Daqian Dynasty.

Yongchang Year 3, May 19th.

It is late spring now, and fish activity is at its peak.

On this day, the weather was clear and cloudless.

On the Baisha River, a boy of 17 or 18 years old sat at the bow, skillfully manipulating the black-sailed boat.

"This is it."

Zhou Shan came to the place where he often fished, used his mental power to sense for a while, and when the time came, he grabbed the hemp rope and woven a large net and threw it into the water. Then, after a quarter of an hour, he began to collect the net.


As the large net was lifted, more than a dozen fish appeared in the net.

"With the improvement of mental power, I can sense the breath of life around me, and fishing is convenient."

Looking at the catch in the net, Zhou Shan's eyes showed joy.

Name: Zhou Shan

Talent: Infinite Spirit (Every day, a little mental attribute will be added)

Strength: 6

Defense: 5

Agility: 3

Constitution: 6

Spirit: 95

Martial Arts: None

In a moment, an attribute panel appeared in front of Zhou Shan.

Three months ago, he traveled to this world and became a fisherman in Baisha County, Dacang County. His mother died of illness when he was young, and his father died when he encountered a water monster in the river while fishing a year ago.

His predecessor followed his father's footsteps and made a living by fishing.

Three months ago, his predecessor fell into a coma due to a high fever caused by a cold.

After waking up, Zhou Shan traveled here and awakened the attribute panel in front of him.

In addition to recording data, the most important thing about the attribute panel is the talent displayed.

The talent is "infinite spirit". Every day, the spirit attribute will increase a little.

As long as you stay alive, the spirit attribute can be infinitely improved.

This is his reliance in this world.

At the beginning, his spirit attribute was not much different from strength, defense, agility, and physique. The value was only '4', but after three months, the value of the spirit attribute had increased to '95'.

Among them, when the spirit attribute value increased to '10', Zhou Shan realized that he had a special ability.

This special ability is to perceive life fluctuations.

His spiritual power can sense the fluctuations emitted by the surrounding life.

With this special ability, Zhou Shan can easily find the fish nest in the river when fishing, and he can harvest a lot of fish every time he casts the net, and he will say goodbye to the "empty air force".

Moreover, with the improvement of spiritual attributes, the range of life perception is getting larger and larger, reaching a diameter of one thousand meters, and this ability to sense life fluctuations has even saved his life several times.

There are man-eating water monsters hidden in the Baisha River.

Every year, many fishermen die in the Baisha River and become food for water monsters.

Within the range of life perception, the stronger the life, the stronger the life fluctuations.

Under normal circumstances, the life fluctuations of fish, shrimps, turtles, etc. in the river cannot exceed those of humans. Even the life fluctuations of children are stronger than those of fish and shrimps, but water monsters are far stronger than ordinary people.

Therefore, with the ability to sense life, as long as the water monster enters the range of spiritual perception, Zhou Shan can find the traces of the water monster in the first time and escape quickly.

This allowed Zhou Shan to successfully avoid danger several times.

But other fishermen don't have Zhou Shan's ability. Whether they can survive the water monster depends on luck. If the water monster is full, it will leave on its own initiative, thus escaping.

If you are unlucky, you will become the food of the water monster.

After closing the panel, Zhou Shan immediately fixed the fishing net, then took out the crucian carps in the net and put them into a wooden barrel filled with water to prevent these fish from dying due to lack of water.

The price of live fish and dead fish is different, and the difference between the two is several percent.

Putting all the fish in the net into the wooden barrel, Zhou Shan sorted out the fishing net, then used his spirit to sense the life fluctuations around him, aimed at a direction, and quickly cast the net.

In this way, Zhou Shan worked all morning.

The several wooden barrels he brought were all filled with fish.

Carp, grass carp, crucian carp, white stripe, silver carp, bighead carp, black carp...all kinds of fish.

In addition, there are river shrimps, old turtles, river crabs, etc.

"Almost done!"

Zhou Shan finished this fishing trip.

The fish he caught weighed more than 200 kilograms. If he sold them all, he would have about 1,000 coins. However, not all of this money belonged to him. He had to pay various taxes.

The Daqian Dynasty had been established for more than 600 years. Officials were corrupt and the administration was bad. Officials from all over the country set up various taxes to make money.

For example, fishermen not only had to pay fishing taxes, but also berthing fees for fishing boats docking at the port. When selling fish in the county market, they had to pay transaction taxes, stall fees, management fees, etc.

In addition, they were exploited by gangs and had to pay "protection fees".

If they didn't pay, they might fall into the river and drown inexplicably while fishing.

Therefore, after paying taxes and gang protection fees, Zhou Shan only got about 230 coins out of 1,000 coins. So later, in order to save trouble, Zhou Shan directly sold the fish he caught to the fishing gang.

Although this would result in less money being received, based on a thousand coins, only about two hundred coins would be received, thirty coins less, but it would save a lot of trouble and a lot of time.

During the saved time, Zhou Shan went to the county school to attend classes and learn to read. He didn't think about taking the imperial examination, but if he wanted to fully integrate into this world, mastering the language and writing of this world was the foundation.

After putting away the fishing net, Zhou Shan paddled the boat and slowly sailed towards the county town.



Half an hour later.

Zhou Shan sailed past a reed marsh and came to the fishing wharf of Baisha County.

The fishing wharf is where fishing boats are specially moored.

In addition to the fishing wharf, Baisha County also has a commercial wharf, which is a port for commercial ships to enter and exit. The ships that enter and exit are large ships that are dozens of meters long, which are much more magnificent than the remote fishing wharf.

There are dozens of fishing boats parked neatly at the fishing wharf.

This is only a part of it. There are hundreds of fishermen in the whole Baisha County. Most of the fishermen are still fishing outside, and some fishermen do not catch enough fish, and even live on the boat all day.

When going out to fish, these fishermen will also prepare some dry food with them. At night, they will find a shore to dock at will. Basically, they come back once every three to five days.

Because you have to pay a mooring fee when you park at the dock.

Ordinary fishermen do not have strong mental power like Zhou Shan, who has the ability to sense life fluctuations. They rely entirely on experience when they go out to fish, but this experience is not 100% effective, and there will be times when the harvest is not good.

Therefore, most fishermen can only make ends meet and cannot make a fortune.

Zhou Shan has a strong mental power and can sense where there are fish in the river, so he can catch more than 200 kilograms of fish in half a day, and as long as he wants, he will fish in the river from morning to night. Not to mention more than 200 kilograms, even catching 300 kilograms or 400 kilograms of fish is not a big problem.

But before you have the strength to protect your wealth, you still have to keep a low profile.

If you really catch so many fish in a day, it will bring trouble to you. You will definitely be targeted by some people, thinking that he has special fishing skills, and then there will be trouble.

Therefore, Zhou Shan only comes to the fish market every few days.

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