I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 82 I predicted your prediction

The captain of the Emperor's Blade is a very cunning man.

This guy vaguely felt that the enemy was very likely to have someone monitoring the battlefield, and the enemy's target seemed to be the superpower.

In this case, the person who moved first would most likely be targeted by the enemy.


The captain shouted "Disperse and evacuate", but did not act immediately, but mixed with a group of police officers.

Before this guy awakened his superpowers, he was an active soldier in the Sakura Sang Kingdom Guard, with a very high military quality.

He did one thing without hesitation - waving his hands repeatedly and throwing several smoke bombs.

"Swish! Swish!"

A large amount of smoke came out instantly.

The captain turned his head to look around, thinking about the escape route.

He thought secretly: "Other people distract the enemy's attention, and with the smoke blocking the line of sight, I should be able to evacuate safely."

As for whether other superpowers are dead or alive, he doesn't care at all, as long as he survives.

After a while.


A scream came over.

Apparently someone else has encountered an accident.

With his keen hearing, the captain immediately recognized who it was: "It seems that Takada-kun is in trouble."

This guy was not sad, but was happy: "It seems that my plan worked!"

Another thought flashed through his mind: "I heard that the higher-ups are planning to promote Takada-kun. Takada-kun is so stupid, it's better for him to die early!"

A few seconds later.

The smoke spread to a wider range.

A thin layer of smoke filled most of the square.

"Cough! Cough!"

Many police officers accidentally inhaled the smoke and were choked to cough repeatedly, with tears and snot.

This is also part of the captain's plan.

Because every cough can attract the enemy's attention, thereby increasing the probability of escape.


Another scream.

Another subordinate died.

The captain no longer hesitated: "Almost!"

He decisively activated his superpowers, and his figure immediately turned into a residual image and rushed out quickly.

The superpower that this guy awakened is an agility ability.

The captain ran at a speed of almost 60 meters per second, which is more than 200 kilometers per hour.

This guy rushed into a green belt like a gust of wind.

The captain's mouth corners rose: "Success!"

But the smile froze immediately.

This guy suddenly found that two grenades fell quickly from above, just falling on his escape route.

From this move alone, it can be seen that the thrower is very powerful.

The timing, speed, and angle are all just right.

The captain cursed inwardly: "Baga!"

Still being targeted!

Damn enemy!

At this moment.

The captain even vaguely heard the sound of gunpowder burning, and it was obvious that the grenade was about to explode.

He gritted his teeth and pushed the ground hard.


There was only a slight sound.

His speed increased a little bit in an instant, reaching more than 80 meters per second.

This is his specialty.

The captain gave it a name - the power of wind.

As the name suggests, it is to use the power of the wind to run like the wind.

This guy ran behind a tree at a speed faster than the wind.



The grenade exploded.

A large number of fragments flew in all directions.

The captain immediately felt that the tree trunk behind him trembled continuously, obviously hit by many fragments.

But he did not feel the joy of "escaping a disaster" at all, but his expression became more solemn.

Because this guy thought of an extremely terrifying figure - a tiger.

He had never seen such a terrible mutant creature, and slaughtering mutants was like killing chickens.

"It should be coming soon!"

The captain muttered in a low voice.

This is a mysterious intuition.

This guy gritted his teeth and reached out to take out an ancient wood carving from the pocket of his jacket uniform.

This is a Buddha wood carving.

The surface is black, as if it has been smoked and burned for many years.

The wood carving is obviously a dead object, but the captain holds it, but has a weird feeling that "this thing is still alive".

He knew very well that three monks were devoured by the wood carving in the Buddhist temple where the wood carving was found.

When Huang Tian Zhi Dao was studying the wood carving, he secretly brought in five prisoners and watched them being devoured by the wood carving.

In short.

This is a very scary trick.

And he happened to be able to communicate with the wood carving and control the trick to a limited extent, so he got the right to use the wood carving.


The captain took a heavy breath.

He made up his mind: "The enemy is so powerful, if you want to survive, you can only fight desperately!"

The Buddha face carved on the surface of the wood carving moved strangely, revealing an evil smile.

The captain made up his mind and broke off one of his fingers.


The finger bent at a rather scary angle.

