I Can Give the Origin of Everything

Chapter 133: Put on the list

Suddenly a set of supreme high-level exercises?

While Xu Lingjun was deeply surprised, in fact, he didn't take this matter too much...

The so-called extra rewards are all nonsense if things are not in your hands.

Bad checks can't deceive him Xu Lingjun, and he can't taste the scent of the cakes he painted.

In the next two days.

Before leaving the house, he has been learning how to drive Gundam from Wang Qingya in the air-raid shelter.

Since energy is no longer a problem, the only problem is that he can't drive up to...

But it may really be like Wang Qingya said, it is easy to leave some habits the first time.

No matter good habits or bad habits.

Therefore, Xu Lingjun always feels like something in his arms. He just looks at Wang Qingya who puts on gold glasses and stares at her solemnly like a teacher. Xu Lingjun is embarrassed to say to her, "Sister Yaya, please sit down." Come up, I'm about to start moving."

In these two days.

Guo Zheng came to see Xu Lingjun several times, but seeing Xu Lingjun playing in the driving cabin all his heart...

With Wang Qingya's explanation, Xu Lingjun visually estimated that he could be admitted to Wufu, and planned to equip him with a car.

Then Guo Zheng was sour.

Mother...Who is the rich second generation? I'm still riding a bicycle, but you are already equipped with a bike, and it's the one that my sister gave you...

But looking at Xu Lingjun's face, he had to admit sadly that he couldn't follow Xu Lingjun's route.

Zong Xiaoping also came twice, saying he came to Xu Lingjun, but in fact he came for Wang Qingya.

The one who knocked on the side seemed to be trying to find out the existence of Su Huanqing's mysterious fiance, he hadn't given up yet.

It's a pity that Wang Qingya's outfit is so alike, she looks blank, as if she really doesn't know that Su Huanqing has a fiance.

If it weren't for Zong Xiaoping's determination, she might have been hiding it from her.

Xu Lingjun couldn't help but secretly admired that Sister Ya Ya's acting skills are excellent.

And through chatting with Zong Xiaoping, he knew... It turned out that Gu Xi refused Zong Xiaoping to become her student.

Is it really me?

Xu Lingjun really felt so touched for a while, but thinking about the five students who died before her...he suddenly felt that she might just have a fancy for her own defensive power. After all, she herself was honest, what a novice. Terminator or something, she said that those people were out of luck.

But all five people are unlucky?

Is it possible?

He intends to look at the situation and see if she can give him any benefit. After all, he is also very confident in his own defenses.

Two days passed quickly.

In the early morning of this day, it was finally time to release the list.

If you score, you can check your student ID on your mobile phone, and at the gate of the school.

A large electronic screen also displays the list of all the top people on it.

Early that morning, Wang Tiancheng didn't go to the company specially, but very religiously burned a stick of incense for the God of Wealth, regardless of whether he was worshipping or not. Anyway, he had to be respectful.

Then he said: "Well, Xiaojun, start to check the score."

Xu Lingjun nodded, then turned on the phone to check.

Reiki studies 141 points, interstellar studies 135 points, war studies 150 points, cultural studies: 130 points, science and technology: 100 points.

The total score of the literary test is 656!

And the civil and martial arts test scores add up.

829+656+=1485 points!

It exceeded the score line by nearly 500 points.

Although they have already been psychologically prepared, after all, the essence of knowledge from another world, even if they are only some fragments of Jie, but written by Weizhi, if they can't see the hidden meaning behind the knowledge they answered , They don’t deserve to be examiners anymore.

"Is this score high or low?"

The illiterate Wang Tiancheng hesitantly looked at Wang Qingya and Xu Lingjun who were staying there, and asked.

"This achievement..."

Wang Qingya looked back at Xu Lingjun, her sluggish face gradually defrosted, revealing a pleasant smile.

She screamed, pounced on Xu Lingjun's body, and hugged him tightly in her arms...

Dribble to hit people.

