I can infinitely improve my spiritual attributes

Chapter 185: The City God Temple appears, the ghost arrests the soul (please subscribe)

Zhou Shan and the White Bone Sect signed a contract.

As long as it is night, the disciples of the White Bone Sect will turn into ghost messengers to maintain the operation of the underworld.

If they die at the end of their life span or die accidentally, they will enter the underworld and become real ghost messengers. They have the mark of the underworld issued by Zhou Shan.

If they die accidentally, they will directly inherit the position of ghost messenger of the underworld.

This is equivalent to the White Bone Sect disciples having an organization in the underworld, and all disciples are ghost messenger reserve.

The status of the White Bone Sect is equivalent to that of Maoshan in the previous era.

The disciples of Maoshan in the previous era were also the reserve of the underworld. They caught ghosts and zombies when they were alive, and they could enter the underworld and become ghost messengers when they died. Not only ordinary ghost messengers, but also many judges and even the King of Hell in the underworld came from Maoshan.

Among the Taoist sects, there are also some that have the organization of the Heavenly Court.

Zhou Shan was born in the White Bone Sect. Now that he wants to establish the underworld, he naturally needs people from the White Bone Sect.

At the same time, this is also an opportunity for the White Bone Dao.

The organization of the underworld is similar to that of the heavenly court in the upper world. As long as you are in office, you can get the corresponding power blessing of the heavenly and earthly ways, and the speed of cultivation will be greatly improved.

Whether in the heavenly court or the underworld, the higher the status, the more blessings you will get.

This is the same as the official position in the Daqian Dynasty.

Naturally, the White Bone Dao will not refuse this.

The Taoist master of the White Bone Dao has many avatars.

One of his avatars directly became one of the ten kings of the underworld.

In addition, the heavenly masters in the White Bone Dao are also in high positions in the underworld. As long as the underworld is on the right track, Zhou Shan obtains the authority of the underworld, then he can mobilize the power of the underworld and improve the cultivation speed of the officials in the underworld.

Ten days later.


In the territory of the Daqian Dynasty, all the cities were shaken violently, and then the ground shook in the uninhabited areas. Whether it was a county town, a county town, a prefecture town, or the capital city of the corresponding provincial administrative unit, a temple appeared.

The temple that appeared in the city was the City God Temple.

The City God Temple was inhabited by the City God God. According to the administrative unit of Daqian, the City God God was divided into four levels: the County City God, the County City God, the Prefecture City God, and the Capital City God.

Now, the Daqian Dynasty has unified the Kunxu Realm.

The cities it owns are beyond imagination. Even the provincial administrative units have hundreds of them.

Under the provincial administrative units, there are prefectures.

Under each province, there are more than a dozen prefectures, and then counties.

Each prefecture has more than a dozen counties, and each county has more than a dozen, or even dozens of counties.

All the counties, prefectures, prefectures and provincial capitals add up to at least hundreds of thousands, but on the same day, all these cities have City God Temples.

"What's going on."

"Is this an earthquake?"

"Impossible, Daqian unified the Kunxu world, and the dynasty's luck is at its peak. We live in the city and are protected by the dynasty's luck. How could an earthquake happen?"

"Look, a temple suddenly appeared."

"City God Temple, is this a temple?"

"This is not a temple. A few days ago, the court issued an announcement that the national teacher would establish the underworld. If someone committed evil and committed many crimes during his lifetime, he would not only be punished during his lifetime, but also be punished in the underworld after death. Everyone is treated equally."

"Is it true or not? , everyone is treated equally, even those warrior masters and immortal cultivators? "

"This is of course true. You know, the one who built the underworld is the national teacher, the strongest person in Kunxu Realm."

"With the underworld, not only will the evil be punished, but if you do good deeds, you can also be reborn after death. This is called good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil."

"That's great. If that's true, there will be fewer evil people in this world and more good people."

"That's right, it's a great thing for the national teacher to build the underworld."


The appearance of the City God's Mansion made all the people look forward to it.

After Zhou Shan broke through to the ninth realm, the Taoist master of the Supreme Dao took the initiative to abdicate, and Zhou Shan succeeded him and became the leader of the Tiansheng Sect. At the same time, he served as the national teacher of the Daqian Dynasty, and was on an equal footing with the Daqian Human King.

So, when the court document said that the underworld was to be built, all the people were extremely looking forward to it.

