I Can Really Fire a Map Cannon

Chapter 457: Four hundred and fifty-eight

Lan Bin was not the only one who got the news of continuous return.

All the people who crossed the camp have been notified, that is, to prepare them. This return does not require many people to bring things back, but the next time they return, they will need a large number of people to carry the supplies.

Ninety percent of these supplies are food.

With this batch of food reserves, the food in the time-travel camp can be effectively improved, especially those new time-travelers who are suddenly asked to eat synthetic food directly, which is very unaccustomed.

A large number of new traversers will be added to the traversal camp at that time.

Five consecutive returns can basically bring them more than 50,000 new transmigrators.

Today, the number of traversers is almost 100,000, with a fraction of the number. Adding the 50,000, there will be a total of 150,000 traversers living in another world.

It is impossible for 150,000 people to be in the army, but most of them will be in the army.

There are only about 10,000 people left in the local government and the government council.

Half of these people are wounded soldiers who retired. In fact, all wounded soldiers have been cured. Even if you lose your arms and legs, you will be equipped with mechanical limbs, which will not affect the movement of the whole person.

But the people with mechanical limbs are all retired and will not stay in the army.

The army often pulls out for war, and various crisis situations may be encountered. The mechanical limbs consume too much power and need to be charged in time to maintain flexibility. Sometimes it is too late to charge in the wild, which will paralyze the people with mechanical limbs.

Such people are no longer suitable to stay in the army.

But they are still good at the local level, otherwise everyone will enter the inspection department to clean up the evil spirits of the inspection department.

140,000 people, and the two reorganization divisions will give priority to filling up.

The two editors numbered 60,000 people. He Jie wanted to make another one, but Zhou Ping refused.

At present, the number of people crossing the battalion, it is enough to maintain two reorganization divisions.

The remaining 80,000 people are still based on the old system, four regiments and one division, which are divided into eight divisions at any time. They travel through the eight cities owned by the battalion, and each city is stationed with one division.

The two reorganizers were stationed in City No. 18 and City No. 3 respectively.

These two cities are now the two most important cities in the crossing camp.

Not to mention City No. 18, it was the base camp, the political center of the Crossing Camp, and City No. 3 had now become the economic center of the Crossing Camp.

City 3 has more people and more wealthy people.

Together with the provisional army and the volunteer army, the two local armies, aviation brigade, etc., the total strength of the crossing battalion will reach more than 280,000.

This kind of force is enough for them to protect themselves.

Before the northerners came, the military strength of each of the five major families was only 300,000 to 400,000 people. Now, the four major families have expanded their troops, but the total strength is maintained at around 500,000.

They didn't expand much.

The four major families seem to be in a group, but in fact they are intriguing with each other, and there are many dirty things. Even if the other three families help the Hua family resist the attack of the northerners, the Hua family still has plans for the other three.

As for the Ming family, after the rise of the crossing camp, the four major families were even more unheard of.

In the end, he fell into the trap and seized the city that belonged to the Ming family, which accelerated the demise of the Ming family.

But in the end, the crossing battalion had the smallest number of troops. Considering that everyone in the crossing battalion was an awakened person, in terms of combat power, the crossing battalion was the strongest.

The first comeback soon passed.

Even though they returned to another world, all the traversers did not feel melancholy or dazed. Instead, they waited energetically. Many people also went to shops in another world to buy special products here and bring them to their relatives on the other side of the earth.

Some things in another world today are very hot on Earth.

Many people want to buy goods from another world. In another world, things that may cost a hundred yuan can be sold for a thousand yuan or even more when they are brought back to Earth.

Many traversers made a small profit by carrying things.

The crossing camp did not prevent it. It is okay to carry things from other worlds, but it cannot be contraband.

Like weapons, etc.

Secondly, it cannot affect the transportation of the crossing camp, but after helping with the transportation, the crossing camp will also give subsidies, but it is not as much as the goods you carry yourself.

There are not many people who really make money by dumping goods like this. Most of them still bring some special products back to others and give them to their relatives and friends.

The second return, open.

Back on the earth, Sister Jing began to buy a lot of food, mainly food. She bought a lot of food and sent it to the base, waiting to be transported back to the crossing camp.

