I Can Resist Most Vicious Beatings

Chapter 1593: Can't help it

Seeing that the most sage of Taoism was about to take action against himself, Jiang Du hurriedly yelled.


The yin and yang Taiji pictures appeared behind the Taoist Most Sage, and he was slightly taken aback by Jiang Du's loud shout.

Gu Wuya... When did he become so jumpy?

In the eyes of the most sacred Taoist, Gu Wuya basically had a chance to win, and looked like he was weak in nature.

At this moment, he was bluffing, just like a frizzy young man.

"Ah, Senior Saint, I am Jiang Du!"

Jiang Du said with some embarrassment.

Taoist holy...

Seeing that Gu Wuya quickly became Jiang Du, basically Dao Xin was like the most sacred Taoist in the mirror of a lake. At this time, his heart also fluctuated.

He didn't know what to say.

Powerless to complain.

"Gu Wuya has fallen, right?" Taoist Sage asked, trying his best to calm his eyes.

"Falled, so dead!" Jiang Du said affirmatively.

"Then you look like Gu Wuya..."

"Isn't this afraid to provoke other powerful gods and monsters? In case Gu Wuya is not dead, he will be able to help me carry the scapegoat at that time." Jiang said independently.

Taoist holy...

Good guy, don't let go of the dead.

"Senior, what are you doing here, Zhoushan?" Jiang Du asked curiously.

"Come to find the way!" said the Taoist sage with a smile.

Jiang Du was stunned and turned into Gu Wuya's face again.

"Find the way? How to find the way?" Jiang Du looked curious.

The smile on the Taoist Most Sacred face disappeared, and you pressed Gu Wuya's face and asked me this kind of curiously...

It's just like when you were in school, your deskmate with poor grades was asking you simple math questions with the face of your math teacher.

But the endurance of the Taoist Most Holy is better.

"Buzhou Mountain is the most critical mountain in the primordial land, and it is also the manifestation of the Tao of the primordial continent. The mountain is high and the earth is deep, and its own avenue contains it." Taoist Supreme said softly.

Jiang Du...Oh!

Is this the boss?

While he was still working hard for his wife, others had already begun to look for the great road.

In the future, there may be rumors of "how high the mountain is, how deep the earth" is due to the saying of Taoism's sacredness.

"There doesn't seem to be any danger in Zhoushan, right?" Jiang Du is more concerned about this matter. As for the avenue, he is too lazy to explore, and he doesn't know where to start.

But after others have inquired about, hit him and he will know.

"I haven't found it so far, but Zhoushan is sure that there will be a gathering of gods and demons. Maybe it's because we arrived a bit late, so we didn't encounter it."

Taoist Holy Sage said.

Jiang Du nodded, preparing to climb with the Taoist holy.

But soon, he stopped thinking.

Because the Taoist Sage was too slow to climb, he actually climbed step by step. Jiang Du couldn't help but feel that the Taoist Sage was getting older, not like his young man.

"I'll slip away first, you're always crawling slowly."

Jiang Du extremely numbly surpassed the Taoist sage, and the Taoist sage looked at Jiang Du's back and couldn't help laughing.

This kid, I haven't figured it out yet, what is going on with this kid?

Is there really a kind of strange thing in the world that will make everyone reach this point, and can make rapid progress?

Jiang Du didn't know the Taoist holy thoughts, but even if he knew it, he wouldn't be surprised, because his strength was improved and his acquaintances knew it.

Some people even know that Jiang Du can become stronger if he is injured.

But as long as Jiang Du said it unambiguously, what everyone knew was just a guess.

Only when it is said, Jiang Du's secret is completely exposed.

Climbing forward along Bu Zhou Mountain frantically.

Unlike the previous loneliness and coldness, Jiang Du quickly saw a **** and demon.

The moment he saw it, Jiang Du's heart was slightly cold.

Samsung God!

The **** and demon looked at Jiang Duo coldly, and didn't say anything.

Jiang Du maintained a vigilant attitude and continued to climb up. This three-star **** and demon did not attack Jiang Du.

All kinds of gods and demons appeared quickly, even the gods and demons of the four-star gods and the five-star gods and demons appeared.

Jiang Du was stunned secretly, he could only hide his own figure, the **** and demon of the four-star god, Jiang Du might be able to escape from birth, but with the words of the five-star god, Jiang Du felt that he had little chance of fleeing.

But fortunately, none of these gods and demons seemed to have any plans for me to do anything, they just crawled upwards blindly.

Jiang Du's speed could reach this point at best, and he climbed up vigorously with these gods and demons.

Climb Climb!

The sun and the moon alternate and time passes.

Finally, he saw the top of Buzhou Mountain.

Top of the mountain!

Jiang Du glanced down. It was not Jiang Du's bragging. At this height, people who were afraid of it could be scared to death.

Jiang Du forcefully broke off a stone and threw it down. The stone...

After waiting for a long time, Jiang Du finally heard a faint roar.

Too high, if this thing is a high-altitude projectile, it will instantly cause a terrifying impact.

On the top of the mountain, one after another gods and demons have appeared. They are all standing on the top of Buzhou Mountain, seeming to be waiting for something, and they seem to be comprehending something.

Jiang Du couldn't help muttering in his heart, could the gods and demons also understand the great road?

He quietly came to the edge of the mountain, and here, Jiang Du saw the strongest existence he had seen so far.

Seven Star Gods!

Three heads!

A fish, a giant with two heads, and a gorgeous bird.

It's hard to imagine how terrifying the Seven Star Gods would have.

According to Jiang Du's estimation, the entire strength of the Dark Night Demon God is probably around the Five Star God.

And here, there are three-headed seven-star gods at this time.

The three Seven-Star Gods stayed at the top of Buzhou Mountain, and the other gods and demons stepped aside.

Jiang Du stared at this scene, feeling strange.

What's the matter, what is everyone doing here?

At this time, on top of the mountain.

There was a sudden roar, and it sounded softly.

Jiang Du's eyes hurriedly looked towards the place where the sound was made.

In the sky, a five-colored cloud unexpectedly appeared, and the five-colored cloud began to change. Jiang Du obviously felt that the gods and demons around him began to desire.

Drops of five-colored rainwater slowly began to fall from the sky.

The rich energy spreads instantly.

The three-headed seven-star gods and demons did not move much, and even the six-star gods and demons did not react much, but the gods and demons under the six-stars suddenly became excited.

They directly fight for the five-colored raindrops.

Jiang Du's eyelids moved slightly, as if whoever grabs these things is the one who owns them.

So many gods and demons are rushing, that should be a good thing.

Jiang Du also shot immediately, but his reaction was slower, and it was not easy to compete directly with others, so in the end he only got three drops of rain.

The other gods and demons got the raindrops and immediately began to drink.

Jiang Du felt the powerful energy contained in the raindrops, and his Adam's apple couldn't help rolling up and down.

Cough, five-colored rain, I have never seen it before, try it!

After three drops of his belly, instant rich energy agitated in Jiang Du's body. Jiang Du's spiritual power, which had reached 5 million units, instantly began to increase.

Five million and thirty thousand!

A drop of water, the power of ten thousand souls!

Jiang Du couldn't help taking a breath.

Good deed, what's the situation?

If you are like this, I can't help but start stealing.

ps: Yesterday a few good friends came to me for a drink, and then...unconscious...

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