
Hundreds of meters away, Zhou Shan withdrew his mental power and stopped paying attention.

Although he did not follow Li Tieniu and others back home, his mental power was always locked on them.

After seeing Li Tieniu strangle Wang Po to death, this trouble was perfectly solved.

Moreover, Li Tieniu killed Wang Po, and it is likely that he will not survive.

In this chaotic world, death is a common thing.

If the dead are low-level untouchables with no background, the government will basically not spend too much manpower and material resources to investigate, but this is when there is no clue at all.

There are no clues, and there is no surveillance in this era. It is very difficult to investigate the case. The county government will naturally not waste time for an ordinary person, but if there are clues and witnesses, it will be different.

For the county government constables, this is a performance that comes to the door. They will directly chase and bring the suspect to justice, put him in jail, and then quickly close the case and get the performance bonus.

As for why Li Tieniu suddenly killed Wang Po, no one would care and waste time to investigate in depth.

For the government, whether it is Li Tieniu or Wang Po, they are just small figures. Sometimes when the case cannot be solved, some ruffians will be used as scapegoats.

Therefore, as long as the news of Li Tieniu killing Wang Po spreads, Li Tieniu, the murderer, will have to die. Even some powerful gentry and landlords dare not kill people in the street.

If you want to kill someone, you still have to do it secretly.

Committing a crime openly is a naked provocation to the government. For the sake of face, the government will definitely take action to arrest them. It is impossible for them to remain indifferent, not to mention that Li Tieniu is just a small ruffian in the shantytown.

Of course, if it is a slave who has signed a contract to sell himself, then the life and death will be decided by the master's mind.

"As long as the news of my defeat of Li Tieniu spreads, I will be considered a big shot in the shantytown from now on."

"When encountering things, sometimes you need to be patient, but sometimes you can't be patient. You should show off when you need to. Showing your muscles at the right time can not only win the respect of others, but also avoid many unnecessary troubles."

Zhou Shan said secretly in his heart.

Many people saw what happened today.

The fishermen in Guyu Street spread it by word of mouth, and it will probably appear in some wine shops and theaters soon.

For ordinary people, this is a very inspiring thing.

A fisherman at the bottom of the society, who was still hungry and cold at first, changed his fate by practicing martial arts and defeated the bully who oppressed his neighbors.

If it is embellished and promoted by storytellers, it will definitely spread throughout the streets and alleys of the shantytown.

At that time, I am afraid that there will be a wave of martial arts in the shantytown.

And the name Zhou Shan will gradually become louder.

With a reputation, if he has money in his hands, and gathers thirty or fifty fishermen to obey his orders, he can become a fishing tyrant. The fishing gang started with this, and several leaders were fishing tyrants from the beginning.

After confirming that Wang Po was dead, Zhou Shan set out for Wang Po's residence.

Since the other party was dead, the "ill-gotten wealth" that the other party had could not be given to others for nothing. As far as he knew, Wang Po had no offspring.

Zhou Shan's mental power enveloped the surroundings, affecting the senses of passers-by around him, making these people ignore his existence.

After a while, Zhou Shan came to Wang Po's residence.

A month later, his mental power has improved a lot.

Although it is still impossible to pass through thick walls, clothes, wooden cabinets and other physical objects can pass through.

Under the mental power investigation, everything is exposed.

Soon, Zhou Shan found several places where Wang Po hid money.

"One hundred taels, two hundred taels, three hundred taels..."

Zhou Shan counted all the silver bills and silver pieces, a total of 485 taels.

"Four hundred and eighty-five taels!"

Looking at these silver notes, Zhou Shan was excited.

These silver notes were all the savings that Wang Po had saved when she was a madam in a brothel.

For the fishermen at the bottom, it was undoubtedly a huge sum of money.

With this money, after the Turtle Breathing Technique entered the fourth level, the money for the secret medicine needed for skin grinding would be available.

After collecting these silver notes, Zhou Shan left quickly and went to the fishing dock. Life had to go on.

Facing the behemoths like the government and the fishing gang, even if he knew he was being exploited, he could only tolerate it.

Strong-blooded warriors are very strong for ordinary people, but they are nothing for the government and the fishing gang. If you want to negotiate with the fishing gang, you must at least become a real warrior master first. Facing the government and the fishing gang, which are already behemoth forces for ordinary people, you still have to pay taxes.

But now that you have the strength, you can't tolerate the oppression of some rogue bullies. You have to take action when you need to.

Good people are bullied, and good horses are ridden.

If you just hide your head like a turtle, people will think you are easy to bully.

If you don't practice martial arts and have no strength, it's fine.

If you practice martial arts and have strength, but still let some ruffians bully you without saying anything, then all your martial arts training is in vain.

"That is..."

In a water area of ​​Huaiyangdian, Zhou Shan released his mental power to explore the bottom of the water.

Under the exploration of mental power, it is clear where the "good stuff" is.

There are rocks, seaweed, water plants, etc. on the bottom of the river, and different kinds of fish are swimming in the water plants.

After a spiritual investigation, Zhou Shan found an old turtle lying in the water grass. A river shrimp swam in front of the old turtle, and the old turtle quickly stretched out its head to swallow the river shrimp.

Strangely, the old turtle had a pair of small horns on its head.

"This is a cow-horn turtle!"

Zhou Shan recognized the old turtle with a pair of small horns.

The six hundred miles of Baisha River not only have water goblins, but also various treasure fish, treasure turtles, treasure clams, treasure plants, etc.

The red-backed knife fish is a kind of treasure fish, and this cow-horn turtle is not an ordinary old turtle, but a treasure turtle of the same level as the red-backed knife fish. It is a great tonic, nourishing yin and yang, strengthening the waist and knees, and replenishing kidney qi.

In particular, the carapace of the cow-horn turtle is a kind of medicinal material.

The secret book of the turtle breathing skill records that after reaching the fourth level, the secret medicine needed for skin grinding, one of the main medicines is the carapace of the cow-horn turtle. The cow-horn turtle is rarer than the red-backed knife fish, so the price is even higher.

After finding the trace of the ox-horned turtle, Zhou Shan immediately rolled up his sleeves and took the scoop net into the water.


Zhou Shan jumped into the water.

He used the Fish Movement Technique and was like a fish in the water.

The Fish Movement Technique he practiced was a water fighting technique, and now he had mastered it. He seemed to have turned into a fish. The resistance in the water did not exist for him, just like on land.

In the water, Zhou Shan could easily do movements such as standing up, wagging his tail, and rolling like a fish. Moreover, his Turtle Breathing Technique reached the third level, and he could breathe in the water. He had no problem staying in the water for half an hour.

Zhou Shan swung his legs to stir up the water, but there was no sound.

Immediately, he quickly approached the ox-horned turtle lying in the water grass.

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