“Slave girls? The Heavenly Witch turned out to be a slave girl of the Children of Sequence! ”

“Oh my God, what’s going on here? Are the slave girls of the sons of the sequence already such rare women? ”

“What? Is he the child of the sequence? ”

The surrounding teenagers suddenly exclaimed.

They could tell from the Heavenly Witch’s reaction that the Children of the Sequence were definitely not lying!

“It turns out that you are the child of the sequence.” The human king Fuxuan’s face sank, and then looked at the Heavenly Witch: “Ruoxi girl, why do you want to be his slave girl?” Is there something unspeakable about you?

If the son of the sequence dares to do something evil and threaten you, I can help you get rid of the devil! ”

“What does it matter to you about me and him? Get lost! The Heavenly Witch’s face turned cold, and she reprimanded unceremoniously.

Wu Junlang also calmed his face and looked at the human king Fuxuan: “Let you roll, and also remove the devil, you really regard yourself as a savior?” Don’t look at what you are. ”


Human King Fu Xuan suddenly trembled with anger.

“Children of the sequence, do you know who you’re talking to? This is the human king body Fuxuan, the co-master of the human race! ”

“Son of the sequence, you are too arrogant!”

The followers of those people next to him immediately looked at Wu Junlang angrily.

Lan Chi stood beside Wu Junlang and frowned: “Terran co-master? Self-styled? ”

“That is, to think that the human king body is the co-master of the human race, I really take myself too seriously.”

“The son of the sequence suppressed him, he has long been unhappy with this so-called human king, and he really regards himself as the co-master of the human race.”

There were also many teenagers who helped Wu Junlang speak, and they were not used to the arrogant posture of the human king before.

A teenager looked at Wu Junlang angrily: “Son of the sequence, don’t you know that each generation of human kings will eventually become a generation king?”

The first three generations of human kings have also become the co-masters of the Terran race.

The Kunlun world has long had an unwritten rule, whenever someone is born with a royal body, no matter how talented Tianjiao is, he must give way to the human royal body.

Because only the human king body can integrate the atmospheric luck of the human race, and only when the human king body grows up, the human race can be more brilliant! ”


After hearing this sentence, many teenagers became even more annoyed.

Why give way to the human royal body, what is he!

He can lead the Terrans to glory, can’t other Tianjiao do it?

The human king Fuxuan involuntarily raised his head, looking very proud, as if he was already the co-master of the Terran race.

The Heavenly Witch suddenly frowned, and spoke lightly: “The human king body is the co-master of the human race?” Don’t you know that the primordial spirit seed of the child of the sequence represents the power of heaven?

The emergence of the child of the sequence means that Wandao has hope to reach an unprecedented height.

To put it simply, if in an era, three thousand Tianjiao with Origin Spirit Seeds appeared at the same time, and only a thousand people could achieve immortality.

Then, if there are children of sequence in this era, there are at least 2,500 more people who can achieve immortality.

This is the son of the sequence, leading Wandao to a new height! ”


The existence of the child of the sequence can lead Wandao to new heights?

The teenagers were suddenly shocked, and this secret was undoubtedly shocking to them.

Human King Fuxuan frowned and winked at the person next to him.

The teenager immediately sneered: “Ridious, why haven’t I heard of this kind of secret?” Heavenly Witch, it is already shameful that you committed yourself to being a slave girl of the son of the sequence.

Originally, Lord Fuxuan thought that you were forced to helpless, but now it seems that you are willing.

Not only did he violate himself, but he also told a big lie, the son of the sequence represents the right of heaven? It’s ridiculous! ”

Suddenly, with a snap, the young man was slapped by Wu Junlang.

Wu Junlang looked at the other party indifferently and said in a deep voice: “Do you know why I hit you?” You should not humiliate my slave girl, even though she is my slave girl, but she is not comparable to your kind of goods. ”

“You! Son of the sequence, you are really deceiving people, everyone must not believe them, what heavenly power, leading ten thousand ways to new heights, that is all deceptive! ”

The young man got up from the ground and looked like he hated Wu Junlang to the bone.

The teenagers couldn’t help but frown, they must be willing to believe the words of the Heavenly Witch.

If nothing else, at least the words of the Heavenly Witch make them feel that it is good for them.

It’s much better than bowing to some so-called Terran co-master!

“She is right, the primordial spirit species does represent the power of heaven.”

At this moment, a woman wearing a yellow robe and a golden crown with an extremely noble temperament suddenly spoke.

She is Su Xin, who is known as the world’s first strange woman.

“Su Xin and the Heavenly Witch are right.”

Suddenly, another woman came, her temperament was matchless, perfect, and she looked like a true immortal who was not clean.

She is the daughter of Biluo!

“Biluo Tiannu and Su Xin have proved that this can still be fake!”

“Heavenly power, I didn’t expect the existence of the son of the sequence to have such a heavy meaning!”

The teenagers will not doubt it at all, especially when they hear the words of Biluo Tiannu, who will think that there is a fake.

Biluo Heavenly Palace, that represents the existence of the Heavenly Dao, the most authoritative Heavenly Palace in the world!

“Son of the sequence, since you represent the power of heaven, then I want to see if you have that qualification.”

Human King Fuxuan looked gloomy, and he didn’t want to accept this fact at all.

He raised a spear and pointed it at Wu Junlang, just wanting to suppress the other party!

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