I can infinitely improve my spiritual attributes

Chapter 90: Demon Suppression Team (Subscription Request)

Daqian 669.

Yongchang 4th year, July 16.

County Magistrate Zhao quickly gathered a group of men and formed a demon-suppressing team.

Knowing that County Magistrate Zhao was going to send troops to suppress the demon leader occupying the Cangmang Mountains, warriors from all the major forces in Baisha County signed up, especially those with meritorious service.

In the Daqian Dynasty, any warrior with meritorious service, as long as he made contributions, could convert merit points into points, and then exchange them for cultivation resources at the local government. Moreover, after having meritorious service, even if he did not serve as an official now, he would have the capital to be promoted if he wanted to enter the court in the future.

All warriors with meritorious service can be said to be candidate officials.

For example, if Lin Yuanxiong, the leader of the Juling Sect, wanted to serve as an official in the court, and someone in the capital recommended him, with his cultivation realm, the merit of the martial arts candidate, and the merits accumulated over the years, he would be at least a sixth-rank official at the beginning, and even if there was no one in the capital, he could get a county magistrate of the seventh rank if he was appointed by the local government.

However, if you want to be a county magistrate, you have to go to another place. It is impossible to be the county magistrate of Baisha County.

The major forces in the inner city, the Bai family, the Juling Sect, the Leiming Martial Arts School, and some big landlords, all took the initiative to ask to send warriors to join the demon-suppressing team to eliminate the demon leader who is causing trouble.

As the saying goes, there is no gain without early rise.

These forces are very enthusiastic to join the demon-suppressing team because it is profitable.

In addition to being able to gain credit by killing monsters, there is also the elimination of these monsters entrenched in the mountains, so that they can send people to occupy these ownerless mountains.

In the past, these mountains were occupied by monsters and did not belong to any force.

But once the monsters are eliminated, these mountains are ownerless.

Whoever can occupy them in advance, these forces will have a way to occupy these mountains for their own use. Each mountain is a huge wealth, and the resources in it can be mined, such as forest resources, mineral resources, herbal resources, animals and plants living in it, etc.

In addition, where there are monsters, there are usually precious plants growing. The resources in the mountains are much easier to mine than those in the Baisha River.

If the bandits who had been entrenched in the Yunwu Lake could bring huge benefits to the major forces, the major forces in Baisha County would have united to eliminate the bandits long ago. However, because they could gain greater benefits by keeping them, they had not tried their best to eliminate them until they were controlled by the monsters of the Wusheng Sect and ran to the county town to make trouble, so they had to be eliminated.

The bandits in the Yunwu Lake were eliminated, but the fog that had been shrouding them for many years did not dissipate, so even if there were forces stationed there, it would be difficult to exploit the resources in the Yunwu Lake.

However, the resources in the mountains are easier to mine.

Therefore, when they learned that County Lieutenant Zhao was going to form a monster-suppression team, they were very active and took the initiative to join the elimination team, hoping to share the benefits after eliminating the monster commander of Cangmang Mountain.

Zhou Shan was also a member of the elimination team.

Moreover, he led a team of disciples from the Juling Sect, with a total of more than 30 people.

In addition, there were two teams, led by the second senior brother Liu Shaoge and the third senior brother Xia Jiang. The disciples sent by the Juling Sect alone reached 100 people, and they were all warriors who had entered the first level of skin polishing. Among them, there were more than a dozen second-rate warriors who had reached the second level of bone forging.

Zhou Shan, who was in charge of leading the team, was a fellow cultivator of immortals and martial arts. Whether it was immortals or martial arts, they had begun to practice the fourth level. Especially in the practice of immortals, they had already condensed the Medicine King Talisman. The condensation of the Yin God Dharma Image was already half completed. It was only a matter of time before the real Dharma Image was condensed.

The second senior brother Liu Shaoge reached the perfection of the third level of internal organs training and entered the marrow washing stage.

The third senior brother Xia Jiang also began to practice internal organs training.

The leaders of the other major forces were all first-class warriors who had reached the third level of internal organs training.

In this way, Zhao County Lieutenant led 500 people and horses and left the county town in a mighty manner and headed for the Cangmang Mountains.

In addition to the 600-li Baisha River, Baisha County also has mountains.

Moreover, the land area of ​​mountains from Baisha County to Dacang County City far exceeds the Baisha River. There are more than a dozen famous mountains, and the Cangmang Mountains are one of them. It is more than a hundred miles long and forty miles wide.

The Cangmang Mountains alone are so vast, and there are more than a dozen such places from Baisha County to Dacang County City.

Half of these places belong to Baisha County, and the other half belong to Dacang County City. They are under the jurisdiction of the county city, but if you go by land, you must pass through these places to get to the county city.

Therefore, it takes more time to go from Baisha County to Dacang County City by land.

The demon-suppressing team rode on fierce horses and galloped on the official road.

In less than an hour, they arrived outside the Cangmang Mountains.

The Cangmang Mountains are not all covered with dense trees and vegetation. There are also hills, low mountains, rocky mountains, earthen mountains, etc. There are hundreds of these large and small mountains.

