I can infinitely improve my spiritual attributes

Chapter 88 Killing Monsters for Merit (Subscription Request)

"The King of Medicine Talisman forcibly ingests the grass and trees, and the essence and medicinal energy of the herbs are condensed into a pill."

Zhou Shan felt how overbearing the ability to condense the Medicine King Talisman was.

To make elixirs, ordinary immortal monks need to put many herbs in an elixir furnace according to the proportions of the formula, and use fire to slowly boil out the medicinal energy. The alchemist then uses magic power to absorb the medicinal energy and refine the elixir.

However, the Medicine King Talisman condensed by the cultivating pharmacist Liuliguang Wangxiang skipped this process and did not use fire at all. Instead, it forcibly ingested the essence of the grass and trees and condensed the essence of the grass and trees into a pill.

This is just the Medicine King Talisman. If you cultivate the Medicine Master Glazed Light King's Aspect, you can command the vitality of the world and not only extract the essence of plants and trees, but even the vitality in the living beings. It can also be forcibly extracted.

"Taoist magic, Tianmu Divine Needle!"

Zhou Shan put away the treasure pill, and then activated the Medicine King Talisman to display the Taoist magic contained in the Medicine Master's Glazed Light King Form.


The Medicine King Talisman emits a clear light, and the spiritual energy in the void is activated.

Then, the spiritual energy in the void merged with the clear light and condensed into blue magical needles.

This is the Taoist Tianmu Divine Needle. Once hit by the Tianmu Divine Needle, the body will turn into wood, and the skin, meridians, internal organs, etc. will all have wooden textures, like lifelike wood carvings.

"Taoist magic, spiritual wood healing!"

"Taoist magic, vine entanglement!"

"Taoist magic, guardian of wood!"


Zhou Shan sacrificed the Medicine King Talisman and performed each Taoist spell for testing.

Each of the nine major Dharma signs contains corresponding Taoist techniques.

As long as you have cultivated the corresponding Dharma, you will naturally master the corresponding Taoism, and there is no need to practice it specially.

Therefore, although most immortal monks can practice Taoism before reaching the Four Realms of God Refining, they will only practice two or three Taoisms for self-defense and will not waste time practicing too many Taoisms.

Because as long as you cultivate a Yin Shen Dharma, you can master the corresponding Taoism.

For example, Zhou Shan now, although he has not cultivated the Medicine Master Glazed Light King Aspect, but has condensed the Medicine King Talisman, he can use the 'Sky Wood Divine Needle', 'Spiritual Wood Healing', 'Vine Wrapping', and 'Wood Protection'. 'Waiting for more than a dozen different Taoist techniques.

Once you achieve the Medicine Master Glazed Light King Phase, the power of all Taoist techniques will increase accordingly.

The White Bone Demon Bottle and White Bone Lotus that Zhou Shan had practiced before were the Taoist techniques contained in the White Bone Tathagata's Dharma.

Name: Zhou Shan

Talent: Infinite Spirit (every day, one point of spiritual attribute will be added)

Strength: 150

Defense: 148

Agility: 75

Constitution: 165

Spirit: 550

Martial Arts: Giant Spirit Five Shape Kung Fu (ox shape/perfection, bear shape/perfection, tiger shape/perfection, snake shape/perfection, whale shape/1st level 54%), turtle breath skill/6th level (perfection), gravel fist /Perfect, Swimming Fish Body Technique/Perfect

Taoist methods: White Bone Observation Technique/fourth level (Medicine Master Glazed Light King Appearance/50%), soul-destroying technique/five levels (89%), White Bone Demon Bottle/Mastery (35%), White Bone Lotus/Mastery (27%), Swordsmanship/Small Accomplishment (13%)

After performing all the Taoist spells, Zhou Shan put away the Medicine King Talisman and opened the attribute panel in a flash.

More than 400,000 taels of silver were smashed down to build the Medicine King Talisman. His mental attributes were greatly improved. In half a month, his talent increased by '15' attribute points. In addition, the '35' attribute points that were improved were obtained through Improved by practice.

In addition, his physical body has been tempered by the essence of plants and trees, and his physical attributes have also been improved a lot. Moreover, it has been blended with the essence of herbs. His body has become invulnerable to all poisons, and ordinary poisons have little effect.

The progress of marrow cleansing training is also half completed.

Compared with half a month, Zhou Shan's strength has increased several times.

Although he has not yet truly condensed the first Yin Shen Dharma, if he were in the mountains and forests, using the magic of the Medicine King Talisman to perform all kinds of weird and unpredictable Taoist techniques, Zhou Shan would be able to fight against a super-class warrior with just one exchange of blood. .

"I've almost spent the silver in my hand. Let's go to Baisha River and kill some man-eating monsters to exchange for merit. With merit, you can exchange for cultivation resources from the Yamen."

After closing the panel, Zhou Shan came to the commercial port, and then summoned the three-headed water demon he controlled through the spiritual link.

These three water demons are the red-scaled snake, the crab demon and the loach demon. They are all demon soldiers who have reached the second level. Among them, the loach demon is the strongest and has already reached the peak of the second level demon soldier.

Seeing the appearance of these three water monsters, the warriors of the river patrol team and some merchant ships were not surprised.

They knew that these three monsters had been subdued by the river patrol envoy Zhou Shan and would not hurt anyone.

