I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 175 Are we in the wrong place?

This is the SSS ability of the legendary chameleon, suppression.

It can suppress the fluctuations of abilities of the same level or below within a certain range.

For people like Su Shu who are much lower in level, their abilities are even directly suppressed.

Of course, they will feel powerless after instantly recovering their mortal bodies.

In the end, Su Shu gritted his teeth and put the last legendary beast egg into the sack.

At the same time, the long tongue of the legendary chameleon above also swept down.


One by one, the white chameleon eggs were swept by the long tongue, and then shattered in an instant, and transparent and yellow liquid splashed out.

After some eggs were broken, chameleons appeared, but they died the moment they came out.

During the sweep, Su Shu and the other two, including Meiyangyangsang, were all swept, and then shattered like bubbles.

The entire lake island was instantly in a mess.

When everything settled, the legendary chameleon stared at the bottom, but did not see Meiyangyangsang.

Suddenly, the legendary chameleon lizard was angry.

Roar, roar, roar--

It roared several times in a row, and then opened its mouth and uttered human words: "Damn it, find it for me!"

Roar, roar, roar--

Suddenly, although there were no strange beasts in the surrounding area, there were suddenly various roars of strange beasts.

Then, mosaic-like chameleon lizards suddenly rose from the surrounding ground and flew straight to the entire gate of strange beasts.

And no strange beast saw that at this time, a small chameleon lizard was holding a sack in its mouth and quickly went to the exit of the gate of strange beasts.

"Damn Su Shu, Wang Yuxian, let me be a coolie again!"

Although the chameleon lizard held a sack in its mouth, it did not affect his complaining voice at all.

When he heard this voice, who else could it be but the village student!

Soon, after more than an hour of fast running, the village student finally came to the exit and climbed out without hesitation.

As soon as he came out, the village student was stunned, because there was a large group of people outside staring at him curiously, and many of them were emitting king-level supernatural fluctuations.

The village student, who was still an ordinary chameleon at this time, felt a tremor in his heart, and he dared not imagine that if the other party really took him as a real chameleon and threw a bunch of supernatural powers directly, he would be bruised and blue!

Thinking of this, the village student hurriedly said loudly: "Everyone, don't attack first, I am a human!"

The people who had already made an attacking move could not help but pause after hearing this, and then subconsciously stopped and looked at the village student curiously.

A king-level standing in front touched his chin and frowned: "Boy, what supernatural power is this? How come even I can't see it?"

The village student was immediately unhappy: "Who are you? Why do you want to see it?"

The man was stunned after hearing this, and then explained with some humor: "My main supernatural power is called Pohuan, which can see through illusions, invisibility, clones, etc. Others call me Powang!"

Powang? What a weird name?

But the other party is a king after all, so the village student should at least give him some face, and then explained: "My ability is a bit special. It completely transforms into the appearance of the object, so it can't be seen!"

When Po Wang heard this, he was stunned, and then he said in disbelief: "You are not using the legendary SSS ability to transform into thousands of things, right?"

The village student opened his mouth, he wanted to say that he didn't come! Brother Shu didn't tell him!

There was no way, the village student could only bite the bullet and nod.

Seeing the village student nod, Po Wang hurriedly said anxiously: "Wait here for a while, wait until I clean up the gate of the alien beasts, and then come out to find you, I have a lot of questions to ask you."

The village student was stunned: "Clean up? Are you here for a big cleanup? A big cleanup today?"

Po Wang was stunned: "Yes! What's wrong?"

The village student hurriedly said: "It's okay! Go! I'll wait for you!"

Po Wang didn't think much about it, and directly led people into the gate of the alien beasts.

The moment he entered, everyone was dumbfounded, including Po Wang.

It was a mess inside, with fallen trees, cut-off streams, collapsed mountains, and rocks everywhere.

This, this can no longer be described as ruins.

"Po Wang, did this place just experience an 18-magnitude earthquake?" A superpower next to him couldn't help asking.

It's no wonder that the superpower asked this question, because they really couldn't believe their eyes.

They were all superpowers in charge of the creek gate, and they had been there for a long time. They were very familiar with the creek gate.

But the creek gate used to have flowing water, green trees, and peace, which was completely different from now! How could they accept this?

Po Wang was also speechless: "I'm not coming!"

Roar roar roar --

At this moment, roars suddenly came from the distance.

Then, a mosaic-like royal chameleon lizard quickly flew towards this side.

Po Wang was shocked when he saw this and shouted: "It's a royal chameleon, all the superpowers below the master level retreat!"

But immediately, Po Wang saw another chameleon that was much bigger than the royal chameleon flying towards this side, and he quickly changed his words: "All those below the king level retreat! King level, follow me to meet the enemy!"

The execution rate of the superpower army was very high. After Po Wang finished speaking, all those below the king level retreated.

The other king levels flew forward and stood with Po Wang, with superpowers surging, ready to meet the enemy.

At this time, outside the gate of the stream, the village student had already run away with a sack in his mouth.

Nonsense, who would wait for that Po Wang, run quickly.

After running for a while, he saw that there was no one around, so he called out Su Shu and Wang Yuxian.

The three of them just sat on the ground, feeling relieved.

At this time, someone passed by and threw ten yuan in front of the three of them.

The three of them looked at the money on the ground in shock, and then looked up at the man's back as he walked away, and they were all dumbfounded!

"Brother Shu, he thinks we are beggars!" Cunsheng couldn't help but speak.

But no one answered him, and when he turned around, he found that Su Shu and Wang Yuxian were trying to grab the ten yuan.

"Damn, there's also a share for me!" Cunsheng hurried over to join the money grabbing.

After a scuffle between the three of them, they finally succeeded in tearing the ten yuan in half.

Su Shu was holding two halves of a ten-yuan note, and was speechless: "What are you doing? Ten yuan is not a big deal?"

Wang Yuxian rolled her eyes: "What! Give me ten yuan! What are you fighting for? Haven't you heard of ladies first?"

Cunsheng: "You are people with hundreds of billions of dollars, how can you be interested in ten yuan? Give it to me! I don't mind it!"

Finally, Su Shu wrapped the note with tape, and then went to buy a few popsicles, and the three of them ate together.

Cunsheng said mysteriously while eating: "Brother Shu, I got something good this time, I think it's suitable for you!"

Wang Yuxian also said while eating: "I also got something good, I think I should give it to Su Shu first!"

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