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【Host, do you want to continue to accelerate the timeline?】

The system asked

"Well, speed up." Lu Jie nodded.

【In the next half day, the"black hole" was studied by scientists all over the world and defined as a special space-time wormhole. The giant worm was determined by scientists to have been accidentally sucked into the space-time wormhole and came to this world. This has received great attention from countries around the world. The countries headed by Xingguo asked Xuanguo to open its borders and let them send people to help capture the giant worm.】

【The Xuan Country's Great Elder rejected this request outright.

This involved a space-time wormhole and a giant worm of extraordinary origin, which was of great research value, so the opportunity naturally could not be given to other countries.

The Xuan Country's Great Elder's refusal made the Xing Country's Great Elder and other high-level officials unhappy, but there was nothing they could do.

After all, the location was in Xuan Country, and it was difficult for them to interfere.

For this reason, they could only send agents to secretly do something.

【Soon, the great elder of Xuan Kingdom gave the task of capturing the giant worm to the special officer of Shuidu Military Region.

The special officer quickly organized people to break into the hole left by the giant worm to see if they could find the giant worm's trace or capture it.

However, the depth of the hole was beyond imagination, so the exploration team had to give up the idea of entering the hole.

Instead, the special officer began to track the giant worm's trace through a special biological detector.

Agents from various countries also began to come to Xuan Kingdom one after another.

【However, deep underground where they could hardly find it, the giant worm that had been on the run for a long time was undergoing a strange transformation.

The system's voice stopped.

At the same time, Lu Jie also came to the depths of the underground.

At this time, the giant worm with green blood all over its body hissed.

Not long after, its body full of holes began to wriggle. The bullets left in its body were squeezed out one by one.

Not only that, its injuries recovered quickly.

Recovery is not a big deal, all kinds of fine shells appeared on its body surface to protect it.

"Tsk tsk tsk, after being hit by a gun, it directly evolved into a shell defense."Lu Jie smacked his lips.

This evolution speed is frighteningly fast!

"All countries in the world have treated the giant worm as fish on the chopping board, but the situation may be reversed. The ability of this giant worm is quite interesting."Lu Jie muttered.

While Lu Jie was admiring it, the giant worm started digging a hole again.

It seemed to want to escape from the range of the water city and go to a safe place to survive.

"This giant insect...It's really cowardly. However, this is also proof that it has wisdom."

Lu Jie smiled slightly.

"System, speed up the timeline."

Then, Lu Jie pondered for a moment and said

【When the host felt that the giant insect liked to grow in a sleazy way, two days passed in the blink of an eye. During these two days, the giant insect had already hidden in the big forest far away from the water city, and hatched a large number of insect eggs again, letting them hunt various animals to absorb their blood to replenish their energy and reproduce.】

【While the giant worms were growing in the mountains and forests, the meeting also began.

The voice of the system sounded, causing Lu Jie to raise his eyebrows.

World Conference? He remembered that after he uploaded the movie"Biochemical Doomsday·I·Transcendence", all countries were frightened and planned to hold a meeting to form the Blue Star State to share the information of controlled nuclear fusion of all countries and jointly study controlled nuclear fusion.

However, before deducing this copy, he had given the complete information of controlled nuclear fusion to the elder of Xuan State, and took away 500 billion by the way.

With this change, will the elder of Xuan State really continue to agree to join the Blue Star Federation?

Lu Jie was very curious about this.

Then, he teleported directly to the location of the World Conference.

At this time, the elders, kings, and queens of powerful countries such as Xuan State, Xing State, Bear State, Water Goose State, Lion Dog, and Red Sun State, who were qualified to sit here, were already sitting here.

In addition, there were also some high-level officials from small countries.

However, they were just here to make up the numbers.

Even if they shared information, they would not share it with them. They were not qualified.

Everyone understands this principle, but the point is a question of standing in line.

"I think everyone should know that the movie on the Observer website predicted that a huge meteorite would appear in sixty-four years."After the meeting began, the Great Elder of Xingguo was the first to speak, and said with a serious face

"Haha, don't talk about such meaningless things. Let's get straight to the point."The elder of the Bear Country, who was at odds with the elder of the Star Country, snorted coldly and said

""Big Elder of the Bear Country, you are still as rude as ever." Big Elder of the Star Country snorted coldly and looked at this old enemy unhappily.

As for Big Elder of the Xuan Country, he looked at it calmly without any intention of expressing his opinion.

"The reason why we came here is not to listen to your nonsense."The elder of the Bear Country continued to confront the elder of the Star Country.

"Both of you should take a step back and get straight to the point. Regarding the establishment of the Blue Star Federation, whether you agree, disagree or abstain, please press the button in front of you."The Lion Dog Queen sighed.

This made the Star Country Elder and the Bear Country Elder snort coldly.

Then, the two of them directly pressed the Agree button, and the approval font appeared on the small screen in front of them.

The Xuan Country Elder also calmly pressed the Agree button.

To be precise, no one pressed the Reject button, not even one abstained.

After all, at this time, whoever dared to abstain and gave up the opportunity to join the Blue Star Federation would be in a foreign country, and there would be no place to complain if they were bullied.

"Next, let's talk about the issue of sharing controlled nuclear fusion data for joint research. The Great Elder of Star Country, the Great Elder of Xuan Country, the Great Elder of Bear Country, the Great Elder of Water Goose Country, the King of Red Sun Country, the Great Elder of Gaoquan Country....Will you join the Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research Alliance? I am willing to join on behalf of the Lion Country."

Then, the Queen of the Lion Country spoke elegantly again.

Although it is best to let the Star Country elders take the lead in this kind of situation, the relationship between the Bear Country elder, the Xuan Country elder and the Star Country elder is not very good, and they are prone to quarrels, so she can only take the lead as a neutral role.

"I have no objection."The Star Country's great elder said expressionlessly."Star Country is willing to join."

Although he felt that his country's research progress was definitely the most advanced, sharing it with other countries would be a complete loss-making business.

But there was no other way. In order to protect himself and the earth, he had to do this. Otherwise, what was the point of leaving the information in hell?

"I have no objection either."

Then, the elders of the Bear Country, the Water Goose Country, the King of the Red Sun Country, the elder of the High Dog Country and other powerful countries also spoke up one after another.

The leaders of the small countries could only look on enviously.

""Xuan Nation's Great Elder, what about you?"

Finally, all the high-ranking officials of all countries, led by Xing Nation's Great Elder, looked at the calm and unspoken Xuan Nation's Great Elder.

(ps: Please subscribe, please everything, QAQ~! Regarding chapters 57-62, I will try to revise them on the 9th. I will resume updating on the 10th!)_

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