I Can Predict Danger 100%

Chapter 507~508 The Origin Of The Chapter Of Tianluo's Will

If there is a gap between friends, the small details that he didn't care about in the past will be magnified, such as Yu Gua's attitude at this time, in his own opinion, the attitude of asking is nothing.

However, Zhao Junzong felt that Yu Gua's attitude was questioning himself, and he was a little unhappy, which made the meeting a little less speculative.

Both of them felt that they were fine, it was the other's attitude that was wrong. Although they didn't speak ill of each other, they broke up in the end.

The good mood of completing hundreds of tasks was also lost due to the unpleasantness of this meeting. Zhao Junzong kicked the small stones on the suburban road glumly, and the mood for the task was completely gone.

Suddenly, [Qi Huang] sent a "message".

If it belongs to "Qi Huang", it is "transmission". If the outside world passes the [communication imprint] left by "Zhao Junzong", it will be received by [Qi Huang] first, and then transferred to him.

Each of the [last] has their own means to receive it safely, the [communication symbol] condensed by [will], and the one transferred from [Qihuang] is naturally very safe, and besides, he still has [100% prejudgment of danger] ].

"[Tian Luo Feng Meeting]?"

The sender of this [Communication Talisman] has been hidden. In order to avoid misunderstanding, he basically will not go to [Trace Source]. The content is to inform Zhao Junzong to attend the banquet gathered by [Tian Luo Zhong].

Zhao Junzong suddenly became interested, and the party only had a deadline. From the moment he received the [Communication Talisman], he could consume the [Power Point] and draw the "anchor point" from the [Communication Talisman].

[Weili] has a "green face and fangs" mask, [Police and Dangerous Division] uniforms, helmets, long knives, and boots. This is the standard [Detective Detective] dress.

The uniform style of the [Police and Dangerous Division] is similar to the "flying fish suit", which is also the uniform of the Jinyiwei of the [Earth Celestial Dynasty].

[Federation] has explicitly prohibited such dress up, and COS is also not allowed, it is implicitly to create a unique "personality" for [Rainy Day with a Knife and No Flash].

When connecting to the [Anchor Point] for "jumping", it suddenly transformed into the [True Body] state. Zhao Junzong was very calm, eliminating the danger by [Qi Huang], and predicting the danger by [Great Terror].

After knowing that [Qi Huang] and [100% Prejudged Danger] are not one, Zhao Junzong picked up the name [Great Terror] that had been useless for a long time.

Although they are not one body, there must be a close connection between [Qi Huang] and [Great Terror], otherwise, there will be no one [world is not in danger] and one [100% prejudgment of danger].

The state of [True Body] indicates that he has entered an area similar to [Void, Yuyuan], and [Visualization] is actually blocked here, a sound like a bell rang, and a floating "statement" appeared.

Zhao Junzong also immediately knew that the area he was in was "Taiyi Zhongchuan", which surprised him a little. From the information he learned, it was difficult to enter [Taiyi Zhongchuan].

And he didn't really enter at this time. Those floating "statements" are locks. To open the locks, you need to answer these "statements". What made him relieved was that all the statements were related to [Yellow Bow Snake, Tian Luo Zhong]. .

The "Yellow Bow Snake image, the original master image" and even the [Qi Huang] image are actually [tasks] with a [matching degree] close to 100%, and these "information" are "confidential files" stored in an unknown area.

Those images are facts that have already happened. After Zhao Junzong "knows", he also completed the last link, so [Qi Huang] unlocked these "confidential files".

There are as many as 1,745 "original images", which is related to the participation of the "original owner", and the "original owner" is actually Zhao Junzong today, which means that Zhao Junzong participated in it, and is already "informed".

The total number of "Yellow Bow Snake Images" is 9, and there is only 1 [Qi Huang] image.

Since the total number of tasks is more than 70,000, Zhao Junzong does not have the patience to check them one by one. For the time being, I don't know if there are any tasks related to Huang Gongshe and Emperor Qi in the [Tasks].

The questions are constantly changing, and the time is limited, but it doesn't take long. The known answers are stored in [Crystal Edge], and the answer is completed just by guiding them out.

All the answers were correct, and there was a [Qu] formed by a five-color vortex in front of him, and as soon as he walked into the [Qu], he directly became the "upside down" posture.

