I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 125: Worse than a beast!

Chuzhou City is neither big nor small...

After running behind his wife and children for a while, Qin Sheng grabbed the back of a passing car and let the car take him away.

This saves a lot of effort.

With his current strength, doing such a dangerous thing is simply childish.

After his wife and son turned the corner, he changed cars and followed them.

At this time, it was past one o'clock in the morning, and there were only a few night market barbecue restaurants in the streets of Chuzhou City.

Most streets are relatively quiet…

Occasionally, pedestrians pass by in a hurry...

The little electric donkey walked through the streets. Qin Ming nervously held the compass in his hand and looked around.

This was the first time he and his mother had gone on a mission, and they were both nervous and looking forward to it.

Nervous, naturally a little afraid of encountering those ghosts and the like.

Looking forward to it, but hoping that I can meet it.

After all, Hu Long said that as long as evil spirits are discovered, there will be rewards.

If you find out, you will be rewarded with 10,000 yuan!

If you can slay demons, the reward will be even higher...

In a 20-story apartment in Chuzhou East District, a young and beautiful woman was curled up in a ball on the bed.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Dong dong dong..."

There was another damn knock on the door...


Xiaoli hesitated for a moment, looked at the man next to her, got up, turned on the light in the living room, came to the door, and asked in panic.

This was the third knock on the door tonight.

Just after 12 o'clock in the evening, there was a knock on the door for the first time.

She was asleep at that time, but she was still woken up.

There was an electronic doorbell ringing in the house, but the other person obviously didn't ring it, just knocked on the door.

She came to the door for the first time and looked out through the peephole, but there was no one there.

After asking, there was still no one.

Suspecting that someone else had made a mistake, she went back to sleep.

But not long after, someone knocked on the door again.

She stood up and checked again, but there was still no one there.

And now, it's the third time.

As a result, I looked out through the peephole tremblingly, but there was still no one in the corridor.

After asking a few times, it was still the same.

Who was teasing her in the middle of the night?

Or was he under too much pressure during this period and had hallucinations?

Or is it……

Will not!

Absolutely not!

This world is all about science!

Certainly not!

She absolutely doesn't believe it!

With her heart beating wildly and taking a few breaths, Xiaoli came to the living room and took a glass of water tremblingly.

The scalding water made her feel at ease.

At this moment, there was another knock on the door...

She was holding a water glass when she was startled. She couldn't hold the glass firmly and fell to the ground. It broke with a bang!

The scalding boiling water splashed onto her feet instantly, causing her to scream in agony!

But she didn't have time to care about her injuries and rushed into the room!

"Husband! Get up! Get up quickly!"

He Fei was woken up from his sleep and said impatiently: "What's wrong? Are you letting people sleep in the middle of the night?"

"Husband, she's back! She must be back to find us!

She keeps knocking on the door! "

Xiaoli hugged He Fei with a pale face, trembling all over.

"Shh! What's wrong with you? Do you want others to hear it?

There are no ghosts in this world! "He Fei growled.

"I'm afraid! I'm afraid! Listen! Listen! She's knocking again!

That’s four knocks! "

Xiaoli said in horror.

Sure enough, the knocking was louder this time.

He Fei's face turned red when he heard it. He gritted his teeth, took a kitchen knife from the kitchen and walked to the door.

Looking through the peephole, no one was there, but the knocks on the door kept coming, each one louder than the last.

This also made him feel furious!

Shudderingly, he lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and then opened the door.

To his and Xiaoli's surprise, there was no one at the door.

However, both of them felt a gust of cold wind blowing by, making their whole bodies feel cold.

He Fei and Xiaoli looked around at the stairs but saw no one. Then they returned home suspiciously and closed the door.

"I'll just say it's nothing, I'm always suspicious." He Fei said dissatisfied.

"But, didn't you hear it too?" Xiaoli replied angrily.

The two walked into the living room arguing, and then,

Instantly sluggish!

I saw that in the living room, at some point, there was a girl covered in blood and flesh, wearing a red dress.

"Xuanxuan..." He Fei spat out two words in horror!

"Ahhh..." Xiaoli was stunned for a moment, then backed away in fear and hid behind the man.

The girl slowly walked towards the two of them...

"Dad, I'm afraid... I'm so scared over there... Can you and auntie go over there to stay with me?"

