various places has increased dramatically. Preliminary estimates are that overseas organizations are arresting mutant children.

All parties are requested to increase patrol efforts. "

There is a lot of information of all kinds...

This is the basic information of the Supernatural Department. In addition, there is a lot of information that requires a certain level to view.

But even if it was basic information, Qin Sheng was still frightened by it.

Here are some news that can be seen in the ordinary news media.

But some news will only be posted here.

For example, regarding the eternal frozen soil, there are also the Red Cult, werewolves, and genetic warriors.

Crisis in coastal areas and more…

It seems that as the temperature rises, the eternal frozen soil rapidly thaws, and the spiritual energy revives, the world is changing rapidly...

You have to hurry up and practice. Otherwise, if something really happens but you can't do anything about it, it will be unfair...

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly, the air conditioner stopped...

My day!

out of battery……

Qin Sheng got up and turned on the light. Sure enough, there was a power outage.

Depend on!

I've been reading the news these days. Due to the continued drought in surrounding cities, resulting in power supply shortages, Chuzhou may implement power rationing measures to supply power to sister cities. Unexpectedly, the power grid has actually been turned on.

However, it's okay here. The temperature is in the mid-30s, which is indeed much better than in cities with over 40 degrees.

At this time, a WeChat message rang in the owner group, which was sent by the property management company.

"In order to save electricity, from now on, except for hospitals, factories, major places that protect people's livelihood, and kindergartens, all other places will have a four-hour power outage from 2 pm to 6 pm every day."

Well, Qin Sheng is too lazy to stay any longer.

Invisible, with a whoosh, he flew away!

After flying around for a while, he returned to Qinjia Village.

Entering the house invisible, I saw my parents taking a lunch break.

This saves trouble.

Qin Sheng directly arranged "Invisibility Technique", "Summoning Skeleton" and replacement equipment for them in their sleep.

Fly away again!

More than twenty minutes later, he saw his daughter at the school gate.

Qin Sheng took her and teleported to the barren mountain outside, passed on the invisibility technique and summoning skeletons, and changed into equipment.

"Thank you, dad." Qin Ying happily experienced the invisibility technique.

"Don't be a tutor. Remember to buy an electronic satellite watch. Don't fly out by yourself one day and be unable to find your way back."

Qin Sheng warned her again before sending her back.

After getting these two things done, Qin Sheng was relieved. After returning to Chuzhou, he went to purchase goods.

When he entered the wholesale market, he was speechless for a moment.

Because of the power outage, only the green light of the emergency lights illuminated the wholesale market.

The whole thing looked green inside, and ordinary people would panic when they saw it.

Qin Sheng was naturally not afraid. Under the warm greetings of the bosses, he bought a large amount of goods.

Just when Qin Sheng finished shopping at the wholesale market and drove home, Yiyi ran into some trouble.

Today is the last day of school for Chuzhou Central Kindergarten, and the holiday will officially begin tomorrow.

Therefore, teachers organized students to watch patriotic movies in the classroom in the afternoon, and there was no power outage in the kindergarten.

Don’t forget history and remember the martyrs!

You have to start from the baby!

However, the small class was too small and I didn’t dare to organize for fear of scaring them. Only the middle class and senior class were watching.

The patriotic movies chosen were not so bloody and violent, and were within the tolerance of the students.

At this time, Yiyi saw halfway and wanted to go to the bathroom.

Not long after she left the classroom, she was immediately targeted.

It was a courier wearing a peaked cap who took the opportunity to deliver express and entered the campus.

There were two campus security guards following him, so the courier wandered around the school swaggeringly.

The courier who was walking saw Yiyi coming out, and Yiyi also saw him.

"Spiritual power fluctuations? Tsk tsk, good luck."

Feeling the spiritual energy emanating from Yiyi's body, the courier showed joy.

This trip was not in vain!

As long as he brings this little girl back to the organization, the organization will definitely reward him greatly.

With his thoughts at this point, he moved forward directly, took out a towel in one hand, and wanted to pick up Yiyi.

The two kindergarten security guards nearby showed no reaction at all.

Their eyes were dull, as if the sky was falling, and they wouldn't even move at all.

However, the courier failed to carry Yiyi.

Yiyi retreated quickly and asked him in a sweet voice, "What do you want to do?"

"Haha, I'll catch you!" the courier said bluntly.

In this place, what if those teachers heard the noise? Who can stop him?

Therefore, he is unscrupulous!

The next moment, his speed suddenly increased and he approached Yiyi very quickly, trying to catch her.


With a crisp sound, the courier's calf was broken by Yiyi's kick, and he fell far away.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The courier groaned, forcing himself to hold back the pain, and looked at Yiyi with frightened eyes.

He growled: "You, your spiritual power actually surpasses me at Level 2! Damn it! Go to hell!"

As he spoke, he quickly pulled out a gun, pointed it at Yiyi, and was about to pull the trigger!

This is obviously a perverted little girl. At a critical moment of life and death, he no longer cares about the reward the organization said.

However, the next moment, with a hiss, the little girl in front of him disappeared.

"Where's the person?" The courier looked around with his eyes wide open, but he didn't find the little girl.

He didn't dare to stay longer, so he endured the severe pain and asked two security guards to carry him back to the delivery truck, and drove away quickly.

On the other side...

Qin Sheng, who had just been driving for a while, received a call from Yiyi.

"Yiyi, why did you call me?" The daughter wears a phone watch.

"Dad, I just met a big bad guy. He wanted to catch me and hit me with a gun. I flew away! Come and pick me up!"

"What? Where are you?" Qin Sheng was shocked.

"I, I don't know, it seems like a wild place here."

Yiyi's voice was filled with tears, which made Qin Sheng instantly heartbroken.

He slapped his head violently. He was confused. He would know if he checked.

Yiyi's phone watch has satellite positioning and navigation, and he and his wife can check Yiyi's location on their mobile phones.

I checked immediately and sure enough, Yiyi was in the southern suburbs of Chuzhou.

"Yiyi, don't move, dad has already found your location."

"Okay, I won't move."

"Don't be afraid, daddy is here!"

"Well, I'm not afraid. I just defeated the bad guy!"

Qin Sheng quickly parked the truck on the side of the road, then turned invisible and teleported away in the car.

After a while of flying around, a few minutes later, Qin Sheng finally found his daughter under a big tree.

He showed his figure from a distance, took out his motorcycle and put it aside, walked over, and soon Yiyi saw him.

"Dad!" Yiyi rushed over in surprise.

"Are you injured?" Qin Sheng asked worriedly.

"No, Yiyi is awesome. I can protect dad. But, that bad guy has a gun."

"Well, Yiyi is the best. Let's go, I'll take you home."

Qin Sheng took his daughter on his motorcycle and rode all the way to the city.

After asking his daughter what happened on the way, his eyes revealed a strong murderous intent...

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