I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 127 The hidden attributes of the major jewelry of Master Woma brand!

In a clothing store, Qin Sheng sat with the boss again.

"Brother Prodigal Son, what good things did you bring this time?"

The boss poured tea for him himself.

Qin Sheng took a sip. Not to mention, this tea was really delicious and had a strong flavor. It felt better than any other tea he had drunk outside.

That's why he never got the tea in.

The drinks, drinks, and snacks here are not that good.

The tea is top notch.

"Boss, where did you buy this tea?" Qin Sheng asked casually.

"It's available in grocery stores."

"grocery store?"

Qin Sheng was stunned. He went there many times, but because there were too many messy things inside, he didn't check them one by one.

Boss, "Well, one thousand gold coins per bag is not expensive."

“Haha, I like drinking tea, so I’d like to go check it out when I have time.

Stop talking, boss, please call a girl with long legs to come over and try the new product. "

Qin Sheng smiled and took out a big bag, which contained all kinds of stockings, both black and white.

"What is this? A sock?" The boss curiously took out one and took it apart to take a look.

He actually put it on his feet.

Qin Sheng didn't pay attention, he had already put it on.

"This doesn't look good, the hair on your legs is exposed." The chubby boss was wearing a pair of colorful pants that reached to his knees, which Qin Sheng also brought in.

These big pants are so cool to wear.

Paired with a pair of white stockings, a lot of thick leg hair stuck out!


When Qin Sheng saw it, he spit out a mouthful of tea!

The boss sprayed all over his face.

"I'm sorry, haha, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, haha..." Qin Sheng couldn't help but laugh and slap the table.

"It's nothing. This outfit is really weird, haha. But it's probably not easy to sell." The boss wiped his face with a towel.

At this time, the long-legged girl he called came over.

This is the maid in his shop. She is pretty and pretty, wearing a blue miniskirt.

"Here, put this thing on." Qin Sheng threw a black garter stocking to her.

And instruct her how to wear it.

Soon, a super sexy girl wearing a miniskirt and suspenders appeared.

Especially on the slender thighs, there was a red circle. That guy made the boss's eyes go blank!

And when the girl walked around the store at Qin Sheng's request, the eyes of all the players who were buying clothes in the store were widened.

Instant frying!

"Fuck! These long socks are so sexy!"

"Yeah, who designed it? It's so awesome!"

"This has completely aroused my desire!"

"Honey, this looks good. How about I buy one for you too."

"Okay, okay, I want the same style, but I don't like blue, I want pink."

"Boss, how do you sell this thing? Is there a pink one?"

"Boss, do you have any white ones?"

"Damn it! Boss, stop wearing that. You've ruined my good mood."

Everyone was talking about it and asked the boss one after another. When they saw that the boss was wearing black, they suddenly complained.

The boss smiled and took it off, then said, "Everyone, wait a moment, it will be in stock soon."

Without saying a word, he pulled Qin Sheng into the back hall.

"How do you sell this thing? Give me a price!"

"Garter stockings, extremely difficult to make, cost one hundred thousand gold coins for a pair!"

Qin Sheng came as soon as he opened his mouth. It was business anyway, so the price should be higher.

"One hundred thousand gold coins?" The boss was stunned, "Is it too expensive?

A piece of brocade clothing only costs 20,000 gold coins. "

"Haha, it's not expensive, it's not expensive. Didn't you see the expressions of those players? Those guys want to swallow your maid in one bite.

Let me tell you, all things, women’s things are easy to sell and easy to make money.

As long as she behaves coquettishly, those men would rather buy less equipment and equip her with this.

Besides, this thing is not available on the market. If you get it, you will be given priority..." Qin Sheng continued to lie.

"It's really expensive."

"Then how much did you say?"

"How about a pair of fifty thousand gold coins?" The boss offered half the price and asked tentatively.

"Eighty thousand!" Qin Sheng took a step back.

"Fifty thousand." The boss insisted.

Qin Sheng: "Everyone, please step back and give me a sincere price."

"Sixty thousand?"

"Okay? Deal!"

When Qin Sheng took out a huge bag and opened it, it was full of garters, which made the boss a little dumbfounded.

"Didn't you say less? Why so many?"

"That depends on you. If you say less, it will be less." Qin Sheng chuckled.

"Yeah, indeed."

Those who do business will understand it as soon as they hear it.

However, it was too expensive, so the boss still didn’t dare to take too many goods. He only took fifty pairs to test the water.

Transaction completed!

Got three million!

Qin Sheng went to other stores and sold some beer, drinks, melon seeds, stockings, etc...

