"This man looks familiar!"

After Fang Dingshan asked Zhou Shan's name, the more he looked at Zhou Shan, the more familiar he felt.

"I remember, he is... Zhou Shan!"

At this time, Fang Dingshan also recognized Zhou Shan.

Yuwang Village is not unfamiliar with Zhou Shan, the 'Fisherman King'.

Before Zhou Shan joined the Juling Sect, Yuwang Village held a meeting because of Zhou Shan. Everyone felt that Zhou Shan's existence was a threat to Yuwang Village.

Yuwang Village is famous for catching treasure fish, while other fishermen can only rely on luck to catch treasure fish, so Yuwang Village has a somewhat transcendent status in Baisha County, but Zhou Shan can also catch treasure fish, which touches the core of Yuwang Village and threatens the status of Yuwang Village.

Yuwang Village also planned an action.

But that action failed. Just when Yuwang Village was preparing to wait for the news to pass and then plan the second action, it learned that Zhou Shan had become the direct disciple of Juling Sect Master Lin Yuanxiong, and the plan was temporarily shelved.

"This time, maybe it's an opportunity!"

At this time, Fang Dingshan's eyes showed a hint of murderous intent.

There was no third person around except the two of them.

If Zhou Shan was killed here, no one would know except heaven and earth.

He had reached the second level of bone forging, and there was also a catfish demon who had reached the peak of the first level. Although Zhou Shan had been a disciple of Lin Yuanxiong, it had only been a few months, and his cultivation was at most the first level of skin grinding. The red-scaled snake he controlled was only in the middle stage of the first level, and could not stop him at all.

As long as Zhou Shan was killed, it would not matter even if the red-scaled snake escaped.

After all, it was just a first-level demon that could not speak.

"There is murderous intent!"

Zhou Shan was sharp-minded.

The moment Fang Dingshan's eyes showed murderous intent, Zhou Shan sensed it.

"The first to strike is the strongest, and the last to strike will suffer!"

After sensing Fang Dingshan's murderous intent, Zhou Shan acted instantly.

The mental power was released, and the flying needles hidden in his body flew out quickly under the control of the mental power.

Since you are going to fight, you must go all out.

When a lion fights a rabbit, it also uses all its strength.

First, try to attack, only use a little strength at the beginning, then fight for three hundred rounds, fight to the death, and finally use the means of suppressing the bottom box, and decide the outcome with one move.

These are all for the sake of word count in the vernacular novel.

In a real life-and-death fight, it is natural to kill the enemy as quickly as possible.

If you can kill the enemy with one move, then you will never use the second move.

How many people have capsized in the gutter, and never used their own tricks until they died.

Zhou Shan didn't want to be such a person.

Therefore, Zhou Shan directly used his mental power to control the flying needles.

Swish, swish, swish——

There were three flying needles in total, shooting towards Fang Dingshan like lightning.

"No, it's dangerous!"

When Fang Dingshan just showed his murderous intention to Zhou Shan, his hair stood up all over his body.

This is the instinctive reaction of the body feeling a huge crisis. When the skin grinding realm is cultivated to the perfect realm, when it is hit by external objects, it will automatically use strength to resist.

Martial artists who have reached the perfection of the Mopi realm have reached the point of muscle memory in the cultivation of the membrane and muscles. Once attacked, the pores of the body absorb external information and instinctively sense danger. Without deliberately moving the strength, the Qi, blood and strength will gather towards the hit place, reducing pain and damage.

This is the so-called "a feather cannot be added, and a fly cannot land".

When reaching this realm, if the strength difference between the two is not big, it is basically difficult to be attacked to death by others.

Even if you are not mentally prepared, others suddenly attack you, when your brain has not reacted, the body instinctively senses the danger and automatically moves the Qi, blood and strength to the hit place to reduce damage.

Moreover, the higher the realm of cultivation of the martial artist, the more sensitive the body's reaction is, and it will react to the invisible Qi, such as invisible and intangible mental power.

Zhou Shan used his mental power to control objects, and three flying needles shot towards Fang Dingshan. The latter actually did not notice it, but his body reacted, and all his hair stood up. By the time Fang Dingshan's brain reacted and realized that something was wrong, the three flying needles had already pierced into his body. Even if his body reacted and gathered blood and energy to resist, whether he could block it was another matter.

Zhou Shan released his mental power and was able to cover Fang Dingshan in an instant.

Similarly, the flying needles he controlled also pierced into Fang Dingshan's body in an instant when his mental power covered Fang Dingshan. By the time the latter reacted, he had actually been hit.

Three flying needles, one pierced into the heart, one pierced into the center of the eyebrows, pierced the brain, and the last one pierced into the throat, breaking the trachea.

Fang Dingshan's tough skin and muscles did not resist Zhou Shan's flying needles.

Zhou Shan's flying needles were not made of ordinary pig iron, but black iron.

When the black iron flying needle was made, he secretly tested it. Even if you wear several layers of tough leather armor, the black iron flying needle can still penetrate it, unless you wear thick iron armor.

Or the golden scale armor worn by Zhou Shan can resist the black iron flying needle.

But Fang Dingshan did not have a treasure like the golden scale armor to protect himself.


Fang Dingshan raised his arm and pointed at Zhou Shan, opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but his brain was pierced, his consciousness began to dissipate, and the world in front of him became blurred.

In the end, he didn't say a word, and fell into the water with a thud.

A warrior who has reached the second level of bone forging, although only at the first level of bone strengthening, has also entered the practice of bone forging, and is much stronger than a warrior in the skin grinding realm. In Baisha County, he is at least at the level of deputy commander of the river patrol team.

But facing Zhou Shan, he didn't even have a chance to attack, and was killed instantly.

This is the strength Zhou Shan has.

To resist his black iron flying needle, at least a warrior who has reached the third level of internal organs training can do it.

Or, a warrior who has reached the perfection of the second level of bone forging, burst out blood and qi smoke in advance, forming a blood and qi protection, and use blood and qi to weaken the power of the black iron flying needle in advance when attacked, so that it is possible to resist his black iron flying needle, but whether it can be blocked in the end, Zhou Shan has not tried it with a warrior who has reached the perfection of the second level of bone forging.


After killing Fang Dingshan, Zhou Shan used his mental power to control more than a dozen black iron flying needles to shoot quickly at the catfish monster, and then pierced into the catfish monster's body and kept piercing back and forth.

After a while, hundreds or thousands of small holes appeared on the catfish monster's body, and it died.

"Go, eat it!"

Zhou Shan sent out mental waves and rewarded the catfish monster's body to the red-scaled snake.

The red-scaled snake found the green jade fruit for him, which allowed him to be reborn once, so naturally he had to reward him.

Rewards and punishments can make his subordinates more motivated.

In addition, the improvement of the red-scaled snake's strength is also good for Zhou Shan.

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