Since Zhou Shan served as the river patrol envoy, these three monsters have also cooperated with the river patrol team to kill many man-eating monsters, and the credit for killing the monsters is naturally recorded on Zhou Shan's head.

"grown ups!"

"Meet the adults!"


When the warriors from the river patrol team and the officers patrolling the commercial port saw Zhou Shan, they all bowed respectfully.

In Baisha County, there are only about twenty official positions with high rank, and the only ones with higher rank than Zhou Shan are the three giants: County Magistrate, County Magistrate and County Lieutenant.

Zhou Shan nodded to these people who saluted respectfully.

Zhou Shan came to a boat, and the three water monsters came to the front and pulled the boat forward.

Cloudy and foggy swamp.

Red Snake Scale rolled up a hedgehog-like monster covered with spikes from the water. Facing the attack of Red Snake Scale, the monster rolled up into a ball to defend itself, making it impossible for Red Snake Scale to bite.

Moreover, although Red Snake Scale rolled up the monster, the spikes also pierced its scales.

The monster was so strong that it reached the peak of the second-level monster.


Zhou Shan's mind moved, and the white bone magic bottle in his spiritual sea flew out, aiming at the monster covered with spikes. The terrible suction force forcibly sucked out its soul and put it into the bottle for refining.

For the second-level monster, Zhou Shan basically killed it instantly.

"Taoism, spiritual wood healing!"

In Zhou Shan's spiritual sea, the Medicine King Talisman flew out, and the essence of plants and trees combined with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth sprinkled down.

Suddenly, the wounds on the red-scaled snake healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


At the same time, Zhou Shan activated the mustard bag and put the body of the monster covered with spikes into the bag.

After killing a monster, the body of the monster must be handed in, and the chief accountant who records the merits can calculate the merits according to the strength of the monster. The stronger the monster is, the more merits it will get.

At this time, the crab monster and the loach monster also swam quickly from not far away, dragging a monster corpse.

Zhou Shan put the monster corpse into the mustard bag and continued to go deeper into the Yunwu Lake.

Zhou Shan had almost cleared the monsters in the waters near Baisha County, and the water bandits in Yunwu Lake were wiped out, but there were many man-eating monsters among them. The Dacang County Navy and the Taoist priests of Yingtian Temple did not take action to clear them, which required the Baisha County River Patrol Team to kill the man-eating monsters themselves.

Having a mustard bag is convenient, and the monsters can be directly put into the mustard bag after being killed.

As we went deeper into Yunwu Lake, the fog around us became thicker and thicker, affecting our vision.

The reason why the Yunwu Lake is covered with fog all year round is that there lives a mirage monster that has reached the level of a fourth-level monster commander in the Yunwu Lake, and it is also an extremely powerful monster commander.

These mists are emitted by this mirage monster when it is practicing.

If you get close to the location of this mirage monster, the fog that is shrouded can even affect your mental power.

However, this mirage monster is very homely. It has been in the Yunwu Lake for more than a hundred years and has never left. It has never eaten people, nor has it gathered its subordinates. It has always lived in peace with humans.

Therefore, the Dacang County Navy did not send troops to eliminate this mirage monster.

When Zhou Shan came to Yunwu Lake to kill monsters, he naturally would not provoke this powerful mirage monster.

Except for this mirage monster, there are no monsters in Yunwu Lake that can make Zhou Shan feel threatened, and with his current soul strength and grasp of life, he can directly see whether the monster has eaten people.

"Almost done!"

An hour later, Zhou Shan's mustard bag was already filled with the corpses of monsters.

He killed more than a dozen monsters in total, most of which were monsters of the first and second realms, and only one monster reached the level of a third-level monster general.

If it were any other warrior, even a top-notch warrior who had reached the fourth realm of blood exchange, it would not be as easy as Zhou Shan to kill a monster of the third realm of monster general in the water.

If the situation was not good, the third-level monster general would escape into the deep water.

The blood phase of the fourth-level blood exchange warrior, unless it was of water attribute, would be restricted in the water, and it would be difficult to exert 100% of its strength.

But Zhou Shan directly sacrificed the treasured jade water sword, and his soul entered the jade water sword, and performed the sword control technique, which was as fast as lightning even in the water, and the advantage of this monster that reached the level of a third-level monster general in the water disappeared.

You can't fight it, and you can't escape it, so there is only one way to die.

At this time, the mustard bag was already full of monster corpses. Zhou Shan rewarded the newly killed monster to the red-scaled snake, crab monster and loach monster. After letting them have a full meal, the three monsters pulled the boat back to Baisha County.

After returning to Baisha County, Zhou Shan went straight to the county government office and found the chief clerk who was responsible for recording the merits. Then he poured out all the monster corpses in the mustard bag and presented them to the chief clerk.

"Mr. Zhou is really good. He actually killed so many monsters!"

Looking at the corpses of more than a dozen monsters in front of him, the chief clerk showed surprise in his eyes. After praising, he took out the merit book and a special treasure and began to calculate the merits.

This treasure was refined by the cultivators of Fangxiandao. It can test the demonic energy value contained in the monster. The higher the demonic energy value, the higher the cultivation level of the monster.

Those with a demonic energy value below 100 are considered spirits.

The demonic energy value is between 100 and 1,000, which is a first-level minor demon. The demonic energy value is between 1,000 and 10,000, which is a second-level demon soldier. The demonic energy value is between 10,000 and 100,000, which is a third-level demon general.

The demonic energy value is above 100,000, which is a fourth-level great demon.

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