I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 60 The Original Law of Life

The appearance of the first batch of poisonous mosquitoes was just a signal.

In the next two hours, poisonous mosquitoes appeared one after another in various locations in Linjiang City.

Poisonous mosquitoes can be seen flying in almost every section of the river, but the number is not large, usually only a few dozen.


The peregrine falcon needle eye flapped its wings and flew high, taking in the entire city.

Yang Fan shared the needle eye's super vision, watching the small black dots flying one by one, his face was not very good.

He was full of doubts: "It's really strange, where did Linjiang City come from so many poisonous mosquito eggs?"

He had clearly checked before, and there was no trace of poisonous mosquito eggs in Linjiang City.

Yang Fan looked at the raindrops floating outside the window and fell into deep thought.

After a few seconds.

He had a guess: "Could it be that this rain is contaminated with the power of the original world and has the effect of giving birth to poisonous mosquitoes?"

He certainly didn't think so before, after all, rain is water, what's special about water?

Now that he has experienced so much and witnessed the swift swans from the original world drilling into this world, he has a different idea.

Yang Fan's eyes flashed: "Tintra's Kalido Wetland seems to be the first place where poisonous mosquitoes appeared."

He opened his notebook and searched for the corresponding weather records.

The result was as expected - more than a month ago, Kalido Wetland had rained for half a month.

It's confirmed!

Yang Fan's imagination ran wild: "It seems that the process of the emergence of poisonous mosquitoes cannot be explained by the science of Canglan Star at all.

"This is probably some kind of power from the original world that has infiltrated Canglan Star on a large scale and changed this world."

He sighed secretly: "I'm afraid that disasters like the poisonous mosquito disaster will not be rare in the future.

"The super immigration plan formulated by the top leaders of Daxia to relocate more than 200 million people in the country is quite foresighted."

Yang Fan looked at the rain curtain outside the window for a while, and suddenly felt a little strange.

He subconsciously closed his eyes and immediately "saw" two clusters of dim starlight.

It snowed heavily some time ago. He went out for a walk in the middle of the night and accidentally sensed two original astrological images.

At that time, two clusters of starlight magically appeared in his mind.

Some inexplicable power made Yang Fan know their name - the traces of astrological images.

At this moment.

The starlight of one of the traces of astrological images flickered strangely, and the light it emitted was also brighter.

Yang Fan only "looked" at it, and the whole person entered an extremely mysterious state.

I don't know how long it took.

He opened his eyes and got out of the strange state just now.

Yang Fan stared straight out of the window, and felt a flash in front of his eyes, and saw a picture beyond imagination.

I saw countless strands of energy flow, emerging out of thin air, mixed in the rain, and then turned into light smoke and dissipated.


A distant muffled sound, sounding a bit like a heartbeat.

It seemed to come from a very far distance, and it seemed to ring in my ears. This feeling is really hard to describe in words.

The next moment.

Yang Fan blinked.

The energy flow disappeared.

The rain returned to normal.

He naturally realized: "I understand, this is the original law of life."

This is the message conveyed by the original astrology.

As for the law of life, it can be understood as a law related to life.

Yang Fan immediately had more questions: "In addition to the law of life, there should be more original laws, right?

"What is the source of all the original laws?"

He always felt that this thing must have a source.

Unfortunately, the information he knew was limited and he could not answer this question.

He stood up and walked to the window sill, looking down at the stagnant water on the streets of the community: "The poisonous mosquito eggs all over the world, it turns out that this is how they come from. ”


Upper Capital.

Daxia National University.

This is Daxia’s leading institution of higher learning and one of the top three universities on Canglan Star.

Daxia people usually call it - National University.

At this time.

In the National Key Biological Laboratory of National University.

A group of researchers in white coats looked at the screen on the big screen with a look of amazement.

“It’s incredible.”

“There are so many mutations in the gene loci of the groove bell worm. This is unscientific!”

“With so many mutations, it can no longer be called a groove bell worm. It is a completely new creature.”

An old man interrupted the discussion: “Be quiet.”

The discussion quickly subsided.

The old man loudly ordered: “Extract the genetic samples of the mutant groove bell worm and the genetic samples of the poisonous mosquito eggs for genetic difference analysis.”

“Understood! ”

Half an hour passed.