10 million gold coins were obtained again.

Including the original gold coins, he already has 38 million gold coins.

Once you have money, of course you need to improve your strength.

When he came to the trading market, Qin Sheng found a level 35 warrior seller from among the many messages.


“Selling freshly baked life necklaces, you’ll want to die!

Get away, liars and businessmen!

Or change warrior equipment! "

"Brother, how much does it cost?" It's not a merchant selling it, so he probably has more room for bargaining, so it's just him.

Which equipment to buy, Qin Sheng naturally chooses.

The wand can't be used, but as for rings, he has a pair of top-quality cast iron rings, as well as top-quality snake-eye rings.

Only the necklace, with two platinum necklaces, is too rubbish.

If so, it would be appropriate to buy a necklace.

feithen: "Others sell it for 15 million gold coins at the market price, but I don't want to ink it, and the price is 14.8 million gold coins!"

If you want it, come and do the transaction. If you don’t want it, don’t reply. "

It's 200,000 gold coins cheaper than the market price, which is almost it.

Qin Sheng didn't reply immediately, so he asked a few other people, and the result was that they all needed at least 14.9 million gold coins.

Then you can only choose him.

The market square was too big to find someone, so the two made an appointment to meet on the second floor of the inn warehouse.

There are few people here, so it is not easy to be disturbed. Otherwise, there would be too many people fighting PK on the first floor.

When Qin Sheng entered here, he took off his prayer equipment first to avoid being accidentally injured.

If you die here, you will pray and disappear, and there will be no place to cry.

As soon as I entered the inn, sure enough, there was a boom, a boom, a ring...

A group of people are fighting here...

Qin Sheng randomly bypassed the crowd and entered the second floor.

feithen is already waiting.

This is a level 35 warrior, holding a Purgatory, a Dragon Ring, a Memory Helmet, and other small items.

Feithen was also looking at Qin Sheng.

At first, he saw that the other party was wearing a black magic robe and thought he would be a mage in his 20s.

Who knew the level was only level 20?

You can’t wear magic robes even at level 20? !

When I opened the equipment column again, I was shocked to see the devil's robe.

He was dressed in rubbish, and he probably borrowed someone else's equipment to wear it.

At this time, Qin Sheng had already put good equipment in the second career equipment column.

The first career is full of garbage.

Wealth should not be exposed.

If you don’t have anything good, others will naturally not have any ideas for you.

Although his double dodge is awesome, he has never encountered an awesome person. Otherwise, if he was stabbed in seconds, he would faint to death!

The two completed the transaction quickly, and Qin Sheng excitedly opened the transaction column.

He was very curious about the hidden attributes of the equipment in this game.

On it lay a heart-shaped necklace worn by a silver chain.

A necklace made of purple pink, banana yellow and sapphire blue.

Life Necklace:

Magic 1-5, Accuracy +1, Durability 6-8, Weight 1.

Requires 25 points of mana.

Hidden properties:

1, add 1 exactly,

2. Increase magic dodge by 20%.

3. The magic shield time is extended by 20%.

Note: Legend has it that a long time ago, two genius mages, a man and a woman, appeared on the continent of Marfa.

Both mages wanted to learn magic from a sage, but the sage only accepted a female mage as his apprentice.

Because the female mage loved the male mage deeply, she studied with the sages and secretly taught the male mage everything she had learned.

Unexpectedly, the male mage went crazy in order to practice martial arts, and was eventually discovered by the sage.

At this time, the female mage begged the sage not to kill the male mage, and finally moved the sage.

In order to suppress the demonic nature of the male mage, the sage turned the female mage into a protective necklace and hung it around the male mage's neck.

The male mage studied with the sages and eventually became one of the strongest magicians in the Marfa Continent.

This is a necklace with a story and its properties are also very good.

Magic has reached 1-5!

The platinum necklace Qin Sheng originally wore only had 2 points of magic.

It also comes with a bit of accuracy.

Its hidden properties are also very good,

One more point of accuracy, 20% magic evasion.

The most awesome thing is naturally the 20% magic shield extension time.

Magic shield is the most important skill of a mage.

When fighting, it’s often:

The shield is there and the people are there.

The shield is broken and people die!

When fighting with masters like this at level 30 or above, a mage without a shield simply cannot withstand a powerful warrior's fiery sword skills.

Therefore, the mage's shield is particularly important.

And this life necklace, extending the magic shield's time is equivalent to extending the mage's life.

It deserves the reputation of a protective necklace.

In the external computer legend played by Qin Sheng, it is said that the Life Necklace can increase the power of the Holy Word.