The girl spoke softly, with helplessness in her words and confusion in her eyes...

"Don't come here! Don't come here! Your father threw you down, don't look for me!"

The woman screamed in horror and pushed the man towards the girl!


He Fei was about to hit the girl, but with a fierce look in his eyes, he swung his kitchen knife and chopped it down!

"Why did you come back to scare us! Why? I am your father!"

He Fei kept slashing fiercely!

The expected bloodshed did not appear. The kitchen knife passed through the girl's body, as if cutting on a piece of air.

After a random and crazy chop, the panting He Fei looked at his daughter who was intact in front of him.

Just as he was about to swing the knife and chop it off again, a black light flashed in the girl's eyes, and the kitchen knife fell to the ground with a clang!

This scene frightened He Fei. He staggered back, turned around and ran away!

But he suddenly discovered that there was an invisible wall in front of him, separating the living room from the door.

Now, he was completely panicked!

He pushed Xiaoli forward hard,

"Good girl! Every injustice has its own debtor. It's her. She's the one who forces me to kill you all day long. If you want to find it, just find her!"

She is the mastermind! "

"No! It's him! I just said it verbally, it was your father who threw it at you!" Xiaoli kept struggling and retreating!

However, the man slapped her down in front of the girl. One of her teeth was knocked out and her mouth was filled with blood!

"My dear daughter, Dad admits that he was obsessed at the time. I will throw her to death right now to vent my anger on you, okay?

OK? "

He Fei grabbed Xiaoli with a grin and dragged her directly towards the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room.

"No! You bastard! Let go! Let go!!!"

Looking at all this, the girl didn't say a word, but her eyes were full of hatred that burned everything.

Watching these two perform quietly.


He Fei opened the balcony of the floor-to-ceiling window and dragged Xiaoli to the balcony!

Xiaoli screamed and grabbed a table leg and refused to move!

Shouting for help!

The strange thing is that no matter how noisy they are, no one seems to hear...

"You don't have to argue...just go play with me..."

At this moment, the girl's curved hand was raised, and Xiaoli and He Fei slowly flew up.

Xiaoli screamed in horror!

And He Fei:

"No! I'm your father!"

"You can't do this to me!"

"It was no longer the case when you threw me down..."

The girl's voice sounded faintly...

Following her voice, He Fei and Xiaoli flew higher and higher, and when they were about to fly to the balcony, there was a bang, and the door opened!

The ones who rushed in were none other than Lin Shuya and Qin Ming!

They rode a small electric donkey and patrolled all the way to this community, and were shocked to find that the place was full of gloom!

This phenomenon is introduced in Shenlong Biaoli.

This is a sign that evil spirits are taking action.

The two of them informed Hu Long and rushed upstairs!

"Little sister! Stop!"

At this time, the two of them could already see Xie Mei, so they could clearly see the scene at a glance.

Not knowing the reason, the two people immediately rushed towards the girl.

A weapon appeared in each hand,

Lin Shuya is holding a demon-conquering weapon, while Qin Ming is holding a slaying sword!

The two of them slashed with their swords, directly cutting through the virtual wall in front of them!

Seeing someone coming to save themselves, He Fei and Xiaoli immediately showed expressions of ecstasy.

The girl became obviously frightened when she saw that the barriers she had set up were broken.

She shouted:

"Don't come here!

I want revenge! ! "


Lin Shuya, who was about to use the thunder and lightning technique, froze instantly and grabbed his son's hand that was about to clap.

"Yes, they threw me from here half a year ago. Shouldn't I take revenge?"

"Half a year ago? Throw it away? I remember, you are the six-year-old little girl in this building who was dropped."

When the little girl reminded her, Lin Shuya instantly remembered a tragic incident that happened here half a year ago.

A six-year-old girl accidentally fell to her death from the 20th floor. It made news in Chuzhou at the time.

At that time, when she saw the news, she was still feeling sorry for the little girl.

At the same time, I remind my husband to take good care of my children.

But now, this little girl turned into an evil spirit and came to ask for her life.

The little girl's words shocked Lin Shuya even more. She actually said that she was thrown out by the two people in front of her.

"Yes, I am the little girl who accidentally fell down."

"Haha, but who could have known that I was actually thrown away by my beloved father!"

