Be fully prepared, the survival rate of the crossing camp can be improved a lot in the future.

It is a pity that there are too many mutant beasts in another world, and the current crossing camp does not have the strength and energy to clear these mutant beasts, but the mutant beasts outside the thirteenth city and the eighteenth city must be cleaned up.

Now the truce with the Ming family is just in time to use mutant beasts to train troops.

After Zhou Ping made a plan, he turned on the computer and used it to draw a map.

The map he draws is not standard, but it does not need to be more standard, as long as the dangerous places are marked, some lakes and rivers can be used as reference objects for the map.

With these reference objects, new traversers will know where they are.

It took a day for Zhou Ping to finally draw this map and send it to Lan Wei, so that he could print it out in batches as soon as possible.

In addition, the electronic version is also available for free download.

After crossing the wilderness, the power of the mobile phone is a problem, but charge it in advance, and turn on the most power-saving mode when the map is not used after crossing, or turn it off, and the mobile phone can last for several days.

If it has a power bank, it can last longer.

Lan Wei did not dare to neglect what Zhou Ping explained.

They found hundreds of printing houses, started printing the map in batches, and distributed it to everyone for free.

This map is very detailed.

Lan Wei, who has seen the map, is very clear that with this map, the survival rate of traversers in the wilderness can be greatly improved.

The next time I go back, there are only a few days left, and the time is still very tight. Almost every map printed by the printing factory will be taken away immediately and distributed in batches.

On the Internet, the topic of travelers is still hot.

For the people of the earth, these traversers have never left, they have always been on the earth, except for those who died, they will disappear instantly.

This means that every ten days, a new transmigrator will be born.

Those who hope to cross are very much looking forward to it, while those who are afraid of crossing are praying not to let themselves cross.

Recently, videos and people abusing travelers have begun to appear on the Internet.

It is said that since these traversers have already traversed, they should not come back. What are they going to do when they come back? Every time they come back, they must bring a group of people to traverse.

There is a lot of support for this statement.

Now everyone has a sufficient understanding of the traversers and the different world. The other world is not a paradise. On the contrary, the other world is cruel and terrifying.

The so-called traversers have no benefits other than the ability to awaken.

After crossing the border, I have to live in a different world. My family can only come back every few months to see it, and each time I come back, it only takes ten days.

Under such circumstances, there are already many people who are calm and unwilling to cross.

For those who want to travel, the most attractive thing to them is the awakening ability. With the ability, it is equivalent to having super power.

If you awaken cool superpowers, you can directly change your destiny.

Most of the people who think like this are from abroad.

What makes Zhou Ping interesting is that after he went back last time, those foreign travelers really started to do things in the city alliance.

But instead of sieging the city, they gathered together and demanded more power and status within the city.

Some people were suppressed unsurprisingly, but some people actually succeeded.

The system of the city alliance is different from the city federation where Zhou Ping and the others are located, where each city is more like an independent country with its own legislative power.

The alliance is only responsible for big things, and the cities are basically autonomous.

In some cities, people caught the traveler who made trouble, and in some cities, they really absorbed the traveler into the city's management.

In any case, these transmigrators are all awakened people, and they can be regarded as capable people.

And their success has inspired many people.

Just two days after returning, there are already a large number of traversers abroad shouting that they must unite again to fight for more and better rights, so that their traversers can truly become the ruling class of another world.

This made Zhou Ping a little envious of them.

At least they gained some legitimacy without going through the war.

Unlike them, they had to go through hard battles in order for them to have a better life in another world.

However, the traversers in the city federation are more united and can resist more dangers.

Don't look at the riots of foreign travelers, once they cross the border, they will definitely be ruthlessly suppressed by the rulers of the city alliance.

It's okay to give them some power and status in the city, but it's impossible to really let the transmigrators rule.

No ruler on either side would allow such a thing to happen.

Zhou Ping has nothing to do with how noisy abroad is. Zhou Ping continued to search for the abilities awakened by foreign travelers, but unfortunately, this time, he did not find many suitable abilities.