Possessing [Original Fragment] allows him to quickly adjust [Orientation], and his posture returns to normal, and when he returns to normal, he was automatically transferred into [Taiyi Zhongchuan] by [Qu].

The deafening turbulence undulates and rushes in a "curved" way, and the surrounding scenery seems to be too full of filters, and presents a strange "distortion".

Zhao Junzong confirms the [orientation] again, otherwise, the seemingly distant peaks are actually very close, and the seemingly close "turbulent flow" is actually very far away.

But if you really want to judge like this, it must be wrong. Turbulence, mountain peaks, plains, etc., are all because of the confusion of [orientation], and there is no difference between near and far.

The [Authority] of [Original Fragment] is to "rule the East", but it also has the function determined by the [Five Directions], and the determined range determines the amount of [Power Point] consumed.

Zhao Junzong's current [Power Point] is still close to 30 trillion, and the total [Power Point] obtained by [Mission] is more than ten million, so there is no need to count it.

Regardless of the previous [Qu]'s [orientation] determination, or the [orientation] of the current environment, the [power value] consumed is in units of "billions".

Consuming 1.5 billion [Weight Points], the environment suddenly became brighter, and the scene of [Tian Luo Feng Meeting] was officially displayed. There was no normal banquet arrangement. There were dozens of [real bodies] up to 10,000 meters, using the mountains as chairs. .

Zhao Junzong was not the first to come, nor was he the last. He learned from other [Tianluo], and soon after sitting on a mountain as a chair, many more [Tianluo] came one after another.

[Yellow Bow Snake] originally only recruited 60 [Tianluo], and most of the [Tianluo] were released as chess pieces, so that when "he" was betrayed, there were not many [Tianluo] around him to drive.

In other words, the [Tian Luo Cong] who stayed by [Yellow Bow Snake] at that time had already chosen to betray.

Unexpectedly but not surprised, [Six Royal Heavenly Luo, Five Colors Heavenly Luo] all came to the meeting, obviously [Heavenly Luo Fenghui] has temporarily put the grievances on hold.

[Ten Spectrum Tianluo, Liuyu Tianluo, and Five-color Tianluo] were privately named by Zhao Junzong. [Tianluozhong] has no relevant "combination". Although [Seven Envoys Authority] disintegrates, it does not mean that it exists [ Seven Angels of Heaven].


The history of [Tai Shang's Imperial Weapons is Really Li Pu], in short, is the process of the fusion of [Wufang] and [雲].

The original and constructing the [Tai Shang Zhu Tian Universe] is the [Five Fang Weng].

[Wufang Wedge] is also known as [Wufang Weapon Taishang Wedge], and there is no specific name. The characteristics are knives, swords, bows, fans, spears, and statues.

[Dragon, Phoenix, God, Demon, Witch, Demon], the "masters" of the six [planes], integrated into [Tai Shang Qi], paving the way for the formation of [Nine Qi Tai Shang Tian].

The [planet] of the non-chaotic five directions is called the [plane], which means [front, back, left, right, up and down].

[Tai Shangqi] is the only [will] that surpasses [Five-party Weapons]. When the six [Masters] are integrated into it, the [Identity] is erased, but the [Will] is integrated.

The [will] that surpasses the [Wufang Weapon] is no longer the only one, it may be two or three, but it will not exceed "seven". Hence the disagreement.

When the disagreement appeared, it did not cause the [Tai Shang's Imperial Armament] to break down, but the [Five Fang Weapons] began to "disorderly" devour [the plane].

The "masters" who have lost the [planet] are faced with "six" choices to survive, one is to enter the "Tai Shang Qi", and the other is to enter the "Five Fang Weapons".

In the early days, the ruler of the [planet] chose [Tai Shang Qi] invariably, resulting in more and greater differences in [Tai Shang Qi], but it still maintained the [Scepter] that surpassed [Five Fang Weapons].

The masters who were swallowed by the [planet] in the middle stage, some chose [Tai Shang Qi], and some chose [Five Fang Weapons].

And the [Planar Masters] who inhabit the [Five Fang Weapons], after a long period of time, know that the [Tai Shang Qi] will wipe out the [I will].