Xu Lingjun instantly felt that his mouth and nose were drowned in a huge sense of suffocation.

"Xiaojun, Xiaojun, you have scored so many points, Xiaojun...you...you are amazing."

Wang Qingya, who has always regarded herself as her sister-in-law, has always been a steady and reliable appearance in front of Xu Lingjun... But at this moment, she completely forgot her disguise.

He hugged Xu Lingjun and couldn't stop jumping up and down.

Xu Lingjun's previous grades were not bad, but they were not good either. They were just normal candidates.

But she only made up for him two months of Xi, two months... actually improved his grades to this level.

A strong sense of accomplishment, as well as joy and pride, this stimulating sense of surprise completely submerged Wang Qingya like a tide, making her almost crying with excitement.

"So, good grades?"

Wang Tiancheng looked at his daughter's crazy gaffe on Xu Lingjun, and asked in surprise.

Wang Qingya rubbed and rubbed Xu Lingjun with her arms, and finally felt a little strange feeling...the rub was too hard...

She withdrew herself a little embarrassed.

After tidying up his messy clothes, he smiled and said, "It's not just good grades? Xiaojun is a martial arts student, but his performance in this cultural class is probably among the best among those on the science and technology side. You have to know. ... He only took the five subjects, and his perfect score is nine hundred points, while his perfect score is 700 points."

"In other words, if Xiaojun takes the other two subjects as well, he might be the double champion in civil and military?"

Wang Qingya nodded excitedly, looked at Xu Lingjun's eyes full of admiration, and said, "I only scored more than 700 points on the test back then, Xiaojun, you are really amazing, you...you really gave it. I was pleasantly surprised. I now fully understand why Palace Master values ​​you so much, because you are really a genius."

Xu Lingjun laughed haha.


I'm just riding on the shoulders of giants. To blame, you are missing too much knowledge of the ordinary universe.

He knows his own family affairs and is just a copywriter. Copying other people's things naturally doesn't show any sense of pride, but the look in the eyes of Sister Ya Ya's admiring little fan...

And this time.

Yunmu High School, and even their respective high school.

Everyone is looking at the electronic list that is distributed.

Three lists, one total score, one literary test, and one martial arts test.

Each is distinct.

At this time, Xu Lingjun's name was high on the overall list, leading everyone with a strong momentum. The high score of nearly 1,500 points was high enough to make people desperate.

The second place Li Jingjun only scored 1341 points, which was similar in the martial arts test, but in the literary test, Li Jingjun scored 513 points, which is quite outstanding in the martial arts test.

But compared to Xu Lingjun's 656 points, the difference between the advantages and disadvantages is not too big.

In fact...

No one paid attention to the general rankings, and even the Wu Bang rankings.

Everyone's attention is focused on the literary list.

No one paid attention to Liu Piaopiao, the first place, and no one paid attention to Xu Jingwen, the second place.

Everyone is looking at the seventeenth place.

Xu Lingjun from Qingyang Wugao, 656 points.

Wu Gao... This is nonsense.

The students of the martial arts test actually won the place in the literary test without 200 points?

Even if it's a single subject.

Reiki studies 141 points, interstellar studies 135 points, war studies 150 points, cultural studies: 130 points, science and technology: 100 points.

Two subjects have perfect scores, and the other three subjects are also among the best. Some people have calculated that Xu Lingjun is the well-deserved number one in the total score of these five subjects. If Xu Lingjun is allowed to take the other two subjects, he may be ranked first. It's about to be replaced!

It feels... as if a husky got into the wolves~www.wuxiaspot.com~ very eye-catching.

And soon.

The list of total rankings is refreshed again.

Xu Lingjun's score jumped from 1485 to 1515!

Then, he retreated to third place.

The second place was changed to Zhou Mu, with a total score of 1517!

The first place was changed to Kanyun City, with a total score of 1528!


This time, everyone was shocked by it.

With a total score of 1500+, three suddenly jumped out?

Then the score jumps again.

The third place Xu Lingjun became the first again, with a total score of 1547!

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