If the underworld can really be established, it will definitely be a great thing for the lower-class people.

The lower-class people die when their life span is up, and they don't have any treasures to increase their life span, nor can they be reincarnated like immortal practitioners.

Therefore, the establishment of the underworld has no impact on the lower-class people.

But it is different for some powerful people. Even if they are just powerful people in a county, they can't help but exploit the people. There are also officials in Daqian. Even if they have the luck of the dynasty, they can't make everyone clean.

But once the underworld is established, there is a city god temple in the county, so the ghosts in the city god temple will record what these powerful people and court officials do.

If they are not punished during their lifetime, they will be settled together when they enter the underworld after death.

So, from now on, it can be said that there are gods everywhere. The ghost messengers belonging to the underworld are also considered a kind of gods. In the future, if someone wants to do bad things, they will have an extra layer of scruples.

Jiangbei Province, Ping'an County.

Ping'an County is a newly merged lower-level county with a population of just over 100,000.

After the Daqian Dynasty unified the Kunxu Realm, the villages and towns in the territory were merged into counties.

The most famous person in Ping'an County is Mr. Liu who retired from the court.

This Mr. Liu was a fifth-rank official in the court and was a giant in the county.

Before the Daqian Dynasty integrated the human artifact, reaching the fourth level of cultivation could be an official of the fifth level. However, if you want to continue to be promoted and want to reach the fourth level, you must have the fifth level of cultivation.

But now, the Daqian Dynasty is a hundred times stronger than before.

Therefore, the requirements for being an official in the court have also been greatly improved.

Just to be a ninth-rank official, you must have at least the fourth level of cultivation.

To become the chief official of a city, such as the county magistrate, one must reach the fifth realm. To become a county governor, one must have at least the sixth realm of cultivation. To become a prefect, one must reach the seventh realm of the Heavenly Master Martial Saint.

As for the capital of a province, it is required to have an Eighth Realm Heavenly Lord in charge.

However, there are not so many Eighth Realm Heavenly Lords now, so the Seventh Realm Heavenly Master Martial Saint is in charge.

However, with the blessing of the luck of the Daqian Dynasty, the chief of a province also has the strength to match the Eighth Realm Heavenly Lord.

In other words, this Mr. Liu retired before Daqian merged the human artifact. Now he is over two hundred years old, which is a normal death.

However, when this Mr. Liu was an official, he was clean-handed and had a very good reputation. After retiring, he returned to Ping'an Town, which is now merged into Ping'an County. He is kind and generous, and often helps the poor people. He is regarded as Liu Dashan by the people of Ping'an County.

The reputation of Mr. Liu Dashan is not only known in Ping'an County, but also in the entire Changping County. Even the governor of Changping County sent officials to mourn.

You know, the current governor is not the same as before.

The previous governor was only a fifth-level master, but now he is a sixth-level grandmaster.

Before the integration of the human artifact, the sixth-level grandmaster in the court was at least the third rank, and the highest was the first rank, and he was a real court official.

The county lord sent officials to come, so the county magistrate, county magistrate, county lieutenant and other court officials of Ping'an County naturally came to Liu's mansion to mourn in person, giving Liu's mansion enough face.

At this time, the City God Temple also appeared in Ping'an County.

"Dingling, dingling, dingling..."

After the City God Temple appeared, a strange bell sounded in Liu's mansion, and the sound became clearer and clearer.

Moreover, the sky near Liu's mansion also darkened.

A shadow covered the sky, and the entire Liu's mansion seemed to have entered another different dimension.

Every time the strange bell rang, everyone's heartbeats followed, and they fell into this strange rhythm unconsciously, and a gust of cold wind blew around.

"What evil spirit is doing this!"

At this time, the county magistrate of Ping'an County stood up, and his official life shone brightly.


The county magistrate of Ping'an County shouted.

He thought that there were evil spirits at work, so he mobilized the dynasty's luck to expel the evil spirits that came.

However, although the dynasty's luck was mobilized, it did not dispel the cold wind around.

"County Magistrate Wang, don't be angry, I am the ghost messenger of the underworld!"

At this time, a strange figure appeared in front of everyone.

This figure was wearing a black official uniform, with a horizontal sword on his waist, a black chain in his hand, and was also covered with human virtues.

It was precisely because of the human virtues that the dynasty's luck did not have much effect on him.