The masters who were swallowed by the [plane] in the late stage already knew in advance that [Tai Shang Qi] would wipe out [My Will], and no longer chose [Tai Shang Qi] for habitation, but chose [Five-party Weapon].

[Wufang Weapons] is huge, but it cannot accommodate infinitely, and the [Planar Masters] still insist on cultivation. Cultivation will inevitably require resources, and resources are the [source] formed by [Wufang Weapons].

In the end, the [Five-Party Weapon] disintegrated, and none of the [Masters] living in it were spared.

And [Tai Shang Weng] still hasn't disintegrated at this time, no matter what kind of instinct, it will swallow all the overflowing [will] of the [Masters].

[Tai Shang's Imperial Armament is really powerful] At this time, it has already "cracked", but the whole is still "intact". An unknown number of [wills] in [Tai Shang Qi] began to merge with each other, and finally [Jiu Qi Tai] was born. God].

[Jiuqi Taishangtian] Influenced by the [will] of [the rulers of the heavens], they have their own "names" at the beginning of their birth, namely [Taichu, Taisu, Taiji, primordial, Taiyi, Taikun, Taihong , Tai Hao, Tai Qi].

The out-of-control [Tai Shang's Imperial Armament is Really Li Spectrum] madly devoured everything he encountered, causing the "crack" to continue to expand, and the interior also expanded, but it still maintained the "whole".

When [Sui Xing] was discovered, [Tai Shang’s Armed Forces and Imperial Weapons Really Lipu] had evolved into [Tai Shang Zhu Tian Universe], and [Nine Chi Tai Shang Tian] also incorporated more [will].

Although there is no [Identity Consciousness], he still instinctively knows the specialness of [Suixing], and the [Zhizi Statue] that caused the mass extinction of the [Suixing] came.

[Zhizi Statue] When it comes to [Suixing], it will automatically melt into an unknown number of [Zhilu], and all [Zhizi Statue] are "orderly" and belong to [Five Heavens and Five Grounds], also known as 【Ten Wedges of Heaven and Earth】.

The five days are Huangtian, Cangtian, Dantian, Huangtian, and Sutian.

The five places are mountains, mausoleums, hills, hills, and woodlands.

[Ten Wedges of Heaven and Earth] were melted by [Nine Wedges Taishangtian], and it can also be said that they created [Heaven and Earth].

The reason why it is [five days and five places], not [five days and four places] or [four days and five places], is not a mismatch, but there is a [sky] or [earth] that "overrides" the other [days, land】.

It is difficult to know which [Heaven] or [Earth] it is, but it can be known that all the [Zhilu] are from the [Ten Wedges of Heaven and Earth].

At this time, the [粲] has been lowered into a [粓], but for all the species of the [Suixing], the [Ji Lu] is still too high-end to be able to bear it, and they have been used by the [Ji Lu] backlash as a sustenance.

However, the [Zhilu] belonging to [Ten Qi of Heaven and Earth] has not been recovered by [Jiu Taishangtian]. The reason is temporarily unknown. The [Fang Lu] created when [Yin Xing] was discovered is the same level as [Zhi Lu]. of.

It's just that it was not melted by [Ten Wedges of Heaven and Earth], nor was it transformed from [Zhilu] that spilled over to [Suixing]. The creator of [Fanglu] is still [Nine Wedges Taishangtian].

The difference is that the [Zhilu] that [Ten Wedges of Heaven and Earth] melted is a [Dead Object] with [authority], while [Fang Wench] is an intelligent race that is not flesh and blood.

[Jiuqi Taishangtian] In the creation of [Fang Lu], a unified [will] is obviously formed, and the details are also more hierarchical and orderly, which is the law of [Prince and General].

But the earliest rule of [Prince and General] was the Realm's ladder, not "everything has a seed" or "would rather have a seed".

The initialized [Fang Lu] contains different "information", which is "obtained" through cultivation.

With the passage of time, there will be a gap in the increase of [Wisdom], that is, some [Fang Clan] cultivation is extremely fast, and some cultivation is slow, and the Realm is also different.

Gradually, the differences in Realm evolved into "classes", and the distinction between [Prince, Prince, Hou Bozinan], and [Scholar, Shu, Ye and Yi] also appeared.

