I can infinitely improve my spiritual attributes

Chapter 187: Spiritual attributes exceed 10 million, transforming into immortal consciousness (pleas

"Liu Sheng, a native of Fengping County, Shangyang County, Jiangdong Province, drowned and died unjustly. He lived 27 years and was sent to the City of Unjust Death."

"Wang Tieniu, a native of Pingyang County, Shangyang County, Jiangdong Province, died of natural causes and lived 82 years. He was sent to Fengdu City."

"Zhao Yijian...died in a fight with others, died unjustly, lived 336 years, and was sent to the City of Unjust Death."


On the Yellow Spring Road, the ghosts who entered the underworld lined up in a long queue. There was a ghost messenger in front holding a roll call book. Whenever the ghost in front was illuminated, relevant information would be displayed on it.

This ghost messenger sent them to the corresponding city according to the difference information displayed on it.

Those who died unjustly were sent to the City of Unjust Death. If they died of natural causes, they were sent to Fengdu City to wait for reincarnation. Those with serious sins were sent to the Eighteen Hells to be punished.

If the sins were minor, they could be reincarnated after being punished.

However, if the sin is too serious, even if the punishment of the eighteen levels of hell is completed, it is difficult to reincarnate, and can only live in the underworld forever, unless enough merits are accumulated to reincarnate.

This is true for both ordinary people and cultivators.

Zhou Shan and the Great Qian Human King joined forces to suppress all forces in the Kunxu Realm.

Even Zhou Shan did not need to take action.

The King of Hell in the underworld is the Taoist master of the White Bone Dao.

The Taoist master of the White Bone Dao obtained the inheritance of the Supreme Demon Buddha. After breaking through to the eighth realm, the only ones who can compete with him are the Taoist master of the Supreme Dao and the King of the Dragon Clan. However, with the blessing of the power of reincarnation, the strength of the Taoist master of the White Bone Dao is slightly better than that of the Taoist master of the Supreme Dao and the King of the Dragon Clan.

If Zhou Shan is the strongest person in the Kunxu Realm, then the Great Qian Human King is the second, and the Taoist master of the White Bone Dao is the third. Not only is he blessed by the power of reincarnation, but he is also blessed by the power of humanity.

Therefore, the Taoist master of the White Bone Dao has made rapid breakthroughs in his cultivation.

Even though the Supreme Taoist Master and the Dragon Clan King broke through to the eighth realm a thousand years earlier than the White Bone Taoist Master, the White Bone Taoist Master is also catching up, and it is possible that the three of them will break through to the ninth realm together.

As the underworld becomes more and more perfect, Zhou Shan receives more blessings, and his cultivation speed is greatly improved. With the addition of both the human and the underground, his cultivation speed in the Kunxu Realm has increased by 200 times.

With the blessing of 200 times the speed, his cultivation is rapidly improving.

The world power he possesses has increased tenfold compared to before.

The spiritual attribute has also broken through to the four million mark.

Originally, Zhou Shan's spiritual talent only increased by one thousand spiritual attributes a day, but with the deepening of the authority of the underground, Zhou Shan's talent has also gone a step further, reaching an increase of two thousand spiritual attributes a day.

However, Zhou Shan still has a long way to go before breaking through to the tenth realm and becoming an immortal god.

Now Zhou Shan can only be promoted to the late ninth realm at most, and there will be the peak of the ninth realm and the perfection of the ninth realm, and then he will touch the threshold of the tenth realm immortal god.

When a practitioner breaks through from the sixth realm to the seventh realm, he needs to break the gate of heaven and earth. If a practitioner wants to break through to the tenth realm, the same is true. He needs to break the gate of immortals and mortals.

However, with Zhou Shan's current mental strength, he did not see the existence of the gate of immortals and mortals.

Although Zhou Shan did not see the gate of immortals and mortals, he faintly sensed that there was such a gate in the depths of the void. As long as his spirit continues to improve, it is only a matter of time before he can sense the gate of immortals and mortals.

"The development of the underworld in Kunxu Realm is already on the right track. If you want to quickly improve the authority of the underworld, you can only conquer other worlds and then open up the underworld. It is difficult to improve in Kunxu Realm."

Zhou Shan said secretly in his heart.

Now, he knows how to improve his talent.

That is to improve the authority of humanity and the underworld, and control the origin.

Or, control the authority of heaven.

Compared to conquering other worlds, it is easier to control the authority of heaven in Kunxu Realm.

After all, there are also sons of the world in other worlds.

If Zhou Shan wants to invade other worlds, he will be suppressed. If he is not at home, he is likely to fail.

