"Have you heard, Lao Li Tou caught three golden blood eels today, two big and one small. Although the big one only weighs more than a kilogram, one of them was sold for eighty taels of silver, and the three together are nearly twenty taels of silver."

"No wonder I saw that Lao Litou left Jinshawan early. He originally caught the golden blood eel. He was so lucky."

"No, with this money, this year's cold winter will be much easier."

"In addition to Lao Litou, Lao Liangtou also caught a golden giant crab and sold it for twenty-five taels of silver."

"Jinshawan is really a good place. I heard that many people have caught treasure fish."

"There are more treasure fish living in Jinsha Bay, and the chance of catching treasure fish is greater. But with so many fishermen pouring into Jinsha Bay at once, sooner or later they will provoke the water monsters living in the water, and the news has just spread today Come on, there are still many fishermen who have not received the news. Even if they receive the news, it will be too late to arrive. The number of fishermen will probably increase several times tomorrow. "

"That's right. If thousands of fishermen swarm in all at once, they will definitely provoke water monsters."

"Money and silk touch people's hearts. Unless some people die, I'm afraid no one will give up."

"Speaking of which, the number of fishermen who came to Jinsha Bay today was not one thousand, but probably eight hundred. There were quite a few fishermen who caught treasure fish, but I didn't hear that anyone caught tiger striped fish."

"Tiger fish, like tigers in the mountains, are solitary and only gather together during the breeding season. Therefore, the number of tiger fish in a body of water is limited and it is not easy to catch them."

"Yeah, I don't know who will be the first lucky person to catch a tiger striped fish."


Zhou Shan stopped the boat and saw a group of fishermen gathering on the pier, talking about it.

More fishermen went to Jinsha Bay this time than before, and many fishermen caught treasure fish because of this.

Once this matter spreads, it will arouse the enthusiasm of fishermen even more. It doesn't matter if they don't catch tiger striped fish. As long as they catch other treasure fish, they can still make a lot of money.

The only thing that would dampen the enthusiasm of these fishermen is the appearance of a man-eating water monster.

"I've met my boss."

"The boss is back."

Zhou Shan came to Zhou Ji Fish Stall carrying two buckets, and the waiters at the fish stall all said hello.

"Ah Shan, how are you? Did you catch any tiger striped fish?"

Jiang Ting stayed in the fish stall all day and did not leave.

"I was lucky enough to catch a tiger striped fish."

Zhou Shan smiled and said.

"It's okay if I didn't catch it. Ye Ji Fish Shop, Wang Ji Fish Stall, and Chen Ji Fish Stall didn't catch anything either." Jiang Ting said to himself, but after hearing Zhou Shan's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then immediately He reacted and immediately said: "What did you just say, I caught a tiger striped fish."

"Not bad, look!"

Zhou Shan opened the lid of one of the buckets.


The tiger fish was very fierce. It jumped out of the bucket, opened its big mouth and bit at Zhou Shan. However, Zhou Shan had quick eyes and quick hands and caught the tiger fish in his hand.

"Tiger fish, really tiger fish, so good!"

Looking at the tiger fish in Zhou Shan's hand, Jiang Ting's eyes showed a hint of joy.

Although it is just a tiger fish, this is the first tiger fish caught today. No other fish stalls and fish shops have caught it. It is of great significance to both Zhou Ji Fish Stall and the fishing gang. .

This means that their fishing gang is capable of catching tiger fish.

Simply talking about fishing skills, Yuwang Village has a treasure of fishing skills, which has been passed down from generation to generation. Although there are very few people who have achieved great success, even if they have a little success, their fishing skills are better than ordinary fishermen like the Yu Gang. There are many, and more treasure fish can be caught, so the catches of some big forces in Baisha County are provided by Yuwang Village.

Although the Fishing Gang controls the fish market, it only controls the river fresh market in the outer city. There is only a small part of the business in the inner city, and its market share is not as large as that of Yuwang Village.

But if they can win this competition with the Fisher King Village and obtain the qualification to provide fish catches to the Giant Spirit Sect, it will open up the upper channel and expand the market.


"My boss actually caught a tiger striped fish."

"Other fish stalls have several experienced fishing masters, but they all returned empty-handed. They did not catch tiger striped fish, but the owner did. This shows that the level of the owner is comparable to that of Yuwang Village. Compared to the Fisher King."

"Fisher King, our fishing gang also has a Fisher King."


Seeing the tiger fish in Zhou Shan's hand, all the waiters at the fish stall were amazed.

Fisher King, this is the highest honorific title for fishermen. It represents superb fishing skills and proficiency in the living habits of various fish. Finding fish nests is only the most basic. The most important thing is to be able to hunt for treasure fish.

Ordinary fishermen, even fishing experts and fishing masters, can only rely on luck if they want to catch treasure fish.

The Fisher King Village has the magic of fishing, so the village has never lacked a Fisher King.

But the Fisher King does not have a specific and detailed classification like the warriors. As long as you can often catch precious fish, you are the Fisher King.

On weekdays, Zhou Shan often catches treasure fish, and now he has caught tiger striped fish. Although Zhou Shan says that he is lucky, in the minds of all the guys at Zhou Ji Fish Stall, Zhou Shan is the fisherman king.

"Haha, good luck, good luck."

Zhou Shan smiled and said.

With the status of the King of Fishers, even if he does not show his strength, his status in the fishing gang is higher than that of ordinary warriors in the Mopi realm. The King of Fishers who can catch precious fish is much more precious than ordinary warriors in the Mopi realm.

Some forces want a certain number of precious fish, and they have to ask the King of Fishers to do it.

Zhou Shan weighed the tiger fish in his hand and handed it to Jiang Ting, asking him to give it to the fishing gang.

The thirty tiger fish needed by the Juling Sect must be sent by the fishing gang.

"I'll go back first."

Zhou Shan and Jiang Ting parted ways, carrying another bucket of precious fish back to the house. He poured the precious fish in the bucket into the pond in the backyard and raised them, eating a little every day.



Night fell.

Zhou Shan came to the fishing dock.

The fishing dock was guarded by someone at night.

However, under the interference of mental power, these guards could not find Zhou Shan's existence at all.

Arriving at the dock, Zhou Shan untied the rope and got out of the boat, and quickly rowed to Jinsha Bay.

Although it is difficult to tell the direction at night, as long as you know the direction of Jinsha Bay, Zhou Shan can confirm the approximate location of the treasure plant blood lotus by the terrain of the riverbed when he arrives at Jinsha Bay.

With the existence of spiritual power, it is not difficult to find the treasure plant.

Jinsha Bay at night is very quiet, and you can even hear the sound of waves caused by the agitation of the water surface.

The groups of fishermen, large merchant ships, and the river patrol team responsible for maintaining the order of the river during the day are gone, and the surroundings are dark and empty.

"We're here!"

After a while, Zhou Shan found the location of the treasure plant blood lotus.



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