I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 381 Brother Shu, aren't you curious? Go and have a look!

A terrifying energy rose into the sky and exploded instantly in the air. The dazzling light directly illuminated the entire sky, like daylight.

This terrifying movement immediately made the three of them pause, and then they subconsciously turned to look at each other!

The village student looked away: "Brother Shu, aren't you curious?"

Wang Yuxian: "I think we should go over and have a look!"

Of course Su Shu was also curious, his heart was scratching like a cat's claws, and finally he nodded directly: "Let's go! Go and have a look. If you don't go, I will have trouble sleeping all night!"

Immediately, Su Shu asked Meiyang Yangsang to use a thousand transformations on the three of them, transforming into three royal beasts, beetles, and alien beasts, and then flew together in the direction of the noise!

Along the way, densely packed beetles and alien beasts are rushing towards that direction! It was as if I had received some kind of summons!

Because of their appearance as royal beasts, the three of them were not hindered. Even the beetle beast in front of them would deliberately make way for them!

Soon, the three of them finally saw what was happening over there!

I saw a dark purple insect that covered the sky and was attacking a dazzling light! The huge abyss-like mouth opened, trying to swallow that ball of light into the mouth!


Light instantly bloomed from the ball of light, forming a beam of light that hit the mouth of the giant dark purple insect.

The dark purple beast was not afraid at all and continued to move towards the light group against the beam of light.

If you look carefully, you will find that the dark purple giant worm actually swallowed the light beam directly into its belly!

At the same time, countless beetle beasts rushed towards the dark purple giant insect one after another, launching attacks continuously!

But what is surprising is that the dark purple giant insect seems to have a terrifying suction force. Any beetle beast that gets too close will be sucked directly into its body by the suction force, and its life or death is unknown!

However, the surrounding beetle beasts were not afraid at all, and were still rushing towards the dark purple giant insect!


In the end, it seemed that the giant dark purple insect was defeated by the light beam and was directly pushed back a long distance!

Immediately, the dark purple giant worm paused on the spot, looking at the light group with bewilderment, and then pounced on it again, opening its huge mouth again.


The light group shot out a beam of light again, hitting the dark purple giant insect directly, making a loud noise that shook the world!

In the distant sky, the village student subconsciously turned to look at Su Shu and asked, "Brother Shu, what should we do? Go over and save that ball of light?"

Su Shu raised his eyelids: "Do you believe in light?"

Murakuo nodded directly: "Of course I believe that the Giant of Light will always protect us!"

Wang Yuxian was speechless: "Then let it fight the monsters!"

Su Shu rolled his eyes: "In this scene, even if Diga comes, the leather cover will have to be taken off!"

Although he said this, Murakuo's eyes were always fixed on the countless carcasses of beetles and beasts on the ground! Tears flowed out of the corners of my mouth unsatisfactorily!

At this time, Wang Yuxian's eyes were sharp, he raised his hand and pointed in one direction and said, "Look there, it seems to be a legendary beetle beast, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Su Shu and Cun Sheng suddenly became energetic and looked in the direction pointed by Wang Yuxian. They immediately saw a dying giant beetle lying on the thick corpse.

The village student suddenly became anxious: "Brother Shu, are you really not going to go there? If you give up, I'm afraid we will live in regret for the rest of our lives!"

Wang Yuxian didn't say anything, but from her eager eyes, it could be seen that she didn't want to give up either!

That is a master-level legendary beast! Not to mention the entire China, even the entire human race cannot catch one alive.

If they were caught, it would be the glory of their lives!

Under the urging gazes of the two people, Su Shu was thinking!

In fact, it’s not thinking, but asking Meiyangyangsang some questions!

"Lao Mei, what kind of strange beast is that insect?"

Meiyang Yangsang: "The giant void insect once had a clan status no less than that of the Walker clan!"

"This thing is filled with a devouring suction force within a certain area of ​​its body. The effect is somewhat similar to your black hole. Once it is sucked in, it will never recover!"

Su Shu was surprised: "Is it similar to a black hole? Will it explode after death?"

Meiyang Yangsang: "Of course, but I have never seen high-level giant void insects die, but I have seen ordinary ones!"

Su Shu subconsciously raised his hand and touched his chin: "Do you know the specific range of that suction force?"

Meiyangyangsang: "How could I know? I only know the general abilities of their clan. As for the specific effects and strength, I don't know. After all, I have never fought with them!"

"But I still want to advise you again, stay away as much as possible unless absolutely necessary. The abilities of this weird group of people have exceeded expectations. No one knows what other methods they hide!"

Su Shu: "Okay!"

After getting the answer, Su Shu's eyes returned to the master-level legendary beast over there, his eyes flickering!

"Are you sure you want to go? If you are hit by any of their powers, you will definitely be bruised and bruised!"

The village student patted his chest: "Don't worry, with my defensive power, it will only be a scratch at most!"

Wang Yuxian: "Okay, let's go. The worst thing is that you have one chopstick and I have one chopstick!"

Seeing that the two of them were determined to go, Su Shu had no choice but to nod in agreement: "Okay, the worst thing is to be careful in the next life!"

After saying that, Su Shu took the lead in inciting his wings and flew over there!

Cun Sheng and Wang Yuxian were immediately excited when they saw this, and they also chased after him!

This time, the three of them chose to fly close to the ground, trying to stay away from the dark purple giant worm and the light ball in the air!

They understood that this action must be fast, and they must not be hit by any of their superpowers on the way. Even if they were hit by them, they would not be able to resist them now!

Soon, the three of them came to the bottom of the dark purple giant worm.

In an instant, the three of them felt that the sky darkened and were directly shrouded by a terrifying shadow!

At the same time, Su Shu shouted to Mei Yangyang Sang in his heart: "Be ready to use the mirror flower and water moon at any time!"

Mei Yangyang Sang's heart was tense, and she gritted her teeth and said: "Be ready at any time!"

Finally, the three of them came to the side of the master's legendary beast, and Su Shu directly opened the sack and put it in it!

At this moment, the void giant worm in the sky was just repelled by the light column and pressed straight down!

Suddenly, the three of them felt a terrifying suction coming from the sky.

Involuntarily, the three of them were pulled straight up into the sky by the suction.

Su Shu was shocked and yelled in his heart: "Old Mei, use the mirror flower and water moon!"

Meiyangyangsang was ready, and the two horns on his head instantly shone brightly, covering the three people.

Then, the bodies of the three people instantly broke apart, turned into pieces and were sucked up, and finally turned into illusory smoke and were sucked into the body of the void giant worm!


The void giant worm seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly looked down! It roared.

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