As long as the disciples of the White Bone Dao have reached the fifth realm, they all have merits. Even if they are practitioners below the fifth realm and have not practiced the Medicine Buddha Merit Original Vow Sutra, Zhou Shan has also bestowed merits to protect their bodies.

With merits to protect their bodies, these ghost messengers can not only freely enter and exit the city protected by the dynasty's luck, but also will not be suppressed by the dynasty's luck, unless the difference between the two is too great.

For example, the ghost messengers of the county city god temple will naturally be suppressed when they enter the county city.

But the ghost messengers of the county city god temple will not be suppressed.

The ghost messengers of the underworld, like the officials in the Daqian Dynasty, are also divided into levels.

"Ghost messengers of the underworld?" County Magistrate Wang took a look at the figure in black official uniform in front of him, and the human merits on his body, which could not be faked, so he nodded slightly, and then said: "I don't know what the ghost messenger is doing here?"

"County Magistrate Wang, I am ordered by the Lord of the City God to ask Liu Pingchang's soul to go to the City God Temple."

The ghost messenger said truthfully.

Liu Pingchang is the name of the great good man Liu.

If an ordinary person dies, his soul will be sucked into the reincarnation in no time.

But Liu Pingchang is a warrior. Although he has not specially cultivated his soul, he is much stronger than ordinary people. Even if he dies, he will stay in his body for a while.

If you want the soul to leave the body in advance, someone needs to cast a spell to capture the soul.

The chain in Guizhan's hand is a special spiritual weapon called the soul-binding chain, which is specially used to trap people's souls. Even monks who have reached the fourth level of god refining can be hit by the soul-binding chain. Hun'er was detained.

"City God!"

Hearing this, Magistrate Wang also nodded slightly and said nothing more.

Previously, the imperial court had issued an official document about the underworld. The so-called county gods were at the same level as him. One was in charge of the affairs of the underworld, and the other was in charge of the affairs of the underworld.

If Liu Pingchang was alive, then County Magistrate Wang would definitely want to ask what the specific matter was. It was impossible for the County God to take away the other party's soul easily.

But now that Liu Pingchang has passed away, it is a matter of the underworld.

Since it was a matter in the underworld, he, the magistrate of the underworld, naturally had no right to interfere.

Gui Cha waved the chain in his hand lightly, fell on Liu Pingchang, and pulled gently.

Immediately afterwards, a soul was detained from Liu Pingchang.

"Liu Pingchang, I am a ghost messenger from the underworld. Now that your life has expired, I am here to seduce your soul on the orders of Lord City God. Go to the underworld. Come with me on the road!"

After arresting Liu Pingchang's soul, Gui Cha said calmly.

"Magistrate Wang!"

Liu Pingchang did not immediately follow Guizhan, but looked at Magistrate Wang aside.

"Go, the imperial court has decreed that from now on the underworld will be under the control of the underworld."

Magistrate Wang said in a deep voice.

"I'd like to take a trip, sir."

Seeing this, Liu Pingchang also bowed respectfully to the ghost, and then left the Liu Mansion.

As the ghosts left with Liu Pingchang's soul, the surrounding darkness and wind also dissipated.

The two soon entered the City God's Temple.

Chenghuang Temple, this is the place that connects the underworld and the yang world.

On a gloomy path, ghosts and ghosts of Liu Pingchang were walking slowly forward.

After a while, a dark portal appeared in front.

The two figures stepped through this dark portal and entered the underworld opened by Zhou Shan. The surroundings were gray, and there was neither the legendary Ghost Gate nor the Forgotten River.

In this world, there is only endless darkness, without a trace of life.

Although Zhou Shan has opened up the underworld, it is only a prototype, rough and has not yet begun to be 'decorated'.

Treasures such as the Gate of Hell, the Forgotten River, the Judge's Pen, and even the Book of Life and Death, all of which are treasures in the underworld, can only be evolved after mastering a certain level of authority.

Now, Zhou Shan can only evolve the Ghost Lock, the Zanpakutō, and the Soul Binding Robe worn by Ghost.

The three spiritual weapons of the soul-binding lock, the Zanpakutō and the soul-binding robe are the most basic treasures of the soul-binding ghost. The soul-binding lock is used to trap souls, the Zanpakutō can kill souls, and the robe is Can withstand soul and spiritual attacks.

As for other things in the underworld, Zhou Shan needs to perfect them step by step. (End of chapter)

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