Chiyu Xinghen waved his hand and said: "If you want to explore the mysteries of the human body, you can find anyone at any time. Now is a critical moment, and there is no room for a slight difference, no."

Shang Youya heard the words and sighed, her eyes full of loneliness.

And Akabane Star Mark has been inspired by Shang Youya.

He waved.

Signal everyone to come together and start a serious discussion of the implementability of this matter.

The Wind Scar master and apprentice have always lived in the place arranged by the Martial Arts Association. There is one post at three steps and one post at five steps. There are modern technology testing equipment everywhere.

To assassinate Wind Scar, two conditions need to be met.

One must be silent, and the Chiyu people must not be exposed.

Second, it is to be caught off guard by the wind mark, otherwise, with the strength of the wind mark, even if they are together, they can't be opponents.

And the Xu family is a very suitable place.

Catch Sun Lingli ahead of time to use the wind mark to throw the rat, and then plant a large number of anti-starship void bombs at Xu's house.

Even the strongest in the Guiyuan Realm would only have the chance to die in the face of the anti-starship bomb.

And in terms of time...

Take advantage of Wind Scar's teacher and apprentice to leave at night and attack that man and woman?

No, that woman has to go to school every morning. If she is killed at night, she will inevitably be shocked.

Fortunately, that woman doesn't seem to be good at martial arts, so it is not a problem to keep her life for a while.

What really matters now is the man, who is the only one at home during the day... As long as he is killed, they will have plenty of time to bury the explosives.

Then wait for the teacher and Sun Lingli to come to the door and kill them alive.

At that time, you can wait for the rabbit and quietly wait for the wind marks to come to the door... Anyway, the wind marks never go out with guards in the past few days, he is the only one.

And he was on the front line at three points. Whether it was the Martial Arts Association or the Explosive Flame Martial Arts Hall, there were too many people, so it was not a good place to start.

Then there is only this Xu family.

To be able to kill a fourth-level monster, the strength is not general, although they are not in their eyes... but if you are a little careless, I am afraid that some movement will be made, attracting the attention of the surrounding.

Once they're called to the police, they're done.

Fortunately, he was injured now, and judging from the amount of blood, he was seriously injured.

This is really a godsend for me.



A curly-haired woman in a black tights knelt respectfully to the ground.

Chiyu Xinghen said: "Assassination should not involve too many people, otherwise there will be suspicions of exposure, Mingbu, your assassination technique is outstanding, then Xu Lingjun is not strong, and he will definitely not be able to stop your bone-eroding sword, it is up to you. Take action, in order to kill with one hit, remember our purpose."

"My subordinate understands!"

Mingbu said seriously: "I don't want merit, but I want no fault."

"Yes, we can't have one."

Chiyu Xinghen said sternly: "Go, kill that Xu Lingjun, then contact Youya with a secret code, and then we can quietly enter it and arrange everything, then the Xu family is the battlefield where we killed the wind marks, which we have been in over the years. Harvest place."


A fiery look appeared in Mingbu's eyes... Obviously, Akabane Xinghen's words were hitting her loyal heart.

"Okay, then we have to make a good arrangement. After successfully killing that Xu Lingjun, how should we deal with the wind marks."

Chiyu Xinghen said seriously: "Among all of us, I am the strongest, but even I am far from the opponent of the wind mark. If you want to kill him, you must use the secret technology weapon of our Chiyu clan... Fortunately, Over the years, a lot of weapons have been smuggled in, and all of them have been taken out and calculated with one's heart.

Killing the wind mark is very sure, it is worth a try. "

Speaking of this, everyone laughed sarcastically.

Blue Star is really amazing. In just a hundred years, it has developed to the point where it can compete with the alien races in the heavens.

But unfortunately, the criminals of Blue Star are really lawless. As long as they give money, they can help transport whatever they want... They don't care what these things will be used for.

Thanks to these smugglers too.

The crowd gathered into a group.

He began to seriously discuss how to kill Wind Zhihen. The opponent was a master warrior of the Yuan Dynasty. Even if he was old and frail, even if his strength was greatly reduced, no one dared to be slack and despise... It must be a lion. Fight the rabbit, go all out.

We discussed the whole night.

After a night of sleepless nights, everyone's spirits were extremely excited.

Finally, Akabane Xinghen made a summary.

He looked around his colleagues and said seriously: "We always do things with the mentality of seeking nothing but merit, no matter what kind of enemy we are, we will never despise him, the enemy. We do not despise the weak, and the enemy is strong, we do not fear! The Wind Scar is just one of our many goals, and we will definitely succeed!"

Everyone nodded seriously.

That's right, they never look down on any opponent.

Early the next morning.

Wang Qingya woke up very early in the morning.

Cooked fresh pig liver soup for Xu Lingjun to continue to replenish blood.

Before leaving, he looked reluctant...

"Don't worry, Sister Yaya, I'm really fine."

Xu Lingjun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and Wang Qingya obviously still had lingering fears at the scene when she came back, dripping with blood, as if she was at the scene of a murder, so she felt uneasy about leaving now.

"I was just experimenting with Feng Lao and teaching my martial arts. After all, no matter how strong it is, if you don't use it to get familiar with it, once you encounter an enemy who uses it rashly, it is very likely that a situation that you cannot control will happen."

Xu Lingjun said with a smile: "I won't just self-harm for no reason, don't worry, I won't."

Wang Qingya stared at Xu Lingjun seriously and said, "You promise me that this situation will never happen again in the future when I come back and see you covered in blood... Otherwise, why don't you go to school with me, I have to keep an eye on you..."

"Sister Yaya, I've just acquired two martial arts skills recently, and I'm working hard to study them. How can I go to school? Besides, you're my head teacher. It's not like I can do whatever I want. It's not a trivial matter to ask for a few days off. ."

Wang Qingya sighed helplessly and said, "You, go through my back door again."

"It's easy."

Xu Lingjun raised his hand and said, "I promise, this time when you come back, it will never be the same as yesterday, right?"

"Okay, I can barely believe you."

Wang Qingya reached out and wanted to touch Xu Lingjun's head, but suddenly found that in the past few days, Xu Lingjun's stature had jumped a bit, and she was already much taller than her.

She patted his shoulder lightly and said with a smile, "When I come back, I know you don't like to eat takeaway. The lunch has already been left in the pot. When I come back in the evening, I will cook something delicious for you. What do you want to eat?"

Xu Lingjun said, "Meat."

"Okay, I'll buy you meat."

Wang Qingya couldn't help laughing, and suddenly she felt like a mother who took care of her children and was reluctant to go to work.

She smiled and said, "Good boy, stay home and wait for your mother to come back."

Xu Lingjun sneered: "Sister Yaya, you take advantage of me so much, do you believe it if I take it back sooner or later?"

"How are you going to take it back? I don't believe it, you can still let me call your father? My father will definitely fight with you at that time."

Wang Qingya touched Xu Lingjun's head on tiptoe again, and went all the way with her briefcase.

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