Qingzhou City.

On the night of the arrival of Wind Scar.

A group of extremely secretive people have quietly come to Qingzhou City.

"Sure enough, Wind Zhihen has come to Qingzhou City. Now, this old guy lives in the Martial Arts Association."

The leader of this group was a middle-aged man in his thirties or forties.

A face with a national character looks very simple and honest, but the gloomy meaning flashing in the bottom of his eyes makes him look a little more gloomy.

Red Feather Star Scar.

The royal family of the Akabane planet, named after the Akabane family.

The dignity of his status, if not for the fact that he was implicated in the struggle for power within the Chiyu clan, he would never have come to Blue Star and become a stalker in disguise.

You must know that for the alien races in the heavens, the Blue Star is different from other alien races.

In this universe, the weak eat the strong, and almost all races rely on plunder and conquest to maintain the survival of the race. The survival of the fittest is the law of nature.

In comparison, the blue star that suddenly appeared in the universe back then was very strange.

They don't like to expand externally, but instead keep developing internally.

From spring planting and autumn harvesting, to weaving and fishing, to Enron's later development of science and technology.

In just over a hundred years, the speed of Blue Star's progress almost surpassed the thousand-year development of any race.

Where did these aliens think that there is such a way of survival other than plundering?

It's just that the way of survival of all ethnic groups has long been deeply ingrained, and it is impossible for them to farm and develop in peace... So... Blue Star has become a sweet pastry in the eyes of all the different races.

They all want to take Blue Star as their colony star.

At that time, it will not only be as simple as a colony star, but also a group of extremely hardworking slaves. At that time, all the achievements of Blue Star will be brought under their command.

Internal development, external warfare, both internal and external, are you worried that you cannot become the overlord of the universe?

Except for the wings on their backs, the Red Feather people are extremely rare among the alien races in the heavens and are extremely similar in appearance and appearance to humans.

This is a rare advantage.

Over the years...

The Red Feather tribe naturally placed a lot of eyeliner in Blue Star.

Their task is to cause accidental casualties of those outstanding warriors internally, in order to reduce the power of Blue Star.

But now, their eyes are fixed on Wind Zhihen. This old guy has trained many soldiers who can fight well for the Polestar Battlefield. It can be said that because of him alone, they don't know how many people died.

If he can kill him, firstly, he will successfully eradicate a major threat for the heavens and various races, and secondly, he will kill the chickens as an example, and attack the warriors who were persuaded by the wind marks and willing to actively help the Polestar battlefield.


The Wind Mark is not so easy to deal with. They have been planning for a long time, but they have never found a chance to take action.

in the hotel.

One of the Red Feather tribesmen said angrily: "Damn, I didn't expect the people of the Martial Arts Association to be so diligent, and immediately arranged food, clothing, housing and transportation for this Wind Trace, with the military shelter in the emperor, and the Martial Arts Association outside to follow, and then In addition, he is also a very strong martial artist. I am afraid there is not a good chance to kill him. If we are even a little careless, we will all die in his hands. Our deaths are insignificant, but once it is exposed that our clansmen are lurking in Blue Star The news will be truly unforgivable at that time.”

Saying that, he couldn't help but instinctively touched his back.

There used to be a pair of crimson wings.

But now, it was cut off...

This is a supreme humiliation for the Akabane people. Only those who have committed rape, annihilation, kidnapping of children and other irreparable crimes will be sentenced to the punishment of Xiaoyi.

And they have made such a big sacrifice for the future of the Akabane clan.

Coupled with being careful over the years,

When the crisis was exposed, he immediately blew himself up and died without hesitation, never leaving a body behind... Up to now, Blue Star only thinks that there are a group of traitors who have taken refuge in the heavens and alien races to make a fool of Blue Star, but unexpectedly It was the Chiyu clan that had quietly lurked on the Blue Star.

"But with such a good opportunity now, if you don't do it again, it will be almost impossible to kill Wind Trace in the future."

Akabane Xinghen closed his eyes, a look of unwillingness on his face.

The son's shrill screams seemed to sound again in my mind... Who would have imagined that the soldiers on the battlefield suddenly mastered such a lethal martial skill, and their melee combat ability was greatly improved, and they were caught off guard. , that time the Chiyu clan bore the brunt of it and suffered heavy casualties.

His son is among them.

Later, he learned that it turned out to be Feng Zhihen, the founder of Fengquan Liu, who suddenly donated all his martial arts to the military for free.

