I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 216 Mr. Ghost's influence

How to deal with a clown? Especially when the other party is a reporter.

Fight back?


The more you deal with this kind of person, the more excited he will be.

Because this is exactly the purpose of the white reporter.

This will bring traffic to this guy.

It will also bring him more attention.

So the best way is to ignore the existence of the clown.

No matter how you jump around, if I say one more word to you, I will lose!

Yang Fan didn't even look at the white reporter, as if this person didn't exist at all.

He turned his head and glanced at Zhuo Junyi, saying: "Mr. Zhuo, someone tried to interfere with the rescue team's operations. Please clear out the irrelevant people."

For him, the Jamani rescue team has been annihilated, and no longer needs reporters' reports. The media has no value.

Zhuo Junyi quickly responded: "Understood!"

The white reporter was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly shouted: "The public has the right to know, you can't do this!"

Yang Fan turned a deaf ear.

Zhuo Junyi gestured to his subordinates and whispered: "Except for the Daxia media, send the rest away."


The white reporter continued to shout: "Any civilian has news seed oil, and the Daxia people's behavior is trampling on seed oil."

Oleg, a supernatural person in the Bering Kingdom, suddenly had an idea and realized that this was a good opportunity to show off.

This guy strode towards the white reporter and glanced at the certificate hanging around his neck.

He immediately saw the other party's name-Frost!

Oleg shouted, "Dude, don't you think you're too noisy?"

Frost was a little scared, and said in a timid way, "Who are you?"

Oleg smiled: "I am the second elder of the Druid Secret Realm, a superpower organization in the Bering Kingdom."

Frost habitually pulled the tiger skin: "You violently interfered with the news seed oil in front of the whole world, and you will be spurned by the whole world."

Oleg said "Oh" and said in a shameless tone: "I really want to know how it feels to be spurned."

Frost was choked hard.

This jumping clown, when he met a really shameless person, was a little overwhelmed.

Oleg smiled a little maliciously: "Dude, do you want to get out of here, or do I throw you into the sea."

Frost tried to whine: "You..."

Oleg was too lazy to listen, and directly grabbed the white reporter's neck and shouted viciously: "Shut up!"

Frost felt a little suffocated, and his neck hurt even more, and he began to struggle desperately.

But he is just an ordinary person.

Oleg is a strong man among the superpowers.

Frost is like a poor little chicken, unable to resist at all.

Oleg put his mouth close to the other's ear and said viciously: "You are a fool, do you know what you are doing?

"The times have changed a long time ago. Now it is the era of superpowers. Do you know what it means to provoke the strongest person on Canglan Star?

"Do you really think that your identity as a reporter is your amulet, and others dare not touch you easily?

"I tell you clearly that ordinary superpowers want to kill people quietly. There are a hundred ways, and Daxia Ghost has at least ten thousand ways.

"Even if he hints, you don't know how you died, and no one will say a word when you die."

For the first time, real fear appeared in Frost's eyes.

Oleg threatened nakedly: "Get out! If I see you again, I will definitely plant a curse on you, so that you will suffer for a hundred days before dying."

After that.

The big guy loosened his fingers.

Frost gasped hard and ran away in a hurry.

Oleg stared at the other person's back and snorted softly.

To be honest.

Actually, this guy was not threatening verbally just now. He really had the urge to kill Frost.

After all, killing the stupid reporter who provoked the strongest man of Canglan Star is also a way to build a relationship with the Great Xia Ghost.

However, Oleg was concerned that the Great Xia Ghost seemed to have never killed civilians indiscriminately, so he suppressed the idea of ​​killing.

Not long after.

Most of the reporters were asked to get off the rescue ship.

The group was sent to a small boat and sailed to Novali Port dozens of kilometers away.

Ten minutes later.

The boat moved away from the Xishan.

Frost looked at the Xishan rescue ship with a gloomy face, and cursed in a low voice: "I hope all the people of Daxia will die!"

Two seconds later.

A two-meter-high wave suddenly surged up.

The sea was relatively calm, but a large wave suddenly appeared, which was obviously a bit strange.

The boat shook violently.

Frost was caught off guard and was thrown into the cold sea water.

Others shouted.

"Someone fell into the water!"

"Hurry up and save him!"

One minute later.

Frost was rescued.

Although he was wearing a life jacket, it was not a big deal.

But the sea temperature was close to zero degrees. This guy was soaked in ice water for a minute and was really frozen. His lips turned blue.

After this lesson, Frost shivered and curled up, not daring to say anything.

He was really scared!


On the other side.


For Yang Fan.

A mere white reporter is just an extremely insignificant person.

He quickly forgot about it.

He didn't even know that a supernatural being quietly took action and gave Frost a lesson.

Yang Fan stared at the illusory ship shadow in the distance, a coldness flashing in his eyes.

The white reporter tried to use moral kidnapping to force him to rescue the scientific research ship.

This is pure wishful thinking.

Just because of the name "Oriental Science", he would never bring the ship back.

The Carmenians organized a group of people to come to the "East" to inspect the mountains outside the sky in the name of "science".

Isn’t this a person from Daxia? !

Eastern Science and Technology must die!

at this time.

Yang Fan looked at the many superpowers participating in the rescue and said, "Everyone!"

Everyone's eyes gathered instantly.

Yang Fan said loudly: "The secret fire thunder gun I used just now can only be used once every three days.

"I cannot use this method for the time being, so we must be as careful as possible in our next actions."

This is all an excuse.

The Thunder Branch can condense two thunder gun marks every day, but he deliberately said it was once every three days.

Yang Fan continued: "I will spend half a day to a day using another method to build a stable portal to the abnormal sea area."

