Night falls.

Zhou Shan came to Bazhen Tower to pay farewell to his fourth senior brother Fang Dingtian.

Among the four senior brothers in the Juling Sect, except for the senior brother Lu Yin, whom he had never met, the third senior brother Xia Jiang he dealt with the most was because his martial arts was taught by Xia Jiang.

Liu Shaoge and Fang Dingtian, one works as the chief arrester of the county government's criminal arrest team, and the other is a trainee in the escort agency, so they meet less often, but they get together to drink and chat, and there is no sense of strangeness.

After eating and drinking, second senior brother Liu Shaoge and third senior brother Xia Jiang both gave farewell gifts to fourth senior brother Fang Dingtian.

The second senior brother gave me a life-saving elixir.

This elixir is called the Nine Treasures Life-Protecting Pill. It is made from nine kinds of precious plants. As long as you have a breath, you can keep your life alive. Even if your heart is broken, as long as it is not completely crushed, the Nine Treasures Protecting Pills will not die. The Life Pill can also be repaired slowly and is worth thousands of gold.

The third senior brother Xia Jiang gave him a sword that was as sharp as iron and was also worth a lot of money.

"Fourth Senior Brother, I don't have anything to give as a gift. I got a piece of gold scale inner armor and gave it to Senior Brother."

Zhou Shan took out an armor made of golden carp scales.

In the past three months, he also caught a lot of golden carp. The meat of the golden carp naturally went into his stomach, and the scales of the golden carp were made into two pieces of inner armor.

He was wearing one for protection, and he took out the other and gave it to his fourth senior brother Fang Dingtian.

Zhou Shan opened the package and took out the golden scale inner armor, which was shining with gold and really beautiful.

"This is... golden scale armor!"

"Junior brother, where did you get so many golden carp scales?"

Seeing Zhou Shan take out the golden scale inner armor, Liu Shaoge and Xia Jiang showed surprise in their eyes.

Golden carp is a treasure fish, and its number is very rare. Even the county government may not be able to collect enough golden carp scales to make an armor in a year.

For hundreds of years, the number of Golden Scale Guards under the county government has remained at around a hundred.

"Junior brother, I make a living by fishing. I have caught a lot of golden carps in the past few months."

Zhou Shan smiled and said.

"You made your golden scale armor by catching golden carp by yourself. Junior brother, your fishing skills are not weaker than that of the old fisherman king who passed away in Fisher King Village."

"Junior brother, the name of the Fisher King is indeed well-deserved!"

Liu Shaoge and Xia Jiang praised each other one after another.

With their status and background, it is not impossible to get a piece of golden scale armor, but this relies on the power behind them, and Zhou Shan relied on his own ability to create the golden scale inner armor, which is a real skill. .

"Thank you for your kindness, fifth junior brother. However, as a senior brother, how can I accept your junior brother's things? Moreover, junior brother, you are still in the first level of skin grinding. Junior brother, you need protective treasures such as golden scale armor more than I do."

Fang Dingtian shook his head and did not accept it.

"Brother, I already have one on me."

Zhou Shan smiled, and then revealed the golden scale inner armor he was wearing under his clothes.

"Fourth Junior Brother, don't underestimate the Fifth Junior Brother. His Qi and blood have exceeded the limit. Today I have taught the Fifth Junior Brother the Thirteen Tiger Forms and officially started the practice of the Bone Forging Realm." Xia Jiang smiled and said: "Maybe It won't take long for the fifth junior brother's cultivation to catch up with you. Since the fifth junior brother has this golden scale armor, just accept it!"

"In that case, senior brother, I will accept it shamelessly."

Seeing that Zhou Shan himself had a piece of golden scale armor, Fang Dingtian accepted the gift without refusing.

"The fifth junior brother's Qi and blood have broken through. It's time to show him blood." Liu Shaoge said: "Martial arts practice requires fighting with life and death. Fighting methods and killing methods can only be understood when fighting with others. For profound.”

"The New Year is approaching, and several towns have paid less tax this year than last year. They say they were robbed by bandits in the mountains. The security teams of these towns organized several attempts to suppress the bandits but failed. I request the county to We are here to provide support." Xia Jiang said: "The county government asked the martial arts school to organize a bandit suppression team, and I will take the fifth junior brother with me to see the blood tomorrow."

"Compared with water bandits hiding in the clouds and swamps, it is indeed easier to encircle and suppress mountain bandits. Unless they are hiding in some mountains and forests with complex terrain and miasma, they are difficult to find."

Liu Shaoge nodded.

"Fifth Junior Brother, what's your opinion?"

Xia Jiang looked at Zhou Shandao.

"Of course I have no objection to destroying the bandits."

Zhou Shan nodded in agreement.

In the third year of Yongchang, it is the twenty-first day of the twelfth lunar month.

Blackwater Town, Huangniu Village.

A tall, rough-looking man sat at the end of the village.

This person is Luo Daniu, a big leader in Niutou Village, a group of bandits that has emerged in Heishui Town in recent years. Behind him are more than twenty men holding swords, while the other half of the bandits are They rushed into the village and grabbed food from door to door.

All the food was taken away.

When the government sends people to collect grain, they will not dry up the lake for fishing.

But bandits and bandits can't control that much. Without enough food, their brothers will starve to death. As for whether the villagers are alive or dead, it has nothing to do with them.

Bandits and bandits are a group of people who only know how to plunder and do nothing to produce.

When there was no food to eat, they plundered everywhere.

"Your Majesty, please be kind and leave some food for us!" At the head of the village, the village chief knelt down and begged: "If you take away all the food, everyone in the village will starve to death this winter. ”

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please leave us some food!"

Every one of the villagers in Huangniu Village knelt on the ground and begged.

These villagers are as thin as bamboo poles, with sallow complexions and skinny muscles, and have suffered from chronic malnutrition.

"Old man, get away." Before Luo Daniu could say anything, a younger brother next to him immediately stepped forward, kicked the village chief to the ground, and sneered: "Stop acting here, last year's At that time, you also said the same thing, but you all starved to death, and you were not living well. "

"Since you said so, I will be merciful." Luo Daniu stood up and said calmly: "There happens to be a shortage of women in the village. You can't support so many people, so we will help."

"Hehehe, the boss is still thoughtful."

The boys behind Luo Daniu let out lewd laughter, and then began to snatch women.

In a short time, more than a dozen young women were kidnapped.

These young women who were kidnapped were all snuggling together and crying softly.

"Why cry? It's your blessing to be able to serve me."

Luo Daniu looked at these dozen young women and fell in love with one of them. He immediately stepped forward to hold the young woman in his arms, and then walked towards the nearest house, ready to vent his animal desires.

Tap tap tap tap——

At this moment, a group of people wearing martial arts uniforms entered the village on horseback.

"What's going on? There are people on guard outside."

Luo Daniu frowned slightly when he saw a group of strangers entering the village.

He clearly sent several people to stand guard outside the village, but without any warning, he allowed a group of strangers to approach.

"Fifth Master, what should we do with these bandits?"

One of them came to Zhou Shan and asked in a low voice.

Zhou Shan is Lin Yuanxiong’s fifth disciple.

In the Giant Spirit Sect, all the disciples call him the Fifth Master.

"Kill them all!"

Zhou Shan said lightly.

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