This is just like when the ancient demon world invaded Kunxu World. There was a demon king in the ancient demon world who reached the ninth realm and also controlled the world power of the ancient demon world. However, when he invaded Kunxu World, he was still defeated by Zhou Shan who was only in the eighth realm.

Moreover, he left behind an arm and a leg.

Although Zhou Shan has now broken through to the ninth realm, if he invades other worlds, the result should be similar to that of the demon king of the ancient demon world, not much better.

If he invades the ancient demon world, he will definitely return in defeat.

If you want to invade other worlds, even if you have the help of your own world, you must at least reach the tenth realm and become an immortal god. If you don’t have the help of your own world, you are only a tenth realm immortal god, and you will have the power of falling.

For example, if an immortal god descends on Kunxu World now, Zhou Shan can kill him with the help of the human and earthly powers.

But it is not easy to master the authority of the heavenly way.

Without any special opportunity, it is impossible to master the authority of the heavenly way.

The reason why Zhou Shan was able to master the power of humanity.

First, he made a supreme aspiration and gained the blessing of the power of humanity by completing the supreme aspiration that was beneficial to humanity. Another reason was that he integrated the human artifact Shanhe Ding.

In addition to the power of humanity and the power of the earth, it is due to the complete inheritance of the Supreme Demon Buddha, which gives the opportunity to master the power of reincarnation. Another point is that the earth is not as perfect as the human and heaven.

If the power of the underworld is perfected and the underworld already exists, then it will be difficult for Zhou Shan to grasp the power of reincarnation just by understanding the power of the law of reincarnation.

Zhou Shan understood the power of the law of reincarnation, and then opened up the underworld, perfecting the order of the tunnel bit by bit, so he obtained the authority of the tunnel, and thus mastered the power of the tunnel.

However, the way of heaven is much more perfect than the way of earth. It is impossible for Zhoushan to master the power of heaven by perfecting the way of heaven, just like the way of earth, so it can only be like the way of humanity, integrating the artifacts of heaven.

Speaking of heavenly artifacts, there were gods in charge of heavenly artifacts in ancient times.

In every world, in addition to the human saint emperor, there are also gods from the heavenly world to maintain the operation of the world.

But after the Jedi Way of Heaven, the human race and the gods fought.

The human saint emperor disappeared, and the gods of the heavenly world also disappeared. However, although the human saints and heavenly gods disappeared, some of the human and heavenly artifacts were broken, and some were preserved.

As long as you find the Divine Artifact of Heaven and refine it in Zhoushan, you will be able to control the power of Heaven.

"Heavenly Artifact!"

Zhou Shan’s eyes flickered.

He has searched almost the entire Kunxu Realm.

No trace of the heavenly artifact was found in the secret realm or in the ruins.

Then, there is a high probability that the Heavenly Artifact is in the Dongxu World.

In the Kunxu world, that is, the Dongxu world, he has not yet searched extensively.

Because in the world of Dongxu, there is incomparable chaos and violence, and even in some places, some residual energy left by the war between immortals and gods has not dissipated. If the Eight Realm Eternal Heavenly Lord is defeated, there will be only one way to die.

However, now that Zhou Shan has reached the late stage of the Ninth Realm, and his control over the power of humanity and the power of the earth has been further improved, some dangerous places in the Dongxu World will not pose much of a threat to him.


Zhoushan Yuanshen flashed and entered the cave world.

Layers of space were cut open by him at will, and he was swimming in the space faults and space-time storms like a fish in water.

The Dongxu World does not have only one layer, but has layers of overlapping spaces. In some places, there are even more than ten layers, or even dozens of layers of different spaces.

Between the different spaces on each floor, there is a terrifying space-cutting power.

However, these forces could not cause any damage to Zhou Shan.

Around him, there is the power of the world shrouding him, isolating all power from outside.

Zhou Shan kept shuttling in the cave world, jumping through space, and came to one desperate place after another.

Among them, there is an ancient ship wandering in the cave world, with countless ghosts on it.

These ghosts are all resentful ghosts born from the resentment of heaven and earth, and their destructive power is extremely huge.

"It's a ghost ship!"

From a distance, Zhou Shan discovered the existence of this ghost ship.

This ghost ship not only contains countless resentful ghosts, but also ghost saints who have reached the seventh level, and even ghost emperors who have reached the eighth level. The ghost ship itself is also a fairy ship that has reached the tenth level. .

If it were not for the fairy ship, it would not be able to exist permanently in the cave world.

However, this fairy ship looks a bit dilapidated, with rust on it, and the hull is damaged. There are holes everywhere, and there are various marks. These are the marks left by swords, guns, swords and halberds.

But no matter how dilapidated it is, the fairy ship is still a fairy ship.