The analysis results came out.

The genetic similarity between the two reached an astonishing 99.9%!

Everyone looked incredulous.

"The test results are wrong, right?"

"The bellworm and the poisonous mosquito eggs are completely different species, how can the genetic similarity be so high?"

"The bellworm can actually mutate into a poisonous mosquito, only fantasy novels dare to write like this."

"The instrument can't be wrong."

"So many people are watching the operation process just now."

This result completely overturned everyone's understanding of biology.

The old man was silent for a while, and said with a final word: "The result is fine."

He then waved his hand: "Report the results to Daxia Academy of Sciences immediately."

"Okay, Academician Liu!"


Inside the secret base.

General Lou brought the latest news.

"Several biological laboratories in Daxia have found that many micro-animals in the water are mutating into poisonous mosquito eggs in a way that is difficult to understand.

"This study has profoundly revealed the secret process of the birth of poisonous mosquitoes, but we have also raised new questions. "

The old general paused and asked again: "Miss Jiana, why did this strange thing happen?"

The mermaid did not answer immediately, but praised: "You Canglan people's genetic science is quite interesting. You discovered the 'original life imprint' so quickly."

General Lou repeated subconsciously: "What is the original life imprint?"

The mermaid explained slowly: "I said before that the appearance of poisonous mosquitoes is a curse.

"This curse contains an original life imprint, which is the poisonous mosquitoes that appeared on Canglan Star.

"Various tiny animals in the water have obtained the original life imprint, and their life forms will irreversibly become poisonous mosquitoes. "

General Lou's expression was as if he was listening to a fairy tale.

To let poisonous mosquitoes appear on a large scale in a civilized world was beyond his imagination.

The old general asked again: "In that case, the poisonous mosquitoes will never be killed?"

The mermaid nodded and said: "Of course! The Canglan people must learn to coexist with poisonous mosquitoes."

General Lou remained silent.

He certainly understood that in the process of "learning to coexist with poisonous mosquitoes", the Canglan people would pay a very heavy price.

The mermaid changed the subject: "A pioneer of our Meijia civilization once said something.

"The essence of the original life imprint is actually a kind of original law.

"If you can comprehend the original law, even if there is only a trace of fur, there will be huge benefits. "

The so-called "pioneer of civilization" is a person who senses the original astrology.

She sighed with regret: "Originally, this pioneer had a very strong talent, and the probability of being promoted to a venerable was very high.

"It's a pity that this pioneer was a knight at the time and died in a disaster. Otherwise, the Meijia civilization would have nine venerables."

General Lou asked curiously: "Miss Jana, how can we comprehend the original law?"

The mermaid looked at General Lou quietly, with an expression of "You ask me, who should I ask?"

General Lou smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, I'm too presumptuous."

The old general couldn't help asking: "Is it harder to comprehend the original law than to sense the original astrology?"

The mermaid nodded: "Of course."

She paused and said: "This is a field that only the venerables can involve. It is said to be the path to a higher level of power.

"The genius knight I just mentioned only sensed the existence of the original law, but did not really comprehend it.

"Among the eight venerables of our Meijia civilization, only two have successfully comprehended an original law."

General Lou gave up his delusion: "Okay, I thought too much."

In a hundred years, I'm afraid no Canglan people will comprehend the original law.

Daxia people should be down-to-earth and not be too ambitious to think about impossible things.


Linjiang City.

Yuewan Community.

Yang Fan was sitting at the dining table, quietly staring at a porcelain bowl.

The bowl was filled with half a bowl of turbid water.

This was a small amount of accumulated water scooped up from a low-lying area in the community.

Yang Fan faintly sensed that a tiny life was transforming into a poisonous mosquito egg, although he could not see anything.

If it were before, he would definitely not be able to sense this.

He naturally understood that this must be a change in the trace of the astrology, and he had mastered this ability inexplicably.

After a while.

Yang Fan muttered a little confusedly: "It seems that I have sensed something, but it seems that I have sensed nothing!"

He had a hunch that this thing was very important, and it contained a way to restrain the disaster of poisonous mosquitoes.

But he could not catch the fleeting inspiration.

Yang Fan shook his head and gave up helplessly: "Forget it! My strength may be too low, and it is useless to force it."

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