Without the ability to absorb it, Zhou Ping has no intention of going abroad. When he comes back this time, he plans to spend ten days at home.

For Zhou Ping now, the most important thing is the other world.

The crossing camp of 40,000 people can only protect itself at present. There is no problem in maintaining two cities, and if they conquer another city, they can also defend themselves.

But they just stopped the war with the Ming family, and this time is not suitable for taking the initiative.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Zhou Ping was going to start several more returns. He didn't have to return to Earth for ten days each time, so Lan Wei was so busy that he didn't even have time to spend with his family.

The more times you return, the longer you can stay on Earth.

The number of times of return, Zhou Ping plans to set at six times.

Six times and sixty days, two months, can allow everyone to cultivate well on the earth, and can also relieve the pressure brought by the constant war.

And six times of return, at least 40,000 traversers can be brought back.

In this way, the number of traversers can reach 80,000.

Eighty thousand people, thirty-two regiments, eight divisions, and a crossing battalion with eight divisions, even if the Ming family really recruited fifty brigades, they would not be afraid.

Too bad the ammunition is low.

Before going back this time, I have to get more support from the country, and I also need a batch of basic weapons. The weapons and equipment in the other world are insufficient, but the earth has them, so I need to bring them from the earth.

If all the eight divisions form an army, there will be no problem in crossing the battalion and occupying four cities. If they are ruthless, they can completely occupy six cities.

If there are six cities, the crossing camp can truly be counted as the sixth largest force in the city federation, and only then can it be truly recognized by the four major families.

As for the Ming family, I am afraid that they will not die with the crossing camp. The crossing camp is not suitable for making many enemies. If you want to capture more cities, you can only start with the Ming family.

However, the two sides are now dead enemies, and there is no problem in strengthening themselves and attacking the Ming family.

In the future, there must be enough people and weapons, Zhou Ping even thought, let the crossing camp completely replace the Ming family.

In the future, there will be enough traversers to replace the Ming family, and it is not impossible.

However, this is a long-term plan that cannot be achieved in a short period of time. At present, the biggest task of the crossing camp is to protect itself.

Inside the base, Lan Wei and Zheng Tian were shaking hands with someone.

The single-soldier air defense missiles that were brought back before have been exhausted during the attack on No. 18 and Hemingmen. This time, they directly asked for 5,000 individual-soldier missiles through the battalion.

Technology for weapons, this time through the battalion has come up with a lot of high-end technology.

In fact, there is still a sum of gold in the hands of the crossing camp, but this money cannot be used on Earth. In the future, another world will need to buy a lot of weapons and equipment, and the money may be used at that time.

Gold is the stock of the two cities. City No. 13 was taken down without a fight, and city No. 18 was raided again. The Ming family did not expect that the crossing camp would occupy city No. 18 so quickly.

The treasuries of these two cities have become the spoils of the crossing camp.

However, it will be difficult to capture in this way in the future. The same mistakes of the Ming family will not be made continuously. If you cross the camp to attack the city, it is very likely that these things will be transferred away before the siege.

In addition to the individual missiles, Lanwei also has a large number of basic weapons.

Including rifles, bullets, howitzers that can be taken away, and more.

Earth's artillery is actually not as good as another world.

Cannonballs of the same size, the power of weapons in another world is at least three times that of the earth. These technologies have now been given to the country, and I believe that the country will soon be able to upgrade to new weapons.

Even if it is not as good, it is worse than nothing.

Moreover, the training of artillerymen is impossible without live ammunition, and the weapons from other worlds should be kept as much as possible, and only the weapons and ammunition brought by the earth will be used for training in the future.

A large number of equipment were sent to the base in a steady stream, and when they returned, they would be taken away by the crossing camp.

This time, there were more people convened in the crossing camp. There were six regiments and 15,000 people who came to carry these materials and leave.

On the fourth day of the return, Lan Wei finally returned home.

He Jie in the base is fine. Now most of the traversers have joined the traversal camp. Fewer and fewer traversers have committed crimes, and He Jie's work has eased a lot.

"Senior He, the Ming family has ten brigades, all of which are located in City No. 30. I am currently being held in City No. 30, and I can't find out more information."