Whatever stands in front of the fairy ship will be smashed into pieces.

"Buddha asks Jialan to save all sentient beings!"

Zhou Shan came to the fairy boat and released the light of Purdue.

A dazzling golden light appeared in the cave world like the sun.

After the light dissipated, all the resentful ghosts on this fairy ship were saved by Zhou Shan and became his most devout believers, whether they were ordinary resentful ghosts, ghost saints who had reached the seventh realm, or ghosts who had reached the eighth realm. The imperial capital is the same.


Zhou Shan redeemed all the resentful ghosts on the fairy ship, and then opened a passage for the fairy ship to enter the underworld.

In addition to the Taoist Master of the White Bone Path, the underworld has its own Eighth Realm Ghost Emperor.

After dealing with the fairy ship, Zhou Shan continued to move forward.

Whenever he encounters a living being in the cave world, Zhou Shan will directly save them.

As it continues to deepen, Zhou Shan is getting closer and closer to the origin of Kunxu Realm.

"This is... heavenly punishment!"

Zhou Shan came to the origin of Kunxu Realm and saw a spear.

This spear is covered with densely packed, natural and extremely mysterious runes.

When he saw this spear, a wave of information poured into his mind. This spear was not an ordinary weapon, but the Heavenly Punishment Spear, one of the divine weapons of heaven!

If he could refine this Heavenly Punishment Spear, Zhou Shan could master the power of Heavenly Punishment.

The power of heaven's punishment is not only the three tribulations of wind, fire and thunder when immortal practitioners overcome the tribulations. If Zhou Shan is willing, he can also bring down other tribulations. This is all within the thought of the god who controls the power of heaven's punishment.

Zhou Shan raised his right hand and reached out, grabbing the Heavenly Punishment Spear deep in the origin of the world.

If he could refine the Heavenly Punishment Spear, he would be a heavenly spirit who had mastered the power of Heavenly Punishment.

If it were any other cultivator, even if they had reached the ninth realm, it would be difficult to approach the origin of the world. The power contained here maintains the operation of the entire world.

Coming here is equivalent to facing the oppression of the entire world.

Although the cultivators of the ninth realm have cultivated the power of the world, it is far inferior to the entire world. Only the immortals who have reached the tenth realm can approach the place where the origin of the world is located.

Moreover, it must be a journey to the world that no one has mastered.

If someone has mastered it, then the immortals of the tenth realm will definitely not be allowed to approach.

However, Zhou Shan has mastered the power of humanity and earth, which is also part of the world. A world is composed of the three ways of heaven, earth and man. Zhou Shan has already mastered the authority of humanity and earth.

With the blessing of these two powers, Zhou Shan can be immune to the power of heaven to a certain extent.

Therefore, Zhou Shan's palm reached into the origin of the world and fished out the Heaven Punishment Spear.

"With the Heaven Punishment Spear, I can control the authority of Heaven Punishment in Heaven!"

Zhou Shan's eyes showed joy, and he immediately poured in the power of the world to refine the Heaven Punishment Spear.

After taking control of the power of heavenly punishment, Zhou Shan has the key to the evolution of living beings. If anyone violates the heavenly rules and the way of heaven, he can punish them and wipe them out.

Moreover, he can also control the size of the catastrophe of the fifth-level immortal cultivators when they break through to the sixth level.

This is the most critical.

With this authority, almost all immortal cultivators in Kunxu Realm have to act according to his face.

Otherwise, when the fifth-level immortal cultivators pass the catastrophe, he can bring down the most terrible catastrophe. Unless they are geniuses rarely seen in a thousand years, they will be turned into ashes under the catastrophe.

However, this is just a small matter for Zhou Shan. With the power of heavenly punishment, Zhou Shan is blessed by the power of heaven, and his talent is further improved. He can increase 2,500 spiritual attributes every day.

Increasing 2,500 spiritual attributes every day, more than 900,000 spiritual attributes can be increased in a year.

In the blink of an eye.

More than seven years have passed.


Zhou Shan's spiritual attributes have broken through the 10 million mark.

His spiritual sea of ​​consciousness shook, and his spirit began to transform.

Sensing the change, Zhou Shan's mind immediately entered the spiritual sea of ​​consciousness. He found that there was suddenly a fairy spirit in his spirit, and a qualitative change had occurred.

"This is... fairy consciousness!"

Feeling the spiritual transformation, Zhou Shan showed joy.

This change is not only possessed by the soul, even the flesh that has already merged the soul and the flesh has transformed into fairy consciousness.

Transforming into fairy consciousness is equivalent to half a step into the threshold of the ten realms.

It can also be said to be a half-step fairy god.

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