A variety of staple foods, vegetables, meat, and seeds and feed.

In another world, Chuanyingkai has cultivated a lot of farmland and planted it by himself.

The reason why the five major families did not do this in the wilderness at the beginning is because there are many mutant beasts in the wilderness, which can easily cause damage to planted things and loss of personnel.

Second, there are tons of synthetic foods.

Synthetic foods are simple to manufacture, low cost, and can supplement nutrients to fill the stomach. With these foods, no one wants to bother to plant and breed them.

But the crossing camp is different, they are used to eating this kind of food.

In addition, Zhou Ping can now know the location of all mutant beasts, clear them in advance, sort out a safe area, and plant and breed them on a large scale.

In the crossing camp, the awakened people who have awakened to ripening or have the ability to use plants and animals are concentrated in the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to help grow more food earlier and faster.

Today's time-travel camps are not self-sufficient in terms of food, but it won't take long for them to achieve the goal of making all the time-traversers not eat synthetic food in the future.

After that, there is no need to bring so much food from Earth to return to another world.

In the future time-travel camps, it will no longer be a problem for travelers to eat fresh vegetables, grains, meat, etc.

The wild beasts outside the thirteenth city and the eighteenth city have been cleaned up by the crossing camp as the training target.

In the future, there will be no mutated beasts around the eight cities controlled by the crossing camp. At that time, the eight cities will be able to produce food independently, and the food produced by that time will not only improve the crossing camp, but also improve the control of more people. .

In fact, people in other worlds also prefer to eat natural food. In another world, natural food has always been considered a luxury. In the future, with more output from the crossing camp, the price of these foods can be lowered so that more people can eat it.

This can also be regarded as a means for the traversers to gather the hearts of the local indigenous people.

As outsiders, they have a natural estrangement from the local indigenous people, but fortunately, the crossing camp has not adopted high-pressure rule, and the gentle method has allowed more and more cities to identify with the crossing camp.

It can only be said that compared to the Ming family, the crossing camp is indeed much better. The five major families all have family interests above everything else, so how can they seriously consider everyone's needs like the crossing camp.

In the eyes of the five major families, many poor and poor people are not human.

It's just the object they squeezed and demanded. Use it when you need it, and don't even look at it when you don't need it.

Food planning is a very important part of the crossing camp.

Even if he knew that he could make a lot of money by selling the food he planted to the four major families, Chuanying did not plan to do so. Stabilizing his own ruling area was the most important thing.

Don't underestimate food, people regard food as their heaven, and the same is true in other worlds.

It's just that there are synthetic foods in another world, and people have already been able to starve to death, but eating well is two different concepts.

Once people get used to foods that taste more delicious, they will definitely be reluctant to eat synthetic foods that are like chewing wax.

Today's crossing camp has its own stable territory. The most important thing is to develop itself. Only when it develops well can it truly stand in another world.

Not to say that it will never fall, but at least it can last for hundreds of years.

The continuous return continues, and more and more new traversers have come to another world.

This time, the continuous return will be started once in half a day, unlike before, it will take a whole day.

Only for half a day, even if a new traveler without any preparation, as long as it is not particularly unlucky, and directly travels to the side of the beast, the probability of survival is greatly improved.

After many people found out that they had become transmigrators, they returned to Earth and immediately made full preparations.

Food, weapons, maps, and various necessities of life are all properly prepared.

There are also some lucky people who traveled directly to the city controlled by the crossing camp. They don't need to make any preparations. They only need to report and wait for the resettlement of the crossing camp.

Du Ying is such a lucky one.

She is twenty-three years old this year, but because of her immature appearance, she still looks like a minor, petite and exquisite, a typical Xiaojiabiyu.

Before, she had seen a lot of news about transmigrators on the Internet.

In the past, she also joined the discussion, envied that those who traveled had superpowers, and longed to be able to travel by herself, thus possessing superpowers.

But later, as she learned more about the world of traversers, her idea faded a lot.

After transmigration, it will take a long time to return to Earth. In addition, the other world is still fighting, and it is not stable. Her heart for transmigration is not so strong anymore.

But she didn't expect that this kind of thing would eventually fall on her head.

She traveled to City No. 18, and after knowing where she had traveled, she felt a sense of happiness.

