I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 88 The power of combining multiple abilities (Subscribe)


The sea waves are surging.

This is a coast 100 kilometers away from Hejia City.

After Yang Fan left Hejia City, he moved directly here.

He sat quietly on a stone, staring at the endless deep blue, his thoughts drifting away.

"In Yingsang, the son of a councillor is a councillor, and the son of a civilian is still a civilian, just like a suffocating pool of dead water.

"Even their superpowers seem to have a kind of obedience in their bones, unlike the superpowers of Daxia.

"Maybe this is the ultimate solidification."

Yang Fan saw a lot of information about Yingsang from the wood carvings and had a deeper understanding of this place.

As a Daxia person who believes in "Ning You Zhonghu", he thinks this is a very strange country.

On the other hand.

All of the above also gave him a lot of thoughts.

"The original world is a very dangerous place.

"If you continue to be lifeless, there will be only one ending, that is, death in silence.

"If the Canglan people want to survive, they must break the old structure and create a more vibrant world."

For the first time, Yang Fan felt that perhaps he should use his own power to do something for this world.

Other superpowers can't do it.

It doesn't mean he can't do it either.

Yang Fan lowered his head and stared at his hands, whispering: "Maybe I can control the trend of history."

He felt that with his growth rate and reaching a certain height, he could do this.


The wooden Buddha face of Guiqi was full of awe.

Just now, it witnessed with its own eyes that the master moved his right hand and suddenly turned into an object like a cicada.

The master held it in his hand for a moment, and a strange power appeared in his body.

This incredible phenomenon was completely beyond its understanding.

And this cicada-like object gave it a terrifying feeling of "facing a natural enemy".

It didn't even dare to look at the cicada-like object for a second.

Guiqi thought about it and felt that he should seriously show his loyalty.

It conveyed a message: "Supreme Master, I will always be loyal to you."

It also explained the specific way of "loyalty": "No matter what the master asks me to swallow in the future, I will swallow it in one gulp."

For the wood carving, this is a concession that touches the bottom line.

I am willing to eat shit, you should believe my sincerity, right?

If it were the previous master, let alone asking me to eat shit, even if he dared to let me smell it, I would swallow him in one gulp.

Yang Fan was a little confused when he heard it, not knowing what this evil thing was doing inexplicably.

But he did not hit the sincerity of his younger brother, and nodded: "I know."

The Buddha's face immediately showed a flattering smile.


The sea breeze blew past.

Yang Fan felt the warm sea breeze and enjoyed the rare leisure time.

After a few seconds.

He suddenly frowned and turned his head to look in the direction of the land.

From the perspective of the golden eagle.

A military drone emerged from the front and flew quickly along the coastline.

On the side of the drone, there was another sword flower flag.

There was a mountain between him and the drone.

The drone couldn't see him, but he could see the drone.

Yang Fan's expression was a little subtle: "Has Jamini's drone found this place? It seems that they are really anxious."

He stood up and made a virtual grip with his right hand.

A sharp transparent ice spike instantly appeared in his right hand.

This is the frost ability.

Then the ice spike disappeared again.

This is the spiritual hiding ability.

Yang Fan's right arm swelled up and his skin turned light gold.

This is the Vajra ability.

He took a step forward and swung his right arm suddenly.

The ice spike turned into a flash of lightning and flew out, passing through an ultra-long arc of more than five kilometers in the air, and accurately hit the drone.

This is the new ability that Yang Fan has obtained.

It is called-precision.

On the other side.

The drone was penetrated by the ice spike, and the cold air instantly erupted inside.

The drone lost power instantly, and then turned into a lump of ice, falling from nearly a thousand meters into the forest, breaking into a pile of garbage.

Although it was only a low-grade ability activated by 1 point of spiritual source value, the combination of four abilities exerted a powerful combat power.

Yang Fan's sight jumped and looked in another direction: "Try the limit of the precision ability."

He condensed another ice spike, then stimulated the power of diamond and threw it out.


Because the power of spiritual concealment was not used, the ice spike made a sharp sound as it cut through the air.

The ice spike flew over an ultra-long distance of nearly eight kilometers and hit a tree trunk with a "bang".

This is a very amazing distance.

Yang Fan imagined: "If the precision ability and diamond ability continue to improve, maybe I can accurately hit the target even if I am dozens of kilometers away.

"At that time, I will be the most powerful assassin on Canglan Star, and a casual attack is comparable to a cannon. "

Ordinary assassins must get close to the target to launch an attack.

Powerful assassins can launch an invisible attack from a distance of several kilometers.

In short.

His strength has increased again.

In addition.

From the Gameni psychic, the Soul-stealing Cicada also extracted two low-quality superpowers, but they were all garbage superpowers.

Of course.

Only he thought they were garbage.

Others must have regarded them as treasures given by God.

