I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 818 [830] How many people dare to take care of his affairs? (asking for monthly ticket)

【830】How many people dare to take care of his affairs? (asking for monthly ticket)

"Miss Fu!"

Wang Jianning rushed over in a panic.

He had no idea that the commotion outside was related to him.

Especially when he found out that his daughter had offended Fu Xueyi, the princess of the Fu family, he was so horrified that he almost fainted.

but no matter!

Those are all his daughters!

It certainly can’t be abandoned!

But Fu Xueyi had no intention of giving him face.

She is the princess of the Fu family, and her father is a powerful figure in Dragon City.

And what kind of place is Dragon City? It is the center of Dongzhou and even Wuzhou.

Only a real big shot from the Wang family can speak to her.

Just a side branch...just hit him.

In the end, it will only be the Wang family that apologizes!

This is her confidence!

"Uda, let her kneel down!"

Fu Xueyi made a strong statement and there was absolutely no doubt about it.

It was as if she had said this a thousand times before, and it was very familiar to her.

In fact, it is true.

The wild energy and blood surged instantly. The physique of this peerless martial artist was nothing but a move. Once he did, he would become a blockbuster.

There were exclamations of surprise all around.

Wang Jianning's face had completely lost all color, and he felt his calves were shaking, but he still rushed over.

Wang Shiwen was not afraid and faced the big man named Uda.

The technique that Pei Jinye passed on to her was already operating at an extremely fast speed. On the contrary, she was pleasantly surprised because under this kind of pressure, her practice continued to advance instead of retreating.

So...the second layer can be broken!

Lu Suo's expression also changed.

He knew how domineering the Fu family was, but this was a bit too domineering.

"Brother Sun, this Fu family..."

He found this matter a bit tricky.

But he decided to remind him because of his relationship with Pei Jinye.

It's just that obviously -

He warned slowly.

Pei Jinye snorted coldly.

Just when everyone thought Wang Shiwen was going to die on the spot.

There was a "click" sound.

Uda's huge body seemed to be suppressed out of thin air.

The ground under his legs was broken like tofu.

The whole person knelt on the ground.

He knelt in front of Wang Shiwen.


Everyone was stunned.

Including Wang Shiwen's father, Fu Xueyi, Zhao Man, and everyone around him.

Even Uda himself.

He roared and tried to free himself from the ground.

But it doesn't help.

This scene made everyone at the scene start to change their expressions in shock.

Bodyguards appeared all around.

Protect your boss.

Even the dignitaries who were discussing in the venue were alarmed.

"This..." Lu Shang wanted to say something, but Pei Jinye had already walked away.

There were only two words left in his mind.

"It's over!"

"It's you!" Fu Xueyi recognized Pei Jinye at a glance.

Of course, it looks like Master Sun.

at the same time.

Two figures appeared next to Fu Xueyi.

The aura on his body is very strong.

Wang Jianning came back to his senses because he heard his daughter call "Master", but at this moment he didn't know what to say.

Because Uda had such a strong body buried in the ground like this, he was somewhat frightened.

"Warning, don't come close!" The man in front of Fu Xueyi said coldly.

But the words just fell.

The whole person had already flown upside down.

Hit the wall hard.

No one noticed how Pei Jinye moved his hands, and no one thought that Pei Jinye actually dared to attack the Fu family.

The remaining woman stood in front of Fu Xueyi, her face pale.

She didn't see clearly how the captain was knocked away.

Not at all!

The feeling the man in front of her gave her was even more terrifying than that old guy in the forbidden area!

It’s over, I can’t hold on until someone comes from the headquarters!

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings."

Lu Suan hurried over at this time.

Standing between Pei Jinye and Fu Xueyi.

With his status, naturally everyone will give him a thumbs up.

The security personnel at the surrounding venues also stopped.

They recognized Fu Xueyi, but not Pei Jinye.

If Pei Jinye is regarded as an intruder, things will be more troublesome later... Of course, in Lu Suan's view, the trouble means that these short-sighted guys will lose their lives.

"Brother Sun, don't be impulsive."

After saying that, he looked at Fu Xueyi and said with a straight face: "Your father has to call me uncle when he sees me. You should also calm down. I have seen what happened. I apologize to your senior Sun for this matter." Even if it passes.”

"Apologise?" Fu Xueyi recognized Lu Sui. She would have been obedient before.

But at this moment, she was already very angry and asked directly, "Why?"


When Lu Shang heard this, he realized how troublesome this girl was.

"Does this matter have anything to do with you?" Lu Suo's tone also calmed down.

But for the sake of the Fu family. Still trying to persuade him earnestly: "To be honest, your senior Sun didn't intend to embarrass you from the beginning. Otherwise, do you really think that he, a strong star in the sky, is just a decoration?"

Starry sky level?

Fu Xueyi was obviously stunned for a moment.

The momentum suddenly weakened.

Of course she doesn't care about the ordinary ninth level, but if it's the starry sky level, she's still a little scared.


She turned to look at Pei Jinye with a stunned expression.

Just like him, he is also a starry sky level?

"What happened?"

A young woman's voice came from the entrance to the venue.

As the host of this banquet, Wang Yiqiu did not expect that things would progress to this point.

Speaking of which, she is six or seven years older than Fu Xueyi, so when it comes to calling her, she must be called sister.

In holding this banquet this time, I actually want to establish a relationship with each family.

Some people, including Fu Xueyi, have heard about it.

Now I have a look...

This little devil seems to be even more domineering than rumored.

"Sister Qiu."

"Sister Qiu."

Everyone who knew her identity greeted her respectfully.

Wang Yiqiu is not from the Wang family in Longcheng, but the family behind her has a very high reputation among Dongzhou officials.

This is why so many people gave her face when she held a banquet in Dragon City for the first time.

After seeing the tragic appearance of Fu Xueyi's bodyguard, Wang Yiqiu felt troubled.

But when she saw Uda sticking straight into the ground like a sword, her scalp was numb.

"Sister Qiu..." Fu Xueyi hesitated for a moment before greeting her.

Wang Yiqiu nodded.

She also knew Lu Sui and addressed him respectfully: "Senior Lu."

Lu Suo nodded and said like spring breeze: "Don't be nervous, this is your senior Sun, a starry sky level master, who has played a great role in us humans resisting wormholes."

Everyone around was surprised after hearing this.

But Pei Jinye was also rude: "Lao Lu, you don't need to put money on my face. Today's matter..."

"Today's matter really needs an explanation!"

A powerful figure descended in mid-air.

Fu Xueyi suddenly raised her head and looked up, as if seeing a life-saving straw, and said in surprise: "Uncle Chen!!!"

But what she didn't expect was.

When Chen Gongfei saw clearly who the other party was, he turned around and ran away again.

Everyone present was caught off guard.


What's wrong? Entered the wrong set?

Sorry for the delay. I went to pick up the goods early in the morning and was busy until I came back in the afternoon. I had a quick lunch and now I’m hungry and I’m going to make up for it.

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