The demon-suppressing team went deep into the Cangmang Mountains and then divided into several groups. Each group was divided into the area to be responsible for. Zhou Shan, Liu Shaoge and Xia Jiang, who belonged to the Juling Sect, were assigned to the eastern area of ​​the Cangmang Mountains.

They command a total of more than a hundred people, divided into groups of five, with a total of more than twenty groups. Each group is responsible for investigating a large mountain. If a monster is discovered, the number is small and the strength is not very strong. You can dispose of it yourself.

The demon commander who is entrenched in the vast mountains has five demon generals under his command. There are many demon soldiers and little demons under his command. However, there are still scattered sprites and demons in some mountains, and not all the sprites and demons are gathered under the command of the demon general.

The task of these groups is to clean up the weak monsters.

There was a Three Realm Demon General in the area east of Cangwu Mountain. After Zhou Shan and the others assigned the group's tasks, they went straight to the territory where the Demon General was.

As we go deeper into the vast mountains, the trees become taller and taller.

The three people from Zhou Shan were accomplished in martial arts, and their bodies were all over 1.9 meters, nearly two meters tall. However, such figures seemed a bit small in the vast mountains.

Deep in the vast mountains, there are dense vegetation. As far as the eye can see, there are towering ancient trees. The canopies of the trees cover the sky tightly, and the sun cannot shine through the dense leaves to shine on the earth, making it appear deep and quiet.

There are countless mosquitoes, snakes and ants hidden in the dense jungle.


A gust of fishy wind rushed down from the treetops, swallowing Zhoushan with a bloody mouth.


In a moment of thought, the green water sword on the mountainside was unsheathed under the control of spiritual thoughts, and a snake head the size of a blue ball fell, blood spurting out. This was a giant python hiding in the tree.

This giant python has reached the level of a spirit and is good at holding its breath and camouflage. The snake's body is winding around the tree trunk, which is more than ten meters long. The color of the snake's body is the same as that of the tree. The two are perfectly blended together. Undetectable.


After killing the giant python monster, the green water sword returned to its sheath without a trace of blood on it.

Then, Zhou Shan put the body of the giant python spirit into a mustard bag.

"Come on, after climbing over this hill, there are two more hills, where is the cave of the demon general. As long as the demon general is killed, the other monsters will not be afraid, and the people under his command will be safe. Enough to deal with.”

Liu Shaogong, holding a map, pointed to a mark on the map.

On this mark, there are three characters "Xuanying Ridge" written.

Xuanying Ridge is where the demon general’s cave is located.

The reason why this place is called Black Eagle Ridge is because the demon general entrenched here is an eagle demon. His steel feathers are as hard as black iron, and ordinary mortal weapons cannot harm him at all.

This Third Realm Demon General is also called the Black Eagle Demon General.

County Lieutenant Zhao asked them to deal with the Black Eagle Demon General because Zhou Shan was an immortal monk and could control flying swords. If it were another warrior, even if he was stronger than the Black Eagle Demon General, but unable to fly, he could only use Attack with bow and arrow.

However, ordinary bows and arrows cannot cause harm to the Black Eagle Demon General at all, unless they are treasure-level bows and arrows. Moreover, the Black Eagle Demon General is also extremely flexible in the air. With his racial advantages, he can leave whenever he wants.

After killing a dozen more monsters along the way, the three of Zhou Shan arrived at Xuanying Ridge.

"Human warriors, why do you want to break the contract, enter the territory of our demon clan, and commit the killing? Are you trying to tear up the contract of peaceful coexistence and start a war?"

Zhou Shan and others went forward and killed many monsters. Some of the birds hovering in the sky were all spies of the Black Eagle Demon General. Therefore, the Black Eagle Demon General also received the news, and the three of them rushed to Xuanying after Zhou Shan. At the ridge, Demon General Xuan Ying had already gathered together all the demon soldiers and little demons under his command, and there were dozens of them.

Seeing Zhou Shan and the others coming, Demon General Xuan Ying immediately asked.

Monsters that have reached the level of the third realm and become demon generals can also speak human words.

"The prerequisite for peaceful coexistence is that you abide by the provisions of the contract and not eat humans. However, you demon clan in Cangmang Mountain broke this provision. Your demon commander took the lead in cannibalism. You were the first to tear up the contract agreement. Then don’t blame us for taking action, even if this matter comes to Black Ape Mountain, we are responsible.”

Liu Shaoge said lightly.

The Black Ape Mountain in his mouth is the strongest demon clan force in Donghai Mansion.

Not only Dacang County, but all the demon clans in the entire Donghai Mansion must obey the orders of Black Ape Mountain.

Black Ape Mountain is powerful and has a Demon Saint who is comparable to a Martial Saint.

With an order, all the demon clan forces in Donghai Mansion will respond and obey his orders.

Therefore, the imperial court was also quite wary of Black Ape Mountain. The two parties signed a contract and would not easily provoke a war.

Boom boom!

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky in the distance, and then I saw a scene like fireworks blooming.

This is the 'Thunder Whistle' carried by the extermination team. It was refined by the Taoist priests of Fang Xianguan. Once it explodes, it will sound like a thunderous thunder, and the sound can be transmitted for dozens of miles.

The thunder whistle sounded, which meant that it was time to take action.

At this time, County Lieutenant Zhao had already fought against the demon commander of Cangmang Mountain.

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