I can infinitely improve my spiritual attributes

Chapter 86: Medicine Master Liuli Light King

"Nine Yin God Dharma Images!"

Zhou Shan turned to the fourth level of the White Bone Visualization Method Secret Book, which contained nine Dharma Images.

Each Dharma Image was lifelike, just like the real thing, as if it was about to jump out of the image, and these nine Dharma Images were also divided into two different main bodies.

One of the main bodies was the three-headed and six-armed White Bone Tathagata Dharma Image, with five Dharma Protector God Kings under his seat.

The five Dharma Protector God Kings were the Ten Thousand Ghosts King, the Corpse Demon King, the Yaksha King, the Rakshasa King, and the Asura King. The five Dharma Protector God Kings represented the forces of resentment, poison, darkness, blood, and killing.

The other main body was the Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light King Image, with Sunlight Bodhisattva and Moonlight Bodhisattva under his seat.

In the first three levels of the bone visualization method, the strength of the soul is enhanced by visualizing the decay of the flesh and the accumulation of bones. However, in the fourth level of soul refining, it is completely the opposite. From death to rebirth, from visualizing the decay of the flesh and the bones containing the breath of death to visualizing the Medicine Master Liuli Light King, which contains endless vitality and light, you can extract the power of the essence of plants and trees to strengthen the soul.

Practicing the Sunlight Bodhisattva and Moonlight Bodhisattva can absorb the power of sunlight and moonlight to train the soul.

The bone path does not sound like the right way.

However, the bone path, one of the nine Taoist traditions of the Tiansheng Sect, is the true Buddhist tradition. The nine Dharma images contained in the fourth level of the bone visualization method, among which the Medicine Master Liuli Light King is the foundation.

When you have cultivated the Medicine Master Liuli Light King, the Sunlight Bodhisattva and the Moonlight Bodhisattva, and have the light of the sun and the moon to protect your body, and condense the white bone Tathagata Dharma and the five Dharma King Dharma under your seat, you will not be affected by the negative forces.

Otherwise, without the Medicine Master Liuli Light King, the Sunlight Bodhisattva and the Moonlight Bodhisattva to protect the soul, if you condense other Dharma images first, the soul will be eroded and affected by the power contained in other Dharma images during the practice.

For example, the Ten Thousand Ghost King Dharma Image, which requires absorbing the resentment of living beings and refining into a Ten Thousand Resentful Ghost King, contains all kinds of negative emotions, which can pollute people's souls.

If you condense the Ten Thousand Ghost King Dharma Image first, the soul will be affected by the resentment of various living beings during the practice.

In the mildest case, the soul will be polluted, the mind will be confused, and it will fall into madness.

In the worst case, the soul will collapse and dissipate directly.

After cultivating the nine Dharma images, the Medicine Master Liuli Light King Image and the White Bone Tathagata will be combined into the Medicine Master Liuli Light Tathagata, breaking the barrier of life and death in one fell swoop and ascending to the fifth realm of the immortal way.

However, Zhou Shan has just cultivated a human-shaped soul and has just stepped into the fourth realm of soul refining. He has not even cultivated a Yin God Dharma Image. It is still a long way from being promoted to the fifth realm of the immortal way.

"The body is like glass, clear inside and outside, pure without flaws, bright and vast..."

The meaning of the sutra expounded on the image of Medicine Master Liuli Guang Wang rippled in Zhou Shan's heart, and he began to cultivate his spirit.

When Zhou Shan visualized the image of Medicine Master Liuli Guang Wang, his body suddenly became like glass, and from the outside he could see the flesh, bones, and internal organs inside. There were no obstacles inside and outside, and everything was clear inside and outside.

The body was like glass, without any flaws inside, and the internal organs looked clean. The skin and flesh outside also had no flaws and no filth. There was no dirty place on the body, and it was emitting a kind of light inside and outside.

At the same time, Zhou Shan's soul was also as pure as glass, spotless, like a mirror.

One sentence of the technique and one rune appeared in Zhou Shan's mind, and then he began to outline the runes on his soul according to the runes recorded in the image of Medicine Master Liuli Guang Wang, and imprinted the runes into his soul.

Zhou Shan officially began to cultivate his spirit.

"Medicine King Talisman!"

Zhou Shan mobilized his magic power and condensed the talisman.

If you want to cultivate the Medicine Master Liuli Guang Wang Xiang, you must first condense the Medicine King Talisman. Once this talisman is cultivated, it has the ability to increase blessings and prolong life, eliminate disasters and avoid difficulties. It can not only eliminate your own diseases, but also eliminate diseases for others.

If you cultivate the Medicine Master Liuli Guang Wang Xiang, it contains endless vitality. Even if the soul is damaged, the Medicine Master Liuli Guang Wang Xiang can repair it. Not only the soul, but also various injuries on the body can be quickly healed.

This is equivalent to carrying a medical practitioner and a nanny with you.

At this time, Zhou Shan's magic power condensed the Medicine King Talisman.

This talisman is composed of many runes, which are endless and constantly running.

The powerful suction, with Zhou Shan as the center, radiates and absorbs the essence of plants and trees between heaven and earth.

At this time, the essence of some flowers, plants and trees planted in the backyard of the mansion was instantly sucked away, and they quickly withered and turned into rotten wood, without any vitality.

These extracted essences flowed into Zhou Shan's sea of ​​consciousness and merged into the Medicine King Talisman.

After absorbing the essence of the plants and trees in the mansion, his spirit continued to spread out in all directions, and the essence of the flowers, plants and trees planted in the nearby mansions was also sucked away and merged into the Medicine King Talisman.

After the essence of these flowers, plants and trees was extracted, they also withered quickly.

"Too slow!"

After practicing for a while, Zhou Shan ended his practice.

As he stopped practicing, the Medicine King Talisman in the sea of ​​consciousness also dissipated, leaving only a rune looming, which did not look very solid, while the Medicine King Talisman had 129,600 runes.

Just absorbing the essence of ordinary flowers, plants and trees, in order to condense the Medicine King Talisman, I don't know how much essence of plants and trees I need to absorb. I'm afraid I have to drain all the essence of the trees on the mountain for hundreds of miles.

But if he really did that, he would definitely be condemned to evil by the court.

However, if you want to achieve quick success, there are other ways.

That is to absorb precious herbs, even the essence of precious herbs and precious trees, which can quickly improve the progress of cultivation.

The essence of plants and trees contained in a bead of herbs is far greater than that of ordinary trees.

As soon as the sun rose.

Zhou Shan asked the servants in his house to purchase herbs.

During the martial arts examination, he killed six water bandits before and after. All his wealth added up to more than 400,000 taels of silver, which he exchanged for silver and then used to buy herbs.

After spending enough silver, the herbs were naturally sent to Zhou Shan's house in an endless stream.

Ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, Poria cocos, Rehmannia glutinosa and dozens of other rare herbs were piled up like a small mountain. Zhou Shan immediately visualized the image of the pharmacist Liuli Guang Wang, his soul came out of his shell, he ran the scriptures, and took a fierce breath.

Suddenly, this pile of herbs emitted a trace of medicinal gas, all of which gathered towards Zhou Shan's soul, merged into his soul, and strengthened his soul.

At the same time, runes appeared on Zhou Shan's soul. These runes combined together to form the Medicine King Talisman. As more and more medicinal energy was absorbed, the runes on this talisman became more and more solid.

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