Strictly speaking, [Fang Clan] is also "born [shang only]", but at that time there was no concept of [shang only], but evolved the concept of [Emperor].

This is actually because after cultivating to [Wang Zhi], he naturally obtained "information". If [Wang Zhi] goes up, it actually evolves [Lu] into [Zhi], but [Fang Clan] evolved into [Di Zhi]. 】the concept of.

[Emperor] was already the incarnation of [Zhi] at that time, but because of this, it was only an "avatar" and was not enough to create a new [Wufang Weapon], and [Jiu Qi Taishangtian] had no other operations.

[Fang Clan] When ten [Emperor] appeared, the time was ripe, but only ten [Fang Emperor] were able to receive the information of [Nine Heavens Taishang Qi].

The "wisdom" race has always been difficult to control. The only one called the "Holy Emperor" today, the [Fang Emperor], who suddenly knew the "truth" or had his own thoughts, detonated the [War of Usurpation].

After the [Battle of Usurpation], [Fang Lu] was downgraded to [Fang Pu], that is, [Weapon Pu], and then melted into [Public Book, Hao Seed, Weapon].

In this way, two sequences can also be drawn, [Five Fang Weapons Taishang Wedge] - Melting - [Nine Wedges Taishangtian] - Creation - [Ten Wedges of Heaven and Earth] - Melting - [Suilu].

[Wufang Weapon Taishangqi] - Melting - [Nine Qi Taishangtian] - Creation - [Fang Qi (Clan)] - Melting - [Weapon Spectrum] - Birth - [Specialist, Hao Seed, Weapon].

[Genealogy, Hao species, weapons] all exist in [Weapon Spectrum], [Hao species] is a "wisdom" species, [Genealogy] is cultivation information, certificates, etc., and [Weapon] There are more classifications .

It can be said that the [three sons of the weapon spectrum] have both similarities and differences with each other, and these "differences" are specifically in the "cultivation" race.

Take [Xia Xing] racial cultivation as an example, [Dust Fate] must reach 1 inch or more, and then obtain [Weapon], activate it through [Five-color Fog], connect [Weapon] with [Weapon Spectrum], and obtain [Specialist].

Taking the cultivation of the [Yu Xing] race as an example, the requirements for [Dust Fate] remain the same, but it does not need to be activated through [Five Colors Fog]. If you eat the [Weapon] directly, you can get the [Special Book], and then practice the [Beast Shape Art]. .

[Yin Xing] is also "eating", except that it eats "Hao Seed", and its [Penta Sound Fate] can directly digest [Hao Seed], thereby evolving "arms".

The inch of [Chen Yuan] represents how big the "appetite" is. One inch can only eat one [Hao Seed], and it can't be eaten indiscriminately. One inch of [Chen Yuan] can only eat [Shufang Hao Seed].


Zhao Junzong was a little surprised. These messages were not randomly thought up when he was distracted, but received suddenly. Some of the messages were known, some of them were corrected, and some of them were new messages.

For example, he thought that [Suixing]'s [Zhilu] came after the [Usurprise War], but it was not, it was the [Ten Wedges] that was not recovered by [Nine Wedges Taishangtian].

[Qihuang] In the task library, the matching degree of a large number of tasks has suddenly increased, indicating that the "amount of information" just obtained is "correct and true", but who is "transmitting" it.

"Every time I come, I have to forcibly stuff this information every time. [Taiyi Zhongchuan] is really rigid enough."

Hearing a thunderous "murmur" from a nearby [Tianluo], Zhao Junzong also knew that the information was not specifically transmitted to him, but every time the [Tianluo Feng Meeting] was opened, the entering [Tianluo] would receive.

Rumbling, "Muttering" [Tianluo] made a big movement, and collapsed the peak of [Real Body]'s buttocks.

The collapsed mountain has no dust, mudslides, etc., but continues to "gasify" as it collapses.

Not knowing when the "Summit" officially started, Zhao Junzong didn't ask, because the [Tianluo] people were just sitting upright and didn't talk to each other, so he went to check the [task] first.

When I was investigating carefully, I was alarmed by the roaring [bell]. [Visualization] had been blocked by [Taiyi Zhongchuan], so I could only see it with my eyes. Fortunately, the [real body] was as high as 10,000 meters and had a wide field of vision. very.