The captain's face was distorted with pain, and he squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "Respected God Eater, please enjoy my flesh and blood."

The next moment.

A layer of black mist appeared on the surface of the wood carving.

The black mist moved and covered the broken finger.

The broken finger disappeared cleanly in an instant.

The black fog retreated back into the wood carving.

A hint of madness flashed across the captain's eyes: "Damn tiger, you're dead!"

He seemed to have seen the scene of a ferocious tiger being swallowed up by a wooden sculpture.


The top of Ningjing Tower.

Yang Fan stood high in the sky, staring unblinkingly at the woods where the captain was.

He said "Hey": "The smell is getting worse and worse. Dahuang might be in danger if he goes there."

Yang Fan decisively ordered: "Dahuang, stop!"


Rhubarb stopped at the edge of the green belt.

Yang Fan's eyes flashed: "This Xiaoying Spear seems to be very sharp, it seems that he is aware that Dahuang is about to attack.

"So you predicted Rhubarb, took out the bottom card, and prepared to give Rhubarb a try, right?"

"Unfortunately, I predicted your prediction."

Yang Fan said softly: "I can only use another trump card."

He activated his spiritual language ability and whistled in his mouth.

"call out!"

A response came immediately from the spiritual link.

A group of cute little creatures began to take action.


In the green belt.

The captain waited for nearly ten seconds, but there was no movement.

He was a little uneasy, but he didn't know what was wrong.

"Ta! Ta!"

Gunshots kept coming from the direction of the square.

The fighting over there is still going on.

Two seconds passed.

The captain didn't want to wait any longer: "When those two apes kill all the police officers and come back with support, I will be in danger."

Before this guy could activate his ability, he suddenly heard a slight sound coming from above, which sounded like a bird flapping its wings.

His expression immediately changed: "Not good!"

Normally, the captain wouldn't think there was any problem with this.

But now that this sound suddenly appears, something is obviously very wrong.


It's too late.

Dozens of objects fell.

An extremely violent series of explosions occurred.



The green belt immediately turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Although the captain tried his best to dodge, the explosion was so violent that there was no room to escape.

A fierce wave of air came.

The captain was thrown away without any resistance, and then was engulfed in flames.


The top of Ningjing Tower.

Yang Fan witnessed the captain's death through the eyes of his partners.

The entire green belt was instantly razed to the ground.

Yang Fan smacked his lips: "Actually, I really didn't want to play this big. It seems I have to run away."

Within a radius of 500 meters, the glass of a large number of buildings was broken. This incident will definitely alarm the entire Yingsang Kingdom.

In fact.

What fell into the green belt was the high-explosive bomb that had been procured from the military.

In addition to "signing" a tiger and two gibbons, Yang Fan also got a group of skylarks as a hidden trump card.

Just now he called the skylarks and ordered them each to carry a high-explosive bomb, bringing a wave of carpet bombing to the entire green area.

Do you think I will confront you head-on?

There are no doors!


The shock wave from the explosion passed.

Yang Fan immediately gave the order: "Extract the superpower and take that thing away."

The long-eared owl was in a stealth state and quickly flew over the sea of ​​fire.

The soul-stealing cicada disappeared in a flash and burrowed into the burnt corpse.

The long-eared owl adjusted its angle again and flew towards the crafty wood carving.

A black air emerged from the surface of the wood carving, as if it wanted to swallow the bird.

But it failed.

A red light emerged from the body of the long-eared owl and attached to the surface of the wood carving.

It was a thunder seal.


Just hear a soft sound.

A mark is imprinted on the surface of the wood carving.

The thing trembled, and the black air disappeared.

It seemed to be frightened and did not dare to act rashly again.

The long-eared owl swooped down, grabbed the wooden sculpture in its mouth, and flew away quickly.

Yang Fan smiled slightly and immediately issued an evacuation order to his companions.

Through the vision of another long-eared owl, he had already noticed that the support force of the Yingsang people was approaching quickly.

Let me reiterate, there is no plot in this book about massacre or destruction, and this is not allowed to be written now.

The protagonist just went out and wandered around.

It is inconvenient to draw abilities at home, but there are not many worries abroad.

Since there is such a strange thing as the soul-stealing cicada, it is natural to make good use of it.

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