City No. 18 belongs to the crossing camp and is the territory of the traversers. She will not be in any danger in this city, as long as she reports in time.

She was very generous, like the patrol admitting her identity as a transmigrator.

The inspection was also very polite, taking her to a place for registration, and then assigning a dormitory. She and several girls were assigned to a dormitory, where they were not coerced or harmed.

Compared with the first batch of travelers, they were really much happier.

"My name is Wang Lu, from Yu Province, how about you?"

A tall girl in the same bedroom, about thirty years old, with a very active personality, took the initiative to greet Du Ying.

"Du Ying, from Jiang Province."

Du Ying's personality is a little introverted, and his introduction to himself is also very simple.

"I didn't expect that we also crossed. The other world is indeed very developed. It is the same as the rumors on the Internet. I just don't know what abilities we can awaken in the future."

Wang Lu spoke generously and successfully chatted about the topic.

For these new traversers, in addition to being curious about another world, the most they think about is awakening. Everyone hopes that they can awaken a very practical ability.

There has been a lot of discussion on the Internet about the ability to awaken.

All kinds of abilities can be said to be varied, but abilities are also divided into important and secondary, or completely useless, such as awakening combat-type abilities, any kind of combat-type abilities are very important.

In the auxiliary ability, it depends on what it is.

It seems that someone has awakened to create a small flame, create a little water, the establishment is useless at all, and it is not a wilderness survival, if you travel to the wilderness, it may be useful.

But now is not what it used to be. Many people know about transmigration and have made preparations.

Moreover, this time it was a continuous journey. After half a day in another world, they could return to the earth, which is enough for them to make various responses. A small ability like that is really useless.

"I want to awaken combat-type abilities."

Du Ying said longingly, Wang Lu shook his head: "Why do you want that ability, how dangerous it is to fight and kill, I want to wake up to eternal youth, so that I can keep my youth forever."

Wang Lu's thoughts represent the thoughts of many girls.

Since knowing that they have the ability to stay youth forever, almost all girls have fantasized about having this ability, including Du Ying.

After thinking for a while, Du Ying still shook his head: "I still want combat-type abilities."

She was originally a baby face and looked extremely immature. There was a temptation for her to stay young forever, but the temptation was not that great. In contrast, she wanted to express herself and have powerful abilities.

Wang Lu: "We will wake up after a while, we will know then

What is the ability. "

After Wang Lu finished speaking, she looked out the door again, and another woman came in, but she looked like she was in her forties. She was obviously not interested. She just said hello to the other party, asked a few questions, and then went with Du Ying again. chat.

This kind of thing happened in every city across the camp.

However, most of the traversers go to the wilderness, especially a single girl, who suddenly enters a strange wild environment, and will instinctively rush to fear.

Those who are prepared, those with emergency kits and maps are fine, those who are not prepared for anything are even more fearful.

Fortunately, the time for Zhou Ping to start his return has been shortened, which did not let their fear last too long.

"I have returned three times, do a good job of publicity, and let the traversers in the wilderness protect themselves and wait for the traversal camp to find and rescue them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The traversers in other cities should not be in a hurry, first listen to the four major families. arrange."

On the third return, Zhou Ping came to the base again to preside over the meeting.

The two returns have brought new traversers, in the city where the traversers are located, and in the wilderness.

Now that the Ming family has been defeated, there is no need to worry that the Ming family will cause trouble. The few people who ran out of the Ming family and encountered the rescued soldiers of the crossing battalion are probably not the opponents of the crossing battalion.

Ming Lan and Ming De have both been released, and they have also promised to give them three hundred people.

But at the same time, there are strict requirements for them, and tracking chips are implanted on them. Ming Lan is not a simple person. Zhou Ping is willing to let her go, but it does not mean that he will lose control of her completely.

Zhou Ping wanted to know where they were all the time.

In this case, Mingde and Minglan naturally did not dare to attack the traversers in the wilderness. Before releasing them, Zhou Ping told them that if they found that their hands were stained with the blood of any traversers, they must deal with them. They launched an endless hunt.

At that time, Zhou Ping will still do it himself until he kills them.

Ming Lan is very aware of Zhou Ping's interests, and he does not dare not listen to Zhou Ping's threat.

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