In this way, I can see that the nearby mountains are already full of [Tianluo], and the bodies of the ten [Tianluo] are quite familiar. When I look at it, it is [Tianluo, Liuyu, Wushi] and other [Tianluo]. 】We.

Secretly counted, plus him a total of 50 [Tian Luo].

I don't know if the remaining 10 [Tianluo] do not want to participate or are unable to participate in time, or the ten [Tianluo's Will Chapter] have not been inherited.

[Qi Huang] is not [Tai Shang Qi], its core is still the [System] of [The Overlord of Mount and Blade: Legend of Three Kingdoms].

It's just that it has been with [Yellow Bow Snake] for several years, "copied" [Tai Shang Qi], and assimilated with [Tai Shang Zhu Tian Universe] due to "copying", it is no longer from another [Universe] product.

[Big Data] is also not [Tai Shang Qi]. It has many similarities with [Qi Huang], and there are also some differences. It was created [Tai Shang Qi].

This also means that the successors of [Tianluo Will Chapter] will also receive the assistance of [Tai Shang Qi], that is, like Zhao Junzong, they will obtain "images", and through the "images" guide, they will learn about the [Heaven and Heaven]. Luo will chapter].

After being invited by the [Tianluo] people, you can also go to [Taiyi Zhongchuan] to accept questions about "Yellow Bow Snake, Tianluo Zhong", and as long as you have experienced "images", you can basically answer with full marks.

Therefore, there should be some [Tianluo Cong] who are present today, like him, inheriting the [Tianluo Will Chapter], thus becoming the new [Tianluo].

[Ten score, five colors, six royal] and other old [Tianluo], obviously do not care about new or old.

In other words, even if you care, there is nothing you can do, [Tian Luo Feng Meeting] is not organized by any [Tian Luo], but by [Tai Yi Zhongchuan].

[Tian Luo Feng Meeting] was actually a [Outline] discussion meeting, and Zhao Junzong was quite speechless.

He was the first to know the information of [Liu Yu] because [Liu Yu] existed as a "trading platform", and [Bing Bureau]'s early training resources were all exchanged from [Liu Yu Monument].

This information is not wrong, but the "transaction" is the [Outline] of [Liu Yu], and the [Outline] of [Ten Spectrum Tianluo] is not named [Prince and General Xiangning You Seed], but [Pudu] sentient beings].

[Outline] The strategy of giving is quite similar to [Qihuang], or in other words, [Qihuang] copied this strategy through [big data].

[Ten Spectrum Tianluo]'s [Spreading All Beings] is limited to [Earth Blue Star], and in order to achieve this, we forcibly usurped part of [authority] from [Weapon Spectrum], thereby creating [all kinds of] Xia Weapon Spectrum].

The most affected are the [Xi Fang Clan], that is, the [Weapons] that have been born [Wisdom] and inhabit the [Weapon Spectrum].

[Yifang] refers to the [weapon] of [Weapon Spectrum]. After a long period of time, [Wisdom] was born, but it does not take [Fang Clan] as the goal of cultivation.

Instead, the goal of cultivation is the [Five Elements] of [Zhuxia], or the [Five Elements] of [Yanxing].

[Weapon Spectrum] is not under the control of [Ten Spectrum Tianluo], which is why it is usurped, but it is only a part of "usurped", otherwise, [Hao Seed, Genealogy, Weapon] has no place to live.

Just like I don't know where [Tai Shang Qi] is, I don't know where [Archives] where the "traces" are sealed, and there is no way to know where [Weapon Spectrum] is.

[Ten Spectrum Tianluo] can usurp from [Weapon Spectrum] to part of [Authority], and it has been laid out for a long time, but Zhao Junzong sacrificed [Yellow Bow Snake] to make [Big Data] evolve into [Tai Shang Weng]. is the most critical.

Zhao Junzong knew very well about the outline of [The World is Not Dangerous], but the problem is that the [outline] was not created by him, nor how he implemented it in detail, so the discussion of the [Tian Luo Feng Meeting] could not be interrupted.

Fortunately, it doesn't matter if I don't speak, but I know a lot of [information], which allows [Chen Yuan] to store a lot of useful information. [Qi Huang] may comprehensively analyze this information and update the outline of [World Nai Wu Dangerous]. .

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