As a result, there was the appearance of the Explosive Flame Army, and that battle was the first battle of the Explosive Flame Army.

Wind Scar, the real culprit.

He is a great threat, both public and private, and must be eradicated.


Chiyu Xinghen took a deep breath and said: "Our task is to quietly eradicate those outstanding warriors in the rear. Although Feng Zhihen is not young, he has been working hard to improve his martial arts. These martial arts are those Blue Stars. People's greatest weapon against us, killing Wind Scar is to cut off an arm in the Polestar Battlefield, such a good hope cannot be missed!"

He took a deep breath and said, "Since Wind Zhihen is here and he didn't go through official channels, he must have his private affairs. Since it is a private matter, he will definitely be careful when he won't let those from the Martial Arts Association follow him. , On the premise of not exposing himself, find out his purpose and the places he often goes... Maybe, there is still a chance... Shang Youya."


A woman fell to her knees respectfully.

"I'll leave this matter to you, find out the other party's purpose, and see if there is an opportunity for me to wait!"


Shang Youya responded respectfully.

Akabane Starscar raised his head and glanced at the rising sun that was slowly rising outside the window... A haze appeared in his eyes.

Coldly said: "Come soon, because only when it is dawn can the darkness of some people come sooner, Wind Zhihen, since he is a martial artist, he will honestly use his martial skills to earn money and seek power, since If you want to do what you can't do, you're doomed to pay a price you can't bear!"

Xu family.

Wang Qingya was still sleeping soundly on her bed.

On the rare weekend, coupled with low blood sugar, Wang Qingya basically didn't sleep until ten o'clock. There was no way, who made her have a little brother now, she has to feed him.

Otherwise, she might be able to sleep until the afternoon.

But when he was sleeping soundly.

The door was suddenly knocked open with a bang.

Under the instinct of women, Wang Qingya hurriedly covered her body with a quilt before she woke up, and exclaimed, "Who is it?"

"Sister Yaya, I succeeded! I really succeeded!!!"

Amidst the excited cheers, Xu Lingjun rushed in like a gust of wind, and shouted at Wang Qingya, who covered her chest with her hands and her face full of vigilance, "Look, Sister Yaya, I succeeded, I really succeeded."

I saw that it was Xu Lingjun.

Wang Qingya relaxed a little.

The hand in front of the chest also dropped a little, and then he reacted to something and quickly covered it.

She glanced at the thing in Xu Lingjun's hand speechlessly, and asked, "Is it... is it different from before?"

"Of course it's different, but it's already..."

Xu Lingjun stopped halfway through his words.

He glanced at the Gundam in his hand.

[Detected fake items Strike Freedom Gundam, is it given its true origin? Need to consume 2700 source value points! 】

When I woke up this morning, I was suddenly able to receive this message.

Although even he doesn't know what's going on, this proves one thing...

My guess is correct.

He can indeed create things that can give origin, so that in the past life, those magical objects that only existed in legends and even stories can be transformed into them?

Although there are still various doubts.

Why the same thing, Frostmourne has not prompted...

But one will do. As long as one succeeds, it proves the feasibility of this matter, and it is not difficult to find out the law.

That's why he came to Jie Ya Ya in surprise to share his joy.

It's just that I calmed down at this moment, but I suddenly realized that it seemed inconvenient to talk to her...

Xu Lingjun paused and said, "Sister Yaya, look at this Gundam, look at the lines, look at the workmanship, it's really super delicate, isn't it?"

"This thing has been lying in your room for more than half a month. How long does your reflex arc take to discover the exquisiteness of this thing?"

Wang Qingya smiled but stared at Xu Lingjun strangely, and said, "Or do you mean that you are a drunkard and not drinking? Yes, I really didn't wear underwear, but are you a little disappointed when I wear pajamas? I'm not. Did you say it? If you want to take advantage of me, at least wait until after the age of eighteen, I don't want to eat broiler chicken."

"Sister Yaya, you misunderstood..."

Halfway through Xu Lingjun's words, his eyes instinctively fell on Wang Qingya's clean shoulders.

Silk pajamas, the ability to block light is quite poor... Strange, the last time I slept with me, it seemed that this was not the one I wore. It seems that she also knew that this one was a bit exposed.

"go out."

Wang Qingya's cherry lips spit out, and said.


Xu Lingjun quickly went out.

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