"Let's go to the fish market together, and then issue a reward to buy tiger fish at a high price. As long as we can buy tiger fish from other fishermen, it doesn't matter even if the price is higher than the market price."

Jiang Ting and Zhou Shan went to the fish market together.

In his opinion, although Zhou Shan has gathered more than 20 fishermen, he is also a good fisherman, or he is more than a good fisherman. He is a master of fishing and can recognize fish nests.

However, there is little hope for Zhou Shan to obtain thirty tiger fish by himself.

The old fisher king of Yuwang Village passed away, but there are also several experienced fisher kings in the village. After half a month, they only caught ten tiger striped fish. It is difficult to catch three in the next month. Ten tiger fish, Juling Sect will then send someone to the fishing gang to send a message, asking the fishing gang to mobilize all the fishermen to catch tiger fish together.

The fishing gang led thousands of fishermen and mobilized to catch tiger fish together, making it possible to collect thirty fish within a month.

Zhou Shan catches a few fish, and then spends a lot of money to buy a few from other fishermen. If he collects enough to make ten fish, he can also get a one-third share, and he will earn one thousand taels of silver every month.

"Brother Shan!"

"I've seen Brother Shan!"

"Good morning, Boss Zhou."



When I came to the fish market, everyone I met greeted Zhou Shan.

Different people call Zhou Shan differently. Ordinary fishermen, long-term workers at the wharf, etc. call Zhou Shan "Brother Shan" to show their respect. However, the stewards and owners of various shops in the fish market call Zhou Shan Boss Zhou when they see him.

The people who call Zhou Shan his boss are the waiters at Zhou Ji’s fish stall and the fishermen who work for Zhou Shan.

When greeting fishermen, waiters and stewards, Zhou Shan nodded slightly. When facing the owners of various shops, both of whom had equal status, he responded with open mouths and clasped fists to show politeness.

However, when you say hello to Zhou Shan, the managers and owners of various shops are basically selling fishing gear, renting fishing boats, or doing pickled fish business. As for the fish stalls that sell river fresh food, everyone is a competitor, so no one wants to say hello to you.

If it weren't for the rules of the fishing gang, the various fish stalls would have started fighting among themselves in order to compete for business.

If one more fish stall is opened in the fish market, the other fish stalls will lose at least dozens of taels of silver every month. However, the income of the fishing gang will not be reduced, and the newly opened fish stalls will still charge a commission.

Therefore, legitimate competition between fish stalls is allowed, and there is a "reason" that is acceptable to the public. Even if it is exploited by fishermen, fish market clerks, etc. at the bottom, there is no problem, but the rules cannot be broken and the fish stocks cannot be destroyed. Stable order in the city.

If you dare to smash up a shop or harm others openly, you will have the fishermen's family to take care of you.

Otherwise, today you have people smash up my shop, and tonight I will have someone burn down your shop. There will be fights between the shops. Without stable order, the business will naturally be affected. The biggest losses will be from the fishing gangs.

"Everyone, if anyone can catch tiger striped fish, I, Ye Ji Fish Shop, are willing to buy it at a price of fifteen taels of silver per catty, and neither the shop nor the gang will take a commission, just pay the corresponding taxes. I hope you can Tell each other.”

"I, Wang Ji Fish Stall, also buy tiger striped fish at the price of fifteen taels of silver per catty."

“The same goes for Chen Kee Fish Stall.”


Arriving at Zhou Ji Fish Stall, Zhou Shan heard that the shop stewards around him had summoned their fishermen and announced the purchase of tiger fish, asking these fishermen to tell each other. The competition was very fierce.

"It seems that we are not the only ones who want tiger striped fish!"

Zhou Shan smiled and said.

"It's natural. If you can get the qualification to provide fishing for the Giant Spirit Sect, even if it's not permanent, just one year, it will be enough to make a lot of money. No one will miss this opportunity." Jiang Tingchen He said: "But if you want to catch tiger fish, you have to rely on you. Other fishermen can only rely on luck."

"I try my best."

Zhou Shan didn't guarantee it, he could only say he was trying his best.

"Be careful and don't go to dangerous places." Jiang Ting warned: "Although catching tiger fish can greatly increase the fish stall's business, your safety is more important. If you lose your life, what will happen? None."

"I know, I'll be careful."

Zhou Shan nodded, then led a group of fishermen to leave the fish stall and start fishing.

"I searched the waters of Huaiyangdian with all my mental power. Almost all treasure fish have been caught. If you want to catch tiger fish or other treasure fish, you have to go to Jinsha Bay."

Arriving on the awning boat, Zhou Shan was thinking in his heart.

In addition to the main branch rivers, the Six Hundred Mile Baisha River also forms waters with various complex terrains due to the uneven terrain. The three places where the fishermen from the fishing gang often fish are the reed marsh, Baiyan Beach and Huaiyangdian.

In addition to these three places, there are many other waters in Baisha County.

For example, Jinsha Bay, Tianluo Bay, Duanlong Beach, Yunwu Daze, Black Water Pool, Eagle Gorge, etc.

There are water monsters and monsters in these places. The level of danger is much greater than that of the reed swamps, Baiyan Beach and Huaiyangdian. However, relatively speaking, Jinshawan is relatively safe.

Because of Jinshawan, there is always a river patrol team responsible for patrolling.

It is impossible to eliminate all water monsters, but as long as a harmful water monster appears, the river patrol team will organize manpower to destroy it, and will not let the harmful water monster live.

The patrol team will not provoke some water monsters that do not harm people for no reason, because killing water monsters is very dangerous, and there will be many casualties in each patrol.

Tianluo Bay and Duanlong Beach are closer to Yuwang Village. It is the main fishing place of Yuwang Village and is regarded as its own territory by Yuwang Village. If the fishermen of the fishing gang enter to fish without permission, they will be driven away by Yuwang Village.

If you don't listen to the advice, you can only feed the fish in the river.

Yunwu Daze, the terrain there is very complex, and the deep waters are shrouded in a layer of fog, which greatly affects the vision. Most of the pirates and bandits in Baisha River hide in Yunwu Daze.

Black Water Pond and Old Eagle Gorge are the most dangerous places in the waters of Baisha County. There are great monsters that have been practicing for hundreds or thousands of years. No one dares to go to Black Water Pond on weekdays. Old Eagle Gorge is the only way for Baisha County to the county town. Merchant ships must pass through Old Eagle Gorge. In order to avoid being attacked by water monsters, merchant ships will prepare cattle and sheep tributes.

This is the agreement reached after the court strongmen and the old Eagle Gorge monsters fought. The water monsters in the Eagle Gorge are not allowed to leave the designated waters at will and harm people at will. Merchant ships must provide cattle and sheep tributes if they want to cross safely.

This is only the waters within the territory of Baisha County.

There are at least a dozen waters with great monsters in the six hundred miles of Baisha River.

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