The three superpowers together contributed 5.8 points of spiritual source value.

The clone has recently collected 0.6 spiritual source points.

The previous activation of precision cost 1 point, but now the accumulated spiritual source value has reached 34.5 points.


Inside the Taibao base.

Due to the explosion, the entire base was in a mess.

Despite this, the department responsible for controlling drones is still working hard.

The operators received an order to use a carpet search method to search for all suspicious traces within a radius of 200 kilometers.

All the soldiers felt that this was a very nonsense order.

How big is an area with a radius of 200 kilometers? Don’t the top officials have any idea about it?

But there is no way.

The Carmenians carefully examined the scene and found no useful clues.

The elite force that kidnapped Mr. Ryan seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

As a last resort, they can only resort to this method of finding a needle in a haystack.

Just then.

A controller called out: "Captain, the drone I control just lost contact."

The surveillance screen in front of this guy was already filled with large snowflakes.

This is a typical situation of lost contact.

A captain walked over quickly and asked directly: "Did you notice anything unusual before losing contact?"

This is a somewhat intriguing question.

Because under normal circumstances, the loss of contact itself represents an abnormal situation and should be reported to the superior immediately.

The controller shook his head: "There is nothing abnormal. It's just that the signal suddenly disappeared while flying."

The captain asked again: "Where is the missing contact place?"

The operator clicked the mouse a few times, and the screen changed: "This is it."

The captain took a glance and muttered: "It seems to be a remote mountainous area."

The operator shrugged his shoulders: "Yes, there is no one living nearby and there are no roads."

The captain came to a conclusion: "The drone is probably malfunctioning again."

He cursed: "A few of these drones break down every once in a while. The bosses are all over the place to purchase this kind of expensive junk."

The operator chuckled: "Commissioner Smith wants to make progress. A few more damaged drones are nothing."

The captain glared at his subordinate: "Don't say such things."

The operator quickly shut his mouth.

But judging from the captain's expression, he didn't seem to object to what his subordinates said.

The captain thought for a while and then ordered: "Deploy another nearby drone and go to that area to take a look."

The operator responded: "Yes!"

Ten minutes later.

The operator reported: "Captain, there are no suspicious signs. It should have been a malfunction of the drone just now."

The captain had an "I knew it was like this" look on his face: "Got it."


Silver Moon Mountain.

Emperor's Sword Headquarters.

A dozen people in black uniforms gathered together and were attending an emergency meeting.

The old man sitting at the top opened his mouth and called a name: "Sato, please introduce the situation."

Sato let out a "hi" and said quickly: "This afternoon, there was a strange Kameni in a station of Emperor Tianzhi.

“The man’s name was ‘Ryan’, he was missing four fingers, a leg and was in a coma at the time.

"Ryan appears to be a senior employee of a Carmeni company, but in fact he is a senior intelligence officer working for JICA.

"Ryan carries a storage disk with him. The files in it show that there is a secret laboratory underground in his office building..."

As the narration continues.

A group of Yingsang people all showed angry expressions.

"Baga! The Carmenians are so evil. They actually conduct supernatural experiments on our compatriots on our land."

“No wonder the Kamenese blocked the shooting scene in Hega City and refused our personnel access.”

"The Emperor will definitely cast down a curse, and these Carmenians will surely fall into the Blood Sea Demonic Prison!"

The entire conference room was excited.

A man in black uniform asked a key question: "Who sent Ryan here?"

Another person immediately replied: "It should be a benevolent person in our country. He discovered the ugly behavior of the Carmenians, angrily attacked the Carmenians, and then sent Ryan over."

Logically speaking, this is a very reasonable answer.

Most of the black uniforms agreed.

"I think so too."

"That's how it should be."

The old man suddenly raised his right hand.

Everyone immediately fell silent.

The old man looked around and said: "The Carmenians are too powerful, and there are many people who are willing to be their lackeys. We can only tolerate it now."

Many of the black uniforms looked aggrieved.

There are also people whose expressions remain unchanged.

After all, the Yingsang people have endured for more than half a century, and they have long endured and become Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

The old man changed the topic: "But our country's heroes have set an example. We can use our own way to secretly cause some trouble to the Carmenians.

"The Canglan Star came to the primitive world, and global disasters occurred frequently. For the Yingsang people, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get rid of the control of the Carmenians."

He raised his tone: "Please speak freely and contribute your talents to the revival of Yingsang Kingdom."

One voice rang out.

Conspiracies and conspiracies began to brew.


Yang Fan didn't know that his act of giving "gifts" to the Yingsang people made them mistakenly think that he was a "hero of the Yingsang people".

At this time.

On a somewhat remote beach.

He was happily fishing.

The first time in his life to fish was not in Daxia, but in a foreign country.


Yang Fan stomped his foot on the mudflat.

An invisible force seeped out from the ground.

