I can summon outrageous partners

It's probably the end of the paper.

As usual, good first.

The seventh copy is also over.

I will write later due to the final settlement.

It’s still the same sentence that must be said, friends who raise books, please don’t take pity on me, kill me as much as you want! Subscribe hard! Let me have fun!

Next, as usual, is the gossip time for the antenna.

[The following gossip still involves spoilers, friends who have not seen this copy, please stop reading. 】







The original intention of this copy is to feel the imperfection of the Zodiac series. Commemorate the little regretful time.

Old rules, reflect on the deficiencies I have realized.

I can feel that the most criticized point of this dungeon is the bullishness in the early stage.

It’s a bit embarrassing to say it, because I set up this part on purpose. Of course, it’s not about foreshadowing, but to write a relatively stable and pure "Childhood Memories" before the anomaly swept across the green grassland.

Because from the arrangement point of view, the dungeon is about to enter the stage of collapse from the moment the tiger becomes powerful.

But everyone criticized this period as low-invasive and boring. To be honest, it should be right.

After I summed it up, I think the readers are right, and my original intention was also good. The problem lies in my lack of control over the length of the plot. It’s okay to have stable childhood memories, but they can’t be too long or used too much. Go to "low trauma" and "safety" in the chapters, that would be boring.

I will definitely pay attention to this point in the future.

Secondly, it is combat power.

Lin Li's combat power is now in a state of inconsistency. Compared with the daily fan who will be injured, that is, the relatively naive world, the male protagonist's combat power is too high, such as the Pleasant Goat in the daily state, and the ordinary in Doraemon. resident.

I found that low combat power is not a problem at all, Lin Li can use various props to bully his opponents, like a complete Holy Master, of course Lin Li can't beat him himself, but it doesn't matter, he can shake people.

But compared to the "high combat power" with low combat power, it is relatively a headache, and it seems a bit out of place.

This will trap me in the choice of future copies.

The third question is a little detail about this dungeon.

The abilities of the twelve zodiac signs have been modified according to my needs in this dungeon.

There is a setting that I forgot to say through the mouth of the double, that is, the use of the abilities of these zodiac signs is not in place, it is probably a patch.

Otherwise, according to the imagination, the ability of the Twelve Talismans will definitely be more useful.

As for why the Holy Master himself doesn’t seem too awesome after possessing the spell. I combined it in the original animation. Sometimes it’s so stupid, so I wrote it like this.

Fourth question.

Sometimes I don’t know how to change it, I always want to write something new, but new but inferior can only be regarded as a very inferior option in the end, and there is no shortcut to solve this problem, because my own brain is not enough, this is the most Let me emo, sometimes I think, or finish this copy, hurry up and finish it.

But just think about it, if this book is to be finished, at least a few copies are needed.

The initial idea of ​​this book is that when the "growth task" is completed, only the final story will be left - this story has been outlined a long time ago, and it is very certain that all copies before that time will have memory points characters will appear.

In short, the idea of ​​this book is at least to finish the growth task, if it is the longest, then it will not be capped.


There should still be problems. If you want to criticize, you can criticize in this paragraph.

Regarding the next copy, I have no clue for the time being (it should not be Jackie Chan's Adventures).

There is basically no plot in the main world this time, so we will enter the dungeon soon.

So I must ask for leave to conceive, this time for two days, or three days, please forgive me, I want to think of something more interesting.


Street antenna.

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