But it is just a legend and cannot be verified.

But here, since it is marked with hidden attributes, then it must be there.

Qin Sheng naturally has no problem with the requirement of wearing 25 points of magic power.

It can be easily carried on the equipment column of the second profession.

After putting this on, Qin Sheng suddenly saw an ebony bracelet in the parcel column.

Then I remembered that during the lottery, I seemed to have won one of these things.

After taking a look, I was overjoyed again.

Ebony bracelet:

Magic 0-2, Taoism 0-1, defense 0-1, accuracy plus 1...

I went and found that the product produced by the system is just a crane, and there are a lot of added things.

Each of the above four attributes adds 1 point.

I happily put it on.

After looking at the package, there were more than 23 million gold coins.

So, he went to the trading market and bought a ruby ​​ring for 14.9 million.

It is a yellow ring with a bright red gemstone set in the middle.

Ruby Ring:

Magic 0-4, Durability 5-5, Weight 1,

Hidden properties:

1, agility plus 1,

2. Increase poison avoidance by 10%

3. The power of thunder and lightning is increased by 10%.

Requires mana: 17 points.

Note: The legendary ruby ​​ring is not red but colorless, and was worn by a powerful mage.

The mage and his wife originally lived peacefully in the human world, but with the ambition of the Red Moon Demon to rule the Marfa Continent, they began to incite evil thoughts and massacre humans.

Finally one day, the bewitched mage's wife killed the mage late at night.

From then on, the ring stained with the mage's blood became extremely bright red...

This ring is equally awesome.

The basic attributes are high and the hidden attributes are also very powerful.

It’s this backstory that is completely opposite to the Life Necklace.

To protect his lover,

One of them killed his lover...

After putting on this ring, Qin Sheng stopped buying equipment.

There are only about 8 million gold coins left, and Woma brand-name equipment cannot be bought.

And he didn't bother to buy ordinary top-quality ones.

You might win one in the lottery tomorrow.

As for the attribute scroll, he won't buy it for the time being.

Because he didn't know if he could only eat 50 points for the lottery.

If so, if you spend your own money to buy it, then you won’t be able to use it in the lottery in the future, wouldn’t you be taken advantage of?

The main thing is that he won the lottery, so he probably can't sell it. It looks different, so how can he sell it.

So, where to level up now?

Or go to Viper Valley and Tucheng to sell things?

There are quite a few stockings and other things in my hands.

After thinking about it, Qin Sheng decided to sell things first.

Two hours later, Qin Sheng had already sold a lot in Viper Valley and Tucheng.

Sold something worth 10 million gold coins again.

The reason why he sells so many is because stockings are a new product, just like he just started making clothes.

There are less in the back, after all, it’s impossible to sell them all every day.

Later, Qin Sheng spent 14.9 million yuan on a Sibei bracelet at Mu Shui.

I already have necklaces and rings. Of course I will buy a bracelet and see what attributes it will increase.

This is a yellow-green flat oval bracelet with a circle of emeralds inlaid on it. It is very beautiful.

Sibeier bracelet:

Magic 0-2, Durability 5-6, Weight 1,

Hidden properties:

1, defense plus 1,

1, add 2 exactly

3. Increase the firewall time by 20%.

Note: This is a bracelet made of magical emerald by a great mage from Marfa Continent.

Has very powerful ability to break demons.

This bracelet has one more basic attribute than the ebony bracelet.

But its hidden properties are awesome.

To be precise, I added 2 points.

The most awesome thing is naturally the extension time of the fire wall.

Wall of Fire is an important leveling skill for mages. In the mid-term, it is used to burn pigs and monsters.

It's absolutely awesome to be able to extend the time.

No wonder brand-name equipment is so expensive. The most important thing is its hidden attributes.

Of course, this does not mean that there is no way out for ordinary equipment.

If you have a magic 3 or 4 ebony bracelet, you can use it interchangeably when fighting monsters.

Use the Siberian bracelet to set fire, and use the best ebony bracelet to fight monsters, without any delay.

Of course, how to use it depends on the individual.

For example, if you are PKing, you must bring Sibei's bracelet for convenience. It will add 2 to the accuracy.

After putting it on and buying this bracelet, Qin Sheng became poor again, with only more than three million gold coins left.

Looking at Yujie's profile picture, I saw that this girl had been with him until past two o'clock last night and she hadn't gotten up yet.

So, we had a private chat with Feng Yingxiu.

Fortunately, she has time.

More than an hour later, the two met on the second floor of the Viper Valley Mining Area...

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