He didn't want to rescue the Oriental Science at all, that's why he was so dilly-dallying.

Yang Fan immediately dropped a bombshell: "I can sense that this sea area has a strange curse.

"For those with mental powers, if they try to resist the curse, they can effectively temper their mental strength."

The crowd suddenly burst into commotion.

The eyes of all the mental superpowers lit up instantly.

Yang Fan waved his hand: "I'm going to prepare first."

The words just fell.


Yang Fan exploded into a brilliant firework.

Oleg stood in the corner of the deck, narrowed his eyes slightly, and whispered: "Awesome!"

His companion asked curiously: "Are you talking about the Ghost of Daxia?"

Oleg nodded: "Of course!"

The companion shrugged: "Isn't this nonsense? All 12.8 billion Canglan people know this."

Oleg shook his head and said, "You don't understand what I mean."

The companion looked searching.

Oleg pointed forward: "After all the Kameni rescue teams died, the whole world believed that the abnormal sea area was a dangerous place.

"The Ghost of Great Xia changed the world's perception with just one sentence. Everyone began to feel that the abnormal sea also contained huge opportunities."

This guy spread his hands and said, "Look, Daxia Ghost can control you at will as long as he wants."

The companion blurted out: "No one in this world can control me."

Oleg smiled "haha": "You definitely didn't want to go to the abnormal sea just now, do you still want to go now?"

The companion was silent.

Oleg added: "Every word of the Great Xia Ghost has a purpose. He said that he would build a stable portal.

"The ghost of Daxia is hinting that he has a way to help the spiritual system improve his spiritual power. Whether he can enter the abnormal sea area is entirely up to Daxia."

The companion immediately thought of more: "So there should be many countries that will try to contact Daxia to obtain quotas to enter the abnormal sea area?"

Oleg nodded heavily: "This is obvious. I estimate that many countries have taken action now.

“Any country that is close to the Carmeni Federation will definitely have no chance of entering the abnormal sea unless they surrender to Daxia’s camp.

"After today, the influence of the Carmeni Federation on Canglan Planet will definitely decline a lot."

Oleg spread his hands again: "You see, Daxia Ghost can change the world with just one word."

The companion was quite emotional when he heard this: "It's really amazing!"



External Relations Department.

Ever since Yang Fan said, "Fighting the curse can temper your spiritual power."

Only ten minutes passed.

"Ding bell~"

The phone rang.

An external liaison officer immediately picked up the phone: "Hello! This is the Daxia External Relations Department."

A voice came from the receiver, also in standard Bactrian language: "Dear sir, hello! I am the external relations officer of the Kingdom of Anyade."

The civil servant immediately sat up straight and asked, "Is there something wrong with your country?"

The Kingdom of Anyade is a country in the Western Hemisphere, belonging to the sphere of influence of the Carmeni Federation, and its relationship with Daxia is quite ordinary.

So the official came to the door suddenly, and the official was very surprised.

The other party's tone was very polite: "Mr. Daxia Ghost's actions of killing the original monster and rescuing the Oriental Science have won high praise from all over the world.

"Our country is very willing to work with Daxia to jointly face the dangers of the primitive world and jointly protect the safety of Canglan Star."

This is standard diplomatic rhetoric.

The civil servants instantly understood the subtext of this sentence - Daxia Ghost is awesome, and the younger brother is willing to follow the older brother!

He was stunned for a moment and said quickly: "Sir, I will report it immediately, and a senior official of our company will contact you later."


"Ding bell~"

"Ding bell~"

More phones started ringing.

Countries one after another took the initiative to come to our door.

An hour passed.

The top officer of the External Relations Department, Commissioner Zhang, looked at the list in his hand and was shocked: "Ninety-eight countries, isn't that too many?!"

This senior official had already expected that many countries would come to visit him, but he really didn't expect that there would be so many.

Nearly a quarter of nearly 400 countries around the world have clearly expressed their intention to cooperate.

The secretary stood nearby and sighed: "Mr. Ghost's influence is too great."

Commissioner Zhang was convinced: "One word from Mr. Ghost can keep the entire External Relations Department busy for at least a year."

Ten kilometers away.

Daxia Immigration Administration.

Since Daxia has a population of 1.8 billion and there is no shortage of people, immigration control is very strict.

Before coming to the original world.

The General Administration of Immigration is a relatively quiet department, with only tens of thousands of people obtaining Daxia citizenship every year.

After arriving in the original world.

Although Daxia is recognized as a very safe country, due to too many restrictions on immigration to Daxia and the comprehensive implementation of the rationing system, there are not many people applying to immigrate to Daxia.

After all, rationing is good for ordinary people, but it is not a good thing for the rich.

But this time.

Director Mark Cheng of the General Administration of Immigration was also full of surprise: "Within one hour, 220,000 people from all over the world applied to immigrate to Daxia?"

The secretary nodded: "Most of them are talents and meet our conditions."

Director Ma thoughtfully said: "It seems that this should be related to Mr. Ghost."

The secretary said excitedly: "I can't believe that Mr. Ghost showed his power in Shaputian and attracted so many people willing to join Daxia."

Director Ma sighed: "Mr. Ghost's influence is no longer limited to Daxia, he has world-class influence."



Yang Fan had left the Xishan rescue ship and appeared on a deserted coast.

Nowadays, the shuttle boat's teleportation function can reach a distance of more than 60 kilometers.

From the rescue ship to the coast, it was like the next door to him.

Yang Fan held the soul-seizing cicada tightly and said silently: "Activate the ability to marry souls."


The cicada trembled slightly.

A coolness like a tide immediately rose up in his mind.

Just then.

Something unexpected happened.

Another treasure, the clone doll, suddenly appeared out of thin air.

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