I can infinitely improve my spiritual attributes

Chapter 96: Establishing Authority (Subscription Request)

"May I have your name."

Zhou Shan looked at the river chief who was speaking.

"Come back to my lord, please go to Guan Tian Wei."

The river chief replied immediately.

"Tian Wei, do you know the residences of the two He Lieutenants?"

Zhou Shan asked.


Tian Wei nodded.

"Okay, you lead the way. I want to see if they are really sick, or if they are pretending to be sick here, deliberately not coming to the camp, and absenting themselves from work."

Zhou Shan snorted coldly.

Facing Zhou Shan's order, Tian Wei, who was just a small river leader, naturally did not dare to refuse.

Immediately, he took Zhou Shan to the house of He Yong, one of the two river captains. However, when Zhou Shan came to He Yong's house, he learned that He Yong was not at the house.

"Where did He Yong go?"

Zhou Shan used the soul-deterring technique and directly asked the housekeeper of He Yong's house.

"At the invitation of Mr. Su, I went to Xingmanlou for a banquet."

Under the soul-deterring technique, the housekeeper of He Yong's house naturally answered Zhou Shan's questions honestly.

"Master Su? Which Master Su?"

Zhou Shan continued to ask.

"He is Mr. Su Mu from the Su family, the number one family in Hengshui Town."

The butler answers all questions.

"Su Mu, it turns out he's the one who's up to something." Zhou Shan narrowed his eyes, already having a calculation in his mind, and then said to River Chief Tian Wei on the side: "Do you know where Xingmanlou is?"

"Xingmanlou, this is the best restaurant in Hengshui Town. Everyone who lives in Hengshui Town knows about it."

Tian Wei said.

"Let's go to Xingmanlou!"

Star-filled building, in a private room on the top floor.

"Master Su, count the time, today is the day when Lord He Bo takes office. Are you asking us to pretend to be sick just to kill the majesty of the new Lord He Bo?"

"It's just a small problem to pretend to be sick, but He Bo is the commander after all, and we can't openly confront him."

In the private room, sitting Su Mu, He Yong and another Hewei Fan Yu.

"It's natural, I just can't stand this young boy named Zhou Shan." Su Mu smiled and said: "In terms of qualifications, you two have been at Hebo Institute in Hengshui Town for ten years, and you have practiced He has also achieved the third level of Zang training and has made a lot of achievements. The position of He Bo is vacant, and it should be the second one, but a man under twenty years old picked the peach. "

"Who made the other party the Jieyuan of Jinke Martial Arts Examination?"

"To be first in the provincial examination, with such a reputation, it is enough to deserve a lot of credit."

He Yong and Fan Yu spoke with a sour tone.

The reason why they agreed to Su Mu pretending to be ill was not only because of the thousand taels of silver that the latter sent to his house, but also because they were jealous and unwilling. If Zhou Shan hadn't airborne, then the position of He Bo would be There was a competition among the three Hewei of Hebosuo in Hengshui Town. They were all ready to go to the county town.

As a result, they learned that the position of He Bo had been decided, which made them happy in vain. Naturally, they felt dissatisfied. Then Su Mu came to the door again and gave him a thousand taels of silver. They pretended to be sick and killed one person. The prestige of killing the new He Bo.

The two of them also followed the trend and accepted the silver.


At this moment, the door of the private room was kicked open.


"Xiaoer, what's going on?"

Seeing the door being kicked open, Su Mu and the three of them frowned.

"He Hewei, Fan Hewei, didn't you say you were sick at home? Why are you here if you don't stay at home and rest well?" Zhou Shan strode in and said lightly: "In my opinion, your health Very good. They are stronger than tigers and oxen. You are deliberately pretending to be sick. This is deceiving the superior. Moreover, I did not approve your request for leave. If you do not report to Hebo without approval, you will be absent from work without permission. Tian Hechang , according to the law, what should be done to those who deceive superiors and absent themselves from work? "

"Sir, according to the law of Daqian, anyone who deceives the superior will be fined twenty taels of silver."

"Anyone who absents himself from work will be fined ten taels of silver."

Tian Wei thought for a while and replied.

"It turns out it's the new Lord Hebo, and we are willing to fine him thirty taels."

He Yong and Fan Yu saw the official uniforms Zhou Shan was wearing and the copper-printed blue ribbon hanging around his waist. They immediately understood the identity of the other party and said immediately.