The next second.

Within a radius of two meters.

More than a dozen shells buried underground jumped out in unison.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "The superpower is really useful!"

His Lingyin superpower can accurately sense the shells underground, and the search efficiency is very high.

The Vajra superpower has a superb grasp of strength, and it is a piece of cake to shake out the shells.

Yang Fan picked them up one by one, released a ray of strength, stimulated the shells, and the shells spit out the mud and sand.

After a while.

He picked up a large bucket.

Ordinary fishermen fishing in the sea take a day to get a bucket of shells.

It only took him ten minutes to get a bucket of food reserves.

Yang Fan put it into the Space Pearl, emptied the wooden barrel, and moved to another place to continue fishing.


He stamped his feet and muttered: "If I am given a year, I can stop the Yingsang people from eating seashells."

After a while.


A skylark companion reminded him.

Yang Fan turned his head and saw a group of Yingsang people dressed as seafarers, walking towards this side.

He did not use the King Kong ability again, and honestly took the shovel to dig.


Even so.

His efficiency was surprisingly high. The shovel dug a precise one, and each one was a plump big shell.

This group of Yingsang people combined were not as good as him alone.

Such amazing efficiency was naturally noticed by the Yingsang people.

After a while.

Three Yingsang people came over together.

One of them shouted loudly.

Yang Fan did not understand Yingsang language.

But the wood carving can translate: "Hey, guy wearing a mask, which village are you from? This is our territory of Xiaozang Village."

Yang Fan frowned.

Pick up a few more shells, and you are jealous?

Yang Fan glanced at the other party and left with the plastic bucket.


The three Yingsang people laughed loudly, with a smile of victory on their faces.

The wood carving conveyed a message at the right time: "Supreme Master, please allow me to devour these three scums who disrespect you."

Yang Fan scolded coldly: "Shut up!"

He doesn't like Yingsang people.

But he is not a murderer.

The expression on the Buddha's face is full of grievances.

It suddenly missed its previous owner a little.

The predecessor was always respectful to itself, always spoke carefully, and offered fresh blood from time to time.

But the current owner scolds it at every turn, forces it to eat glass shards and gnaw on table legs, and threatens to destroy it.

It feels that its dignity has fallen into the mud.

So sad!


But the grievance of the Guiqi only lasted for a second.

It immediately adjusted its mentality.

The current master has powerful power and unpredictable means. How can the previous master, that waste, be compared with him?

After performing the inner drama, the Buddha Face replied respectfully: "Supreme Master, I will always obey your will."

Yang Fan said "hmm", and felt more and more that the Guiqi's brain was not normal.

Not long.

Yang Fan walked away.

He went into a forest, moved his right hand, and condensed three ice needles on his fingertips.

Each ice needle has a diameter comparable to cow hair.

Yang Fan glanced at the beach, his right hand turned light gold, and he swung it violently.

The three ice needles swept across hundreds of meters and accurately pierced the ankles of the three Yingsang people.

They only felt a slight sting in their ankles, but it was not a big deal.

Half an hour later.

The three Yingsang people suddenly felt that the inside of their ankles was unusually cold, as if countless needles were piercing them wildly.


They fell on the beach and wailed loudly.


Ten kilometers away.

A rugged cape.

Yang Fan held the fishing rod and smiled: "There are so many ways to play with multiple abilities."

The ice needle that tortured the three Yingsang people was using the "delayed attack" technique.

The frost power was wrapped by the power of King Kong, and nothing happened at the time.

After the power dissipated, the frost power would break out, making the three Yingsang people miserable.

Yang Fan thought of the faces of several Yingsang people and whispered: "I don't like Yingsang people."

He suddenly flicked his right hand, and an ice needle flashed.

The sea surface dozens of meters away.

A large sea fish with ice on the surface, weighing about ten kilograms, quickly floated out.

A golden eagle flew over quickly and dragged the sea fish back.

Yang Fan muttered again: "I don't like Ying Sang's fish either. They won't bite the hook."

He was furious: "I'm going to catch all of you!"

The wood carving showed his loyalty again: "Supreme Master, I can kill all of Ying Sang's fish."

"Shut up!"

Yang Fan shouted again.

It was late at night.

Yang Fan called it a day.

He had been crawling and rolling on the beach for so long, and he actually collected 0.4 spiritual source points.

It was much more than expected.

It shows that the ocean is indeed much richer than the river.

After enjoying a seafood feast.

Yang Fan set up the tent and put down the mattress. It took only a few minutes for him to fall asleep.

I don’t know how long it took.

He heard an inexplicable call.

Then the scene of sea fishing during the day appeared inexplicably.

A pink little girl, wearing a cute panda hat, suddenly appeared next to him.

"Oh! I finally found you!"

The little girl showed a lovely smile and said in standard Daxia language.

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