The moment God King Odin's eternal spear was thrown, Wu Shen didn't dare to slack off, and immediately launched the new magic technique he had just unlocked

!!It can be said that this move is the strongest magic he has ever used!!

"The long-cherished wish

of the world, the luck of the world, gathered around me...""The world, rolling red dust, everything starts from the fate...""

The fate of the origin and the extinction of the fate, the life and death of all things, all under control..."

Change your life against the sky and turn things around!!

""Divine Technique-Destiny Torrent !!"

beside Wu Shen, the endless power of destiny, across time and space, rolling in from all directions

!!The invisible power of destiny, which silently participates in the development of all things in the world, is all summoned by Wu Shen at this moment, and condensed into a huge torrent! In this huge torrent

, the origin of the universe, the evolution of life, the rise and fall of history... The development of everything is contained in it, looming...

The "Torrent of Fate", a divine technique that contains all things in the world, and the Eternal Spear, which penetrates the universe and annihilates everything, suddenly collide in the sky above the earth!!

and at that moment, people who look up at the sky seem to have an endless scene flashing in front of their eyes!


If a few talented people can get a glimpse of a star, it will be a great discovery that is enough to change the course of the world! If a

mortal has seen such an incredible scene, then Odin, as the ultimate god, will naturally see more!

It was an experience that had been buried in a relic called history, and it had long since been weathered and extinct....

and, what will happen to you in the future...

- Fell on the earth and disappeared from the earth...


" God King Odin shook his head violently, sobering up his flustered

spirit!!!"The scheming demon god

!!"Trying to confuse my spirit with a trick?!It is impossible for you to succeed!!

" God King Odin naturally did not want to believe the "future" he saw, he could only think that this was the enemy's trick!!

Even if Odin didn't want to admit it, but at that moment, when he saw his fallen fate, his heart still plucked hard

!!But in the next second, when Odin set his eyes on the front and wanted to confirm the battle situation, the scene in front of him made his heart that had just calmed down fluctuate again

!!Odin's supreme artifact "Eternal Spear" actually gave up halfway and stopped at a position ten meters in front of the Koi God, and it was difficult to get closer!

!And, even weirder things are still happening...

The immortal and inextinguishable Eternal Spear is slowly

decaying and rusting!!Black rust, like a terrifying virus, is gradually crawling all over the entire body

of the spear!!The Eternal Spear, the ultimate artifact that lives with heaven and earth, implying eternal immortality, is actually decaying at a speed visible to the naked eye in front of a demon god of unknown origin!

!This unbelievable sight shocked Odin's face, the steady temperament that he had cultivated as a god king for thousands of years was gone at this moment!

Not only that, fear, horror, and overwhelmed... All kinds of expressions that had disappeared on Odin's face for thousands of years made a comeback in one go!

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