They knew that if they pretended to be ill and refused to go, the newly appointed He Bo would use the excuse as an excuse, but they could afford it because they were only fined 30 taels of silver, not to mention just 30 taels. Even a hundred taels was no problem.

Thirty taels at a time, and the thousand silver taels that Su Mu sent to his house were enough for them to deceive Shangguan and absent themselves from work more than thirty times.

"What if we follow military laws?"

Zhou Shan looked calm and said calmly.

"Ah, military law?"

River Chief Tian Wei was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, it is the law of the military." Zhou Shan said: "Although the Xunhe Camp is under the jurisdiction of the county governor's office, it is an institution in the military. The county governor's office issues military pay to the Xunhe Camp, not salary.

Since the people in the river patrol camp receive military pay, it is natural that all personnel must be regulated according to military laws. "

"This...according to military law, those who deceive superiors will receive fifty military sticks, and those who absent themselves from work will receive thirty military sticks."

Tian Wei thought for a moment and then said.

"Then what are you waiting for? The two river lieutenants He Yong and Fanyu not only deceived Shangguan, but also absented themselves from work. Take them to me and beat them with eighty military sticks."

Zhou Shan said coldly.


"Hit the eighty army stick hard."

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned for a moment.

They didn't expect that Zhou Shan would actually be dealt with according to military laws.

In Daqian, there are many laws that restrict officials, but some laws have basically become decorations.

For example, when it comes to absenteeism without permission, no one takes it seriously.

Especially for high-ranking officials, if they don't report to the Yamen for ten and a half days, nothing will happen.

There is also deceiving the superiors. There is no official who does not lie. There is no official who will be punished for these two things.

However, if Zhou Shan really wants to use the law to speak out, he is well-founded and no one can refute it.

This is just like some companies in the previous life that formulated several unreasonable rules and wrote them into the employee handbook. Every new employee will read the employee handbook, but on weekdays there is no supervision at all, and no employee will These regulations are one thing, but when it comes to layoffs, these unreasonable regulations will come into play.

The company will punish employees for long-term violations of company regulations.

"Tian Wei, didn't you hear what I said? Why don't you take action yet?"

Zhou Shan gave River Chief Tian Wei a cold look.

"The two Lords of Hewei are offended."

Hearing this, River Chief Tian Wei could only lead his soldiers and stepped forward.

"How dare you!"

Seeing Tian Wei step forward, He Yong and Fan Yu were furious, and a powerful aura erupted from their bodies.

If they were really beaten with eighty military sticks, all face would be lost.

"If you still dare to resist, you will be punished with an additional penalty, and you will be beaten with a hundred and sixty military sticks."

Zhou Shan snorted coldly, and used the soul-destroying technique to suppress the spirits of the two river lieutenants, He Yong and Fan Yu, making their bodies unable to move for a moment, and then he was escorted down by Tian Wei.

As for Sumu, Zhou Shan didn't even look at it.

The other party did not stand up and speak, which was a wise choice.

Although the opponent is a well-established Wu scholar, he cannot kill at will, but if he really wants to cause trouble, there are so many legal provisions, and it would be detrimental to Su Mu or the entire Su family to find a few. , still very easy.

Bang bang bang bang——

In front of Manxing Tower, the two He Yong and Fan Yu were pressed on a bench respectively. The soldiers from Hebosuo hit them with sticks.

Since these two He Wei had collected Su Mu's silver and wanted to kill him for his majesty, Zhou Shan had no need to give them face. He did not capture them and take them back to He Bo's camp for disposal, but directly ordered them to be killed. The punishment was carried out in front of Manxing Tower, so that all the people coming and going could see this scene.

All along, the two high-ranking officers of Hebosuo, who were eighth-rank officials, were beaten with 160 military sticks in front of the common people, so as to establish their authority.

Moreover, Zhou Shan overcame the spirit of the two Hewei. Their bodies could not move, and naturally they could not gather their energy and blood. Although their skin and flesh were tough, their bodies would still be injured after being hit with a hundred and sixty sticks.

More importantly, being beaten with a 160 military sticks in front of everyone, both of them lost their dignity. From now on, they will lose all their majesty in Hebosuo and even Hengshui Town.

Perhaps without Zhou Shan continuing to make things difficult, these two Hewei would take the initiative to apply to their superiors to be transferred from the Hebo Office in Hengshui Town.

At that time, Zhou Shan can use this to insert his own people.

Among the Giant Spirit Sect, there are many warriors with great reputations.

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