"Just because of this cruel stepmother, he left me here without mercy!"

"Do you think I should take revenge?"

After the little girl became an evil spirit, her intelligence obviously improved a lot. Otherwise, she would not be able to say such things.

Should I take revenge?

One sentence completely stopped Lin Shuya and Qin Ming.

They are people with positions. Seeing evil spirits killing citizens seems to be against the rules, right?

However, the two people in front of them actually threw the little girl down from here in a frenzied manner.

It was her biological father who abandoned the child!

As the saying goes, a tiger's poison cannot eat its seeds, and this man is worse than a beast.

Death a thousand times is not an exaggeration!


Lin Shuya's soft voice sounded:

"Baby, I understand how you feel.

However, if you really leave them behind, you will never be able to look back.

You will become an evil spirit filled with innocent souls, and you will become a bad person. You may not be able to be reincarnated as an adult in your next life. "

There are various evil introductions on the Shenlong watch.

Among them were those who died complaining of injustice and turned into evil spirits.

When they kill mortals, they will turn into evil ghosts. They can no longer control their thoughts and will go further and further down the evil path...

It will be difficult to reincarnate again in the future.

Lin Shuya didn't know whether people could be reincarnated, but it was very serious.

Besides, the little girl in front of me has turned into an evil spirit, so what's impossible?

"Auntie, I know. I've known it since I woke up."

"But, I'm not willing to give in!"

"I don't want these bad guys to live well!"

The little girl's mood became excited, and the two people in the air began to rise and fall.

It seemed like she would be thrown away at any moment.

They were so frightened that they screamed.

"Calm down! Baby, calm down!"

"They will get the punishment they deserve!"

"You have to believe Auntie!" Lin Shuya quickly comforted her.

"How to punish? Except for death, any other punishment is not called punishment." The little girl sneered, obviously he was unwilling to wave away.

Lin Shuya continued to advise: "As long as they confess what they have done, the law will naturally punish them, and Auntie will make the decision for you."

"Think about it carefully. The crimes committed by the two of them are enough to warrant the death penalty. Do you really not want to be reincarnated again?"

Without waiting for the little girl to speak, Lin Shuya said to He Fei again:

"Are you willing to admit your crimes, or will you be thrown out by her now?"

"I admit!"

"I admit it!"

He Fei and Xiaoli shouted hurriedly.

If you don't admit it, you will die immediately. If you admit the crime, you can at least live for a while, and there may even be room for mitigation.

They are not stupid at this point.

The little girl blinked and looked at the two people in the air, then at Lin Shuya and Lin Shuya.

She could feel the power of Lin Shuya and Qin Ming, and the feeling was very strong.

Finally, she waved her hand, and He and Fei fell to the ground.

Later, Lin Shuya filmed the two confessions with her mobile phone and asked them to handwrite a copy.

The little girl was watching the whole process without saying a word.

After seeing them finish writing their confessions, they said:

"I want to see them caught, otherwise, I won't be willing to do it."

"No problem, they should be here soon."

Lin Shuya called Director Liao and explained what happened here.

Not long after, Bureau Liao came down with a group of subordinates.

Seeing Lin Shuya and Qin Ming, he and his subordinates greeted them warmly.

"Team Lin!"

"Master Ming!"

At the same time, a strange feeling arose in everyone's hearts.

A few days ago, he was an ordinary person, and in the blink of an eye he became a master they looked up to. The world is changing so fast.

"Bureau Liao, you came just in time."

Lin Shuya handed him the video and the confession, and He Fei and Xiaoli were taken away.

"Captain Lin, what is she going to do now?"

Bureau Liao looked at the little girl in the corner. Although she was an ordinary person, she had already used props to open her eyes before they came.

Lin Shuya also had a headache. She sympathized with the little girl, but she couldn't let her wander around.

Shenlong has already mentioned this issue.

Only by killing the resentful spirits can they be reincarnated.

But she was a little reluctant to kill the one in front of her.

At this moment, the little girl suddenly bowed to everyone, and the black aura all over her body quickly dissipated.

"Thank you, uncle, aunt, I'm leaving."

As soon as she finished speaking, the little girl disappeared, leaving only a purple wind chime that fell to the ground.

Apparently, this is something left behind by the little girl...

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