Inside the base, there was another traveler looking at He Jie bitterly.

He is a member of the intelligence agency of the crossing battalion. In the sphere of influence of the Ming family, none of the traversers of the Ming family have been rescued. After the war with the crossing battalion, all the traversers were imprisoned.

"Don't worry, we will rescue you as soon as possible."

He Jie sighed. In the past few days, many traversers from the Ming family's territory have come to the base to ask for help from the traversal camp.

Their life at Ming's house was not easy, and they hoped that the crossing camp would pick them up sooner.

It is not easy to take back the transmigrators from Ming's house.

Unless it can be exchanged, there are not many chips in the hands of the time-travel camp. Only one Minglan is still valuable, but it is impossible for one Minglan to exchange all the travelers.

The Ming family wouldn't be so stupid, they used these transmigrators to exchange for Ming Lan alone.

However, it is still possible to exchange some useful people with Ming Lan.

He Jie is already thinking of a way. If he really needs it, he will use the people from the Ming family to exchange a batch of travelers, especially those who are not in good physical condition.

They were tortured by the Ming family, and it is very likely that they will not last until the end.

"As soon as possible, some people can't hold it anymore. After the Ming family lost City No. 18, they took a lot of traversers to vent their anger."

The person who reported it sighed, the current state of the Ming family's transmigrators is indeed not optimistic.

Returning to Earth now is actually giving them a chance to breathe and take good care of their bodies.

He Jie didn't know yet that Zhou Ping had planned to return continuously. In this case, the tortured transmigrators of the Ming family would be in a much better state in the future.

The map is still being printed, and the domestic demand is too large. Even if hundreds of printing factories are rushing to work, they will not be able to get one copy when they go back this time.

As for the rest, it can only be added later.

In the wilderness, the crossing camp was also prepared. After returning, they immediately began to rescue these new traversers. However, the training base could only accommodate tens of thousands of people at most. Even if the old shelter was added, there would not be enough for so many newcomers to train.

At that time, a group of people will definitely be trained in the city.

These, Zhou Ping intends to wait to go back and then arrange.

On the street, Zhou Ping walked quietly by himself. He did not have such spare time in the crossing camp. Now that he is back on Earth, it can be said that Zhou Ping has the most relaxing moment.

The familiar street scene seems so unfamiliar.

Zhou Ping already knew about the establishment of the Transmigrators Alliance after the crossing camp, and he had no objection to it.

After the establishment of the Travelers Alliance, it will be the actual controller of the two cities.

However, this chairman, Zhou Ping, did not intend to serve for the rest of his life. He could hold a term every five years.

In another world, it is definitely impossible to engage in a family inheritance system like the five major families.

Even if Zhou Ping has children in the future, if his children are not excellent, they will not be able to be the chairman at all.

There are still so many traversers, and the descendants of traversers in different worlds will also need to be well cultivated.

It is their greatest advantage that all the current traversers can awaken, but whether their children can still do this, no one knows.

For more than a year, some transmigrators have given birth to newborns, but the number is too small, and the children are too small to be verified at all.

But whether it's Zhou Ping or Lan Wei and the others, they all agree that in the future, the children born by transmigrators in another world will definitely not be able to awaken like them.

When the other world changed greatly, the awakening rate was the highest at that time.

Many surviving human beings have become awakened people. As time goes by, there are fewer and fewer awakened people in other worlds. After five hundred years, the proportion of awakened people has been reduced to a very low value.

After crossing the camp, it is estimated that it will be the same as another world.

The ratio of awakening is not as good as one generation. After hundreds of years, the descendants of the transmigrators will also be the same as the natives of other worlds, and it will be difficult for them to awaken.

But at that time, the traversers had truly established themselves in another world, and even became natives.

These are all things that people will consider in the future, and Zhou Ping will not think about it for so long now.

What he has to do now is to lead the crossing camp to truly build a world, so that the descendants of the transmigrators can live an upright and stable life in this world.

In another world, there must be a living soil for the crossing camp, and they need more efforts and struggles for this.

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